Study Guide
Bradley UniversityCourse:
ECO 221 | Principles of MicroeconomicsAcademic year:
Andreas Barnett
1 Demand is Elastic - P & R move opposite ○ e.g. Ed = -2.0 ● |Ed | < 1 Demand is Inelastic - P & R move together ○ e. g. Ed = -0.2 ● |Ed | = 1 Demand is Unit Elastic - P moves, but R stays the same ■ Revenues: ● If you lower price and demand is elastic, then revenues rise ● If you lower price and demand is inelastic, then revenues fall ■ Determinants of Elasticity of Demand: E d = - (% Δ Q)/(% ΔP) Less Elastic Fewer substitutes (gas, Mizzou, etc.) ○ More elastic More substitutes (cereal, soda, etc.) Necessities Luxuries Short run (less time to adjust) Long run (more time to adjust--buy bikes instead of deal w/ gas price) Small part of budget (salt) & Category of Product (food) Large part (house) of budget & Specific Brands (lettuce, honeycrisps) Elasticity of Supply: E S = + (% Δ Q)/(% ΔP) ■ Determinants of Elasticity of Supply Less Elastic Difficult to increase production at constant unit cost ○ ○ ○ ○ More elastic Easy to increase production at constant unit cost Global supply (no Adidas in USA? Hard to find/less subs) Local supply (no Adidas in Chicago? Easy to find/more subs) Short run (less time) Long run (more time) Large share of market for inputs Small share of market for inputs Income Elasticity of Demand: (% Δ Q)/(% ΔI) ; I is income ■ Normal good: positive number elasticity ; inferior good: negative number elasticity Cross Price Elasticity: (% Δ QX)/(% ΔPY) ; x and y are two different goods ■ Complements: negative number elasticity ; substitutes: positive number elasticity Perfectly inelastic S or D → E = 0; Perfectly elastic S or D è E → ∞ (infinity) -- Supply curve is vertical if perfectly elastic Using Elasticities for Prediction: ■ % Δ P from shift in demand = % Δ D / (|ED|+ ES ) ■ % Δ P from shift in supply = - % Δ S / (|ED|+ ES )
Microeconomics Exam 1 Cheat Sheet
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