1750-1914 Cram Packet: ~28% of Exam Content
Questions of periodization: What is unique to this time period that leads it to have its own "time?"
The west (Europe & the U.S.) becomes the major "player" in world events.
Beginning in the early 1700s, Europeans truly had a hold on "colonies" around the world.
World trading networks were dominated by the west, but they still impacted the world.
Countries either "have" industrialization and economic development or were "have nots"
Political, social, and economic revolutions swept the world during this time period.
American and French Revolutions
Haitian Revolution
Industrial Revolution
Rise of Capitalism and Adam Smith
Unification of states (Germany, Italy, United States)
Other major changes:
1. Suez and Panama Canals allowed for quicker travel times.
2. Technological advances in travel - ships, railroads, etc., increase travel of humans and goods
3. Huge migration movements to the Americas from Europe and Asia.
4. Industrial Revolution set up mother countries who would have factories and they needed raw
materials - colonies that only were used for raw materials.EEconomic advances and development
were not carried out in countries controlled by Europe. Led to lack of development that still
plagues Africa, Latin America, and parts of Asia today?
5. Serf and slave systems ended in most parts of the world.
6. Political revolutions and independence movements
Industrial Revolution:
Began in Great Britain because of economic and political stability. Spread to the rest of Europe and the world (remember
however that the Chinese had an earlier industrial revolution). Some countries had major government involvement in
their industrial revolutions (Russia and Japan) while others relied upon laissez-faire and individual capitalists. Overall the
"losers" of the Industrial Revolution were the poor who gave the most labor but failed to get an equal share of the new
found wealth and those in non-western countries who lost their raw materials and were discouraged from