Lecture Note
California State University, NorthridgeCourse:
MATH 440A | Mathematical Statistics IAcademic year:
) e) greater than 2.16 : o'r'\�(X � I. So) d) greater than -1.75 .1l r.,- -f -1.� 0 -f'A (X >!LI�')= O.OIS'f( ') J - ,Pl\- ( )( '- :l • I (. ) l�) .p.,__ (K � - �- f <.) .Pn.( x > -1.1s; � o.qsq<) (,) , - -f',-_,(x �f- 1.1s) ( 2.) fl\..(.�� (.1S) NORMAL (GAUSSIAN) DISTRIBUTION EXAMPLE P.ROBLEMS - - - If a random variable has the standard normal distribution, find the probability that it will take on a value a) between O and 2. 7 b) between 1.22 and 2.43 c) between -1.35 and -0.35 d) betwE�en -1.70 and 1.35 -f'�(o�x,<�.1): o.4-91-S -f,-. (�t.. ( - I. 3 S -J,1o o +-1,35 < X < - o. 3S): o. 11 '+'1 NORMAL (GAUSSIAN) DISTRIBUTION EXAMPLE l'ROBLEMS - - The time required to assemble a piece of machinery is a random variable having approximately a normal distribution with µ = 12.9 minutes and a = 2.0 minutes. What are the probabilities that the assembly of a piece of machinery of this kind will take a) at least 11.5 minutes? b) anywhere from 11.0 to 14.8 minutes? iµ X � �W#f? i-t;. � � u."1.,_ � '1Arf �' �J =la,9 �� ; 1?_ � (1 ,1. 9, JI.. tJ) 11) �(Xr4tha,,J.//.S�) IVQN...�&) =- f'� { X )} I/. S ) z = _'X.-fa_: tr //.S-IJ,9 =- - 0,7 ,J,O = �. � (X� //.S) 7S'J> fh. ( � ):,. - 0 . 7 ) -= 0 • i S-i - C ,1 O -t) -&(11.o/X1/'f.l) 2:.,t :: ( 11.0-1.2,.9 )/.2.0: - .2 A, o. 95" = (1'1'.3-/�-9)/,2.-�, -,..().95 -o.'lS' 0 t-o,qs � ¥,C NORMAL (GAUSSIAN) DISTRIBUTION EXAMPLE P�ROBLEMS - - Specifications for a certain job call for washers with an inside diameter of 0.300 ± 0.005 inch. If the inside diameters of the washers supplied by a given manufacturer may be looked upon as a random variable having the normal distribution with µ = 0.302 inch and a = 0.003 inch, what percentage of these washers will meet specifications? 'u.� � :.� �- .Jo� .;. c. o�s : o. .JDS' �� :: o. .Joe - (). tJtJS = O. �'IS 2µ = (IJ. J(JS - tJ. 3o�) / (). �o 3 :: /. oo t.,t_ = < I). .2. 95 - o. .3.bJ. >/ o. ()tJ.3 = - ,2. s8 � (D. J9S -� -x. � IJ,4os) = o.K.Jli -�.33 0 1.00 .. 6) NORMAL (GAUSSIAN) DISTRIBUTION EXAMPLE PROBLEMS: ($�"'•' �"'w�) A food processor packages instant coffee in small jars. The weights of the jars are normally distributed with a standard deviation of 0.3 ounce. If 5% of the jars weigh more than 12.492 ounces, 'What is the mean weight of the jars? � X � 3-Mi �� J-JnJ.J1.u_ ��) 1 = /:}. 11-'I :J -:µ '& (X >Jti. �9-2) = o. oS- � � (X .1 I.?. {/-9.2,)= I- tJ.tJS J/Urrn.J � cJ'�,) i:: o, 9S o. 9S ��e,(A1,}/4 � = /. & J/S � /. t, '-1-S= /�. '-1-9:J. -µ 0.'3 ��=II. 99 'I� I� .HWnc.u-) @ NORMAIJ (GAUSSIAN) DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMATION OF DATA Although obs•�rvation values may not be Normally distributed, it is possible that some transformation of the data set might be Normally distributed If the transformed data can be demonstrated to be approximately Normally distributed, then the transformed data set can be evaluated and inferences drawn Typical transformations attempted include: -% -,
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