Ast 115
2.1 the night sky.
Big Dipper
little dipper
Orion's Belt
Asterism (Patten of) stars
Ursa Major ursa minor
Constellations) = Areas of the Sky
There are 88 Constellattions.
The Celestial Sphere Declination (-90° to 90°) Right Ascension (Oh to 24h)
Prime meridian
•The Earth Revolves around the sun (365 days.)
• The Earth Rotates (24 hours)
• The Earths Axis is tilted by 23.112 degrees
Summer Solstice=June 20th or so Not realley the longest day just more Sun/day light.
Star signs
are constellattion, I know 12 of 88.
Imonths Guer half a year with Ethan.
•we can see the North Star that Conects to the big dipper.