CH 19 lower respiratory (perfusion)
1. inflammatory t Infections
PNA - anything can cause it
TB bloody /frothy sputum. night sweats
RIPE drugs tx
covilo -19
Atelactasis-lung collapse dlt:pist-op,immobile, (+) pressure, trauma, drugs
alveoli collapse
Lung absuss mocriken caused by bactena.
Int eru ventions: aminulate-spirometer
If theres a problem T perfusion-more than likely will need IVF but of always.
2. Pleural Disorders
Pleural effusion - Sfluid inside that pleura needs chest tube to drain fiuid in pleural cavity.
empyemn-bunch of Stuff stuckin there lahveolar sacks)
or person will suffocate
cardiac tamponade
interventions: drain our -diurencs /02 I cautious IVF (sbolus)
3. ARDS (worst case scenania) usuallyalways 20 to something else
am upper/lower RR diseases can lead H ARDS. (medical emergency)
check 02. VIS. OL Vla mas K (weakest -high hightnow) mask
morethan likely there's always (ow flow.
culprit: (anviety pna, etc.
always ask -5 who caused this?
4. pulmonary + vascular (willalways be pulmonary (someone/thing ela)
(Flash) pulmonary edema-call code If AS (FLASH)-happens alot af fer or
purmonary HTN - -pulm artenal pressure- IS Ho an pop a lung Catelactasis/ DNA)
there is too much pressure on the arterial side
fx: viagra
pulmonary enboli -0
5. Chest trauma
penetrating (Chest Tube)
airbag atelactasis
Phenmothorax - air
3 things to worry about
hemorreumathorax stabbings.GSW
1. sternal )rib fx's :3/4 rlo PNA needs admit
III go home and
2. flail chesf:flbs are fiel floating
3. Pulm. contusion
Resp. Acid
Resp AIK.
covid 19 (blccant get air In- tachypnea)
pulm edema
I: slow down breathing mask. Nonrebreather
retain (OZ