PAD -associated Tsharp pain and T Drabetics
PAD -patient would be cold.(cant perfuse) in BLE
- Think oppos ite
PVD patient would be warm. in BLE (backingup)
dhastamosi -breaking off whats dead and puffing it back together
aneurysm- - pulsating aorfic mass (DDNT TUCH IT)
leak blood Inside out
1-21nches aorta going
your body
r/o rupture
management BP meds
dont more Ifall
q strenous activity
AVI -ankle brachial I ndex
detects circulatory problems
-elevate feet
compression socks
Brult 1 thrill
emboli- pieces of a clot
thromboembo rsm-ngclit
- intermittent elaudication -pain induced by insufficient blood flow
pain when walking I a rest
PAD-Why wouldsomeone have PAD?
will DQU12 on aornc iliac
Focus on aneurysms
risk due [tear on aortal drugs (trauma
aneurysms on young people - most likely from trauma.
aortic assection
Raynauds - cold extremities
TX:1 circulation (mittens /handgloves)
from stress
motain (could be r/t inflammation)
arienal worse than venous b/c that's your oxygenation.
venous: PVD
venous thromboembolism
LeG ulcers
Chronic venous Insufficiency - tx:venous stockings felevatefeet
feet numb: put your feet
hands above the