Module Five Activity Template
Complete all parts of this template by replacing the bracketed text with your responses and
submit for grading and feedback.
Navigate to the following SNHU resources and summarize specifically how each will or may
assist you in achieving your personal mission statement and short-term goals.
Written feedback
[Here you can upload and submit drafts of your work in order to get written feedback
from a tutor. You can tell them what area you would specifically like them to pay
attention to and they assure you that targeted feedback will be returned to you within
12 hours.]
• Shapiro Library
[Here you find all of your research needs including database access and citation guides.
There is even information on where to get started with your research. They also offer
live chat with immediate support 24/7.]
c. SNHU Career
[Here you find career services to help with career goals. There is a job search, a section
for internships, on-demand webinars, and networking oppurtunities.]
d. One additional SNHU resource of your choosing: SHNU Wellness
[SNHU Wellness provides wellness support services by the Student Assistance Program.
There is a section here for bias response in which disputes are resolved with restoritative
practices, health and wellness resources, and The Risk Assessment Team which responds
to emergency and crisis situations students may find themselves in.]
Include an example of a social support and summarize how it will also assist you in achieving
your personal mission statement and short-term goals.
[I am socially supported by my family. They encorage me and help with dinner or
housework so that I can do schoolwork which gets me closer to achieving each shortterm goal as well as keeps my personal mission statement at the forefront of my mind.]