What are the advantages of a large
A large republic provides a bigger candidate
pool from which to select fit leaders.
A large electorate is less likely to select
undesirable leaders than is a small electorate.
A larger territory will include a greater
diversity of interests than will a smaller
A majority faction is therefore unlikely to
emerge in a large territory.
7/29/2024 The dilemma of district size
In a large electoral district, the
representative may be too little acquainted
with local interests and circumstances to
represent them effectively.
In a small electoral district, the
representative may be too attached to local
issues and unconcerned or unable to
comprehend national concerns.
7/29/2024 The federal solution
The federal system provides a “happy
combination,” as Madison put it. The national
government deals with national issues while
the state governments address local issues.
7/29/2024 Summary
Madison wrote Federalist 10 to defend the
Constitution against the charge that a faction
would soon gain control, substituting its own
interest for the national interest.
The antidote to the problem of faction, Madison
declared, is a large republic with a multiplicity of
interests, making it unlikely that a majority
faction will form.
7/29/2024 Review question
Does Madison consider factions to be good or
7/29/2024 Answer
Both. Madison defined a faction as a number of
citizens, either a minority or a majority, that are
united by a common impulse or passion adverse
to the rights of other citizens or the best interests
of the community. From the perspective of the
common good, which was Madison’s goal,
factions are a problem.
7/29/2024 Answer (cont.)
Nonetheless, multiple factions play a positive role
by counterbalancing one another. Madison’s
solution to the problem of faction is a large
republic with a multiplicity of factions that keep
one another from becoming too powerful.
Factions, then, are also the solution.
7/29/2024 Discussion question
Does Madison have an idealistic or realistic view
of human nature? What’s the basis for your
7/29/2024 Discussion question
What are the causes of faction in today’s society?
Is the “various and unequal distribution of
property” still a major source of division?
7/29/2024 Discussion question
How do each of the following
constitutional provisions reflect the
founders’ bias against pure democracy?
The electoral college
The original process for choosing U.S. senators
The procedure for amending the Constitution
The presidential veto
7/29/2024 Discussion question
Would you expect that a republican
government would be less likely to succeed in
an under-developed society with few interest
groups than it would in a modern industrial
society with a large number of organized
interests? Why or why not?
Federalist 10 Political Science Module 2
of 11
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