Principle of Microeconomics

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10 principles of economics : First 7 are the most important


Principles of Microeconomics:


Although it may sound strange, economies households are very similar

Resources must be distributed among alternative uses

Decisions: Important because


Households society (economies)

ex. Who does what

chores? ex. who performs a certain job?

Scarcity : society has limited resources which, all goods services people

want, may not be produced

Economics: the study of how Society manages its scarce resources

Economics covers a wide range of topics has many approaches


Principle 1: people face trade-offs

ex. if you want to spend on

to get one goal you

something, you've gang to

have to give up another goal

have to give up spending

on something else

Efficiency: the property of society getting the most it can from HS Scarce resources

Equality: the property of distributing economic prosperity Uniform among the members of


*Efficiency is the size of the economic pie whereas equality is how evenly the pie is slice

Principle 2: The cost of something is what you give up to get it

opportunity cost ex the earnings given up to attend college

The margin, in economics, is important to consider especially for business


decisions1you can profoundly benefit from a decision when you consider all

the attributes at the margin

Rational decision makers take action if the actions marginal benefit

exceeds its marginal cost


Principle 3: Rational people think at the margin



This is to get a better benefit

from a

ex. A standby passenger paying


lower for a seat since there

are 10 empty seats left over

after having all passangers
