Economic Theories Week #2

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ECON 228 Notes week #2




2-1-1: The limitation is expressed in terms of outputs

2-1-2: The nature of the relationship between the variables is

described by how a change in one variable can be combined

with a change in the other variables

2-2-1: Marginal rate of Technical Transformation measures the

Strength of the relationship between vanables on PPC

2-2-2: The economic meaning /interpretation of MRTpc

describes the opportunity cost (of producing one more car

expressed in the unit of computer).

2-3-1:opportunity cost rises as a result of MRT rising as an

economy repeats the transformation of the goods produced: what's

the reason of these rises? The use of resources in different

production facilities is taking place in a way that the best


fitting resources lex. manpower, tech., equipment, etc Ain the place

that s the most efficient when you are in more computers &


less cars

allocation of resources

2-4-1: The misguided policy action is to prohibit lighters in

order to prevent lung cancer

2-5-1: The casuality may be reversed in an analyst's model because


child birth

an erroneous casuality says that ( Yt Xttl) what happens

1st is the purchase of an SUV (the timeline isn't the right

way about thinking of the situation)

cause & effect (i.e. casuality) may not follow the time line,

if people take an action based on expectation

2-5-2: My own example of reversed casuality

computers & college

In depth example: A computer is bought by a person who

is entering college, but the computer is

bought by the student prior (before) to starting


Reversed casuality: The purchase of computers encourages

increases the # of people attending college(s)





are 10 empty seats left over

after having all passengers
