Notes about Lava
What lava is
Lava is molten rock that erupts from volcanoes, vents, or fissures. It's made of magma, which is
molten rock, crystals, and dissolved gas that originates deep within the Earth.
Lava is hot, liquefied rock that flows from a volcano or other opening in the surface of Earth.
When the liquid rock is still underground it is known as magma. Igneous rock is formed when lava
cools and hardens.
Characteristics of Lava
Fresh lava is very hot. It can reach temperatures as high as 2,200° F (1,200° C). It glows red hot
to white hot as it flows. Some lavas are liquid enough to flow downhill at 35 miles (55 kilometers)
per hour. Others move at the rate of only inches per day. The speed of the flow depends on the
temperature and composition of the lava.
All lavas contain a high percentage of silica. Silica is a compound made up of the chemical
elements silicon and oxygen. Lavas are divided into three types based on their silica content. Those
containing 65 to 75 percent silica are called rhyolites. Those with 50 to 65 percent silica are
andesites, and those with less than 50 percent silica are basalts. The most common type is basalt.
Lava contains gas as well as rock. Sometimes the gases are released slowly or trapped as bubbles
when the lava hardens. When the bubbles are tiny and closely packed, a lightweight stone called
pumice is formed.
How lava flows
Lava flows are usually 1–10 meters thick, but can be as thick as 50–100 meters. Lava flows slowly,
typically moving a few meters per minute to less than a meter per day.
How lava cools
Lava cools and hardens into rock. When lava flows underwater, it cools quickly and forms pillow
lava, which resembles a pile of pillows.
Types of Lava Flow
Lava flows are classified according to their appearance and characteristics. Generally the higher
the amount of silica, the thicker and slower moving the lava is.
1) Basaltic lava flows are known by Hawaiian names—aa and pahoehoe. Aa lava flow has a rough
surface. It is covered with chunks of rock called clinkers. The pahoehoe develops as a thick flow
that contains more gas. These flows are characterized by smooth, gently curving surfaces. A flexible, glassy skin forms on the surface. This protects the lava that lies beneath and keeps it
molten for weeks or even years. Sometimes a flow that leaves the vent as pahoehoe changes to aa
as it moves down the slope.
Basaltic lava is a type of lava that is highly fluid, dark in color, and rich in iron and magnesium.
It is also known as mafic lava. When mafic lava cools on the Earth's surface, it forms basalt.
2) Andesitic magma forms block lava flows. They are similar to aa lava flow in appearance. They
have loose rubble at the surface. However the fragments are more regular in shape. Escaping gases
in the andesitic lava cause a series of explosions. These explosions shatter the lava into a mass of
Block lava flows are a type of lava flow that have a surface made up of large, angular blocks of
lava. They are typically thicker and have steeper flow fronts than basaltic lava flows, and they
don't travel as far or as fast.
3) Rhyolite lava is lighter in weight and color than basalts. It is very thick and therefore flows
very slowly. Rhyolite lava also does not flow very far so it builds up around the vent that it came
out of and often forms a mound called a lava dome. It may form a natural glass called obsidian
when it cools rapidly. 4) When lava flows out under the sea it is cooled rapidly by the colder water. When it hardens
underwater the lava resembles a pile of pillows. This type of flow is called pillow lava.
How lava types differ
There are different types of lava, including basaltic, andesitic, and rhyolitic. The type of lava is
determined by its temperature and mineral content.
How lava eruptions differ
There are two types of eruptions: effusive and explosive. Effusive eruptions are more common and
occur when magma is less viscous and flows down the volcano's slopes. Explosive eruptions occur
when viscous magma traps gas and violently breaks free.
How lava affects the Earth
Lava has created more than 80% of the Earth's surface, laying the foundation for fertile soils that
have allowed civilizations to flourish.
Places close to volcanoes are always in danger of being destroyed by the flow of lava or ash. Lava
flowing from Mount Etna in Sicily damaged structures near a ski resort in 2001. In 2002 Mount
Nyiragongo in the Democratic Republic of the Congo erupted in several spots. The lava flows
killed dozens of people and destroyed part of the nearby town of Goma.
Many islands have been formed by underwater lava flows. The successive layers of lava
accumulate higher and higher, until the volcano rises above sea level. The Hawaiian Islands and
the island of Surtsey, near Iceland, were formed this way.
How to measure lava flow
learn how volume, viscosity, and slope affect the surface area that lava covers