21.) Statistical Methods of Demand Forecasting:
* Time series analysis or Trend projection method.
Barametric method or Log method.
Semultaneous Equation method.
* Reegression and correlation
Box jenkine method.
Time series analysis:
* The time Series data on the under forecast are used to tit a trend live. or cowe either. graphically on through Statistical method of least squares.
* The trend line is worked out by fitting a trend equation to time Series data with the aid of on estimation method.
It could take either a linear form.
* It is estimated by wing any one of the four methods.
a) Least-square method
b) Free-hand method
c) Moving average method.
d) Semi - average method.
of Requires only little knowledge to understand
* Easy comparison of data.
of Presentation of data looks attractive impressive
* More flexible.
* Need to know formula to understand mathematical curves.
+ Mislead the data
* Little accuracy
* Depends on expert to draw curve.