1100 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Imperialism: The Most Influential Policy In Europe Toward Africa And Asia

From the 1800s to the 2000s, many powerful countries in the European continent were in search of economic stability for their citizens. To fulfill these needs, their leaders understood they must engage in wars and trades to control the military capabilities as well as the administration and the resources of “weak” but rich countries in the African and Asian continents. They forged the imperialist policy. The imperialism policy provided the powerful European powerful countries with resource expansion and socio-political and...
2 Pages 1078 Words

The 1960s: The Chaotic Decade For World Politics

The 1960s was a chaotic decade for world politics. Major political assassinations, desegregation, and the Vietnam War are all events that encouraged culture to go outside of what is generally agreed upon to be normal. Young people would gather around, do all sorts of socially inept things, and talk about their politics. (Hill, 2019) This is one of the reasons the Hippie movement came into being. The baby boomer generation was rebelling against the status quo and the old morality...
2 Pages 1076 Words

1920s: The Decade Of Rights For Women In Canada

In Canada, the 1920s was a decade full of social, technological, and economical advancements. Due to these revolutionary transformations, the decade earned the title of the “Roaring Twenties.” One of the significant changes during the 1920s concerned women's rights and their roles. Women are associated with society through politics, education, and more. Was the revision of women beneficial for them and everyone else? Furthermore, through transitions of technology to newer production and adjustments on existing inventions, and lifestyles have drastically...
2 Pages 1098 Words

Black Death: Effect On The Social And Economic Structure Of Europe

Black Death swept across Europe like a horde of raging wild beasts, consuming everything in its path. Everywhere, the unsuspected disease with the horrible symptoms gave rise to fear. People tried to isolate themselves and avoid contact with others. But it was to little avail. When the infection left humanity alone some years later, about 50 million people, or around 60 percent of the population, had lost their lives. According to William L. Langer, the Black Death was undoubtedly the...
2 Pages 1068 Words

The Holocaust: Catastrophic Violation Of Human Rights

The Holocaust was a time when Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, prostitutes, and beggars were kicked out of their homes to be sent off to work hard labor or sent to death. German SS officers showed no remorse to the prisoners by constantly torturing them. These actions by the Germans show that they had no solicitude about Human Rights. They violated various rights such as the freedom of race, liberty, life, privacy, and freedom from torture or inhuman treatment. Therefore, the Holocaust...
2 Pages 1090 Words

Daily Life Of Civil War Soldier: Routine And Distractions

When you imagine what life as a Civil War soldier would be like you think of the things that they had to suffer through and all the pain that came with it, but what about the times when they weren’t fighting during the Civil War, some free time was spent with small groups of friends huddled around the fire (Frank 512). Times they spent with one another created a bond and help create a sense of nationalism. The main pastimes...
3 Pages 1137 Words

An Overview Of Feminism In The Victorian Period

The Victorian era (1830-1901), named after Queen Victoria, covers the entirety of her reign over the British Empire from 1837 to 1901. Queen Victoria can be described as having great moral responsibility, domestic propriety, and earnestness as the idea of living in an earnest manner was considered one of the topmost ideals during the Victorian age. The citizens of the British Empire mirrored these three key characteristics of the Victorian age in order to embody Queen Victoria. The Mid-Victorian period,...
2 Pages 1067 Words

Holocaust Memorials Around The World

Across the world today, there are thousands of memorial sites representing the Holocaust, a term that referred to the systematic genocide of approximately six million Jews by the Nazis during the Second World War (Marcuse, 2010). Due to Anti-Semitism propaganda and Hitler’s regime, Jews were persecuted and murdered for being of a ‘different’ race (Brosnan, 2018). This paper will discuss debates and challenges surrounding the representation/memorialization of the Holocaust. It will discuss the role of monumental sculpture, sites, and artifacts...
2 Pages 1104 Words

The Evolution Of Transgender Terminology

Introduction The word “transgender” has faced several variations throughout the years. However, it is solely now, in the 21st century, that this concept is finally self-addressed as a relevant matter. It is intriguing the history and origins behind the term used to describe someone whose, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, “sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond to that person's sex at birth, or which does not otherwise conform to conventional notions of sex and gender”. Historically,...
2 Pages 1141 Words

The Necessity Of Understanding Language Through The Brain

It is unlikely a person would ever recall the moment of their very first utterance. After months of crying and cooing, the baby’s speech would start to resemble a form of mama, or dada as it starts to produce preliminary syllables in the early stages of linguistic development (Parker & Riley, 2010). Before you know it, the baby is able to comprehend words and even form basic sentences on their own. During this process no proper education is involved. Just...
2 Pages 1075 Words

Cross-Linguistics Between Vietnamese And English In Bilingual Participants

Abstract Currently, in the United States, there are approximately 2 million Vietnamese-Americans. There is a shift in the relative language dominance from the first language (L1) to the second language (L2) of immigrant populations that have come to the United States (Tang, M.G., 2007). Maintaining the Vietnamese language provides a critical means for transmitting cultural values across generations and within the ethnic community, which promotes emotional and social balance in self-perception and identity. The Vietnamese language differs from the English...
2 Pages 1085 Words

Cultural Impact On Language And Thought

Culture is defined as everything people have, think & do as members of their society. Culture is transmitted through the way of learning and communicating with one's environment, instead of through the genetic procedure. Culture can be thought of as a storage facility of all the information of the society. For instance, material objects, techniques for finding food, language, rules of government, types of marriage, religion, and numerous different things have just been found and are working inside the culture....
2 Pages 1054 Words

The Ethical Consideration In Genetics

Genetics define the traits and characteristics of a person. Genetics are determined by your parent’s genes, DNA and chromosomes. Many people have a genetic disease, and this can be identified by doing genetic testing and screening. This essay will talk about the difference between genetic screening and testing and a positive aspect of genetic screening. I will also talk about a genetic disease that it would be important to know you have and my personal opinion on abortions for children...
2 Pages 1071 Words

Flavonoids In Organic Chemistry

Introduction Flavonoids are the naturally occurring compounds having multiple phenolic functionalities, found in plants. It was first discovered in 1930's when its isolation and extraction was done from oranges, they were known to have another vitamin which was referred to as Vitamin P. Later on they were named as flavonoids. Basically they consists of 15 carbon atoms arranged in such a way that they are comprised as 2 benzene rings, attached to a hetero-cyclic ring of pyrane or maybe a...
2 Pages 1091 Words

Organic Chemistry In Pharmaceutical Industry

Introduction Aromaticity is defined as a property of the conjugated cycloalkenes , which enhances amolecule's stabilization due to its ability todelocalize electrons present in the orbitals of π . For example benzene is an aromatic compound . Benzene is primarily used as an Intermediate material to produce other chemicals which is used in different fields of life . Benzene is mainly used as a precursor to the manufacturing of more complex chemical compounds , such as acetaminophen . we will...
2 Pages 1101 Words

The Aspects Of Forensic Biology

Forensic science defines numerous scientific methods employed across different fields of investigation where cases of crimes are established. It applies multiple classes or categories of experimental techniques such as DNA extractions for analysis purposes, physical matching, blood spatter analysis, and chemical analysis, among other areas of interest. An applicable scientific technique is, however, dependable on the type of branch of forensic science. Forensic science has been divided into different classes of branches, each one of them providing essential needed services...
2 Pages 1136 Words

The Mesopotamian Contributions To Astronomy

The Mesopotamian civilization was incredibly influential to the development in the human understanding of the functions of the universe, because they laid the foundations for the study of astronomy. There can be many parallels drawn between the conclusions on the workings of the universe that early Mesopotamian civilization drew and what later societies adopted in their own beliefs; most notably, the integration of religion and mythology into astronomy. The idea of years, months, and days was heavily influenced and defined...
2 Pages 1087 Words

Astro-Microbiology Or Exo- Microbiology as a Career

Abstract In this essay, I will be talking about the career I would like to pursue and how I am going to pursue it. In the future I choose to do Astro-Microbiology or Exo- Microbiology because I have always wanted to know what is beyond the earth and and if there is any life on the other planets around us. I also enjoy researching the different bacterii and viruses found on other planets which can be used to find whether...
2 Pages 1121 Words

Which Ancient Civilisation Had Better Technology And Was Overall Better In The Field Of Astronomy?

The technology that will be analysed for this task is equipment used for astronomy in the ancient world, it will be more a general topic and focus more overall on their astronomy rather than just one piece of technology used, also a lot of the technology isn’t necessarily machines. They created a lot of models of the earth and space which helped them with their observations and discoveries. The 2 cultures I will be comparing this technology between are the...
2 Pages 1063 Words

Astronomy: A Lost Tradition Of Islamic World

In the emerging world with the advent of technology, it is extremely easy to prove and provide an account for the universal phenomena those are beyond our reach. ‘Astronomy’, the scientific study of celestial bodies is one of them. Human race possesses an era of ancestors who were able to unveil the secret of stars with a pair of naked eyes and a bunch of calculations. If we trace the roots of these scientific revolutions, a crucial part of it...
2 Pages 1059 Words

The Impact Of Buddhism On Architecture And Arts

Prior to the approach of Buddhism, there was a created culture of Hinduism in India and Taoism and Confucianism in China. Be that as it may, with the development of Buddhism a social transformation occurred in nations, for example, China, Korea, Japan, Tibet, Mongolia. In the huge breadth of Southeast Asia and the Far East, the way of life of Buddhism gave a ground-breaking catalyst to the otherworldly advancement of these nations by advancing shared combination and reestablishment. A solitary...
2 Pages 1064 Words

Cultural Similarities And Difference In Himalayan Region

The Himalayan district extends over the upper east segment of india.They spread roughly 1500 mi(2400km) and goes through the Indian,China,Nepal,Pakistan and Bhutan. These Himalayan locales have numerous special societies and characters that separate them from different areas. The main anthropological meaning of societies from the nineteenth century by British anthropologist Edward Taylor: Culture is that mind boggling entire which incorporates Knowledge, conviction, craftsmanship, law, ethics, custom and some other capacities and propensities procured by man as an individual from the...
2 Pages 1104 Words

The Meaning And Experience Of Happiness In Islam

In the perspective of Islam, Happiness is expressed by the term sa'adah, and it relates to two dimensions of existence: to the hereafter and to the present world. Since the self is intimately involved in a dual aspect of body and soul, it is described on the one hand as the animal soul and on the other hand as the rational soul; and its destiny in the attainment of happiness here, and of ultimate happiness in the hereafter, depends upon...
2 Pages 1116 Words

Connection Of Marital Rape With Islam

When we start talking about the marital rape the very first question that come in our mind is “Does marital rape really exist in Islam?” if yes then how? “is the husband allowed to force or do any violence to his wife?”? What is the legal stance on those who advocate for total equality between husband and wife in obedience and expenditure etc.…? And many of the other question come into mind that whether this thing is concerned in Islam...
2 Pages 1138 Words

Judaism And Islam

What are the beliefs of Judaism and Islam? The beliefs of Orthodox Judaism (a stream of Judaism) is surrounded by ideology of there is only one God who gave the Jewish law which is embodied by the written law of the Torah and the Talmud of oral law. The Torah was given to the Israelites at Sinai and Jews believe that they must follow God’s laws which govern daily life. Similarly, Muslims, followers of the islamic religion, base their beliefs...
2 Pages 1064 Words

Fashion And Faith In Judaism And Islam

For numerous religions, dress has been defined to include clothing, grooming, and various unique forms of bodily embellishments. It can be a symbol of religious identification, a reference of history, geography and tradition, and the method of expressing fundamental philosophical and religious practices and principles. Dress serves as the basis for an effective means of non-verbal communication during social interactions; it sets the foundation for the religion and is a projection of identity. Religious dress is the most distinct symbolic...
2 Pages 1088 Words

Fundamental Aspects Of Trading In Islam

Introduction It is incumbent for Muslims to be aware in religious affairs which involve their lives in this world, among these is the dealings related to trade. Trade is by far the common means by which wealth is acquired and Islam recognizes its role. In this regard a Muslim should learn the rulings of trade before embarking on it to avoid himself from engaging in what is prohibited. There are many verses in the Quran and the Prophet sayings which...
2 Pages 1114 Words

Why Did Pagan Arabs Hated Islam

In the name of Allah, Lord of all and to whom all praises are due. Allah Subḥanahu wa ta’āla sent Prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah as a warner to the mankind. He was the guidance, inspiration and a man of great personality. He was born to the prestigious tribe of Quraysh. Prior to the advent of Islam Arabs regarded Muhammad as a man of truthfulness and honesty. When Prophet ﷺ initiated his mission to call people to Islam by the command...
2 Pages 1132 Words

Politics, Religion, & Morality Before And After Islam

In the name of Allah, All praise is due to Allah Society before Islam was in a state of major ‘jahiliyyah’. Civilization lost touch with the true message of their previous Prophets, and fell at the whims of paganism. Preislamic arabia was a pagan civilization with corruption across the land, yet surrounding territories were far more lost in their ignorance. From the Romans and the Greeks to the Persians, Indians, and Chinese, society was engulfed in the darkness of polytheism....
2 Pages 1076 Words

Islam And Christianity: Art That Defines Religion

Islam and Christianity are two religions that both offer a unique view of their respective religions, history, and cultural similarities and differences by the manner in which the artists depicted their respective subjects. The two artworks, the 'Icon of the Triumph of Orthodoxy (Byzantine)' and the 'Kairouan' are the two artworks I've chosen to compare and contrast. The Icon of the Triumph of Orthodoxy is an art piece from Constantinople (Istanbul), Turkey dated back to AD 1350--1400. It is a...
2 Pages 1136 Words
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