1100 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Human DNA Quantification And Forensics

Human DNA is present in every cell except RBCs and can be found in body fluids like saliva, blood, semen, vaginal fluids, bones, teeth, hair and sweat. DNA has its individuality and DNA typing methodologies are subjected to scientific and legal scrutiny. DNA has been used as unique investigation material in forensics since Alec Jeffrey introduced RFLP in 1985 for identifing the unique markers in the genetic material.[4] DNA Quantification estimates the amount of DNA present in the source of...
2 Pages 1084 Words

Blue-collar Workers: Definition And Features

The article 'Blue-Collar Brilliance.' published in The American Scholar by Mike Rose is about blue-collar workers. An example of blue-collar workers are people who hold jobs in restaurants or factories. People who work with their hands but still must use problem-solving skills to do their job correctly are blue-collar workers. Mike Rose gives a child's view of his mother working as a waitress and his uncle working as a foreman at the railroad. These jobs appear to be simple, yet...
2 Pages 1121 Words

The Role Of Different Point Of Views

Have you ever had an opinion or voiced your thoughts to a topic, text, idea, or event that was different compared to what others thought? We as human beings can use our abilities to be able to think for ourselves which is valuable to humans because it allows us to produce innovative ideas, see situations thoroughly and other things from different point of views, be able to conversate with one another, and so much more. There are many topics we...
2 Pages 1121 Words

The Public’s Perception And Acceptance Of The Anticipated Covid-19 Vaccine

Introduction Background of the Study The world is in standstill as it tries to cope with the new 'normal' of mandatory masks, social distancing, and home quarantine. The surge of the novel coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2 has pushed countries to take desperate measures on how to control this pandemic. Amidst the panic and chaos, researchers all over the world have devoted all their resources to solve this pandemic and are now in a race to develop a new vaccine. The virus...
2 Pages 1064 Words

Genetic Modification In Food And Its Effectiveness

Genetic modification (GM) is a method that uses technology in order to alter and improve the genetic makeup of an organism. For example, Golden Rice is genetically modified to increase its health benefits by placing Vitamin A within it. Why is Genetic Modification Carried Out? GM is a significant process utilised in a variety of ways that can benefit the production of crops as well as improve the behaviours of organisms. Due to high demands in crops, they have been...
2 Pages 1118 Words

How Women Fought Throughout Eras

The lives of women differed throughout America’s history as they fought to secure the Blessings of Liberty. Despite the hardships that women faced, they continued their best to prosper and to defy society’s role for them. Women faced the stereotype of being less intelligent, capable, and strong but they worked to prove these ideas wrong. These women from all over the United States came together to achieve a common goal; obtaining rights. Life changed for women of all classes from...
2 Pages 1059 Words

How To Improve Your Self-Awareness

We often hear about self-awareness, but do we know the meaning of this term? And why is self-awareness so important? Self-awareness is the ability to investigate as an individual by keeping separate from the surrounding environment and other individuals, to learn about our motivations, preferences, and aspects of personality, and to understand how they affect us. Self-awareness makes us better because if we are aware of ourselves we could easily understand our natural inclinations and use them to improve traits...
2 Pages 1070 Words

The Problem Of Child Labor In The United States

In 1870, the federal census published, for the first time, statistics of child employment in the United States, and each succeeding census has done the same thing. During this time, there has been a growing national consciousness about the extent of child labor. There have been many discussions about its resulting evils and plans for reform, but the process of banning child labor in the United States was an extremely difficult one. It was only made possible by significant changes...
2 Pages 1053 Words

CRISPR: Gene Editing And Its Peculiarities

Abstract CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) and CRISPR associated protein Cas9 has revolutionized gene and genome editing. This system was discovered in prokaryotes as a defence mechanism to protect themselves from viral predators via three basic steps of spacer-acquisition, Crispr RNA (crRNA) processing and interference. CRISPR-Cas display a prokaryotic adaptive immune system that memorize previous infection by integrating short sequence of invading genome-termed spacers. CRISPR-Cas9 has been developed into a simple, inexpensive and versatile tool for genome editing....
2 Pages 1096 Words

The Features Of Thermal Diffusion Unit

Introduction Diffusion is that the net movement of anything from an area of upper concentration to an area of lower concentration. Diffusion is driven by a gradient in concentration and the thermal diffusivity is the thermal conductivity divided by density and specific heat capacity at constant pressure. It measures the speed of transfer of warmth of structure from heated end to the cold end. thermal diffusivity gives a measure of how quickly the temperature will change when it's heated or...
2 Pages 1129 Words

Genetic Engineering Of Osmolytes For Improving Abiotic Stress Tolerance

GENETIC ENGINEERING OF PROLINE Scientists advanced transgenic cultivars overexpressing the P5CS gene from Vigna aconitifolia (moth bean). The converted cultivars showed enlarged proline accumulation compared with the nontransformed wild plants by 10- to 18-fold. The enhanced levels of proline contributed to flower development and enlargement of root and plant dry biomass. The rice OsP5CS1 and OsP5CS2 genes were expressed together in tobacco.The transgenic cultivars of the second generation (T2) recorded 3.2-fold increased proline accumulation along with improved root length and...
2 Pages 1115 Words

Top Countries For Teaching English Abroad

Teaching English abroad is probably one of the most rewarding careers. There are several countries that definitely look for local English-speaking teachers. In some countries, you just need college graduation, while others may require teachers with a TEFL certification. Making money and creating a new career usually are two of typically the many options. Typically the benefits associated with teaching the English language in an overseas country are lots. You will end up being able to travel around the globe,...
2 Pages 1084 Words

Microorganisms: An Introduction

The branch of science in which we study about different microorganisms is called microbiology. living organisms that we cannot see with our naked eye are called microorganisms and microbes. As microbes are found everywhere in our earth crust, so microbiology is an important field for our daily life.microbiology is a vast field as it is used in our pharm industries, for diagnosing of diseases, for checking of food in food and science departments, etc. So, we further discuss Archaea microbe...
2 Pages 1096 Words

Plant Biotechnology: Selection And Regeneration Of Transformed Plants

After bombardment, the somatic embryos of the papaya (Carica papaya) will be selected on medium containing 150 g mL−1 kanamycin monosulfate for 3 months. According to Drew and Smith(1986), germination of the papaya then will be induced on a modified de Fossard medium (de Fossard et al., 1974) and will be supplemented with 25 g mL−1 kanamycin. Single plantlets will then transferred into vessels containing the same medium without kanamycin. In the culture medium, high concentration of minerals and hormones...
3 Pages 1088 Words

Reading Books And Watching Televisions

“If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.” ― Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood. 'Television is the menace that everyone loves to hate but can't seem to live without. ' -Paddy Chayefsky. Stress, anxiety, and sadness have revolved humans for millennia and is still in effect today. Methods to relax the victims of stress have controversial topics, the tension rose because of the mighty of all-purpose, book, is challenged...
2 Pages 1091 Words

The British Football Culture And Potential Impacts On The British Football By Brexit

The football culture is big in England and in Scotland. There are many reasons why many people start with football and join different football communities. For instance, in Glasgow Scotland, ethnicity, nationality and history are the reasons why people are joining different football communities. On the other hand, this creates a lot of conflicts between different football teams and their fans. In Glasgow, there are two huge football clubs who are rival to each other, Celtic and Rangers. Celtic does...
2 Pages 1083 Words

Daffodils As The Most Significant Work Of William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth was a famous English poet born on April 7 in 1770. He is most known for inventing a new style of poetry alongside his friend Samuel Taylor Coleridge. This was a “... new style of poetry in which nature and the diction of the common man trumped formal, stylized language.” (Smoop). His poems were very much influenced by the Romantic Era. Not only did he write about all of the love going on in his life, but also...
2 Pages 1059 Words

Hydrogen Fuel Cells In Energetics

Background Electricity is generated when coal is crushed into fine powder and burned in boilers to heat water and that in turn produces steam. The steam is directed onto blades of a turbine to make it spin. This in turn spins the magnetic rotor inside the coil to generate electricity. This process emits harmful gases and produces harmful bi-products that pollute the environment. Because coal is slowly depleting, its causing electricity prices to increase greatly. A solution to this could...
2 Pages 1054 Words

The Evolution Of TV And Its Disadvantages Due To Other Technologies

Television is a device with a screen used for broadcasting videos in black and white or in colours with sound. The TV is used to broadcast series movies sports video games and advertisement. it was invented in the twenty's with white and black images but after the second world war there has been some development and it has been shipped to around the world. In the sixty's coloured TVs were introduced along with other tools like VHS tape and DVDs...
2 Pages 1122 Words

Letter From Birmingham: Why We Can’t Wait

In a society where there are oppressed, there are also the other side who feel they are not being oppressed at all. Therefore, for the oppressed, what they perceive as actions done for the future greater good, is extremely different from the unoppressed view. From the “Birmingham letter” by martin Luther King Jr in 1963, an action done so innocently for the benefit of achieving ones right turns out to seen as a really controversial issue that sparks up a...
2 Pages 1122 Words

Athletes and Active Public Position

Activism involves actions and efforts which are used to create a social or political change. The most famous activists include Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, and Malala Yousafzai. King and Mandela fought for racial equality within their nations, while Yousafzai has dedicated her life to gender equality, primarily women’s education. An activist must be passionate and educated on the topic they are focused on. They must also take steps to contribute to the specific cause in order to draw...
2 Pages 1101 Words

Semiotic Analysis

Roland Barthes explains semiotic analysis is studying signs and symbols and using them for interpretation. It is the process of viewing the signs, understanding what the signs signify, what they portray and communicate. According to Barthes’s theory of semiosis, there are two parts of the sign; the signifier and the signified. Signifier is the visible part of the sign, whereas the signified is the concept or the idea or the meaning represented by that signifier. However, it is important to...
2 Pages 1131 Words

Is Money A Root Of Evil?

Introduction Money is an important object for everybody today because it is used in all things that we can see today. We go by our daily lives earning and spending money in order for us to live. All of us use money to buy things that we need like home, food, water, clothes, and other important necessities. Also, we buy things that we want that is not really important compared to the things that we need, that things that we...
2 Pages 1127 Words

Project Failure: Potentials And Solutions

Introduction Most administrations experience projects that fail at some point or another. Whether the project not meeting the programmed deadline, project going over budget, or a project not producing favorable or expected results, plans not going accordingly, and thus failed in one way or another. Numerous drawbacks that can cause a project to derail, there is never a hundred percent chance that a project will workout for an administration. Most administrations have their fair share of success and failure. A...
2 Pages 1108 Words

Levels Of Happiness In The Modern World

Some people struggle, believe it can happen overnight or believe the search for happiness is never ending. Every person desire to have a fulfilling and happy life. When personal thoughts, actions, and words work in harmony, the person can be said to be happy. Happiness can be defined as a mental feeling which is characterized by satisfaction, love, contentment, pleasure, or even joy. Such people report fewer instances of negative emotions such as anger, anxiety and sadness. Traditionally, happiness is...
2 Pages 1080 Words

Personality In Psychology And Big 5 Model Of Personality Traits

Abstract In this research it includes that how personality varies at each person and with the same person how it differs as per the different situation. It is also mentioned that how people sometime behave in such manner they do, the way they do and for what reason. Also on what basis we judge people and their personality at what extent of level. It is likely suggest that how we can judge each person’s personality and at the same time...
2 Pages 1101 Words

The Ethics Issue: Should We Edit Our Children's Genomes?

Should we increase human well-being or honor difference? The thought of molding future human to fit some pre-thought ideal of power and beauty is one that should make us contempt. Once a fashionable field of question, the study of ultimate offspring remains related with some of the worst overabundance of the 20th century, from forced cleaning to massacre. The lesson we might be lured to draw from this is to let nature proceed ignored, free from human interruption, and embrace...
2 Pages 1075 Words

Analysis Of Factors That Influence Socialization In Recreation And Sports

Socialization in sports always happen in interaction from the rest of society. Sport is a social representation of historical, Social and Cultural forces and the same time it affirms, Legitimated and reproduces those very same conditions. According to (Greendorfer and Bruce 1991:137) ‘Sport reduces social reality and transmits those aspects of culture that convey meaning about the social, Political and the economic order of society; about gender race; and class relations about the body and physical activity ‘ Also Eitizen...
2 Pages 1125 Words

Are People Born Evil?

A new born baby, spends its life surrounded by vicious acts of violence. The child then slowly learns all about sick acts of torture through television programs, movies, books and video games. Slowly this horrific violence becomes normal to the child, a second nature almost. Has the baby been raised as a monster due to maltreatment and influences through the media or was this baby born evil? There are many different viewpoints on what makes someone commit such unspeakable acts,...
2 Pages 1059 Words

The Role Of Pride In The Plays Othello And Oedipus

Pride a feeling that has both a good connotation and a negative connotation, it is also a feeling that we can possibly have too much of, so when do we know we have had too much of it? Reading the plays Othello by William Shakespeare and Oedipus by Sophocles we are able to see how Othello and Oedipus are alike through pride. Both characters favor in being hubris, causing these characters to make life long decision that which causes their...
2 Pages 1138 Words
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