A place where sinners, who voluntarily chose their sin and fail to repent who fail to repent, linger it what is know to be Hell. In The Inferno of Dante, the speaker Dante, unless otherwise stated, finds himself in the midst of the underworld, despite being alive. Dante knows this journey through hell is one that he must complete in order to better himself. Dante and his guide, Virgil, walk amongst the souls who embody the evils of the world....
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1132 Words
Dr. Martin Luther King once said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Discrimination is prevalent in almost every aspect of our lives, whether it is gender, religion, ethnicity, race, or sexual orientation. But when we do encounter those unfortunate situations, the majority of the time, we stay silent. What many do not understand is that the oppression of one can affect the oppression of the entire nation. Sophocles’ ancient Greek tragedy, Antigone, portrays a young woman fighting for...
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Semiotics is an investigation into how to create meaning and how to communicate meaning. Its roots lie in the study of how meaning is generated by signs and symbols (visual and linguistic). It is a way of seeing the world and recognizing how we all collectively have a massive impact on the nature and society in which we live. Due to the importance of signs I believe that semiotics communication theory enhances a communication message, leads the way to branding...
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1052 Words
Introduction Storm water management plays a crucial role in maintaining the outlook of cities, structures and facilities in the event of precipitation. Natural, undeveloped land manages rainfall through a combination of evaporation, transpiration and infiltration (Brook 2013). Urban, developed land however contains many altered impermeable surfaces such as roads and buildings that create the need for storm water management. The goal of storm water management is to improve water quality, maintain water balance and to protect waterways from flooding and...
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1128 Words
The Catholic Church is one of the oldest and most followed religious orders in the world, yet it is not without its criticisms. Throughout history the Church has been criticized for its responses to many different affairs. One piece of literature that provides such criticism to how the Catholic Church as a community/institution had responded to moral issues is Soledad, a poem written in 1940 by Angela Manalang-Gloria that depicts a girl condemned by the Church after committing a grave...
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1134 Words
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Abstract An abstract is a single paragraph, without indentation, that summarizes the key points of the manuscript in 150 to 250 words. For simpler papers in Paul Rose’s classes, a somewhat shorter abstract is fine. The purpose of the abstract is to provide the reader with a brief overview of the paper. When in doubt about a rule, check the sixth edition APA style manual rather than relying on this template. (Although I prefer only one space after a period,...
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1104 Words
Without question, Socrates and Plato were among the greatest minds and philosophers of all time, and their ideas and ways of thinking have had a massive impact on western philosophy and the world of the west in general. Their conceptions of the soul are still talked about and reviewed even to this day. Socrates and Plato were close and had a teacher-student bond, so it should come as no surprise that they would have similar thinking on the conception of...
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1091 Words
Some models of competence have been proposed in the last two decades and widely influenced in language teaching and learning. According to Bachman (1990), the concept of communicative language ability covers three fundamental competences such as linguistic, sociolinguistic and strategic dimension. The main objective of CLA is to increase the communication ability of learners in order to enable them to deal with different situations in the target language. As a second language learner, it is vital to be aware of...
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1071 Words
Introduction Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark can be analyzed through many critical approaches, positions, and lenses. For instance, it is commonly recognized by critics as one of the most diverse works in English literature. Shakespeare illustrates the topics of feminism, insanity, power, romance, and religion. However, one issue discussed in its pages often goes unnoticed but plays a large role in the mechanics of the plot. The ghost of Hamlet’s Father inspires and persuades major actions in...
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1078 Words
Introduction In 2009, The retired Jamaican sprinter, Usain Bolt broke the world record for the fastest 100 meters sprint at the World Athletic Championships in Berlin. He is the only person to ever sprint a recorded 100 meters under 9.6 seconds. The reason this is fascinating to me is because, I have been running track and field, on a team for 2 years and during Physical education for over 5 years, and am always very amazed to see someone running...
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1115 Words
Life for slaves and indentured servants in colonial America was different from anything modern Americans have experienced. Not only did their lives differ from Americans’ lives today, the lifestyles of servants and slaves also differed from one another. Many colonists came to America as indentured servants in search of a new and better life, while slaves were often captured and forced into slavery. In Professor Twitty’s lecture “The Atlantic Slave Trade,” she discussed that British merchants sold slaves from West,...
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1105 Words
When I’m playing basketball, I need to have a good free throw shot for when I get fouled. A free throw could really help the team at any given point and by doing so require a good form that I can always count on. If you ever have watched a basketball game, you will notice that most players get into a certain position when shooting considering they have a couple of seconds before time is up. When a player continues...
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1090 Words
Christianity has come far in setting an example of imposing religious world peace far and wide. The church cannot deny it’s past of promoting dogmatism throughout the globe. All the violence for the sake of salvation and cruelty in the rigid religious battle of the Crusades. The Crusades began in the eleventh century in order to recapture the Holy Land from the Muslims. However, the way things were acquired were not favorable by no means. Western Christian Europe was starting...
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1071 Words
Muslims have had numerous outstanding achievements in the past. These achievements and groundbreaking discoveries covered diverse areas including math, science, medicine, literature and architecture. WIthout the foundation set by these Muslims, the world would not be as advanced as it is today and therefore it is very important to recognize the accomplishments achieved by these individuals. In the ninth century, illness was viewed for once in a different manner. Instead of seeing illness as a punishment from God, Muslims viewed...
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1140 Words
The term “Society” is a collective group of people who share a common purpose in social institution, social group conduct and its geographical space. The pattern of society is limitless, and it is an abstract rather than a concrete structure. My understanding of society is that not all society consist of a pragmatic foundation. It creates conflict because of the differences in ideas and opinions made by a group of people that may benefit them but harm others. Social change...
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1104 Words
Language wields immense power over humanity. People from all over the world travel great distances with their words. The art of language bridges cultures and borders to bring ideas and messages near and far. However language is not alone in our difference from the animal kingdom. Language belongs to the great distribution of similarities and signatures. Consequently, it must be examined as a matter of nature itself. Language is not what it is, because it has a meaning. Its representative...
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1129 Words
In relation to Michael Sandel’s Justice, Jeremy Bentham’s theory draws a fine line between the decision on whether to vaccinate or not to vaccinate. According to Bentham, utilitarianism is defined as “maximizing the happiness of the community as a whole” (Sandel 34). In relation to Biss’ argument, although being vaccinated results in this “euphoria” that consists of happiness, pleasure, and the idea of being pain free, what is the real cause for this jolt of skepticism? There is some understanding...
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1110 Words
Do you tend to think critically about who you are and what is your purpose? How would your life be if you never questioned anything, never wondered about things or asked “why?” Sometimes we don’t even recognize that each and every day we are living the examined life. This lifestyle enables us to make informed decisions about our lives, which most of us do each and every day. In doing this we are ultimately determining what actions we can take...
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1107 Words
In this essay I will identify some of the creative features evident in Bishops poem such as; foregrounding, deviation, parallelism and defamiliarisation, whilst considering the different ways these creative effects are achieved. I will also discuss the different lenses used to view creativity, and how these creative techniques can be viewed through the critical, textual and conceptual lenses.; whilst also considering the importance of genre when identifying creative features. In order to provide context to the creative features within the...
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1145 Words
In the play ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’, written by ‘Tennesee Williams’, the erratic protagonist ‘Blanche’ embodies the cultivated ideals of the ‘old world’, juxtaposing the character of ‘Stanley’ whom represents the industrialised ‘new world’ which fundamentally comprises of patriarchal motivations and post-war values. Throughout the play, Blanche is invariably threatened and exploited by Stanley, consequently jeopardizing her aristocratic semblance as an ‘Southern Belle’. Williams successfully illustrates the contrasting attitudes towards the ‘new’ and ‘old’ world through the progressive demise of...
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1134 Words
Over the past few decades, sports, in general, have seen a major improvement in taking safety precautions in dangerous contact sports like rugby and amateur boxing. More young professionals are wearing headgear to help protect themselves from crucial head injuries which could heavily affect their future and could lead to early retirement. However, are these safety precautions actually working and doing their job in protecting these young and up incoming athletes. Well, some scientific studies have shown that yes they...
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1124 Words
The Gibside estate is a landscape garden built in the 18th century located in county Durham containing many different buildings and ruins spread out over 600 acres of garden, woodland and parkland. It’s commissioner George Bowes envisioned a chapel in the center of the garden. He employed the architect James Paine to design and build a chapel that would act as the central focus of the garden. Paine’s design in most aspects was influenced by the work of Andrea Palladio’s...
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1068 Words
To commence , the main purpose of this speech is to reinforce the negative views of society’s expectations. I have in a formal register underlined important aspects to the downfall of stereotypes along with the common views that embody women as a gender entirely. I am immensely passionate about the views of women and believe that as individuals we should be able to live freely and not according to stereotypes or views of general society , Through the use of...
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1135 Words
I believe that every child is unique, and educators must nurture children’s love for learning in a stimulating environment to develop them holistically. I strive to engage children in meaningful children-oriented and hands-on experiences while taking the role of a facilitator to equip them with lifelong skills and knowledge (Rowe, 2006). Self-discovery In terms of self-awareness, I tend to get anxious at the mention of having to do presentations. Having realised this, it made me reflect how this could potentially...
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1137 Words
ABSTRACT Employees who are engaged to their job and committed to their firm gives a better competitive advantages to the firm as well as higher productivity so it has become essential for the firm to retain their highly skilled employees. This research, study the practices followed in the firm to engage employees. The objective of the study was to find the factors of engagement, level of satisfaction, organizational inputs and to identify measures for the enhancement of employee engagement. A...
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1066 Words
Loneliness, struggles, and challenges make me think of about a million things that have happened throughout my life. In today's society, it is very common to be raised by just one parent so the biggest challenge I have had to face is growing up in a single-parent household. I felt terrible, sad, and angry because my parents divorced and I did not show any signs, but it affected me in the Inside. Growing up with single parent was very hard...
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1120 Words
Introduction The ethanol biofuel industry represents a critical component of the renewable energy landscape, offering an alternative to fossil fuels that can help mitigate climate change and reduce dependency on non-renewable resources. Ethanol, primarily produced from biomass such as corn, sugarcane, or cellulosic materials, has gained prominence due to its ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions when blended with gasoline. According to the International Energy Agency, biofuels could potentially meet more than 25% of the global demand for transportation fuels...
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1066 Words
In the book, Who Owns the Ice House? authors Clifton Taulbert and Gary Schoeniger discuss eight powerful life lessons derived from an unknown entrepreneur named Cleve Mormon. Growing up in the 1950’s, Taulbert had the opportunity to work for his Uncle Cleve at the Ice House. In doing so, Taulbert acquired more than just a paycheck each week but valuable insight, stories, and experiences that impacted his outlook on life and his own entrepreneurial development. In each chapter, Taulbert introduces...
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1073 Words
Executive summary The Republic of Mozambique, a country in the Southeast Africa has more than 30 million populations and, according to statistics, more than 52 per cent of them are children under the age 18 (Humanium, 2020). Considering the poor living conditions in the country, admittedly, an appropriate provision of clean water, healthy nutrition, education and the protection of children’s rights is not fully guaranteed. Unfortunately, the situation becomes even worse when unexpected natural disasters occur within its territory. The...
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1133 Words
We all know what the hobbies and interests are, for the most part, the fun activities or vices we love to do or share just to ease ourselves from the stresses we experience in life. Both are almost same but there still difference. We are doing hobby for our spare time not to be wasted , on the other hand if we are doing something because that is our passion and love that is called interest. Beautiful hobbies make our...
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