1100 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Baz Luhrmann's Vs. The Globe Interpretation Of Romeo And Juliet

Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare (published in 1595), who is considered as the best writer in English history, is a play filled with love, death, conflict, drama and hate. Romeo and Juliet are both teens that have fallen madly in love with each other and have rushed into marriage. Eventually, the hate between the two families tears the relationship apart causing tragedy, leading to suicide amongst the two young lovers. But how is this tragic play still relevant...
2 Pages 1132 Words

The Themes And Conflict Within Romeo And Juliet And Gnomeo And Juliet

The original text of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ was written in 1594 by the famed William Shakespeare, which was a story of two households who held an ancient grudge against one another. The play was set in Verona during the Elizabethan Era where two ‘star-crossed’ lovers met only to perish in the end. ‘Gnomeo and Juliet,’ on the other hand, was a retold, movie version of the original text with the exception of all of the characters being gnomes instead of...
2 Pages 1101 Words

Molecular Diagnostics: Forensics DNA Profiling

Abstract DNA analysis is very important in forensics as it is a method to discover a victim or perpetuator of a crime. The study done was to extract DNA using a buccal swab and analyse it using a capillary gel electrophoresis which was then compared to determine the perpetuator of a crime. The DNA was extracted, quantity of DNA determined using a nanodrop and then a capillary gel electrophoresis was done. The DNA collected was of low quantity being 0.0686...
2 Pages 1116 Words

Sport Injuries And Risk Factors

With respect to hindrance continued in disconnected occasions, 'sports damage' signifies the loss of substantial capacity or structure that is the object of perceptions in clinical assessments; 'sports injury' is characterized as a prompt impression of agony, inconvenience or loss of working that is simply the object of competitor assessments; and 'sports inadequacy' is the sidelining of a competitor in light of a wellbeing assessment made by an authentic games specialist that is the object of time misfortune perceptions.Correspondingly, sports...
2 Pages 1094 Words

Is Biotechnology Important For Society?

Biotechnology is unavoidable in today’s society. From household products to medical procedures, biotechnology is ubiquitous. Defined as “something that harnesses cellular and biomolecular processes to develop technologies and to help improve lives”, (Bio.org). There are three primary fields where biotechnology is used: medical, agricultural and industrial. Development in each of these fields is progressing at an exponential rate, with hundreds of new applications created each year. With progress in this area moving so rapidly, it is important to take time...
2 Pages 1130 Words

Life Lessons Taught By Death In The Play Romeo And Juliet

There is no doubt that everyone has heard the name of the man who was gifted by God, and is credited with creating much of the English language we know today. If you haven’t already guessed, the name of the glorious man is William Shakespeare. Many people have written dramas and plays, so what sets Shakespeare apart from them? There must be a reason is to why he is so admired, so studied, so loved, so insisted upon by so...
2 Pages 1093 Words

Slavery: A Thing Of The Past?

It is 2019 and here we are making our selections for our ATAR courses for next year. We are thinking about the years to come and we are quietly excited that there is a future awaiting us where we will hold decent jobs, have decent homes and decent lives. Perhaps we will travel. Perhaps we will go and live in a country across the world and get to know a new culture or lifestyle. Perhaps we will go into business...
2 Pages 1102 Words

Self Assessment Portfolio

Introduction Throughout the duration of term, the predominate focus has been on sports psychology and the mental blocking aspects that affect an athlete’s performance. Physically, enhancing and improving tennis abilities has been the primary data putting the theoretical concepts into application being used as the primary data for this folio. Firstly, as a novice tennis player, the goals were to be able to perform basic forehand and backhand concepts, movements and strategies. Moreover, these skills will allow me to become...
2 Pages 1104 Words

The Nature Of Community Service Organisations (CSOs)

“Community service organizations are those organizations, whose primary objectives are social rather than economic. The core of the sector includes charities, religious organizations, arts organizations, community organizations, campaigning organizations, trade unions, and other not-for-profit organizations” (Hudson Mike, 2009, p. xvii). “Usually referring to organisations that work with a confined local or regional focus. Community organisations may have a legal status or a constitution but there are numerous groups, which have neither.” Howieson, Brian & Julie, Hodges 2014, p.124) In the...
2 Pages 1095 Words

DNA, Inheritance And Continuity Of Life

Rationale Regarding the claim made that ‘Sex linked genetic diseases affect more males than females’, many queries and investigations were raised. These then led to questions such as ‘What is a sex-linked genetic disease?’ and ‘What are inheritance patterns?’. The claim did not specify what kind of diseases were studied and what quantitative number of males were affected and that meant reviewing it would be very difficult. Subsequently a detailed research question was proposed: RQ “Does Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)...
2 Pages 1128 Words

Articulating Beliefs In Language Learning

Beliefs emanating from the social norms and cultural values of individuals have a profound influence on how people carry out their activities and how often they do them. For instance, people’s beliefs on health and wellness inspire what they eat and drink and their behaviors. Consequently, language practitioners, under the guidelines of teaching practice rely on their opinions, which influences the selection of delivery materials, development of course outcomes, assessment of learner competency, and the relevant factors that aid the...
2 Pages 1056 Words

Is Othello A Play About Human Weakness?

Human frailty encompasses one’s weaknesses and insecurities as well as lack of self-belief, which acts as catalyst for their downfall. William Shakespeare’s play The Tragedy of Othello through Othello’s paradoxical character and how his character changes as the play advances, explores the fallibility of human nature, epitomised through Othello’s degeneration from a great soldier to a blood – thirsty monster. His alienation and jealousy instigated by Iago due to his ‘free and open nature’ and racism not only results in...
2 Pages 1056 Words

Should Transgender Athletes Compete in Sports Essay

Why Transgender Athletes are Unfair? Just over a year ago, in June 2018, a 27-year-old South African ran a record-setting race at the World Championships. Her name is Caster Semenya. Sound familiar? That’s because Semenya is the fastest transgender athlete, or ‘trans-athlete’, of all time to compete in the 800-meter event. 12 months ago, Caster Semenya set a record less than one second short of the female record holder for that event, making her the fourth-fastest female to run the...
2 Pages 1112 Words

The Effect Of pH Of Solutions On Bean Plant Growth

Distilled water has a pH of seven (neutral) and most plants grow best with a soil pH of 6, as most have adapted to places in the world with slightly acidic rain. Most plants cannot grow with a pH under six, as necessary micro nutrients for growth usually cannot survive in the acidity. The best pH solution for green beans to grow in will be tested. Water solutions’ pH is easier to control than soil pH and heavily influences the...
2 Pages 1066 Words

The Nature Of Volleyball Activity

Volleyball is a game played between two teams ranging between 2-6 players per side. The aim is to hit the volleyball over the net (2.43m for men and 2.24 m for women). Through this, both teams score points if the ball hits the ground on the opponent's side of the court. Each team hits the ball only 3 times (Dig, set, and spike). The ball cannot be double touched. If this rule is not followed, the opponent team earns a...
2 Pages 1073 Words

Jesus Christ And Christianity

Over centuries, Christianity has practised principal beliefs into their everyday lives. These beliefs are often drawn from both sacred texts and core ethical teachings. A majority of Christians share the major beliefs, however, there are degrees of difference of these beliefs and how they are lived out in their everyday lives. The many denominations of Christianity have different beliefs that can impact the lives of how adherents choose to live. The humanity of Jesus Christ is shown throughout history in...
2 Pages 1083 Words

The Identity Of Muslims

Now does everyone know the meaning of phobia? Well according to Google it is an ‘extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.’ People have phobias of heights, spiders, clowns which are pretty common. Then there’s the ‘believe it or not, it’s real’ phobias such as the fear of long words or the number 13 but then there is the phobia that is just too ridiculous, I can’t believe it exists. It is the fear of Muslims; the technical...
2 Pages 1056 Words

Predicate Logic As Formal Language

Abstract Sentences in first-order predicate logic is usefully taken as programs during this paper the operational and fixpoint linguistics of predicate logic programs area unit outlined, and also the connections with the proof theory and model theory of logic area unit investigated it's finished that operational linguistics could be a a part of proof theory which fixpoint linguistics could be a special case of model-theoretic linguistics key words and phrases predicate logic as a formal language, linguistics of programming languages,...
2 Pages 1088 Words

Biotechnology To The Rescue Of Climate Change And Resulting Food Shortage In India

Climate change and food shortage, resulting due to it, has been one of the major problems being faced by the World in recent times. Over the past century, human activities have released Carbon dioxide and Greenhouse gases to the atmosphere thereby altering it. Greenhouse gases, that is present as a blanket around the Earth, warms up the atmosphere by trapping energy entering it. This phenomenon is called the Greenhouse Effect and it is natural and necessary to support life on...
3 Pages 1133 Words

Ell Learners In English Language Arts

Visuals play an important role in facilitating the student’s understanding the text and the lesson. Whilst the teacher is teaching a lesson, she should keep in mind the diversity of the students and incorporate as many visuals in her lesson so all students will benefit. Although pairing the newcomer with a native speaker is a useful strategy, incorporating visuals into a lesson is an effective tool for teaching ELL learners. Rania Mirza has a different viewpoint and states in her...
2 Pages 1108 Words

Types, Examples And Organisation Of Responsibility Centers

INTRODUCTION There are two types of accounting and these are Managerial Accounting and Financial Accounting. Distinguishing these quickly, managerial accounting deals with activities within the company while as Financial accounting deals much with external information of an organization. Managerial accounting is what this assay will be discussing and mainly to do with management control systems. In management control systems, the main focus will be discussing what responsibility centers are, then later on we will be looking into the types of...
2 Pages 1070 Words

Nation Building: Role Of Architecture

Architecture is one of the fine arts that integrate itself into every aspect of our lives with great finesse. Architects use their power of imagination which goes on to create unity in diversity. Playing a very significant role in nation building, the architects with their creations and innovations go on to develop positive cultures, for the country’s myriad value systems are also encoded into the fabric of the nation through the various architectural images. Architecture does not design any object...
2 Pages 1079 Words

Accident Prevention System

ABSTRACT Automobile are very useful in both domestic and industrial for transportation of good and for personal use. But the main disadvantage is there are chances of accident on road. But there are many ways we can implement to reduce the accident by providing small devices. Currently the impact of Sensors is huge in the world. It is widely used to make new and innovative projects which helps in daily life of the people a lot. The project we made...
2 Pages 1061 Words

Betrayal Theme In Othello And Medea

Othello and Medea are two stories from different eras tied together by similar intertwining themes of death, betrayal, exile, and love. In both plays, the main characters, Medea and Othello, experience all of these. The betrayal felt by both came from the people they were both closest to. Othello was closest with his wife, Desdemona, and Medea with her husband, Jason. Another issue that pervades in the play is love, which is presented as strong in the beginning but fades...
2 Pages 1144 Words

Why Are Planets Important

Humans are the only creatures on Earth that will cut down a tree, turn it into paper, then write “Save the trees” on it -Sustainable Human. The planet is more important than humans because we depend on the planet. The planet is the source of all living things. Without the planet, everything that is living on it, including us, would be wiped out of existence. We depend on the planet and its resources. The planet's needs are more important than...
2 Pages 1074 Words

Fabrication Of Hydrogen Fuel Engine

ABSTRACT The high fuel conception and climatic change due to the effect of petroleum products are one of the major threat that are faced by researches and meteorologist. In different country’s governments are initiating several steps in order to reduce the usage of fossil fuels, also try to implement different innovative ideas. In India government has banned usage of diesel engine due to the high level emission of carbon monoxide (CO), hydro carbon (HC), particulate matter-PM & Nitrogen oxide (NOx)....
2 Pages 1071 Words

Introduction To Nanobiotechnology

ABSTRACT Nanobiotechnology is the study of the smallest biological items of nano scale 1-100 nm to create devices and systems of the equivalent range that employ for new purposes. There are many applications of nanobiotechnology such as it is used in food packaging, drug delivery, diagnosis, etc. I have discussed the applications of nanobiotechnology in food safety. Nanobiotechnology plays a vital role in the safety of food. Food is usually contaminated with microbial pathogens or their toxins produced by them....
2 Pages 1070 Words

Borderline Personality Disorder And Bipolar Disorder

According to the DSM-5 book to get a diagnosis of bipolar I disorder individuals must have all of the diagnostic features.. The onset age is said to be 18 years old when diagnosing bipolar I disorder. Individuals that re separated, divorced or widowed individuals also have a higher rate of bipolar disorder. Family history is also one of the strongest and consistent risk factors. Individuals with adult relatives that have bipolar disorder have a higher increase as well. (American Psychiatric...
2 Pages 1069 Words

Cell Reproduction: Mitosis And Meiosis

Cell Reproduction Cell reproduction is an important of human physiology. In this case, an expectant woman is presenting with a cut that is slow to heal. In human beings, there are two distinct types of cell reproduction processes responsible for cell division, meiosis and mitosis. Mitosis is a continuous process that goes in in somatic cells responsible for tissue growth, healing and repair. In comparison, meiosis is responsible for the formation of sexual gametes in human which later fuse during...
2 Pages 1064 Words

Multimodal Discourse Analysis Essay

As humans we convey information, thoughts, feelings, ideas through different modes of communication which include speaking, writing, drawing, sign languages, facial expressions etc. Communication is the exchange of meaningful information between two or more people or group of people in a community or society. Velentzas and Georgia (2014) explains that to communicate means to ‘make common’ or ‘to make known’, ‘to share’ and it includes verbal and non-verbal and electronic means of human interaction. The two basic types of communication...
3 Pages 1136 Words
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