1300 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Inequality for All: Summary Essay

Inequality is Killing the American Dream What kind of dreams has made people dream from four centuries ago till today? What kinds of dreams have been the most craved by people for 400 years? It is the American Dream. The American Dream can be traced back to the discovery of North America, and the definition of the American Dream has evolved from time to time: from the return to paradise to freedom, opportunities, equality, and achievement. Unfortunately, ultimately in the...
3 Pages 1297 Words

In Praise of Margins: Essay

Purpose of Life In a chaotic world and the pressures that come along with it, people tend to make time for themselves to clear up their minds and alleviate their stress. Ian Frazier’s essay, “In Praise of Margins” focuses on the importance of “marginal” activities and places. The essay construes marginal activities as a time and place where one can be carefree and true to themselves. Frazier is able to define “marginal” activities and places as “a higher sort of...
3 Pages 1267 Words

Essay about Identity Crisis

The identity crisis of women from the perspective of ‘The Darling’ and ‘Profession for women’ The concept of “identity crisis” originates in the work of developmental psychologist Erik Erikson, who believed that the formation of identity was one of the most important parts of a person's life. When people are confused about their role or goal in life they face an identity crisis. Identity crisis is one of the common conflicts people face during their development. Erikson described identity as...
3 Pages 1320 Words

Essay about Haitian Culture

Culture Bio Paper Firstly, believing that is the way to characterize someone can create stereotyping and discrimination. For example, if someone feels they know all that they hope to understand about an individual based on their spiritual beliefs. Not all factors of our individualities partake equally to the self. Certainly, there are things of our surroundings and knowing that support to change us fundamentally. For example, relationships and experiences help shape our identity as we age. These factors that change...
3 Pages 1298 Words

Essay on Gilded Age

From the 1870s to the 1890s, the United States entered a period of dramatic change and rapid industrialization. The economy was gradually shifting from agrarian to industrial and urbanization was happening at an exponential rate. Mark Twain named this period the Gilded Age and described it as a time during which greed and political corruption ruled. While there were millions of industrial workers, farmers, and clerks, the wealthy entrepreneurs who owned the factories controlled most of the wealth in the...
3 Pages 1253 Words

Essay on Why Should Vaccines Be Mandatory

A few years back, I remember bringing home a newsletter, informing parents about mandatory vaccinations. You know, the ones they gave back when we were in grade 7. My parents weren’t really into the whole idea of letting some people poke some needles into my arm, but of course, they signed off because they wouldn’t want me to get suspended. A few weeks later, a bunch of strangers came to my school and started preparing to administer the vaccines. One...
3 Pages 1314 Words

Essay on Why Is Preparing for the Future Important

The world is changing at a more rapid pace than ever before. Technology is altering the way that we live, work and play and AI are no longer for tomorrow’s world. With the such fast-paced change, schools are challenged with the task of preparing students for an uncertain future. Key to this issue is identifying the challenges facing the world of today, what employers are seeking and how we can prepare young people for the future. Technology is shifting the...
3 Pages 1252 Words

Essay on Courage in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’

In order to determine one's courage, they first need to explore the many definitions of what it means to be courageous. Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird teaches people that courage does not mean that they live without fear, rather it's about showing bravery to stand up to it. She shows this through the characters; Atticus Finch, Boo Radley, and Scout Finch. To start, in this novel a significant representation of courage is seen within Atticus. In To Kill...
3 Pages 1349 Words

Argumentative Essay on Homelessness

Homelessness in Our Community Homelessness is a critical issue in our community that requires everyone’s attention and poses a danger to our society and its ability to succeed. In this paper, I'll present ideas about the causes of homelessness, assistance programs for the homeless and organizations in place that have been proposed for the problem, the economic impact on the community, and the solutions to solve the problem. One of the solutions to homelessness in our communities is closing the...
3 Pages 1289 Words

What Is True Romantic Love? Essay

Romantic love, in a personal sense, is an intense and uncontrollable emotion that not only defined as a sense of happiness but it is also defined as pain, fear and every other emotion but intensified. Romantic love is also defined by the experiences and feelings people may gain from one another. The term romantic love holds such a heavyweight for some people, while with others it’s pushed to the back of their mind. If love holds such an overall power,...
3 Pages 1335 Words

Story of NASA During the Space Race in the Movies ‘Apollo 13’ and ‘Hidden Figures’

NASA has been a very influential organization for this generation beginning with the Space Race. More people seem to be looking up at the stars and wondering how can they get to one of those specks. Right now, our destination is landing on Mars but that is only possible because of the early programs NASA started in order to get us from the ground all the way to another celestial body, called the Moon. Two movies showed us this journey...
3 Pages 1347 Words

Problem of Food Waste and Its Solutions

Did you know that over 1/3 of all food produced globally goes to waste, The annual value of food wasted globally is $1 trillion, it weighs about 1.3 billion tons. And all the world's nearly one billion hungry people could be fed on less than a quarter of the food that is wasted in the US, UK and Europe. Can we do anything about it? Can food waste be reduced to help future generations? This issue is being researched because...
3 Pages 1338 Words

Negative Impact of Junk Food on University Student’s Performance

Junk food is well known as a convenient way to get meals. It is well known that students are the group that contribute mostly to the revenue of fast-food restaurants. Students who live away from home and have a bad habit of life usually consume fast food. Moreover, university students eat this kind of food every day or every meal, but they do not care what consequences the junk food brings to them. In the long run in eating these...
3 Pages 1268 Words

Massive Change in the United States from 1865 to 1945

The end of the bloodiest war in United States history brought about a new Reconstructive era forcing massive political, social and economic changes in the following 80 years to come. Political changes quickly followed with the addition and ratification of the 13th Amendment of the United States. Socially, change abruptly started with the organization of the Ku Klux Klan in 1866 in response to the equal rights given to African Americans and former slaves. Economically, the capitalist driven North was...
3 Pages 1333 Words

Interracial Relationship between Dana and Kevin in Octavia Butler's ‘Kindred’

In the novel ‘Kindred’, Author Octavia Butler travels back to the time where slavery was the big part of American life. Butler sends the modern characters like Dana and Kevin to experience the past. As Dana traveled back and forth several times and every time she goes there is a new situation behind it. Butler clears up how interracial relationship had changed Dana’s life as living with kevin as a free women she was happy what she had with Kevin,...
3 Pages 1266 Words

Influence of Poverty on Human Development

One of the issues debated on about human development is the nature versus nurture debate. Nature is when our behaviors are determined by our inherited genetic material structure while Nurture is when our behavior is determined by our surroundings, our life experiences, our upbringings, and other environmental factors. The environment of each individual plays a very impactful role in their physical, cognitive, and emotional development. Poverty is the deprivation of common necessities of life thus people in this kind of...
3 Pages 1333 Words

Grenfell Tower Fire as a Tragic Engineering Disaster

The recent Grenfell Tower fire of 2017 was a tragic engineering disaster resulting in the devastating loss of 72 lives. At 00:54 BST on the 14th of June 2017 a fire broke out in Grenfell Tower in North Kensington, West London. The fire rapidly grew from a fourth story apartment kitchen, with the source being found 'in or around' a malfunctioning fridge-freezer. It spread rapidly up the building's exterior, bringing fire and smoke to all the residential floors, covering all...
3 Pages 1260 Words

Evolution of the Kermode Bear

Evolution is a theory or scientific notion which conveys the idea that all life in our world has developed over time and continues to change by a process known as natural selection. Every living creature has participated in the evolution of their species, that's right, even us humans. An animal whose evolution goes back as far as 30 million years is our very large furry friend, the bear. Bears are classified in the Ursidae family which includes eight altering species...
3 Pages 1296 Words

Dream of Generations

I believe that for those of us who are fortunate enough to have grown up with our grandparents - as the backdrop of our childhood - will have developed a cherished relationship with them. For example, for the most part of my life, my imagination and motivation have been significantly inspired by my grandmother. Because of that, I find the detail of ‘braiding hair’ in the poem ‘My Hakka Grandmother’ particularly inspirational as it rekindled my memory. Through my reflection,...
3 Pages 1311 Words

Symbolism of the Girl in the Red Coat in the Film 'Schindler's List'

In Steven Spielberg's Oscar-winning film, ‘Schindler's List’, it tells the incredible true story of a German businessman, Oskar Schindler, who saved over one thousand Jews during World War II. The film takes place in Krakow, Poland beginning in the year 1939, where an ambitious, money-hungry Oskar Schindler was ready to make his fortune from the war. Throughout the film, there are several symbols including characters, and colors used to represent abstract concepts. The most influential scene in the film possesses...
3 Pages 1260 Words

Stanley as a Villain in Tennessee Williams' Play 'A Streetcar Named Desire'

Scene 3 establishes Stanley as a villain as it shows his complete aggression and anger when people do things that he doesn't agree with. During scene 3 we see that all of the men in the play are participating in a poker game, where Stanley seems to get drunk and becomes more aggressive towards Stella and Blanche. Firstly, in the beginning of the scene Blanche enters the apartment and says, “Please don't get up” where Stanley responds with, “Nobody’s going...
3 Pages 1344 Words

Do the Right Thing Analysis

The extract that I have chosen is taken from Spike Lee’s ‘Do the Right Thing’ (1989). The reason I have chosen to analyze a sequence of this film is that of the interesting storytelling techniques Spike Lee utilizes. More importantly, the film has many underlying meanings that are represented through the film elements. I will analyze the cultural context, cinematography, and symbolism are used to convey meaning in ‘Do the Right Thing’. ‘Do the Right Thing’ is a comedy movie...
3 Pages 1284 Words

Should We Continue to Produce Genetically Modified Foods? Essay

Genetically modified foods (GMFs) are foods that have been deliberately modified in order to create healthier and more beneficial crops for both the farmers and the society. The purpose of this report is to draw a justified conclusion about whether we should continue to produce genetically altered foods, focusing particularly on corn. Both the benefits and issues associated with this transgenic technology will be considered as well as the past, present and future of this specific technology. Without the utilization...
3 Pages 1278 Words

Should Genetically Modified Foods Be Banned? Essay

Genetically modified food might be everywhere in our supermarkets and restaurants. Most of us probably have no idea how much of it we’re eating — or how much it’s affecting our health. In the past two decades, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have completely infiltrated farm fields, grocery stores and kitchens — so much so that most people can’t say with any certainty how many GMOs they actually consume daily. If you eat corn chips, cook with canola oil, drink soymilk,...
3 Pages 1342 Words

Rice Tariffication in the Philippines

Being a member of the World Trade Organization since 1 January 1995, the Philippines must comply with its rules which entails to elimination of trade barriers and limitations. Wherein the Philippines was granted an exemption from the removal of its quotas on rice importation. The exemption was meant to expire in 2014, and further lengthen until the passage of the Rice Tariffication Bill enacted into law by the Pres. Rodrigo Duterte himself on 14 February 2019, amending the Agricultural Tariffication...
3 Pages 1306 Words

Representation of Corruption as a Major Part of Society in Arthur Miller’s ‘The Crucible’ and Craig Silvey’s ‘Jasper Jones’

Acceptance and being well liked are basic human needs. Naturally, when given a large platform, leaders have dominant views, in turn, creating polarizing opinions. Corruption is innate, humans are bound to make errors. Gaining authority and influence releases us from the restraints of societal pressure. It forces leaders to evaluate a situation and make a judgment. Although, with this much responsibility it becomes effortless to be erratic. As Lord Acton once said, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts...
3 Pages 1292 Words

Reflections on Whether Globalization Is Good for Indian Economy

Openness of the foreign trade and investment explains the rapid growth of India. Since the Indian government adopted economic liberalization policy in 1990s, improved the employment situation in India. According to the International Labor Organization, the number of Indians in workforce increased by 80 million over the last decade (Economist 2010). The foreign firms attracted by the inexpensive labor cost of the country, therefore they decided to establish their business abroad and hire workers, manufacturing job to high technical position....
3 Pages 1347 Words

Nutrition and Cancer Risk

Numerous studies have observed at the chance that definite nutritive mechanisms or nutrients relate to increases or decreases in cancer risk. Studies of cancer cells in the laboratory and of animal representations have occasionally provided proof that sequestered mixtures may be carcinogenic (or have anticancer action). However, with few exclusions, studies of human inhabitants have not yet exposed ultimately that any dietary element reasons or safeguards in contradiction of cancer. From time to time the outcomes of epidemiological studies that...
3 Pages 1259 Words

My Experience with Keeping a Food Diary

After keeping a food diary for two days it has come to my attention that the nutritional adequacy of my daily diet is actually quite poor. It has never really been brought to my attention until I physically had to write it down for this assignment. I realized I tend to blindly eat what is readily available rather than going the extra mile to make the healthier choices. I also tend to eat to satisfy my mood rather than eating...
3 Pages 1331 Words

Michael Jackson and His Influence

Michael Jackson also known as the king of pop was a worldwide musical sensation. Jackson was born in Indiana and began his music career at the young age of five. Jackson and his siblings started a music group called ‘The Jackson 5’, although Jackson was the youngest, he was the best singer out of the group. While performing, the audience began to notice the vocal range he had which eventually led to multiple record deals. Jackson’s music videos were like...
3 Pages 1279 Words
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