1300 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Media Stigmatization of Mental Illness: Persuasive Speech

Have you ever envisioned yourself on the reciprocating end of a story that sensationalizes only a portion of relevant information towards you? Shon brightly through a negative light, the media is evidently responsible for disseminating of adverse stereotypes and false descriptions of innocent victims who are silently suffering with mental health issues. Through the influential forces of manipulation and stigmatization, the media holds the power to control society’s thoughts and attitudes towards mental health patients. Inaccurately depicted throughout all media...
3 Pages 1328 Words

Linda Hutton: Career Case Study

Mrs. Linda Hutton is a South-African visual artist and qualified educator, having developed a successful career in the education industry. Hutton is the current Head of Faculty for the visual and dramatic arts department, teaching visual arts and mixed artistic media. Her qualifications as an educator are notable, fulfilling roles as the Head of Art at the Roedean School, Johannesburg in South Africa, and Head of Faculty at St Ursula’s College, Toowoomba. Hutton described the rewards of her educational profession...
3 Pages 1259 Words

Essay on Incredible Gold

Gold is a lustrous yellow, malleable, chemical element that has a higher atomic number than other natural elements. It has been around practically since the beginning of time and has held its value for most stretches of that time. Gold is of interest today because of said value, and for the fact that it is popular enough to be used but rare enough that not everyone can have it. Believe it or not, gold is fairly abundant, but what contributes...
3 Pages 1330 Words

Improving Preventive Dentistry to Maximize Air Force Readiness and Productivity

The Air Force Medical Services aims to support the mission by the implementation of full spectrum medical readiness. Air Force dentists should strive to deliver quality care and encourage healthy behaviors in order to maintain medically ready airmen. The best way to improve oral health is by focusing on low-cost prevention rather than high-cost treatment. Preventive dentistry aims to reduce the incidence and prevalence of disease by focusing on prevention. Every Air Force dental clinic has a preventive dentistry program...
3 Pages 1342 Words

Important Changes in American Politics During the Presidency of Andrew Jackson

On March 4th, 1829, Andrew Jackson was elected the 7th president of the United States. Jackson rose to his military heroism and to the fact that he was a man who started his life from scratch to reach the top. After being elected to power, President Jackson believed that all white men had a dire need to extend the right to vote. This move by Andrew Jackson was meant to remove the image that a classist society was the United...
3 Pages 1268 Words

The Dark Knight Moral Dilemma

Film as a visual culture (especially in today’s world) has multiple purpose and aims to educate the viewer while also entertaining them and giving them the chance ponder over the human experiences throughout. Naturally not every film manages to obtain the goals previously mentioned, in fact many don’t even attempt to. Films that manage to entertain and provoke discussion are handy projects that can be used for education. When attempting to create a piece of work that tackles the tricky...
3 Pages 1251 Words

Essay on the Hagia Sophia as an Example of Christian Vision in a Now Muslim Piece

Coming across Christian cathedrals, they are very detectable with the architectural style and depictable with the interior design. The Hagia Sophia was built in Istanbul, Turkey 537 AD by the Byzantine emperor Justinian I. It was initially a Christian cathedral known for its famous massive dome architecture. It was rebuilt in 1453 by the Ottoman Empire and was decided to be converted to a mosque. Why don’t we see this act of architectural conversion in other religions, why didn’t the...
3 Pages 1338 Words

Dubai as the Best Example of Instant Urbanization and Spectacular Urbanism

Dubai is located on the Persian Gulf, and it is one of the seven emirates that the UAE form. Dubai is the second largest emirate after Abu Dhabi with a population exceeding 1.3 million which makes about 32% of the UAE population (Al Awad, 2008). However, it is ready to expand twice as much if you add the man-made islands: Waterfront, Three Palms, World, Universe, Dubailand, as well as many other construction projects taking place in the desert. Dubai is...
3 Pages 1282 Words

Did Germany Follow the Sonderweg or 'Special Path' of Development?

Historians such as Jurgen Kocka have argued that Germany followed a special path of development due to the absence of social and political modernization during economic development. This caused pre-industrial mentalities and structures to remain prominent within all aspects of society. Hence, he argues that this led to an inevitable crisis during the 1930s and therefore, resulted in a logical dictatorship. Jurgen Kocka’s supporting views towards the Sonderweg thesis are demonstrated in his article ‘Causes of National Socialism’. In an...
3 Pages 1273 Words

Coping with Child's Cancer

Coping with a child who has a disease, such as cancer, can be a complex, psychological, and behavioral process that affects not only the patient, but the family as well. Cancer can cause emotional distress such as anxiety, stress, and difficulty coping. This quantitative article examines the coping strategies, religious attitudes, and optimism of mothers who have children with cancer. Correlation to Nursing Not only are diseases relevant to nursing, but also have an effect on the patient and their...
3 Pages 1318 Words

Conflicts of Interest between Companies and Customers Regarding Oil and Gas Prices: Essay

Oil is a commodity that is desired by multiple players and is essential in order to sustain the needs and lifestyles of consumers, businesses, and employees that depend on the natural resource to heat their homes, transport their products, and generate their paychecks. The top oil and gas companies in the world include Phillips 66, ExxonMobil, BP, and Royal Dutch Shell to name a few. The companies that profit from oil include the oil and gas companies, utility companies, and...
3 Pages 1326 Words

Chihiro's Journey as a Hero in the Movie ‘Spirited Away’

The movie ‘Spirited Away’ is about the adventure of a young girl (Chihiro) trying to rescue her parents. Chihiro is reluctantly moving to a new town with her family. On their ride they stumble upon an old abandoned theme park and decide to stretch their legs and explore it. When nightfall hits, a discovery is made. This theme park turns out to be a place that is a portal between the living world and the dead. Chihiro’s parents were turned...
3 Pages 1268 Words

Essay on Cancer in Australia

Cancer is a perplexing opponent. Over a hundred distinctive anatomical and histological diseases are known as cancer. There are molecular variants within subtypes of malignancies of a single organ, with differing prognosis, metastatic potential and response to treatment. Its arcane nature is reflected in its complex genetic and biochemical pathways, cell survival mechanisms and processes of proliferation and dissemination. It is never a static challenge. Its inherent genetic instability, evolution and resistance undermine our immune system and the artillery of...
3 Pages 1252 Words

Benefits of GMO for Human Health

Can you imagine that apples are saved for 2 months or the tomato becomes as huge as a pumpkin? Today more and more people are talking about GMOs, however, what's GMO? The full name of GMO is genetically changed organisms (GMOs). Some animals have had their DNA genetically designed or changed in some forms. In most cases, GMOs are altered by the DNA of another organism, be it microorganism, plants, viruses, or animals; these organisms are typically named as 'transgenic'...
3 Pages 1292 Words

Beauty Pageants: Helping to Shape Future Leaders

There are many different opinions surrounding beauty pageants. People try to argue that they give contestants the wrong impression about what ‘beauty’ should look like and what ‘standards’ women should be trying to achieve, but the pageant world is changing now more than ever. Contestants are competing with more than just their looks. Things like character, talent, and service are all factors that are considered when choosing a winner. Through the experiences and opportunities contestants receive, personal growth is seen...
3 Pages 1331 Words

Beauty Pageant in Bulaklakan: Essay

Being able to stand out among 21 diverse mademoiselles is the next big thing for the indwellers of the land known as Bulaklakan. Considered as the ‘Culture Capital’, the annual tournament of physique and cognition is held to celebrate the integral aesthetics of mademoiselles while being able to partake in the opportunity of honoring the arts, culture, and heritage of the said nation. During the month of September, aspiring mademoiselles who possess the winning touchstone for the yearly tournament are...
3 Pages 1342 Words

Analysis of Relationship between Democracy and Economic Growth

Democracy is seen as a worthy cause in the world, but there is a lot of debate about the consequences of democracy, the process of democratization and its image of being the most perfect system ever. For example, it is questionable whether democratization brings benefits economically as a given and whether democracy leads to peace. On the other hand, there is also a debate about the possible causes of natural democratization. Do developing countries have less chance of democratization, does...
3 Pages 1263 Words

Analysis of Main Characters ‘The Dark Knight’ through the Psychodynamic Theory

The film ‘The Dark Knight’ is a well-known movie and has earned 8 Academy Award nominations, and has also won 2 Academy Awards. This amount of appreciation is no surprise considering the effort that was put into the movie and the movies significant meaningful story. The film shows many different perspectives from the same story, from a representation of the society to the paths each character takes to achieve the same goal known as satisfaction. Set within a year after...
3 Pages 1321 Words

Analysis and Classification of the Film 'Hardcore Henry'

In this essay, I find the genre of the film ‘Hardcore Henry’. While there may be more than one interpretation of this film, I present you with my viewpoint and provide information based on my perspective, all while being aware that there are people who will disagree with me. I use evidence from the film, as well as my personal biases based off of other films I have seen, to prove that the genres of this film are both action...
3 Pages 1329 Words

Essay on Reason for Creation of Mankind by Allah, the Purpose of Life and the Consequences of Losing It to Someone

Knowledge of the purpose for which Allah created mankind may answer many questions that the atheists raise in order to confuse people, and by which some Muslims may be influenced. These issues include the idea that Allah created mankind in order to put some of them in Paradise and the others in Hell! This is a mistaken notion. It is not for this purpose that Allah created mankind and brought them into being. As Allah says in Qur’an: “And I...
3 Pages 1340 Words

Analysis of the Ways in Which Literary Devices Create Shades of Meaning Using the Example of Tim Winton's Story 'Cloudstreet'

Shades of meaning can refer to the subtleties and degrees of meaning that can be developed in a text. Australian novelist Tim Winton’s story, ‘Cloudstreet’, does not simply explore love, family, spirituality or human value, it addresses deeper concepts with graduations of meaning that develop over the course of the text, and are unique to each reader. Winton utilizes an array of literary strategies to manipulate the readers to grow alongside his characters, the story, and the ideas imbued in...
3 Pages 1325 Words

Persuasive Speech about Dogs and Why They Are Apparently Mankind's Best Friend

Despite the many arguments that a vast number of people will make that dogs cannot be man's best friend it has become clear, for numerous reasons, that these arguments are wrong. Dogs are indeed man’s best friend. Firstly, there is overwhelming evidence to suggest that the companionship of a dog can benefit many people suffering from terrible loneliness such as elderly people. Staggeringly almost 2 million people in the UK felt unappreciated, unwanted and ignored according to Age UK, one...
3 Pages 1300 Words

Comparative Study of Graduate Students' Views on Virtual and Real Learning

Learning is obligatory up to a convinced age. Learning is an extensive intermediate of obtaining necessary knowledge and skills. Learning is inherently split into two types i.e., distance education (virtual learning) and mainstream education (real learning). Has we know learning online is an immense concept. The term online learning, virtual learning, e-learning, distance learning is identical. Each one of them refers to act of applying technology and software in learning. Virtual learning indicates that it is an arrangement that furnish...
3 Pages 1323 Words

Career in Chemical Engineering: Essay

“Consulting firms hire engineers for their analytical problem-solving skills, not for their specialized, technical knowledge” (Yang). Chemical engineering is a branch of engineering that applies physical sciences, life sciences together with applied mathematics and economics to produce, transform, transport, and properly use chemicals. Chemical engineering produces the small components that make up almost every material or product used in the real world. Chemical engineers on the other hand are always skillful in almost every matter of science because of their...
3 Pages 1265 Words

The Way We Get By': Film Analysis

In the film ‘The Way We Get By’ we meet three troop greeters: Bill, Joan, and Jerry. These retired elderly citizens have been doing a kind gesture to greet every troop plane arriving or departing from Bangor. We can take a glance behind the warm smiles, handshakes, and free cookies and discover a world wherein the seniors are worried in their very own struggles with aging, sickness, loneliness, and private loss. In this essay we will be focusing on the...
3 Pages 1270 Words

The Double Life of Veronique’ Vs ‘Mean Girls’: Comparative Analysis

The two films I chose were ‘The Double Life of Veronique’ and ‘Mean Girls’. These two movies are about identity love and human intuition. While these films have many differences, they also have many comparisons. They share a theme of identity crisis. These films both use the internal battle with oneself in order to make a plot thicken and make the audience think. The battles the characters face are societal issues and self-identity dilemma. In ‘The Double Life of Veronique’...
3 Pages 1298 Words

I Am Mother': Movie Analysis

Grant Sputore’s debut film ‘I Am Mother’ is a science fiction thriller that circles the story between a child and her mother living in an advance bunker years after the self-destructive behavior of humans that caused their extinction. Giving a hint that the world outside the facility is no longer fit for human life. The film starts following a robot, voiced by Rose Byrne, as she chooses a gestated embryo that soon births the first human to walk on the...
3 Pages 1299 Words

Coco': Movie Review Essay

Many novels and films often reflect challenges and longings found in the present world. These literary works reveal pieces of humanity that should either be changed or preserved. For me, one of the most well-known animated films by Disney/Pixar entitled ‘Coco’ is no exception. The story revolves around a 12-year-old boy named Miguel who is fueled by his dreams to become a musician despite his family’s generations-old ban on music. During his musical pursuit, he is accidentally transported to the...
3 Pages 1253 Words

Regular Versus Irregular Warfare

Generally, war refers to a form of armed combat, usually characterized by extreme violence, aggression, destruction, and mortality, between either different states, societies or unofficial groups, such as mercenaries, insurgents and militias. Warfare, on the other hand, refers to the activities and tactics involved in the war to subdue the opponents for instance use of nuclear power. Origin of war can be dated as back as the Bronze Age coupled by the emergence of complex urban societies with fully articulated...
3 Pages 1251 Words

Problems and Tactics During Trench Warfare

During 1914 through to 1918, World War One took place in Europe and trenches were recently introduced into the strategy of war. Being quite new as a form of warfare during a world war, the art of trench warfare significantly developed new weapons and ways of attack and defence. Trench warfare was a land-based warfare that consisted of building deep or shallow trenches as a defence against the enemy. They work by providing soldiers with shelter from enemy fire and...
3 Pages 1288 Words
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