1300 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Improvement of Forest Practices With Forest Certification

Forest certification is a mechanism by which an independent organization issues a written assurance that a product, service or process meets specific requirements (Auld, Gulbrandsen, & McDermott, 2008). This may be followed by issuance of a symbol on products from certified companies, to easily identify them in the market. The idea of forest certification is aimed at rewarding foresters who promote aspects of sustainable forestry (ecologically appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable) (Auld et al., 2008). In the Baltic region,...
3 Pages 1267 Words

The Seafarer': Summary and Analysis

The Seafarer starts recalling his travels, and how he has endured much hardship during his time at sea. When he would take the position of night watchman at the prow (or bow) of his ship, he would be drenched and overwhelmed by the wildness of the waves and the sharpness of the cliffs. His feet would be frozen, and his insides ravaged by hunger in a way only seamen can understand. The Seafarer claims that land-dwellers cannot comprehend the pain...
3 Pages 1349 Words

How Wind Turbines Convert Wind Energy into Electrical Energy? Essay

The demand for renewable energy has contributed immensely towards the growth of wind energy industry. Nations such as the United States have shifted away from using fossil fuels. However, the success of wind energy industry depends greatly on wind turbines. A wind turbine is a technological device used in converting energy present in the moving wind into mechanical energy. Occasionally, the mechanical energy that rotates the shaft is converted by a wind turbine generator into electrical energy (Rivkin 2011, p.1)....
3 Pages 1285 Words

Factors and Events that Pulled The British Crown into New Zealand in 1830-1840

The British granted New Zealand independence in 1935 but by 1940 it had become obvious that Britain needed to take control of New Zealand, this greater form of control was to come in the treaty of Waitangi in 1840. The motives behind the signing of the treaty vary greatly from Maori and Pakeha. Britain held very little control in New Zealand. Captain William Hobson noticed this when he was sent to investigate the situation on behalf of Governor Bourke of...
3 Pages 1326 Words

George Washingtons Presidency Analysis

George Washington was inaugurated april 30th, 1789. He accomplished the most within the first 100 days (153 days) than any other president has done. He was unanimously elected for both terms. He spent his first term in office creating a path for the executive branch. His first term also consisted of him creating the first form of the United states government. He was one of the greatest presidents in the history of the United States. This paper will explain why...
3 Pages 1349 Words

Role of Family and Relationships in Our Lives

Family plays a very significant role in the life of an individual. Each author represents family and relationships in his/her own unique way as people see things from a different perspective. Some writers represent a loving, caring and supportive family in their literary works. However, some writers show the negative side of the family to the readers such as conflicts between parents and siblings. The way the three novels represent family and relationships is fascinating but sad and emotional at...
3 Pages 1347 Words

Discovering and Accepting Abraham Lincoln Weaknesses

As a little boy growing up in Washington, Stephen L. Carter spent many happy hours in a room upstairs, poring over his father’s trove of books about Abraham Lincoln. Of special interest was Carl Sandburg’s massive biography of his fellow Illinoisan, full of stories about the 16th president, his folksy ways and, later, his conduct of the Civil War. Stephen couldn’t read the books at first — he was too young and they too heavy and too long — but...
3 Pages 1343 Words

Reasons Why All Social Movements Need Leaders

As children we tend to see our elders and guardians as leaders, showing us right from wrong and teaching us how to fend for ourselves in this harsh world. In our teen years, we often rebel against parental guidance, as we are prone to see parents more as autocrats at this time and no longer as leaders. Once we reach early adulthood, we will have acquired enough knowledge to keep ourselves alive and stay healthy on our own. From here,...
3 Pages 1308 Words

Frankenstein'. Main Freud's Ideas

Writing Frankenstein, Mary Shelley wished to “speak to the mysterious fears of our nature, and awaken thrilling horror”; Sigmund Freud mentioned similar concepts of mysterious horror in The Interpretation of Dreams and The Uncanny. As the gothic psychological horror unfolds, elements of Freudian ideas such as Repression can be seen in the dreams of Victor Frankenstein and author Mary Shelley herself whereas Doubling can be perceived throughout the text, particularly between the creator and the monster in a myriad of...
3 Pages 1311 Words

Aphrodite in The Hellenistic Period

“The force that unites the elements to become all things is Love, also called Aphrodite; Love brings together dissimilar elements into a unity, to become a composite thing. Love is the same force that human beings find at work in themselves whenever they feel joy, love and peace. Strife, on the other hand, is the force responsible for the dissolution of the one back into its many, the four elements of which it was composed.” This quote comes from Empedocles,...
3 Pages 1258 Words

Supernatural Origin of Evil

“Good and evil are like two notes in a symphony. Many things change into their opposites: for example, hard ice melts into water which is soft. This led to believe that the combination of opposites resulted in a harmonious whole. In music, harmony results from the combination of low and high notes, while in the universe harmony flows from the combination of opposites: good and evil.” God is regarded as to be the perfect good who, therefore, could not be...
3 Pages 1275 Words

Return of the Native'. Detailed Analysis of Chapters 3-5

THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE Hardy has given a significant title to this chapter. Human beings appear on the scene and are surrounded by troubles. We are introduced to a retired naval officer (Captain Vye), and to a reddleman (Diggory Venn). The reddleman, described in favorable terms here, as a man with a pre-possessing exterior, is basically a business-man who supplies red colour to the farmers to dye their sheep. He is a man not much inclined to talk, as...
3 Pages 1302 Words

The Tea Party and the Political Beliefs and Actions it Stood For

An ideology can be defined as a body of ideas that reflects the beliefs and interests of a nation, political system, etc. and underlies political action. Ideologies can reflect beliefs and interests of a large group or even just a few people. Political Ideologies, though, are about organizing and directing action. There are hundreds of ideologies throughout the world because every nation and every state has their own beliefs, interests, ways of organizing, and directing action. Development of states into...
3 Pages 1314 Words

An Overview of The Texas Wildlife Association

The Texas Wildlife Association (TWA) is a non profit interest group that centers their interest on private landowners and their moral bond with its land. The TWA focuses on issues regarding to the hunters’ rights and hunting heritage, preservation of natural resources, and private landowners’ property rights. This interest group is dedicated to the conservation and improvement of Texas’ wildlife and its habitat located on privately-owned property. Furthermore, the foundation of this interest group dates back to 1985. The Texas...
3 Pages 1268 Words

The Foreign Policy Priorities

With the 2019 Indonesian presidential election coming up, both candidates, which are Jokowi-Ma’ruf and Prabowo-Sandiaga, have been campaigning their visions and missions. The two candidates will be competing for the second time after the 2014 presidential election where Jokowi won as Indonesia’s current president. From economic, human rights, laws until international relations concerns have been stated toward their campaigns. Through the foreign policy offered by the two candidates, it shows that both side still use the ‘free and active’ doctrine...
3 Pages 1331 Words

The Souls of Black Folk': An Analysis of Double Consciousness

At the heart of W.E.B. DuBois’s concept of double consciousness lies Saussure’s structuralism. At one point in time, society decided that a person with light skin would be called a white person, therefore giving the color of someone’s skin a sign, white, thus the signifying aspect being the lightness of their skin. Therefore the “other” were those with darker skin, who in America throughout much of the the 19th, 20th, and indeed 21st century were the black people. Based upon...
3 Pages 1324 Words

Analysis of Jorge Luis Borges’ Style of Writing

Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges is best known for his use of extensive diction and magical realism in his short stories. He began writing magical realism after suffering a head wound in 1938. In his stories he includes events from his life, making them somewhat autobiographical and sometimes the characters in the story are actually Borges himself. Readers can recognize this based on the events that occur in the story compared to events that occurred in Borges’ life. Borges often...
3 Pages 1290 Words

Monitoring of Wastewater Quality: a Review

Real-time monitoring of wastewater quality remains as unresolved problem to the waste water treatment industry. In order to comply with increasingly stringent environmental regulation, plant operators as well as industrial manufactures have expressed the the need of new standard and improved comparability of existing techniques. A review of currently available methods for monitoring global organic parameters (BOD,COD,PH,DO etc) is given. The study review both existing standard techniques and new innovative technologies with the focus on the sensors’ potential for on-line...
3 Pages 1291 Words

Freud’s and Nietzsche’s Views on Human Morality

Friedrich Nietzsche and Sigmund Freud offer bold critiques of human morality that greatly differ from the commonly accepted views of virtue and ethics. Both reject the idea of morality as an instinctive or natural element of human life. Rather, they contend that morality has been created in reaction to the realities of human existence. Although Freud and Nietzsche both claim that morality is a reactive creation, they greatly differ in their accounts of the value of morality. Nietzsche claims that...
3 Pages 1269 Words

The Risks of Fracking to Humanity and The Environs

What does one think of when they hear the word fracking? Most people think of its similarity to a curse word. In reality fracking is a curse word, in terms of its severity. Fracking is one of the most dangerous styles of oil drilling, causing not only damage to the environment, but damage to the earth’s crust. Fracking is a way of drilling for oil, which involves forcing highly pressurized liquid into the earth’s crust, breaking apart rock formations, and...
3 Pages 1327 Words

Analyzing Human Trafficking through Debt Bondage in India

Human trafficking involves the coercion, force and manipulation to obtain cheap or free physical or domestic labor, the procurement of organs or commercial sexual acts from men, women and children. Today, human trafficking is held to be modern-day slavery as the movement of persons between countries has become more prevalent and increasingly, persons are trapped in human trafficking situations in their own village. This type of human trafficking takes many forms with one of these forms being debt bondage or...
3 Pages 1265 Words

Pros and Cons of Dental Implantation

From the times that we were kids, we have heard our parents talking about the importance of dental care. We were denied too many sweets and were threatened by cavities and tooth decay. Later, we got into the habit of brushing and flossing like any other regular activity. Tooth care is absolutely essential and it is important that we teach hygiene to our children in a way that they become habituated by the time they do all the activities on...
3 Pages 1297 Words

Causes and Effects of Acid Rain

DEFINATION: Precipitation or rain with a high concentration of acids produced by, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide and other such gases which result from the combustion of fossil fuels. This has a destructive effect on buildings, aquatic life, and plant. Certain pollutants in the air made the rain acidic and now the rain is called acid rain. Acid rain is a type of acid deposition. It can appear in many forms. Rain, fog, snow, or sleet which is wet deposition that...
3 Pages 1253 Words

Salman Rushdie as a Writer of Uncommon Talent

A large people of India still believe that English is a language of British people and hence it is truth that English men bring bitter feeling within our hearts. We must realize that to learn English language does not mean that we would evolve a slave attitude. English dialect with its extraordinary artistic legacy is never again a dialect of specific nation or race. English can now clearly be called“global lingua franca”. English is a medium for the establishment of...
3 Pages 1344 Words

The Dead': The Unhappiness of Gabriel Conroy

“The Dead” by James Joyce, from Dubliners, centers around the events that take place at an annual Christmas party in Dublin, Ireland. This short story follows the protagonist, Gabriel Conroy, who is thrust into these events, and is the only character that expresses his discontent with the state of Ireland. His unhappiness is a direct result of those around him unable to abandon their past lives and beliefs about Ireland. Joyce examines the notion that one must overcome the past...
3 Pages 1260 Words

The Mayo Clinic and Its Risk Management Facility

Murphy, S., indicated in his work that “the risk management is comparable to that of the immune system”. Considering that is not a thing or a part of something, but it is co-existing with each other like that of an organ or a part of it. Connecting into a larger organ or organization that must be able to go beyond its performance perfectly. Murphy, S., conveyed that the similarities between the immune system and the risk management are that one...
3 Pages 1295 Words

Full Leadership Development: Building the Vital Forces in Organizations

Bruce J. Avolio’s extraordinary and artistic publication “Full Leadership Development: Building the Vital Forces in Organizations” impressed me a lot ,mesmerized my thinking about leadership topic .Each point ,data, concept, team work and others issue changed my views, observations on traditional leadership technique and mentality towards a greater purpose of full range of leadership. Dr. Avolio ,Professor and Director of the center for leadership studies at Binghamton University is an scholar, researcher and practitioner in leadership .His outstanding consultation both...
3 Pages 1308 Words

The Turn of The Screw': Metaphorical and Textual Silences in a Book

‘Silence’ in Henry James’ The Turn of the Screw is integral to the text not only in a literal sense, but also figuratively; the gaps that are purposefully left in the plot and the reader’s knowledge also act, powerfully, as “silences”. Whilst literal, aural silences provide an atmospheric tone in James’ novel, it is the metaphorical, textual silences that take precedence, sitting at the centre of the book. James purposefully implements such gaps, and stubbornly refuses to fill them. It...
3 Pages 1349 Words

Understanding Fibromyalgia and The Reality of The Condition

For as long as the world has existed, individuals have had doubts about what does and what does not exist. Even today, there are individuals who strongly believe that the world is flat, or that the earth is the center of the universe. Even more so, there are groups and communities dedicated to eliminating the belief of modern diseases. On another note, “fibromyalgia is a long-lasting or chronic disorder that causes muscle pain and fatigue (feeling tired). If you have...
3 Pages 1336 Words

Ethics and Morals in English Literature

Ethics and morals may initially seem to be interchangeable words used to describe a code of conduct that society should follow in order to make informed decisions. However, they are in fact two separate entities that exist as individual codes of conduct, yet share a symbiotic relationship in decision making. Ethics can be described as the rules of behavior and demeanor as established by society, a certain group of people, or a religion. Consequently, due to the nature of ethics,...
3 Pages 1348 Words
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