1300 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Teaching And Development Of Oral Language

Words, thoughts, and discourses are critical for teachers to consider when developing oral language in students. These faucets to oral language cannot be separated but rather need to be addressed as a whole because as they intersect and intertwine students grow and develop. How then can teachers develop these faucets in unison? Oral language development can be a challenge for teachers, however, they can create concrete experiences using positive social interaction that incorporates the Zone of Proximal Development and the...
3 Pages 1326 Words

Plant Based Burgers

The purpose of this C.T. is to find solutions to reduce the impact of human activity in the world and we are going to try to find positive solutions that could help change the human activity in the world. The problem that we chose to solve is to reduce the amount of meat we eat.We chose this topic because we want to show that something that doesn’t use meat like plant-based burgers , can help our environment in many different...
3 Pages 1314 Words

The Effect Of Salt And Catalase On The Speed Of Breakdown Of Hydrogen Peroxide

Introduction The purpose of this procedure is to study the impact of various levels of salt in relation to the enzyme catalase during the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide. Catalase is important to the body because it breaks down hydrogen-peroxide from its toxic form (H202) into water and oxygen. Salt, or sodium-chloride, is a necessary electrolyte in maintaining homeostasis within the body, but its role with enzymes was unclear. Hence, to study the specific effect of salt on catalase in the...
3 Pages 1298 Words

How Does Eugenics & Genetic Counseling Differ?

“We used to think that our fate was in the stars, but now we know that our fate is in our genes,” said Dr. James Watson (After Darwin, 2005). Genes are the physical and functional fundamental units of heredity. Genes are a specific segment of DNA that determine our inherited traits. Every gene has two copies, one copy from each parent. A majority of genes are going to be the same in all humans except for a small amount. Alleles...
3 Pages 1328 Words

Fathers’ Involvement In Global And Bangladesh Context

Global Context The study of the fathers’ involvement in child care days back to 1970’s when sociologists started to analysed the women’s movement, which happen in the 1960’s. In this period of time there was a massive overhaul on society roles and family structures. The changes, of course, included how children were raised. Earlier, there were many psychological and sociological studies from the ‘40s and ‘50s which studied about mother child relationships. As the roles of father increased in the...
3 Pages 1251 Words

Francis Galton And Eugenics

The rise of eugenics was popularized with Francis Galton in the 19th century. Galton devoted much of his scholarly life to exploring variation in human populations and its implications. Galton established a research program which looked at variations in human populations: mental characteristics, height, facial images, fingerprint patterns, etc. This required inventing measures of traits, devising large-scale collection of data using those measures, and in the end, the discovery of new statistical techniques for describing and understanding the data. His...
3 Pages 1317 Words

Martin Luther And The Protestant Revolution

When studying any time period over the course history, one commonality that each era will share is that they all have people who made a difference in some capacity or another. Some call them influencers, some call them leaders, but what these people truly are, are people who sought out change and were not afraid to go for it. Martin Luther was one of these people who sought out change no matter what it took. Throughout his life, he did...
3 Pages 1293 Words

Economic System Of Soccer In Guayaquil

Implement soccer industries in Guayaquil Soccer as always has a lot of earnings to the country, but know the economy of Ecuador has a decline. Direct Tv, Tv cable, Fox sports and Teleamazonas are interested in Ecuador televisiĂłn rights. Direct tv and Tv cable have offered four hundred thirty-two million dolars, Fox sports and Teleamazones have offered three hundred two dollars to broadcast the ecuadorian championship. This kind of offers are popular around the world. Guayaquil takes many examples of...
3 Pages 1308 Words

The Existence Of God: For And Against

There is one simple question that is presented among many people, educators, scholars, teachers, and many others—Is God real? Does God exist? Can the existence of God be proven? The answer to these questions are yes. There is a God who is real and loves each and every human being regardless of their race, color, ethnicity, or language; there is no difference to God. The existence of God can be proven through the Holy Bible, prophecies, and nature. The Bible...
3 Pages 1313 Words

How Parents Can Interpret And Deal With The Signs Of Child Abuse Trauma

Trauma caused by child abuse can take many forms. The key is to identify it, interpret it and deal with it. This is often left up the caregivers of the abused child/children. The main question that we are going to focus on is: How can these caregivers interpret and deal with the signs of child abuse trauma? But first we must see what the definition of trauma is and what Child Abuse trauma looks like. According to the Meriam-Webster dictionary...
3 Pages 1341 Words

Language Of The New Social Media

The advent of social media meant that individuals could easily connect, communicate, and also share their opinions with a broader audience. Different online platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and so on have unique features, with each having its limitation to how a user can communicate with others. The limitations and free use of the platforms have led to the development of online slang. The variations in traditional language have not been limited to the English language alone. Still,...
3 Pages 1274 Words

The Harmony Of Japanese People With Secondary Nature

There have long been debate on the belief of Japanese people in harmony with nature. On one hand, this belief is popular in all periods in Japan history, which can be traced back to the Heian period. As Ki no Tsurayuki puts in his preface to the Kokinshu, he sees the essence of Japanese poetry to be rooted from the connection of human heart with nature (Callahan, lecture slides on Sep. 16). The same belief can also be found popular...
3 Pages 1278 Words

Attributes Of Prophet Muhammad As A Teacher

Introduction Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) was an ordinary human being who served as a great example to mankind. He was sent as a mercy to all mankind, not to a specific group or race. Muhammad, epitomized good moral character and behavior. He was chosen by Allah to teach people about morality, righteousness, and to worship Allah alone. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was focused and subservient to Allah. He had total conviction and trust in Him. Muhammad (PBUH) said:...
3 Pages 1261 Words

Borderline Personality Disorder: Causes, Symptoms And Impact

Ever been a victim of sexual or physical abuse when you were younger? Or suffered from emotional abuse and the lack of parental acceptance during your childhood? If so and you are experiencing a difficult adulthood, then borderline personality disorder could be the solution to those hard times. With borderline personality disorder, which is also known as BPD, people can label one's personality and behavior to become broken and unstable. Borderline personality creates an unstable life that is mostly found...
3 Pages 1289 Words

Undocumented Workers: Definition, History And Effects

With over 320 million people residing in the United States, this makes the country one of the most populated in the world. Although there are millions upon millions of people living in the United States, not all of them are in legal residence. Although there has been much controversy surrounding all of the undocumented people in the country, there have been some minor pushes to help better things for these workers. This paper will analyze undocumented workers and their lives,...
3 Pages 1262 Words

Demography And Life History

Demography is the statistical sample of people, particularly in terms of size and density, distribution and vital statistics such as births, marriages, deaths, etc. History has its own ups and downs forever, and demography has been helping us since forever to study the effect of different eras on population dynamics. Life tables are used with the information of the life and death rates. Demography is a core related science to evolution and ecology as it is mentioned in the article...
3 Pages 1327 Words

The Peculiarities Of Athletic Trainer Profession

Athletic trainers are expected to put others health and well being before their own. When doing something like that you can eventually forget about your own health and state of mind which can take a serious toll on your mental health, your job, and cause problems to those who are around you on a regular basis. It can Cause athletic trainers to become detached and distant from others around them and their work, which eventually leads to job burnout. When...
3 Pages 1270 Words

The Theme Of Betrayal In Hamlet Essay

William Shakespeare is one of the most influential writers of his time. His ability to make a connection to the real world through the themes of his plays, is what makes him a master of literature. Throughout many of William Shakespeare's plays there is a strong theme of betrayal. Characters often manipulate and take advantage of others. Characters start to break relationships and become more independent after betrayal has taken place in the plays. After a character has been betrayed...
3 Pages 1261 Words

The Purpose Of Salt

Mark Kurlansky, author of Salt: A World History, once claimed “salt is so common, so easy to obtain, and so inexpensive that we have forgotten that
salt was one of the most sought-after commodities in human history.” Rather than going through what salt is today, Kurlansky decides to recall the history of salt. The book cites the different events that occurred because of salt, and it cites the different things that people used salt for. Salt was also the basis of...
3 Pages 1266 Words

How The Bubonic Plague Lead To Protestant Reformation

The Bubonic plague was an extremely infectious illness that became wide spread across Europe and Asia. The plague was an enzootic disease that was transmitted from a flea that was previously attached to some type of rodent, usually a rat, to humans. At the time, the sudden illness and immediate death that followed soon after was unexplained because there wasn’t a way for society to get a medical explanation. Because of the lack of knowledge, people believed this was the...
3 Pages 1279 Words

The Peculiarities Of Bilingualism

In “It’s time for Miami to embrace bilingualism”, published in the print edition of Diario las Americas, author Phillip M. Carter, a professor of linguistics in the FIU Department of English discusses the importance of bilingualism and why we need to embrace it as much as possible. In this article, Phillip M. Carter talks about Spanish as a rich language and how Miami should embrace it because they flourish from the language. In this essay, I will further evaluate and...
3 Pages 1263 Words

The Recognition Of Sign Language

ABSTRACT Sometimes, it is difficult to communicate with others for the deaf and dumb people, they face issues for conveying themselves to the normal people. So, we have thought that what if we will make the fix pattern or the mapping of the letters to the hand signs and there are many sign language datasets like ASL,PSE,SEE etc.,so that this type of people can represent themselves with this hand signs, so this can be done in the offline mode. Now,...
3 Pages 1341 Words

The Peculiarities Of Space Exploration In UAE

In the past, The human who dreamt of becoming an astronaut can not achieve his dream, because there are no missiles or machines. Nowadays, with advanced technology, this dream is achievable. His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan said that the goal of the UAE is a great goal. Which is that the UAE will enter the space industry sector and benefit from space technology. The UAE is among the major countries in the field of space science. The...
3 Pages 1302 Words

Gene Mutation In Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias (CDH)

A Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia is a birth defect that causes a tear in the diaphragm that pushes abdominal organs into the chest cavity, therefore, preventing proper lung development. CDH occurs in one out of 3,000 live births, and has a high mortality and morbidity rate (POBER 2007), with survivors requiring high technology-driven interventional perinatal care (STOLAR 2012) in tertiary or quaternary neonatal intensive care units. 40% of CDH patients have multiple anomalies in addition to CDH, but as many as...
3 Pages 1336 Words

DNA Extraction And Electrophoresis

DNA is composed of three parts- a phosphate group, a 5-carbon (pentose) sugar called deoxyribose, and a nitrogenous base. In DNA, there are four kinds of nitrogenous bases. These bases are called adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G). DNA is a negatively charged particle, and its negative charge comes from the phosphate component. “The backbone of DNA is formed by sugar- phosphate- sugar chain. Phosphate groups in the DNA backbone carry negatively-charged oxygen molecules giving the phosphate-sugar...
3 Pages 1331 Words

Letter From Birmingham Jail And Civil Rights Movement

The Civil Rights Movement did not suddenly appear out of nowhere in the twentieth century. The efforts to improve the quality of life for African Americans are as old as the United States. However, it was until the year of the 1960s, a nonviolent approach by Martin Luther King, Jr. had awakened the conscience of Americans both black and white about a world where” All men are equal” and be treated fairly. In Martin Luther King Jr.’s letter, written to...
3 Pages 1338 Words

Friedrich Nietzsche And John Stuart Mill Views on Happiness

Friedrich Nietzsche and John Stuart Mill were two ancient philosophers. Their theories led to two of the greatest philosophical views in society. Nietzsche’s theory focuses on human well-being and the good life. He believes that each individual should live their life by accepting the idea that we should not be afraid to live our lives. In his theory, he emphasizes that humans do what they do because they seek survival, power, and meaning. Nietzsche believed the morality of an action...
3 Pages 1316 Words

The Flames Of Forgiveness In The Film Smoke Signals

The movie, Smoke Signals, written by Sherman Alexie and directed by Chris Eyre and produced in 1998. This film begins on July 4, 1976 on the Coeur d’ Alene Reservation. This movie has a variety amount of metaphors and themes spread throughout the movie. The themes consisted within this film are forgiveness, the importance of friendship, the danger of alcoholism, handling family conflicts, and fire being a huge metaphor/symbol in this movie as well. But the one theme that draws...
3 Pages 1312 Words

Bilingualism Relation To Identity

Being human being communicative, interestingly, language reveals much more what we speak out, not only a means of communication. Simultaneously, language also develops to meet the need of communication of people. Therefore, it can be stated that your language can reveal many things about your identity. Bilingualism and biculturalism are intertwined terms that have influenced the social model of modern society. While bilingualism helps us keep our native language intact, biculturalism reminds of our true roots and background. In a...
3 Pages 1342 Words

The Causes And Effects Of Vaccine Hesitancy

Every year, the World Health Organization lists their top ten threats to world health. In 2019, the WHO yearly list included air pollution and climate change, noncommunicable diseases, influenza, antimicrobial resistance, and vaccine hesitancy (Ten health issues WHO will tackle this year).Vaccine hesitancy is defined as “a delay in acceptance or refusal of vaccines despite availability of vaccination services” (The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health). The beliefs behind vaccine opposition are that vaccines are infective, vaccination is a patriarchal, governmental...
3 Pages 1340 Words
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