1500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Little Big History of Chocolate

Introduction People all over the world love chocolate, and its history goes back more than 3,000 years to the ancient kingdoms of Mesoamerica. Chocolate has changed a lot over the years to become the sweet, decadent treat we love today. It started out as a bitter drink made from the cacao bean. From bean to bar, chocolate's story is an interesting one of cultural exchange, new food ideas, and international trade. People have worshiped it as a gift from the...
5 Pages 1490 Words

‘There's No Such Thing as 'Business' Ethics’ by John Maxwell: Book Review

In his very informative book, ‘There's No Such Thing as 'Business' Ethics’, John Maxwell tells us of one simple idea of getting back to ethics in business organizations. That one simple idea is called the Golden Rule, which many of us have learned from a young age, from the Bible, states, “Do to others as you would have them do to you” (Luke 6:31, New International Version). In business ethics, owners, managers, financial officers, etc., often revert to what is...
3 Pages 1485 Words

‘Coming of Age in Samoa’ by Margaret Mead: Book Review

Margaret Mead, one of the leaders of the Culture and Personality school of Thought was a leading lady anthropologist of Columbia University. She was a student of both Franz Boas and Ruth Benedict. Configurationalism, the identification of salient cultural characteristics, representing the patterns of culture, and their presentation in a familiar psychological idiom, was the forerunner of reconciliation between historical particularism of Boas and psychoanalysis of scholars of culture personality school. ‘Coming of Age in Samoa’ is Mead’s first book...
3 Pages 1536 Words

The Stoning of Soraya M.': Film Analysis

‘The Stoning of Soraya M.’ is a film by a French-Iranian journalist named Freidoune Sahebjam. The film makes an evident case against the Iranian Sharia Law system, which is supported by Zahra, the aunt of the main character, Soraya. While acknowledgement of an individual’s right to choose and freely practice their religion is commendable, more important is the recognition that there is a clear moral differentiation between right and wrong. The events depicted in this film fit unambiguously and certainly...
3 Pages 1524 Words

Comparing 'The Grand Budapest Hotel' and 'Citizen Kane'

In this essay I want to talk about two films ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’ and ‘Citizen Kane’. I liked these two films most of all, because they have a certain charm, they are very unusual, the presentation of the film in one is very different from the other, but there is something in common, romance and a certain spirit of the old times. In this paper, I am going to show the techniques that were used in the two films,...
3 Pages 1501 Words

What Factors Led to the Outbreak of World War 2? Essay

During the mid-20th century the outbreak of war proved to devastate and influence the globe into a mass war effort publication to engage the public into supporting the cause to victory. Upon the intervention of the imperial air force on the attack of pearl harbour in 1941 the U.S was sprung into the 2nd world war. However, the U.S needed more social support for the war in Europe in the effort to prevent fascism from being the dominating ideology. In...
3 Pages 1504 Words

Plato and Karl Marx: Compare and Contrast

Choose either Plato or Aristotle and one other thinker from those discussed in class (with the exception of Machiavelli). Compare and contrast the political philosophies of the thinkers chosen so as to discuss key concepts of political theory including democracy, equality and rights including the (civil) right to protest and to disobedience. It is interesting to see the views and opinions of different philosophers who lived in different time period when it comes to the subject of political theory. These...
3 Pages 1515 Words

Wildfires and Climate Change Essay

Ever since the mid-1980’s, wildfires have been becoming an ever-increasing threat. Many have linked the increase to climate change and warming temperatures. For example, in late summer-fall of 2018, the Mendocino Complex Fire, which was actually two very close fires, broke numerous records in California. One of the fires, the Ranch Fire, burned a record 410,203 acres. A study by NCBI shows that the amounts of annual large forest fires have increased during the last two decades. According to the...
3 Pages 1463 Words

What is Nuclear Weapons? Essay

The definition of a nuclear weapon is an explosive device that derives its power from nuclear reactions. The nuclear reaction is a result of fission or a combination of fission and fusion. More specifically they are called fission bombs (for fission) and thermonuclear bombs (the combination of fission and fusion). The active element in most modern nuclear weapons is plutonium. When the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the bombs contained about 64kg of enriched uranium. Upon detonation,...
3 Pages 1510 Words

Water Pollution: Causes Effects and Solutions Essay

What are some Urban issues human experience? One of the urban issue that human observes in their area today is environmental pollution. Environmental pollution could be defined as a situation whereby pollutants contaminate the environment they live in. Air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution have negative effects and a way of contributing to human’s unhealthy lifestyle. Soil pollution also occurs when the pollutants, get contaminants, having toxic chemicals in the soil that were not properly processed can lead to...
3 Pages 1514 Words

Water is the Elixir of Life Essay

Since the dawn of time, Water has been the most essential commodity in human life. Nowadays, in certain areas of the world, various amounts of people have very little access to the natural resource. While in other areas of the world, they have a seemingly endless source of water. 1 million people die every year because of lack of safe drinkable water. It is imperative that everyone in this world has the opportunity to continue living by being provided by...
3 Pages 1524 Words

Usefulness of Nuclear Weapons under Sino-soviet Case

Why do states, as individual actors in the international context, want nuclear weapons? This essay is to apply a neo-realism analysis to the sino-soviet case towards the question. Realists reckon power as a means to the end of security. Therefore an argument is drawn here that states pursue nuclear weapons to guarantee state security. Neorealists subscribe to a three ss theory: statism, self-help and survival, among which survival is viewed as the ultimate goal. Therefore, this essay follows the structure...
3 Pages 1497 Words

The Importantce of War On Drugs

On June 17th of 1971, President Nixon began America’s longest and costliest war, a blemish in the history of America; the war on drugs. Nixon convinced America’s citizens that “America’s public enemy number one in the United States is drug abuse. In order to fight and defeat this enemy, it is necessary to wage a new, all-out offensive” (Sharp). This all-out offensive was instilled in our minds through propaganda and blatant lies, that were dismissed as a preventive measure. Anslinger,...
3 Pages 1523 Words

The Importance of Water to the Human Body Essay

Water, such an important substance for general health. Water is so important for humans that more than half of our bodies are made up of water. Your body uses water in all its cells, organs, and tissues to help regulate its temperature and maintain other bodily functions. Because your body loses water through breathing, sweating, and digestion, it is important to rehydrate by drinking fluids and eating foods that contain water. Water helps us flush out waste from your body,...
3 Pages 1547 Words

The Book and Movie Review: Julius Caesar

Released by 1979, Julius Caesar BBC is quite similar to all high school students and people who love history. The controversial first series of the BBC Television Shakespeare. The Julius Caesar was Cedric Messina's second television adaptation of the play, the first having been made for the Play of the Month slot ten years ago. One of that includes the film by Herbert Wise is adapted from the writing by William Shakespeare. Julius Caesar is a Roman statesman and military...
3 Pages 1478 Words

Pros and Cons of Saving Endangered Species

African wild dogs are a unique and endangered species that are important to their ecosystem. They play an important role in eliminating sick and weak animals, helping maintain natural balance and ultimately improving prey species (Tagley, 2019). Known for being highly efficient predators, they help regulate prey species that play a role in shaping vegetation. This species are also highly intelligent and social animals, that heavily rely on a pack ranging from 6 to 20 (Tagley, 2019). Since they are...
3 Pages 1513 Words

Persuasive Essay on Endangered Species

I chose this topic because I feel like this is a very important global issue that is still going on for a long period of time and we should do something about it before it’s too late and we ruin our planet. We may not realize but if many animals are going extinct this year rapidly, it will also affect human life because we will not have much food left to feed our human population of 7.2 billion. I am...
3 Pages 1481 Words

Korean War and Vietnam War Compare and Contrast

The Cold War The Cold War was the political tension between the USSR and its states known as the Eastern bloc, and the USA and its allies known as the Western bloc in the mid to late 20th century. The reason for it being called the Cold War is due to the lack of direct military actions between the USSR and USA. However, the opposition would always to demolish the other’s economy. This passive aggressive behaviour continued for nearly five...
3 Pages 1512 Words

Is Populism a Threat to Liberal Democracy? Essay

Populism has emerged as a prominent feature of liberal-democratic political landscapes across the world . These populist surges have drawn significant impact on the systems they gained traction against, and many have questioned whether populism threatens or strengthens liberal-democracy. This potentially ambiguous relationship drawn between populism and liberal-democracy has been connected to the duality within the concept of liberal-democracy itself, with its two-strand model outlining both a liberal pillar and a classically democratic pillar. Given this account, liberal-democracy can be...
3 Pages 1473 Words

How World War 1 Shanged the World Forever? Essay

August 1914 will always remain a poignant date in history. On this day Great Britain declared war on Germany. This Was to leave a scar on the landscape of the world which can be still seen today. Many years prior to the outbreak of war there was 2 powerful groups in Europe who opposed each other. Germany, AustriaHungary, and their allies and Known as the “Triple Alliance”. Opposing them were Great Britain, France, and Russia it was also known as...
3 Pages 1471 Words

Impact of Cold War on US Technology Growth

The cold war resulted in very many results. Little is appreciated of all the spy movies, great novels independence movements among other things that came about as a result of the cold war. The one thing that people know for sure about the cold war was that it gave us a greater understanding and awareness that the greatest threat to humans is ourselves. The cold war changed the way people imagined the world and what role humanity played in it....
3 Pages 1548 Words

Fast Food Creates an Unhealthy Lifestyle

It's really no hidden fact that fast food isn't healthy for you but it has repercussions consuming it regularly. Most people, indeed, have really no idea what's in their food, which makes it so harmful, or what the implications really are. Regardless of the fact which fast food could save money and time, due to the products and manufacturing in which it is made, it is not worth destroying your healthy lifestyle. Fast food is not the meal that we...
3 Pages 1517 Words

Extinction in the Modern World

Background extinctions are a naturally occuring (and important) development within the economy of nature. There are a number of reasons for a species’ population to come to an end organically. A lack of genetic diversity following a vicariance event makes them vulnerable as they may not be able to evolve in accordance to the changing environments around them. An influx of inbreeding will have greater effect on genetic variation. Perhaps habitat deterioration makes an environment no longer livable, reducing and...
3 Pages 1512 Words

Essay About Water Cycle

Introduction Nature comprises many processes that recycle various elements to avoid human wastage. Nature does not waste any of its elements and recycles them all including water, air and organic fertility. Recycling of natural elements occurs in order to maintain ecological balance for survival of all living species. However, human beings have meddled with nature so much that problems such as depletion of ozone layer and global warming are inflicting the human race adversely (Kalman and Sjonger 11). An example...
3 Pages 1469 Words

Environmental Impacts of Deforestation Essay

Most people never really think about how important trees are in life. The trees around tend to seem unimportant as people go outside. Most only see them as the scenery and background in life. However, people use trees in their everyday lives. For example, the furniture they sit on, the paper they write on, the fruit they eat and, most importantly, the air they breathe. As consumers, people rely heavily on forests and trees without even realizing it. The problem...
3 Pages 1451 Words

Differences Between the Districts in The Hunger Games

To know whether Panem is a command or market economy, we must first understand both. A market economy is a type of economic system where prices and production are determined by unrestricted competition by privately owned businesses, like the United States. Another way to look at it is that in a market economy, the activity is unplanned, it is not organized or controlled by a central authority but rather by the supply and demand of goods and services. On the...
3 Pages 1501 Words

Car Accident Story Essay

The short story “Test” is a double plot structure in two different time zones and, two different states of mind, it is merely somewhat of an illusion. The two scenarios include one that Robert experiences under hypnosis, and one within the centre of the driver test. It is a noteworthy story with plenty of dilemmas, and unexpected situations. It brings us vital messages about life, values, and our loved ones. The story has three key points that will be further...
3 Pages 1517 Words

Atomic Bomb Pro and Cons

The United States of America dropped the world's first operational atomic bomb above the Japanese city of Hiroshima at 8:15 a.m on the 6th of August 1945. It was carried to its target by the United States Army Airforce (USAA) B-29 bomber Enola Gay, flying from the American airbase on the Pacific island of Tinian. Nicknamed 'Little Boy', the bomb exploded with the equivalent force of over 12 Kilotons of TNT. Around 5 square miles of the city was reduced...
3 Pages 1544 Words

12 Angry Men Organizational Behavior

When a leader walks into a room, the passion of truth should enter with them. Authentic leadership does not emerge out of a vacuum. Convictions are beliefs that hold us in our grip. The movie 12 Angry Men portrays the conviction (not guilty) of juror 8 and his use of visual influencing tactics to impact the unanimous decision of “guilty” of the remaining 11 jurors’. The 1957 film is set in a jury room with 12 jurors who have different...
3 Pages 1541 Words

Droughts and Their Impact on California's Water Supply System

California is known for its contrasting weather patterns. These distinct patterns are often caused by climate change that has affected California's water for decades. California has a large amount of oceans, streams, rivers, and lakes which have played a big role on the natural landscape as well as overall climate. According to our textbook, in chapter two of ‘The Natural Setting’, it discusses the shortage of water as well as drought history in California and what impact that has had...
3 Pages 1455 Words
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