1500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

End-of-Life Care and Practice

End-of-life care and practice has evolved over the years. There has been a shift on the attitudes about death in American society. Age, gender, race, and socioeconomic status all contribute to the attitudes toward death. It impacts everyone individually and it is not a universal grief. Many Americans are uncomfortable in speaking about death. Young older adults have a higher anxiety in death compared to older adults. Older adults are not strangers to death and grief and are more accepting...
3 Pages 1546 Words

Essay on Unemployment in America Compared to the Rest of the World

The purpose of this report is to discuss about the unemployment rate in United States of America in comparisons with the rest of the world. Unemployment rate refers to the percentage of unemployed people in an economy among people that are currently belonging to labor force. This is computed as unemployed people divided by total labor force and multiple by 100 wherein unemployed people are those that are presently not working but they are seeking work actively. According to Robert...
3 Pages 1469 Words

The Dangers of Internet of Things

Each year, technology all over the world gets more advanced and tortuous, but the things that are controlled by the Internet are the most cautious to be around. According to museum manager and local historian, Bethany Groff Dorau, she elaborates with evidence from Kevin Ashton: ā€œThe term ā€˜Internet of Thingsā€™ itself is believed to have been coined in 1999, at a presentation to industrial giant Procter & Gamble by Kevin Ashton, then a marketer with the company. Ashton was interested...
3 Pages 1493 Words

The Role of Architecture in Nation Building

ā€œArchitecture is the thoughtful making of spaceā€ - the simple words of Louis Kahn beautifully describes the term ā€˜Architectureā€™. From the beginning of mankind, Ancient man moved natural elements like earth and stone into geometric forms, erecting our earliest human-made structures. Primitive people began building geometric structures for houses. During those stone age, people need a place to live or ply their trade because it is a necessity, not a luxury. Architecture is more than mere shelter, it is about...
3 Pages 1513 Words

The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Australian Economy

Macroeconomics and microeconomics play a crucial role in determining monetary and fiscal policy within the Australian economy. Through recent developments of the Covid-19 pandemic. The current disease causing widespread global economic crisis is the coronavirus (Covid-19). The potential impact this disease has on the Australian economy is major. As it has forced reduction of person-to-person contact, closure of state borders. These restrictions have led to a rise in unemployment and sparked fear of economic recession. The Australian government, the Reserve...
3 Pages 1480 Words

Criminal Justice Procedure and Analysis

During colonization, a dehumanizing process of Indigenous people began; the brutal introduction of the new societal norms was accomplished by invading, displacing many families, murder, and rape. Once the first process was complete, an introduction of the new 'truths' about the indigenous people formed; this was that they are stupid, lazy, promiscuous, dirty, and so on. The harsh and violent actions also diminished the indigenous peoples' cultural and spiritual beliefs, many of them then turning to alcohol and drugs as...
3 Pages 1508 Words

The Importance of Individual Cultural Communication in Relation to Hispanics

Cultural competence in giving administrations to all, despite culture, financial status, instructive foundation. Cultural competency implies making the practices and approaches that will make benefits more available to different populaces, and that accommodate fitting and viable administrations in different circumstances. If an association is seen as being harsh, misleading, or discourteous of the requirements of Hispanic families, the group will disassociate from the association ā€“ notwithstanding when administrations are urgently required. The estimation of families maybe should be accentuated for...
3 Pages 1460 Words

Heroes Story Arc Similarities

What do Thor, Optimus Prime and Simba all have in common with the heroes of ancient legends like Gilgamesh and the Buddha? What if I told you they are all adaptations of the same hero? The ā€˜heroesā€™ that we see in this day and age may seem like they possess their own individualities and are unique characters, right? However, most, if not, all heroes share similar character traits that you may not be able to see with an untrained eye....
3 Pages 1508 Words

The Government Should Reduce the Gap to an Advisable Level Between Rich and Poor

How would you feel if you were one of the 800 million people who went to bed starving each and every night? At this very moment, countless people are forced to bear the pain of poverty and starvation, through no fault of their own, while millions of individuals in developed-countries binge on excessive amounts of food. These same insatiable people waste enormous amounts of money and resources to maintain their exorbitant and disgustingly luxurious lifestyles. When five cents may seem...
3 Pages 1503 Words

Paul Cezanne as the 'Father of Modernism'

Paul Cezanne, a French painter born 1839 and passed 1906, was given the name as the 'Father of Modernismā€™. His work and ideas influenced many artists in the 20th century, especially Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque and Fernand Leger who were amongst those that painted during the Cubism Art Movement. Cezanneā€™s art was misunderstood for a large portion of his life, and he wanted to challenge what was known as the idealistic ways of painting and break away from Impressionism. He...
3 Pages 1493 Words

Views of Professional, Academic and Humanistic Philosophies on the Purpose of Education

In education, it is imperative to develop students who are equipped to succeed in the future. The vocational, academic and humanist philosophies all have diverse perspectives upon the purpose of education. This paper will discuss the strengths and weakness of all three philosophies in relation to the challenges for education described by the World Economic Forum (WEF). It will conclude by arguing which philosophy is the most appropriate approach to guide the education of todayā€™s young people. It is critical...
3 Pages 1462 Words

Association Between LSD Use and an Increased Likelihood of Developing HPPD

According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, in 2016 more than 3 million Australianā€™s used illicit drugs and the statistics are continuing to increase (ā€œIllicit use of drugs Overview - Australian Institute of Health and Welfareā€, 2019). The serious consequences of using drugs continues to rise as 1 in 10 people had been victimized due to drug related incidents. It further explained that this continued abuse of drugs was causing disabilities, disorders and in the worst cases, death....
3 Pages 1532 Words

Wealth Gap Between the Rich and the Poor in Australia

Similarly, in 1901, every Australian had the right to vote, however in 1902 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders were not allowed to vote in Federal Elections until 1962. They were also not considered in the census until 1967 (Australian Electoral Commission, 2017). A White Australia Policy was employed in 1901 and it was not entirely eradicated until the 1970ā€™s. Non-white Australians and women who worked were often viewed as a risk. As a result, they were paid significantly less, which...
3 Pages 1465 Words

Critical Review of Bone Age Assessment Methods

Globally, age has become the benchmark for many social events such as alcohol consumption, marriage and employment. And with it, entails legal responsibilities and ramifications. With the rise in illegal immigrants from war-torn and impoverished nations into developing countries, an individualā€™s age becomes one of the most important factors in determining their subsequent treatment. An illegal immigrant coming into the country is without birth records, as a result of poorly maintained birth records or undocumented births from their country of...
3 Pages 1455 Words

William Morris: The Life and Legacy of a Great Artist

William Morris was born on the 24th of March 1834 in Walthamstow and could be considered one of the most important artists in the 1800s and who's work left an impact on society today. Morris also played his part in politics and was worked as an editor in the press. His work in the textiles industry and politics and his part in the art and crafts movement has played a factor on art and design today. I will be evaluating...
3 Pages 1504 Words

Comparative Analysis of Capitalism and Socialism

Both the political and economic worlds have always been dependent on each other, neither can survive without the other and the modern world is incapable of functioning without them both. Countries have been competing in finding the best economic and political combination that brings their countries into the power they need to lead the world for a prolonged period of time. Initially, Europe had always conquered the world utilizing the power of the church to limit freedoms for the people,...
3 Pages 1479 Words

Comparative Analysis of Populist and Progressive Movements

Quickly after the political realignment of the last 1890s and the finish of the Populist party, new social events of American occupants saw the necessity for change. Far from stopping to exist with the Populist party, the enthusiasm for an adjustment as per the genuine elements of an erratic, current America spread over the United States. The new reformers, known as Progressives, were fundamentally city inhabitants and very not exactly equivalent to the farmers of the nation demographically, occupationally, socially,...
3 Pages 1476 Words

Digital Disruption and eBay's Transformation

Ebay is an American multinational e-commerce corporation. It promotes sales through its website. The eBay website involves an online auction and shopping website in which people and businesses buy and sell extensive variety of merchandise. Basically, this is a digital disruption event, which not only changes the traditional shopping trends, but also the online selling business of eBay itself. In this report, the work centred analysis (WCA) have been performed on the retail business of eBay prior and post implementation...
3 Pages 1452 Words

Analysis of Caravaggio's Work and His Contribution to the Art World

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio was an Italian painter. Born in Milan, Caravaggio was the leading and the most painter in the late 16th and late 17th centuries. He became famous for his intense and unsettling realism in his work. People would be astonished and be in awe when they see his paintings because it almost brings it to real life. He emphasized the clothes and the body like hands and feet to make it seem more real to viewers. He...
3 Pages 1519 Words

Essay on Artificial Intelligence in Banking

With digital upheaval rippling across the world rapidly, transforming industries and revolutionizing businesses with its power, no sector can afford to get marooned to the sidelines. As every industry engages in designing and developing approaches and methods to remain relevant in a world steered by technology, the banking sector is no exception. Customers, now familiarizing themselves with advanced technologies and techniques in their everyday lives, no longer expect banks to be characterized by long queues, frequent visits and excruciating degree...
3 Pages 1533 Words

Essay on Human Resource Development and the Impact of Globalization on It

Globalization is the integration of the world due to the explosion of international trade and technologies that make communication easier. Therefore, the world has become a global village in terms of values and even cultural preferences. Globalization has implication on HR practice because companies can hire global talent and use the newest technologies to manage talent. The biggest opportunity that the trend presents to HR managers is the chance to adopt global practices in human resource management and recruiting global...
3 Pages 1474 Words

Are Robots Taking Over All Jobs? Essay

In this era of digital workplace everything is at an ease and all the day to day tasks have become a very simple algorithm to do so. But does all this come with a cost? That it will destroy all the jobs? Not exactly though. Of course, the robots and artificial intelligence (AI) will improve the quality of work over the time but wonā€™t take all the jobs of the humans and more specifically the tasks which are especially dedicated...
3 Pages 1487 Words

Dolores Huerta and Her Major Achievements for the Society

Dolores Clara Fernandez Huerta is a living human rights hero for several Latinos, especially for women. She spent the majority of her life as a political activist who strived to get better working conditions for farmworkers. Her focus was to help out the conditions of the families of farmers. Her main help towards The Farmworkers' Movement has been dominated by Cesar Chavez. Cesar Chavez was her lifetime colleague and co-founder of what someday would become the United Farm Workers of...
3 Pages 1542 Words

Polio Resurgence: A Call to Regain Trust to Vaccines

While polio has become a distant memory in most parts of the world, the disease has managed to resurge in countries where it was once eliminated like, Syria, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Myanmar and Philippines, where the latest case of polio outbreak has been recorded. Poliomyelitis, commonly known as polio, is an incurable and highly contagious disease that is caused and transmitted by poliovirus which are members of the Enterovirus genus (Ochmann & Roser, 2017). And recently last year, the...
3 Pages 1507 Words

Hard Work as the Key of Success

Intro Hard work is the cornerstone of success and progress. It has been a defining aspect of human achievement throughout history, underscoring the belief that effort and perseverance can overcome even the most daunting challenges. This essay delves into the multifaceted concept of hard work, exploring its significance, impact, and the values it instills in individuals and societies. At its core, labor represents more than physical or mental effort. It embodies a philosophy of persistence, resilience, and the relentless pursuit...
5 Pages 1501 Words

Benefits of Celebrating Racial Diversity for American Society

It is due to these matters that it is important to expand on how these various influences can take their part in creating a questionable environment, that is considered controversial and sensitive to discuss, which is also directed against those who have been seeking citizenship within such an environment. Profound issues exist in American society against its own citizens which in turn and application could also be extendable to those people of similar groups and social labeling who are progressively...
3 Pages 1459 Words

The Special Characteristics and Critical Analysis of the Gospel of John

The Gospel of St John The Gospel of St John has sixteen (16) characteristics divided in parts from 1 to 16 and in this essay I will identify and briefly explain each distinguish parts of the Gospel of John and the characteristics of how he presented his Gospel in the Bible. John is one of the twelve disciples, Jesus called him as the beloved disciples of the twelve. In the Gospel of John, he does not include Jesus family tree...
3 Pages 1468 Words

Author's Writing Style to Shape the Story and Characters: Analysis of ā€œA Temporary Matterā€ by Jumpha Lahiri

Thesis: An authorā€™s word choice, sentence fluency, and their tone contribute to their style of writing and help achieve a certain effect while shaping the story and its characters. An authorā€™s word choice can define which emotion a reader feels as they progress through a story. Their use of certain words can create a mood and convey a whole new story if the words were changed. A reader's association with certain words with certain emotions can shape their interpretation of...
3 Pages 1457 Words

Impact of Gun Violence on American Society: Discursive Essay

Gun Violence leaves a devastating impact on our society. Every year millions of people around around the world are affected by gun violence. Each attack related to gun violence has sparked awareness and has been a signal; one after the other for a change in gun restrictions. Over the past year, the gun violence movement has been heavily talked about after the tragic shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School. On February 14, 2018, seventeen people were killed tragically from gun...
3 Pages 1529 Words

Views of Mark Twain and Literary Criticism of Huckleberry Finn: Analytical Essay

Samuel Langhorne Clemens, now known as Mark Twain, was born in Florida, Missouri on November 30, 1835. His father, John Marshall, was a lawyer and his mother, Jane Clemens, took care of Mark and his six siblings. Although his father was a lawyer, his income was low and the family lived in poverty so his oldest brother, Orion, was forced to work at a newspaper press to make more money for the family. They now had the money they needed...
3 Pages 1489 Words
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