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Social Issues

Swami Vivekananda’s Views on Philosophy of Education: Critical Analysis

Life contributions of Swami Vivekananda - one infinite pure and holy – beyond thought beyond qualities I bow down to thee' Swami Vivekananda was one of the most inspired and influential characters of the 19th century. He was born as Narendranath Datta, in 12th January 1863, to an aristocratic Bengali family in Calcutta. He was among the nine children born to Vishwanath Datta, an attorney at the Calcutta high court. Narendra’s grandfather was a sanskrit and persian scholar. Swami Vivekananda...
3 Pages 1493 Words

Personal Life and Influences in Phillis Wheatley’s Creative Legacy Essay

Introduction In American literature and history, Phillis Wheatley is a remarkable figure. Her legacy is tied to the stories of genius, resilience, and the complicated lives of African Americans in the 18th century. Wheatley was born in West Africa around 1753 and brought to America as a child as a slave. Her amazing poetry skills developed in the home of her masters, who pushed her to learn and write. At a time when most people didn't see the humanity or...
5 Pages 1493 Words

The Evaluation of Newspaper Registration Laws And Compliance by Newspaper Proprietors in Rivers State

1.1 Background to the study In the passage of time, the Nigerian press has been frustrated by the problems of freedom that have become more difficult since 1960. After independence in the light of this, the Nigerian Press Council was established by Nigerian Press Council Decree No. 85 of 1992. This was announced by the government of General Ibrahim Badamasi Babagida to handle the complaints by members of the public in opposition to the conducts of the journalist in their...
3 Pages 1472 Words

Drug Addiction among Sri Lanka Teenagers: Analytical Essay

Introduction This report is based on the prevailing issue of drug abuse among Sri Lankan teenagers and the spread through social media. This analyses the continuous increasing trend of drug spread and how social media influences to boost up the spread. This issue is being discussed since it has become a burning problem in Sri Lanka and the dark shadow of this is now being falling on the younger generation of the country. The purpose of this report is to...
3 Pages 1472 Words

Patient Violence and Verbal Abuse: Issues of Nursing in Psychiatric Ward

Some jobs represent a greater risk of employment than others. Working in a psychiatric ward is one of them. Nurses assigned to the psychiatric unit are well aware of the threats that can occur on a daily basis, including abuse, violent attacks and emotional outbursts. However, his desire to care for and recover his patients with mental illness is essential. Work-related risks are much more important for psychiatric nurses. According to Marian Villanueva and John Bernardo, experienced psychiatric nurses at...
3 Pages 1530 Words

The Growing Dangers of the Limitation of “Freedom of Speech” in America: Argumentative Essay

From the 1970s, up until the last decade, free speech as been allowed without relatively any danger and no issues, however, recently that has all changed and traditional free idea exchange/speech has been challenged. This may have rooted from the term: “Political Correctness,” this term was only used infrequently until the 1980s, whereas the “The American New Left” began to frequently use this term, however it was still only used ironically and not very recent. In October 1990 an article...
3 Pages 1519 Words

Analytical Essay on Johnson and Johnson Strategic Capability

Introduction Internal analysis Strategic capability mentions a business' aptitude to attach all its skills, resources and capabilities in order to get competitive benefits, and therefore survive and rise its value over the time (Nickols, 2016). While strategic capability took into account the strategies a business can use include the main focuses on the assets of an organization, their resources & their market position, their projection and how well that will be able to employ strategies in upcoming future. There is...
3 Pages 1482 Words

How to Date a Brown Girl (Black Girl, White Girl, or Halfie): Critical Analysis

Fiction is an intentional fabrication of something. Fictitious articles include literary works that are based on imagination rather than a fact. Some of the most common fictitious articles include movies, novels, and storybook. Authors write their fiction stories depending on the components of their environment or from purely imaginative sources. The first category of these stories reflects on our society while the latter categories are usually the author’s imaginations. An analysis of a literary work, be it fiction or factual,...
3 Pages 1489 Words

Argumentative Essay on Alternative Treatment: The Best Therapy in Near Future

According Center of Disease Control and Prevention, we have at least two million people who get an antibiotic-resistant infection, and it causes to 23000 people die every year in the U.S. That comes from that people tend to use a lot of description drug at any given moment. However, people have chosen the second way to prevent antibiotic-resistant and medicine side effects by using alternative treatment and alternative medicine since 1980, but some people are still incredulous about the effects...
3 Pages 1466 Words

Analytical Essay on Benjamin Franklin's Achievements

Dover Publications is an American publisher founded in 1941. They tend to publish books that are no longer published by their original publishers, often works found in public domain. These republished books are made available at a greatly reduced cost. One of these publications is The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin Franklin is known as one of the greatest contributors to American history and as a great inventor. Born January 17, 1706, he was known as a congressman, philosopher, scientist...
3 Pages 1515 Words

Essay on Greek Mythology and Religion: Analysis of the Character of Hercules

At the ancient period, both mythology and religion have kept a significant place in ancient civilizations making them unforgettable and unique over history. But why do we take these two aspect into consideration together? It is particularly important to emphasize that this is mainly related to their inseparable integration in that timeline. If mythology is a set of myths, antique traditions, fairytales concerning the authentic folklore, outlook of particular nation especially in ancient civilizations, religion is a set of beliefs...
3 Pages 1507 Words

Highway Safety and Change in Speed Limits: Analytical Essay

In this twenty-first century and modern society, the number accident and crashes have been biggest concern due to the increase in transportation system and changes in speed limits. Speed limits have been implemented in the US since 1861 and it has resulted in minimizing accidents so far. But, as like all, they need to be updated whenever required and this essay discusses on the reasons why this is the right time to have changes in the speed at which vehicles...
3 Pages 1464 Words

So You've Been Publicly Shamed by Jon Ronson: Critical Analysis

Some say this day in age, jokes can be misconstrued and have a deeper meaning behind the person actually saying them. The Author Jon Ronson goes into depth with people about how they’ve handled being publicly shamed and how they’ve given public shame. Justine Sacco became victim to what it was like being publicly shamed and humiliated. Many people got involved in this case of Justine Sacco, like Sam Biddle who essentially started the trend because he shared it to...
3 Pages 1472 Words

Google’s History of Creation and Global Impact on the World: Analytical Essay

Innovation is the application of new ideas that are novel and useful. It has existed all throughout humanity and enables change. One if the biggest innovations of our time is the internet. It connects people across the globe to interact with each other, share ideas and have access to more knowledge than they could ever hope to learn all at the comfort of their home. The internet was originally invented as a defense system that could function during a nuclear...
3 Pages 1535 Words

Comparative Analysis on Advertising Techniques of Selected Barbecue Businesses in Liputan Meycauayan City of Bulacan

Introduction “There is a great deal of advertising that is much better than the product. When that happens, all that the good advertising will do is put you out of business faster”. -Jerry Della Femina Advertising is the action of calling something to the attention of the public especially by paid announcement technique is a way of doing something by using special knowledge or skills (Merriam Webster Dictionary, 2018). The term advertising is derived from the latin word “advertere” which...
3 Pages 1493 Words

Critical Analysis of White Supremacy and White Privilege in American Society

Have you ever heard of the term white privilege? In case you haven’t, or if you’re not sure what it is exactly, white privilege is all of the societal privileges that benefit white people and that non-white people do not experience. If you are white, your first thought might be to say, “Well, that’s not real. I don’t experience any special benefits that non-white people do not.” But it is real and you do. When you are watching a film,...
3 Pages 1533 Words

Costco As Retail Deal Organization: Analysis of Business Success, Use of Low Price-Competitive Strategy, and Leadership Theories

Introduction: Costco is the one of largest retail deal organizations in the U.S. It has in excess of 500 stores in 37 states and eight nations. The organization's fundamental procedure of high caliber at low-value precedent incorporates Rolex and Movado watches this technique of impermanent uncommon deals makes client energy Understanding the Background Founded in 1983 in Seattle, Washington by its founders Jim by Senegal and Jeffrey Broman. Costco’s business model is about selling high quality and volume but at...
3 Pages 1464 Words

Reflection on Connection between Common Law and Constitutional Common Law: the Dred Scott Decision

The common law theory is based on ‘what the law is’ in a certain situation that is followed as a rule in later decisions by the court involving similar material facts through the doctrine of precedent also known as stare decisis. The first point of discussion I would like to point out is whether judges make law through interpretation. In the common law system, the judge’s task is to discover and find the law, meaning judges should verify facts, locate...
3 Pages 1478 Words

Racism in William Shakespeare’s the Tempest, and Titus Andronicus: Analytical Essay

Racism and social domination within the Tempest Although Caliban, the character of Shakespeare’s play The Tempest, isn't extremely black, he conjointly experiences alienation as a result of his race. His mother comes from geographic area and is taken into account of Berber origin, that’s why several White people, UN agency seem on the Caribbean Island, categorical racial angle towards Caliban. As a result, this protagonist is sometimes thought to be a devil and inferior to different characters. In this regard,...
3 Pages 1505 Words

Analytical Essay on Hepatitis C: Identifying the Level of the Lower Limit of Detection

Context Hepatitis C is a contagious disease caused by the HCV virus. It is one of the main causes of chronic liver disease and cirrhosis worldwide, resulting in a large proportion of all liver transplants in the United States, Australia & most of Europe. Hepatitis C was first isolated from non-A, non-B Hepatitis in 1989 and accounts for 90% of such cases (Chen & Morgan, 2006). An estimated 180 million people are infected with Hepatitis C globally with highest concentrations...
3 Pages 1517 Words

Reflection Paper on Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed

In a constantly moving world, our lives are moving at the pace of text, a trending tweet, and social media stories. This generation, generation z, has come a long way from the baby boomers. Gone are the reminders of the world wars and sluggish growth, we have bid adieu to limitations, challenged our pre-set narratives and led a fiery revolution of change. Set in the new era, we are the drivers of chaos and peace. We are bound to be...
3 Pages 1539 Words

Analytical Essay on Current Status of Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive psychology is a young branch of psychology which involves the study of mental processes: every other process that goes inside brain including attention, perception, language, memory, problem solving, decision making, creative thinking and thought processes. It looks at how one acquire information one received and how treatment of this information lead to one’s responses, that is in simple word perception, acquisition and retention of information. Historically the study of Cognitive psychology is rooted in the philosophical approaches towards understanding...
3 Pages 1468 Words

The Role of Content Marketing in Today’s Business World: Argumentative Essay

The role of content marketing in today’s business world is increasingly growing because it has become one of the best ways to increase consumer engagement, generate quality leads, boost sales, and stimulate business growth. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnpr3pkFlk&t=908s More than 2.8 billion people are active internet and social media users and this number is growing. That is why content marketing is a well-suited instrument for both start-ups and well-established business entities. However, the effectiveness of content marketing can be a challenge even...
3 Pages 1502 Words

Methods of Persuasion: Critical Analysis

Since by now we have a firm grasp of what persuasion is,let us now dive in head first on the various methods of persuasion that are available to us.these persuasion methods can often be classified using other namesas well as being reffered to in such ways as strategies of persuasion as well as their tactics.it is important to note that there is not only one single method that may be used in order to persuade someonr to thinl and act...
3 Pages 1520 Words

Market Information System and Marketing Research Systems: Analytical Essay

Market Information systems MIS is an Info method which helps in providing the management of an group with Info which is used by management for decision making. A management info method (MIS) is a subset of the overall internal controls of a business covering the application of people, documents, technology, and procedures by management accountants to solving business problems such as costing a product, service or a business-wide strategy. Management Info methods are distinct from regular Info methods in that...
3 Pages 1548 Words

Necessity of Laws to Reduce Gun Violence: Argumentative Essay

Did you know that to this day, gun deaths are one of the leading causes of death in all of America. Shootings could be on purpose or on accident, however it is still never ok. Getting shot can change the lives of not only the victim, but also their family and friends forever. Surviving a bullet shot is highly unlikely, depending on the location of being shot, but nobody should ever have to be in fear for their life. A...
3 Pages 1461 Words

How America Went From The Roaring 20’s To The Great Depression

The time period in US American History known as “The Roaring 20’s and eventually the The Great Depression refers to a decade, of economic prosperity in major cities like Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City, London, Berlin, and Paris. It was an era of mass consumerism, with the bloom of Jazz, flappers, and the Harlem Renaissance redefining arts and cultures for African Americans. As an age of great change in social and political aspects as people indulged in new styles...
3 Pages 1494 Words

Role of The Great Migration in the Development of African-American Society: Analytical Essay

Introduction The Great Migration, a defining chapter in American history, commenced in 1916 and continued until 1970. This era witnessed over six million African Americans relocating from the agrarian South to the industrialized North, a move that profoundly altered the demographic fabric of the United States. This exodus was fueled by a quest for better economic prospects and an escape from the restrictive Jim Crow laws prevalent in the South. These individuals, in seeking new horizons, not only transformed their...
5 Pages 1494 Words

Literature Review: Consideration of Local Ownership

Defining Local Ownership Several authors have attempted to define local ownership, but there is still no accepted definition. The UN itself emphasizes on the significance of the principle but does not offer a coherent definition. Chesterman describes ownership as “how the population comes to regard certain policies as their own” . Other scholars describe ownership as a tool to increase effectiveness and legitimacy in peacebuilding. Moreover, the term is used to address representational issues at the national and local levels....
3 Pages 1493 Words

Essay on Amazon: Pestle Analysis

Introduction: Amazon was founded in the year of 1994 by Jeff Bezos which progressed to be an industry leader in e-commerce today. Bezos original business idea was to be a bookstore however he saw the opportunity to diversify his existing business to be more than just a simple bookstore. Bezos decided to expand and operate in many different segments of the market the three main areas being, electronics, media and other merchandises. Although Amazon is a market leader against business...
3 Pages 1548 Words
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