1500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Research on HPV and Cervical Cancer among Indigenous Hunter-Gatherer Women

The idea of modern hunter-gatherer societies in the world today is a subject that often ignites the academic community. Trying to solve world problems and public health issues are also central topics of discussion among the younger academic community and the scholarly academic community. Debates ranging from subsistence consumption to disease patterns among populations have generated a plethora of research to be done around the globe. Among some of this research are results showing a steep rise in human papillomavirus,...
3 Pages 1467 Words

Review of Immunosuppressants in Organ Transplant: The Evaluation of Alemtuzumab

1. Abstract 1.1 Situation of organ transplant According to World Health Organization, there are as high as 100,800 solid organ transplants performed around the world annually, in which the highest percentage was found as kidney transplantations. However, it was observed in the past three decades that patients who have had a kidney transplant suffer dramatically from nephrotoxicity created by the immunosuppressive drugs that are essential for their treatment. Traditional immunosuppressive drugs have been studied under the microscope and scientists are...
3 Pages 1495 Words

Analysis of Key Macroeconomic Variables Affecting Costs, Demand, Business Environment of Costco Wholesale

Costco Wholesale can be affected economically through many factors such as, unemployment rate, inflation, consumer debt levels, foreign-currency exchange rates, healthcare costs, reduced consumer confidence, and other economic factors could harmfully affect demand for Costco’s products and services. Prices of certain commodity products, including gasoline and other food products, are historically volatile and are subject to fluctuations arising from changes in domestic and international supply and demand, as well as labor costs (Costco Annual Report, 2018). Figure 1: GDP Value...
3 Pages 1494 Words

Movie and Music: Critical Analysis of The Lady with the Dod

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” ― Plato One of many definitions of a movie is; it is a type of visual communication which uses sound and moving pictures to tell stories or instruct. People therefore watch movies for fun, to appreciate art or are just curious about the story. Music plays pivotal role in the feeling and understanding of screen content, and it also influences viewers'...
3 Pages 1518 Words

Achievements Made during Dark Ages: Discursive Essay

They say that when Rome fell, civilized society fell with it. Following the fall of Rome civilization took steps backward in cultural and intellectual advancements and the quality of life in Europe decreased significantly. It is commonly believed that the Catholic Church kept an iron death grip on the people and held Europe in a constant state of decline throughout the period which was dubbed the Dark Ages. It was only when the Church’s influence waned in a few Italian...
3 Pages 1470 Words

Effects of Gender Segregation in Single-Sex Schools on Math Achievement: Analytical Essay

Math is an essential subject for students to master in preparation for life after the classroom. The core principles of learning numbers and learning how to count are an integral part of math that many females show disinterest in at an early age, which influences math performance as time goes by (Gouwe, Mathipa, & Netshitangani, 2017). A plethora of research is available that shows that girls are less interested in math than their boy counterparts. Casad, Hale, and Wachs (2015)...
3 Pages 1483 Words

Gun Control in the USA and Second Amendment: Critical Analysis

If we compare gun laws in the U.S. with other countries, we see that in the U.S. it's not that hard to get a gun and carry it around in public. The government is not allowed to completely regulate guns because of the 2nd Amendment. However, the right is not unlimited. The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld some firearms restrictions, such as bans on concealed weapons and on the possession of certain types of weapons, as well as prohibitions against...
3 Pages 1505 Words

Overview of the Political, Religious, and Moral State of the Arabian Peninsula, the Roman, Byzantine and Persian Empires

An Analysis of Selected World Cultures Before the Advent of Islam and the Major Impact of Islam of These Cultures Introduction This paper presents an overview of the political, religious, and moral state of the Arabian Peninsula, the Roman/Byzantine and Persian empires, and surrounding polities/cultural groups extant at the emergence of Islam. An analysis focusing on the period from the beginning of Prophethood and, thereafter, under the four righteous caliphates of Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali with a mention...
3 Pages 1454 Words

Toyota’s Way to an Automobile Transnational Corporation: Analytical Essay

Introduction In today’s world, no matter where you are, you could see the cars which have the emblem of “TOYOTA” on their bodies. In 2018, Toyota has 51 manufacturing bases in 28 countries or regions and it sells automobiles in more than 170 countries (Figure 1). According to “Best Global Brands 2019 Rankings” conducted by Interbrand (2019), Toyota ranked the 7th in the world. Given these situations, to see the significance of transnational corporations in globalization, this paper tries to...
3 Pages 1483 Words

Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass and Jacob Lawrence: Analytical Essay

Jacob Lawrence was an African-American artist that was well known for his series of creations that provided a representation of the African-American life. Born September 7, 1917; Jacob Lawrence became one the best African-American painters amongst the 20th century. Constructing breathtaking work based on living life in Harlem, historical events, and important justice such as, social realism, and the African-American experiences. It is clear as to why he achieved so much success in the early parts of his career. Jacob...
3 Pages 1454 Words

“Two Kinds” and “Rules of The Game” by Amy Tan: Comparative Analysis

Many kids today want to become successful in life either doing what they love or doing what they have to do to be successful with or without support. In “Two Kinds” and “Rules of The Game” by Amy Tan, both the main characters Jing-mei and Waverly have the same nationality and somewhat the same age. Nevertheless, they have very different perspectives when it comes to taking an opportunity to become successful, also the amount of courage you have to excel...
3 Pages 1471 Words

Benjamin Franklin As America’s Renaissance Man: Argumentative Essay

Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706, in Boston, Massachusetts. He is known for the founding father of the United States of America. He was born into a large and very poor family. Ben lived in many different places. He has lived in Paris, Boston, and Philadelphia. Benjamin Franklin’s father had 17 children by two different wives. Benjamin was brought up in the family business of candle making and his brother’s printing shop. Franklin is often referred to as...
3 Pages 1450 Words

Reflection on Celebration of Day of the Dead: Opinion Essay

On Saturday November 2nd, I went back home to celebrate Dia de los Muertos with my family. That weekend, my ballet folklorico dance instructor hosted the 12th annual Dia de los Muertos event at the Conejo Mountain Memorial Park, located in the city of Camarillo. This community event was free of charge and open to all to support local businesses and food vendors, view the impressive altars made for those who have passed, and of course, enjoy live entertainment. The...
3 Pages 1467 Words

Spanish Exploration of America: Analytical Essay

Intro Tension builds in the great Aztec city of Tenochtitlan as an ambitious Spanish explorer introduces himself to the ruler of the Aztec people. The two people are from completely different worlds in the sense that neither of them previously knew that the other’s culture even existed. Their words of initial contact are spoken through a translator caught in the middle, forced into this position of mediation between the two distinct cultures, perhaps failing to convey clearly the meanings of...
3 Pages 1475 Words

Discursive Essay on the Essence of Philosophy of Education: Learners and Teachers

Introduction Teaching is a tool where people can learn from a variety of information, knowledge, and wisdom that can be applied to their daily lives. I’ve decided to become a teacher for many reasons. One of the experiences in my life that inspired me to become a teacher was when I did volunteer work for a few years, and also being away from my family and social media. This event led me to appreciate the value of teaching and inspiring...
3 Pages 1494 Words

Concept of the Sociological Imagination and Sensitivities: Analytical Essay

People are social creatures and our interactions with other people play a critical part of our lives that, unfortunately, impedes on our individual sense of uniquity. This phenomenon can be described as the advertent and inadvertent influence of social structures that limit our agency. Social structures being the relationships that bring various parts of society closer together (Crossman & Scherer, 2015) and “set powerful limits and boundaries within which we live our lives that often appear to be quite natural”...
3 Pages 1525 Words

Critical Analysis of “A Child Called It”: Opinion Essay

“A child called it” is about a kid named David who went through a series of traumatic events throughout his childhood. These events later onn projected onto his school life and psychologically state of mind. His family lived in city Daly, California that included his two brothers, mother, and dad. David’s family was seen as very much oriented during the “good years” they spent together. Eventually, things switched around and started to get tragic for David and his family when...
3 Pages 1459 Words

Issues and Challenges of Industrial Revolution 4.0: Analytical Essay

Introduction In this global era, the world is currently amidst a technological transformation that will fundamentally change the way people lives and work. According to Pecina and Sladek (2017), the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR4.0) is a term designating cyber-physical systems, which introduces radical changes in production processes compared to the current situation. This revolution need people to think creatively about manufacturing, distribution and customer service processes. In the meanwhile, the future of education emphasises the immense need to look beyond...
3 Pages 1506 Words

Analytical Essay on Abigail Williams from The Crucible by Arthur Miller: How Actions Contribute Towards The Systemic Problem

Abigail Williams from The Crucible by Arthur Miller, and Elizabeth Holmes, CEO of Theranos, both lied to gain fame and respect. They knew their actions were hurting people and were far from the truth, but they continued to expand their lies. Within both stories, the main characters are purposefully creating problems that result in making a situation far worse than what was expected. The issues within the two stories eventually got out of control, and the main characters were exposed...
3 Pages 1531 Words

General Overview and Analysis of Soccer Discourse Community

As John Swales’ once said in his excerpt “The Concept of Discourse Community,” “a discourse community is a group of people involved in and communicating about a particular topic, issue, or in a particular field”(Swales). Within these societies, they form their own type of subgroup, of people with similar goals who work toward said objective. I encountered a discourse community in my first year of high school when I joined the Cedar Grove boys soccer team. When I first became...
3 Pages 1461 Words

The Five Pillars of Islam As Way of Understanding Muslims' Way of Life: Analytical Essay

It’s apparent that Muslims are everywhere in the world. Muslims are very holy people who see themselves as coming to god with great humility and submitting to god, creates a sense of equality. The Quran, which is the most sacred text for Muslims, in which they believe is the direct word of god reveal by god messenger, Muhammad. In the Quran, there are words recited frequently in daily prayers and it is used in different sorts of religious occasions. Islam...
3 Pages 1476 Words

Development and Dissemination of Scientific Culture during the Age of Absolutism

Anything taken to an extreme leads to profound effects and repercussions, the likes of which is usually more negative than positive. There are instances though when convergence, information censorship and dissemination of culture can benefit a country or society as a whole; however, this is only acceptable to the extent where lives are not lost in the process. Throughout history, societies, ideologies and cultures have evolved. The role of French Salons during the Age of Enlightenment demonstrates the positive effects...
3 Pages 1515 Words

Analytical Essay on the Ebola Virus Outbreaks

In 1976, the Ebola virus was first exposed. It happened in the areas in northern Zaire and southern Sudan when two outbreaks of hemorrhagic fever occurred (Cenciarelli et al, 2015). Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is the origin of hemorrhagic fever and said to be one of the most severe viral disease with 40-50% high case-fatality rate (Cenciarelli et al, 2015). According to World Health Organization, Ebola virus belongs to the virus family of Filoviridae which has a diameter of 80...
3 Pages 1457 Words

Essay on Dental Assistant's Job: Case Study of 52-year-old Female

Alice Jones is 52-year-old female who has high blood pressure, which depicts hypertension. She is currently on medications and taking Vasotec (2.5 mg) to control her blood pressure. According to her dental history she has one missing tooth which is covered with bridge, have large embrasure spaces on some teeth, bleed on gums sometime when floss due to tight contact areas. She has minimal dental plaque biofilm on interproximal regions and also she use hard toothbrush with bass technique. Alice...
3 Pages 1464 Words

Background and Consequences of 9/11: Analytical Essay

The September 11 attacks were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda against the United States on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001. The attacks killed 2,977 people, injured over 6,000 others, and caused at least $10 billion in infrastructure and property damage. Additional people have died of 9/11-related cancer and respiratory diseases in the months and years following the attacks. Four passenger airliners operated by two major U.S. passenger air carriers —all...
3 Pages 1464 Words

Implications of the Law on Social Movements: Role of the NAACP and Legal Activists for LGBT Couples

In the United States, the court ruled on irrational decisions. The NAACP and legal activists for LGBT couples used legal mobilization as a strategy to prove it affected disadvantaged people the most. Legal mobilization is a strategy to use the law and courts to win social movement gains (Lecture, Sept. 25). They claimed that there were conflicts in the past and present court cases, but there were obstacles to overcome. Their claims lacked factual information and people supporting their movement....
3 Pages 1506 Words

Business Case for Diversity: Analytical Essay

In the past where diversity management has been viewed as merely a legal requirement, increasingly it is being adopted by organisations to play to a competitive advantage and to fully access the potential of employees. Recognition of patriarchal leadership in business has already proven valuable, and studies show closing the gender pay gap alone could add $12 trillion to global growth by 2025 (McKinsey & Company, 2015). Diversity in business no longer exists for moral or legal obligation, but as...
3 Pages 1494 Words

Planning Strategies and Strategic Plans in Higher Education: Analytical Essay

Role of Planning Strategies Complacency and low aspirations among members of the organization Inconsistency between the way organizational insiders and outsiders view the organization A lack of shared perception of organizational priorities or goals Individuals and groups focused on priorities that detract from the mission of the organization as a whole An evolving political or economic landscape from which the organization has become disconnected An absence of a clear or shared set of criteria or measures of progress or success...
3 Pages 1501 Words

Theme of Progression of Maturity in Treasure Island: Critical Analysis

Jim Hawkins- The book’s main narrator. He is a young boy who starts as timid and mostly insignificant but matures through the course of the novel. He ends up going on a solo adventure, rescuing the ship and saving Long John Silver. He also stands up to Silver, despite their relative ages and him being outnumbered. Long John Silver- The book’s antagonist. He is the ship’s cook and is missing a leg, though is able to skillfully maneuver with his...
3 Pages 1541 Words

Struggles of Culture, Identity, and Emotion in “A Temporary Matter”, “Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine”, “Mrs. Sen’s”

Mexican novelist Carlos Fuentes once said, “Recognize yourself in he and she who are not like you and me” (www.goodreads.com). Being an immigrant himself, Fuentes understands the difficulties and challenges that an immigrant may face as a result of coming from a different culture. However, he implies that they are just like everyone else; suffering from personal problems and trying to adapt to what life throws at them. This idea of immigrant struggle is commonly found throughout literature, as portrayed...
3 Pages 1476 Words
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