1500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Link between Violence in Video Games and Extreme Acts of Violence in Teens and Young Adults

The Video Game Dilemma Video games are not the main cause behind extreme acts of violence in teens and young adults. The percentage of violent acts allegedly caused by video games is incredibly low. In todayā€™s society, where video games are a usual pastime for young people, it has become increasingly easier to blame video games for acts of violence. Despite the fact that the majority of these accusations are proven false, politicians and news networks continue to fearmonger video...
3 Pages 1546 Words

Critical Analysis of Richard Rodriguez's Work ā€œAriaā€: Advantages and Consequences of Incorporating English into His Life

Language can define a community in a negative way by making those who do not speak the language well or overall can not understand it, feel left out and alienated from the members of the community. However, language can define a community in a positive way by empowering cultural values and embracing oneā€™s ethnicity and origins. This can also create a stronger and closer community. What Rodriguez means in the statement is that when using a family's language in school...
3 Pages 1468 Words

Critical Analysis of The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck

The Grapes of Wrath was written using any information in order to capture the life of the people that lived back in the day of the great depression. Steinbeck was a man that wanted to show the people the way that others lived, and also why America was not the way that we dream it is. The people of the 1900s had the so-called ā€œAmerican dreamā€ which gave them hope, passion, and perseverance. People showed hope because they always believe...
3 Pages 1529 Words

Understanding Hope As Finding Acceptance: Opinion Essay

Hope is the feeling of expectation and a strong desire for a certain thing to happen. It is a belief that a positive thing will happen out of the harsh situations and circumstances in someoneā€™s life. Hope to me is looking for the light in amongst the darkness it is our ability to accept where we are and what led to this. Hope is finding acceptance within ourselves and within others as hope is necessary for change to occur. As...
3 Pages 1467 Words

Analytical Essay on Increase in Panda Populations

1. Introduction After spending 30 years on the ā€œendangeredā€ list, Chinaā€™s wild pandas have risen in numbers. Due to a population rise, panda nature reserves have grown from 40 to 67 since last surveyed. Traditional methods such as supporting the construction of roads and railroads, mining, deforestation, and poaching have steadied to a decline, resulting in an increase in the population of giant pandas. Legal protection and conservation efforts to protect habitations and forest farms were implemented by the Chinese...
3 Pages 1450 Words

Human Excavations in Pompeii: Analysis of Found Skeletons

Lady of Oplontis ā€“ The Lady of Oplontis was the first hugh tech examination of a Pompeian. Directed and inspected by Estelle Lazer. This archeological discovery opened numerous entryways for the future or x-ray examinations for archeologists. The Lady of Oplontis was found gripping her tote, which was her last belonging as she fled in dread from Mt Vesuvius' eruption in AD 79. Alongside her tote, she was wearing garments and a gold wrist trinket, which could mean she was...
3 Pages 1467 Words

Pathfinder on History and Development of Physical Education and Sport: Analytical Essay

Introduction This Path Finder with annotated bibliography is intended to assist students in acquiring information properly on the History and development of Physical Education & Sport. The intent of a pathfinder is to acquire and display information from different creditable sources namely, online library books and journals as well as hard copies from your local library. Over the yearā€™s students have been acquiring information incorrectly this is to demonstrate good information acquiring source. Intended Audience` The intended audience would be...
3 Pages 1549 Words

Persuasive Essay on the Issues of Gun Violence in the USA

Today, I am going to present to you, my persuasive oral presentation on gun violence. In my oral presentation, I am going to explain what is gun violence. I will tell you the main reason why there are so many gun deaths in America. I will include why we must prevent gun violence. In the end, I will show some of the solutions we have to prevent gun violence. Imagine you are on your school holidays having a family trip...
3 Pages 1511 Words

American Revolution As the Beginning of the Age of Revolutions: Analytical Essay

The Age of Revolution was a historical phenomenon, that not only impacted Europe and America, but also started a butterfly effect of revolutionary events across the globe. The Age of Revolution is a period in history, from approximately 1774 to 1849, with which a series of revolutionary movements occurred throughout most of Europe and America. The period is most significant for changing single power monarchies to representative governments with a documented constitution, and the creation of individual nation states. Influenced...
3 Pages 1476 Words

Dark Ages Versus Middle Ages: Analytical Essay

The Dark Ages are considered by many to be the downfall of many classical Western-European elements in society. However, many think of the term as an exaggeration on what really occurred, as well as the Dark Ages occurring at different times and places to the original definition. Consequently, it will be shown that the Dark Ages, occurring from roughly 476 AD to 1000, were indeed not as ā€˜darkā€™ as the original definition expresses and thus wasnā€™t a real thing. It...
3 Pages 1470 Words

Causes for the German People to Follow Hitler: Analytical Essay

Throughout the history of mankind, there have been atrocities that have rocked the world and changed the way we view the world around us. In the 1930s, the world watched on as the defeated people of Germany turned to Hitler and followed him into his final solution to the ā€˜Jewish problemā€™. This solution was the extermination of all individuals of Jewish descent. However, this ā€˜solutionā€™ has come to be known as the holocaust and is the worst Genocide in recorded...
3 Pages 1495 Words

Link between Plate Tectonics and Volcanoes: Analytical Essay

Intro This report will explain the link between plate tectonics and volcanos. This report covers what is a volcano? What are plate tectonics? How plate tectonics relate to volcanos, how volcanos impact the environment and human population, actions taken to minimise damage, information on David A. Johnston and the work they have done on volcanos and finally technology used to research, predict and detect volcanos. What are Volcanos? A volcano is a breakage in the crust of Earth, which allows...
3 Pages 1524 Words

Analysis of Maria Montessori's Views: Background and Cultural Context, Philosophy of Education, Theory to Practice

The fundamental questions that have been central to educational philosophy and reform since ancient times appear to boil down to the debate regarding teaching being either an art or a science and the philosophic dilemma regarding the role of the teacher in the classroom. The pendulum in these debates usually swung from the teacher-centered standards or curricula based philosophies to child-centered progressive classrooms. Maria Montessori developed a philosophic method that combines the scientific approach of developmental milestones, emphasis on teacher...
3 Pages 1520 Words

Role of Self-regulation for Freedom of Expression, Free Media and Freedom of Speech

Introduction The media in South Africa works in a domain liberated from oppression, persecution and the harsh enactment which, looked to limit and control it. The constitution of South Africa dug in free media, freedom of articulation, and speech.Puddephatt(2011:11) states that ' the media can work as a guard dog, advancing government straightforwardness and open examination of those with power through uncovering corruption. This suggests that the media go about as the fourth estate. The section will characterize the term...
3 Pages 1527 Words

Influence of Contract Law on Sport Law: Analytical Essay

Sports law is plainly described as a fusion of laws that apply to professional sportsperson and the sports they play. It is not just one legal matter with broadly relevant rules. Sports law affects a wide array of topics, including contract law, administrative law, competition law, intellectual property law, defamation law and employment law. The people that are committed to this dispute regarding if sports law can be a true area of law take up one of three points. The...
3 Pages 1508 Words

Overview of the Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

Systemic lupus erythematosus is the most known kind of lupus. It is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system strikes its own tissues, inflicting extensive inflammation and tissue injury in affected organs. It affects the joints, skin, brain, lungs, and kidneys. Lupus doesn`t have a cure, however medical interventions and lifestyle changes helps contain it. ('Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) | CDC', 2018) The CDC Lupus registries estimates that a yearly prevalence from 2002ā€“2004 was much higher for blacks than...
3 Pages 1469 Words

Topic of Diversity in the Workplace and a Case Study of The South African Civil Aviation Authority

The concept of diversity is one which understands thatā€™s the human race has a large amount of subtle differences but it promotes that the these differences are accepted and embraced as well as mutual respect and understanding are driven to ensure fairness among all (University of Oregon, 1999). Examples of these differences include, gender, social class, education and race to only name a few (Gillborn & Mirza, 2000) . Diversity management is the process that ensures an inclusive environment for...
3 Pages 1511 Words

Critical Analysis of Artifacts from Ancient Egypt

Section 1 (Single Artefact) The Scorpion macehead, from the Horus temple at Hierakonpolis (Dynasty 0, Protodynastic period). Limestone. You never noticed that interesting antique lamp in your relativeā€™s house beforeā€¦ Thanks to your College studies, you are able to identify this object as the famous Scorpion macehead recently stolen from Oxfordā€™s Ashmolean Museum. Explain to her what the meaning and historical importance of the iconography is. Connect the iconography to the function of the object and its connection with Horus....
3 Pages 1469 Words

Commercialization and Marketization of Education in Standardized Testing

Commercialization of Education in Standardized Testing The commercialization of education is defined as private ownership of educational institutions that make investments for the motive of earning profit. Recently, the commercialization of education has proliferated on a global scale because of the reliance of standardized testing for acceptance into higher educational institutions. Marketing tactics used by corporate entities have shifted the priority of society from viewing students as learners to consumers of education who have monetary value. Standardized testing is one...
3 Pages 1519 Words

Critical Analysis of Military Writing: Stephen Crane's The Red Badge of Courage

Stephen Crane's The Red Badge of Courage, one of the most popular war books of the nineteenth century, can likewise be investigated outside of the figure of speech of military writing and along a mental course. Crane's tale follows the excursion of youthful trooper Henry Fleming and his battle to develop from a juvenile vanity and extraordinary egomania despite an inhumane and frequently ruthless physical truth of war and nature just as the certainty of death that joins it. Right...
3 Pages 1497 Words

Individual Case Study: Nursing Care Plan on Interventions with Rationales

Nursing Problem (1st) Assessment Goals Interventions with Rationales (I: Intervention; R: Rationale) Evaluation Controlling body temperature: Hyperthermia related to wound infection Subjective: Matt had treated the wound himself by bathing it in vinegar and water His daughter discovered the left knee wound has been getting worse today Objective: Abnormal vital sign: 38.9ĀŗC in oral temperature Left knee wound back assessment: 2 x 2.5cm, wound bed is yellow, small amount of yellow-greenish discharge, swelling and redness on left leg Goal: After...
3 Pages 1480 Words

White Privilege As a Burden: Argumentative Essay

According to the Metropolitan Policy Program, in the year 2045, the white race will become a minority taking up only 49.7% of the United States population (Frey). For years, white privilege has been at the forefront of social hypocrisy. From owning slaves in the 1700s to everyday racial slurs, white people have been labeled as discriminatory and supremacists. The idea that white people have a certain ranking in the hierarchy that is America is an outgrown ideology and the concept...
3 Pages 1478 Words

General Overview of Areopagitica, Habeas Corpus Act, British Bill of Rights, Second Treatise on Government

Questions for Areopagitica (John Milton) Ā· Which, according to Milton, is worse, destroying a book or destroying a human being? Why? To destroy a book is worse than to destroy a human being according to Milton. He thought the burning of a book is the same as killing the thought of god. He also thought the demolition of a book would be like killing purpose and existence. Milton believed that if a person has created a book it contains ideas/...
3 Pages 1455 Words

Suicide of Megan Meier: Role of Myspace Account

1. Megan Meier Case: 1.1 Introduction of Case: On October 17, 2006, a 13 year old American teenager, Megan Taylor Meier, committed suicide by hanging herself from a fan in her room. Megan had always been a victim of depression and anxiety. When social networking sites were on the rise, Megan wanted to be on popular site Myspace. Meganā€™s mother Tina Meier allowed her because her friends were on it. As soon as she joined the site, she received a...
3 Pages 1525 Words

Research Design: Case Study of E-Z Pass

Abstract Problem identification process includes different steps which are interrelated with each other. Going through the steps one at a time, leads to identification of a problem. Research design is setting an objective and setting up a guideline to what should be done to get to the objectives. In the case of E-Z Pass, it is recommended for the task force to perform an exploratory research design. Researchers are able to complete an entire research without a hitch when research...
3 Pages 1532 Words

Analytical Essay on Service Marketing: Problems and Factors That Influence Marketing a Service

Abstract Marketing a Service is a separate study that emerges as a new business Marketing technique to offer the customers with a Service well designed and implemented strategies that offer customer satisfaction. In this report, the details pertaining to Service marketing are studied and the advantages, strategies and problems are also noted. Certain characteristics of a service that are to be maintained to give positive thoughts in the customer and develop trust in them are classified. The Marketing strategies and...
3 Pages 1487 Words

Issue of Not Owning up to Your Mistakes in ' A Good Man is Hard to Find': Critical Analysis

Why not own up to your mistakes? Is it because you're afraid to face the truth, or are you afraid of facing yourself? Everybody has an answer, nobody is impeccable. We have all made mistakes at one point in our lives, and we all have a reason for why we commit such errors. At the end of the day, there's those who own up to their mistakes to learn and grow, and then there's those who hide behind their lies...
3 Pages 1489 Words

Into The Wild Essay: Life and Achievements of Chris McCandless

There was a man who embarked on a journey in one of the most frigid and glacial areas in the entire world. That man was Chris McCandless. Critics will claim that McCandless was a delusional fool who traveled to Alaska just to have his life cut short. While others claim that he was a brave young warrior who traveled to Alaska but was not able to survive long enough to find his purpose that he came to the state to...
3 Pages 1524 Words

Why Drugs Are Bad? Essay

Introduction Abusing drugs appears to be a common problem in the modern world, and the overuse of drugs is getting unsafe and out of hand. There are numerous ways this dilemma can be handled or solved. The most popular solutions would be treating abuse of drugs as a crime, or alternatively, treating them as a health problem and providing treatment to the abuser. Currently, the United Statesā€™ policy considers drug abuse as a crime, but some European countries successfully treating...
3 Pages 1475 Words

The Origin of Man and a Mankind: Analytical Essay

Of all the planets of the solar system, only the Earth is not only inhabited, but also inhabited by highly developed intelligent beings. However, this was not always the case. A few million years ago, dinosaurs reigned on the planet, but suddenly they all died, leaving only bones as proof of their existence. Then life on the planet was revived again and the cause of this phenomenon scientists associate with evolution, and religious figures with God's idea, with scientists denying...
3 Pages 1490 Words
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