1500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Costco Wholesale Corporation: Analytical Essay on Mission, Business Model, and Strategy

What is Costco’s business model? Is the company’s business model appealing? Why or why not? Businesses uses a Business Model to demonstrate the specific methods and approaches that are employed to realize revenue as per the business plan (Teece, 2010). Costco, like any other business has its model, which helps it achieve commendable success. The company’s model focuses on generating a high volume of sales and prompt inventory turnover (Gamble et al., 2014). Costco business achieves this by giving much...
3 Pages 1531 Words

Impact of Freud's Stages of Psychosexual Development on Formation of Id Ego and the Superego

Two influential theorists in psychology are Freuds psychodynamics theory and Bowlby’s evolutionary theory of attachment. Both these theorists look at developmental psychology, this is something that looks at how thoughts and behavior changes throughout an individual’s life starting from childhood, most developmental changes occur during this time. The debate surrounding nature vs nurture is a long-lasting aspect of developmental psychology, in this debate nature is defined as something that determines our behaviour, personality and our ability through genetics, and nurture...
3 Pages 1503 Words

Uses of Hearts in Drug Testing and Medical Education: Analytical Essay

Medical research Aside from hearts being used in transplant, they are also commonly used in medical research(Frost and Sullivan 2017). In this paper, I will be evaluating the uses of hearts in drug testing and medical education. Drug testing is where a medical drug goes through a process of trialing to screen for efficacy, dosage, toxicity, and side effects the drug may have(Novartis 2016). Overall drug trials are used to see if a new medicine works as it should (NHS...
3 Pages 1453 Words

Uterine Transplants and Surrogacy in Islam

Infertility is, unfortunately, a common occurrence in modern society. 15% of the population at the reproductive age are infertile and 3-5% of them are infertile due to uterine dysfunction. Whether the dysfunction is caused by past hysterectomies due to illnesses like uterine cancer, being born without a uterus, or uterine hyperplasia, the uterus is either non-existent or not viable for pregnancy. Although there are other ways to have children such as surrogacy or adoption, these options do not work for...
3 Pages 1498 Words

The Peculiarities of Care, Adoption, and Surrogacy

“I’ve seen you cringe just a little when someone says your child is lucky to have you. Because you know with all your being that it is the other way around” (Harris). This elucidates that when someone has the opportunity of becoming a caregiver they feel as if they’re the ones who are blessed rather than the child who is able to have a chance in the world. Caregiving is a very significant act of love that is shown all...
3 Pages 1487 Words

Beauty VS Grotesque in Madame Bovary

Madame Bovary is a realistic novel criticizing romanticism written by Gustave Flaubert in 1856. This version was translated by Mildred Marmer. It is set in 1898 Normandy, France. It is about a provincial life of a middle-class woman named Emma. She wishes for a perfect life, but never achieves it. This novel was challenged in the court for being controversial, as this is anti-feminist. This portrays that an educated female is bad for society because she would read this novel...
3 Pages 1532 Words

Depiction Of Free Will By Oedipus Rex, The Tragedy Of Macbeth And The Guest

Is there free will in the human life? In the short stories Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare, and “The Guest” by Albert Camus portrays how the exercise of free will leads to downfall. By the ideas of a higher superior, Oedipus, Macbeth, and the Arab in The Guest are able to independently decide their course of life which will eventually lead to their ruins. Oedipus exercises free will within the restriction of greater limiting...
3 Pages 1477 Words

Ethical Considerations of Animal Testing

For many people, cosmetics are a part of everyday life; from shampoo and toothpaste, to a full face of makeup. These products make us feel beautiful and confident, but the truth behind them is extraordinarily gruesome. Animal testing is a process that has existed for thousands of years, and unfortunately, it is something we’ve come to accept. In the article, Guilt Free Beauty, Karyn Siegel-Maier writes about the history of animal testing when she says, “As early as the third...
3 Pages 1543 Words

Medea: Differences Between Greek And Biblical/Christian Accounts Of Evil

Greek Perspective of evil According to Greek’s perception of good and evil, man is answerable to himself and his biggest mistake is doing contrary to the fate awaiting him. There is no reward or punishment after this life hence man must do his responsibility without any future expectations. Punishments or rewards are part of man’s fate here on earth with the aid of gods. The gods only intervene when requested by humans depending on one’s circumstances surrounding him. This is...
3 Pages 1517 Words

The Nurse’s Role In Health Promotion For Malnutrition Patient’s Through Nutrition Education

Caring for every patient’s nutritional status is crucial when it comes to the role of a nurse. This is crucial for the nurse and their patient because the patient’s life could be in danger if they do not have a healthy diet or they are not provided with instructions on how to maintain a healthy diet. Every patient needs a different diet, and nurses need to be educated on what each of their patients need nutritionally to enhance their health...
3 Pages 1545 Words

The Noncommunicable Disease Of Diabetes In China

INTRODUCTION Diabetes is a world renowned killer and is one of the causes of death that is leading in the world. (Elfein) There is no cure for diabetes and it is a chronic health condition. Diabetes is distinguished between Type I diabetes (DM I) and Type 2 diabetes (DM II) along with gestational diabetes.(Thom2) The DM I entails high levels of glucose that floods the body due to the lack of ability to produce insulin. The DM II and gestational...
3 Pages 1539 Words

The Importance Of Education In Animal Farm

Only some animals can read and this can be taken advantage of. The pigs change the commandments over time based on what they want but the animals can’t remember or really read the difference. This helps the argument because the pigs are taking advantage of the animals by basically changing the rules to what they want based on the time without the animals knowing. Another example of when the pigs take advantage of the other animals inability to read, is...
3 Pages 1539 Words

East African Refugee Crisis

No one really ever knew about six-year-old Mawi Asgedom, a refugee of the Eritrean-Ethiopian War, until he came to the U.S. Not many ever really seemed to care and sympathize with Mawi and other refugees while they lived in harsh refugee camps in Sudan. The government of their homeland certainly didn’t care about them, as rather than providing its citizens with proper food, education, or health care, it started wasting its money to fight over the small, inessential area of...
3 Pages 1531 Words

The Effects Of Human Trafficking

People may think that slavery has ended, but tragically the trade in humans is a continuing practice across the world. Historic slavery already focused on the weak and the weary, but the seventeenth and eighteenth century brought the focus onto Africans being traded for racist reasons. In this regard only, modern day slavery can also be known as human trafficking , which is now truly multi-racial and tragically one of the fastest-growing segments of organized crime around the world. According...
3 Pages 1509 Words

Racism And Discrimination In Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry

The Author, Mildred Taylor, of Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry describes different types of Discrimination and multiple examples of Racism in her novel. The editors of Salem Press wrote an article on the author specifically in the Cylcopedia of Young Adult Authors and were able to conclude that the novel is known for its “gripping depiction of 8 year old Cassie Logan’s growing awareness of racial oppression in the Deep South during the 1930s”. Mildred uses all characters of...
3 Pages 1497 Words

The Role Of Characters, Setting And Events In The Revealing Crucial Theme In Fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451, which was written by Ray Bradbury in 1951, is a science fiction and mentions lots of social problems such as ignorance and fascism. The book is generally about an oppressive future society and a fireman whose job is to burn all the books, and the change and illumination of his ideas, feelings, mind. The fireman does not put out the fire, he is the cause of it. About Fahrenheit 451, some important features of the book such as...
3 Pages 1544 Words

The Socioeconomic Benefits Associated with Decriminalisation of Marijuana

Forty-four years ago, Peter Tosh released the song “Legalize It.” Today, both at home and abroad our law makers, lobbyist and community leaders are coming together and having serious discussion on decriminalizing or legalizing a plant that was once demonized and criminalized. Various sects of society have been clamoring for the decriminalisation of marijuana in Trinidad and Tobago. Decriminalisation refers to a reduction of legal penalties. This can be done either by changing them to civil penalties, such as fines,...
3 Pages 1495 Words

The Peculiarities Of Dennis Rader As A Serial Killer

​There are many experiences that happen in a person’s life that shape them as a person. Some respond to these experiences differently than others do. Dennis Rader is a notorious serial killer who was arrested for 10 counts of murder. Also known as “BTK” which stands for “bind them, torture them, kill them.” Rader lived a double-life. On one side Rader was a husband to Paula Dietz and a father as well. On the other side, Rader was a serial...
3 Pages 1450 Words

The Issue of Bias of Capital Punishment

In a lot of crime shows, especially the ones you watch non stop on netflix, The death penalty may seem like an unbiased, clean and quick process. In reality, it is administered unfairly, biased, takes many years to complete, and is slow and costly. You may think that only the absolute worst people receive the death penalty and the criminal justice system is right in convicting these many people to their deaths, but in many cases it is administered in...
3 Pages 1468 Words

Crucial Ideas of Humanism in Renaissance Era

The Renaissance was the era, where it undergoes a change in human perception. The change was identified from a new philosophy, which involved the rise of humanism, individualism, and secularism. As philosopher focused on humanism, they concentrated on the idea where humans were significant to the world. The human right was one of the important topics which occurred in the Renaissance as it was the time when people started to change their thoughts on humanism. The human right has always...
3 Pages 1542 Words

Frederick Douglass: The Notions Of Freedom Constructed In Nineteenth-century American Literature

Nineteenth century American literature was marked by the closeness of independence of America from Britain. It was a time of individualism and self-interest. Literature was mainly focused on The American Frontier, as a new country was born it was time to describe their landscapes, geography and natural history, Transcendentalism, after narrating the geographical landscapes it was the time to explain the American psyche, Slave Narratives, which will make a transition from the literature that talks about the American dream to...
3 Pages 1547 Words

Double Burden Of Malnutrition

The definition of double burden of malnutrition is coexistence of undernutrition along with overweight and obesity, or diet-related non-communicable diseases across the life course. There are multiple forms of malnutrition including: stunting, wasting, micronutrient deficiencies (vitamins and minerals), overweight or obesity, and non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Double burden of malnutrition is more evident in lower and especially middle income countries who experienced an economical growth leading to nutritional, epidemiological and demographic transitions which resulted in the coexistence of both under and...
3 Pages 1466 Words

The Outsiders: Violence, Poor Parenting, and Substance Abuse

Certain social issues are the causes of a broken society and bring pain and sorrow. The Outsiders by S.E Hinton is in Ponyboy’s point of view, after the tragic death of his parents, he is then in the care of his older brothers, Darry and Sodapop. All are in the group that goes by the name of Greasers, there are two gangs, the Greasers and Socs. Throughout the novel, it becomes known that there are certain differences in being a...
3 Pages 1548 Words

Animal Testing: An Ongoing Debate

Throughout the decades, the world has seen some significant advantages regarding animal rights. From ensuring that animals cannot be physically mistreated within a domestic household to the promulgation of conservation efforts throughout the world, humanity is slowly moving forward to a place where animals do not need to endure needless pain. However, there are certain industries wherein the exploitation of animals remains commonplace. Though one would not immediately venture to find similarities between the cosmetics industry and the realm of...
3 Pages 1501 Words

Infectious Diseases Caused By Aedes Aegypti

On a global scale, the public health sector is built on prioritizing diseases that majorly contribute to the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. In the spectrum of accountable diseases, infectious diseases caused by Aedes Aegypti, which is the principal vector among the species family, has the widest ever recorded distribution and is notably responsible for Yellow Fever, Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika virus. Infectious diseases caused by Aedes Aegypti range from how they progress clinically, presenting with severe flu- like...
4 Pages 1534 Words

An Analysis Of The Function Of Imagery In Chronicle Of A Death Foretold By Gabriel Garcia Marquez

The novel Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Marquez is set in a Hispanic town in Columbia during the 20th century. Santiago Nasar’s murder is conducted by the Vicario twins after their sister Angela Vicario pinpointed Santiago as the man who took her virginity before her marriage. Imagery such as predator and prey and surreal imagery evokes a pejorative stab at the inhumanity that accepts the honour-seeking in a society where male privilege and obligations of machismo are normalised....
3 Pages 1522 Words

Social, Intellectual, Physical Power In Lord Of The Flies

William Golding’s “Lord Of The Flies” explores the actions and experiences of several boys stranded on a deserted island. At first, the boys value logic and reason, voting Ralph as their “chief”. Many of the younger boys in the group are conflicted without the comforts of their parents and homes making it difficult for anybody to lead the group effectively. Piggy, a boy focused on being rescued using logic and reason, sides with Ralph and their joint efforts are motivated...
3 Pages 1489 Words

Theme Of Inevitability In Oedipus Rex

Charles R. Swindoll once said, “We cannot change our past. We can not change the fact that people act in a certain way. We can not change the inevitable.” Unfortunately, Swindoll’s statement proved to be very true for the character, Oedipus Rex. Throughout Sophocles’s tragic play, Oedipus Rex, the events of the past prove to be very influential towards the lives of the main characters of the play, specifically Oedipus, the protagonist of the story. Oedipus’s past greatly depicts key...
3 Pages 1451 Words

Holden’s Development: Assessing The Catcher in the Rye as a Bildungsroman

Throughout J.D. Salinger’s 1951 novel The Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield, our 17-year-old narrator is remembering a disturbing weekend from the previous year. His narrative takes the reader through his expulsion from his high school, Pencey Prep, his journey in New York, and his encounter with his sister, Phoebe. Considering J.D. Salinger characterization of Holden allows the reader to realize his moral and psychological growth changing him from childhood to adulthood which emphasises the novel as a bildungsroman. The...
3 Pages 1455 Words

Artificial Intelligence in Assisted Reproductive Technology: Boon or Bane

Motherhood is a joy cherished through natural conception and in case of infertility accomplished by substituted reproduction called as Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). One such ART technique in begetting a genetic child is through Surrogacy[footnoteRef:2]. Though in India, infertility rate is increasing at an alarming speed, the Country as a matter of Public Policy has taken a rigid approach in banning Commercial Surrogacy and allowing only Altruistic form of Surrogacy. Global Scientific advancement in the reproductive sector coupled by Machine...
3 Pages 1467 Words
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