1500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Debate Over Capital Punishment: Arguments For And Against

The debate over capital punishment argues, does the state have the right to pick and choose the people that carry out who get carry out execution for, how do they justify a crime too heinous to prove that the offender needs to be put to death. One side of the argument states that the government does have the right to step in an make the decision based on their beliefs on which criminals are too dangerous and are deserving of...
3 Pages 1512 Words

Community Profile Of My Neighborhood Forest Hills

Forest Hills has been my home for the past 8 years and I don’t plan on changing that. I chose this neighborhood as the community I will be doing my research on because I felt strongly that I knew my neighborhood well enough that this research paper was going to be easier if I have done that. However, doing this much research on my neighborhood made me realize that I knew very little of my community. There were many organizations...
3 Pages 1497 Words

The Tempest: the Influence of Shakespeare on Contemporary Literature

Indigo, Olympos, The Habit of Art, Island, Forbidden Planet, yellow sky. What do these texts have in common? All of these texts are interpretations of William Shaskpeare’s play, The Tempest, but what is it about Shakespeare which garners him a plethora of praise even in modern society and his plays being so universal that they are studied across the globe. “The past is powerfully present”, the complexity of such a statement is captured distinctly by playwright William Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s ‘The...
3 Pages 1549 Words

Definition of Social Norms: Examples from Everyday Life

In the science of sociology and the studies of social theory, social norms are defined as a set of unwritten rules on the standards of behaviour that are acceptable within different institutions such as social groupings, societies and cultures. Social norms are the expectations of how people should think, feel and behave (Schaller & Crandall, 2004). Even though they are unspoken and rarely thought of, social norms become visible when they are violated or when we combine people of different...
3 Pages 1504 Words

Supply Chain Management In Saudi Telecom Company

Introduction: Saudi Telecom Company is a telecom provider and a digital leader providing telecom services and platforms to help enabling the digital transformation of the MENA region. In order for any company to reach a leading position in the market, there has to be a developed supply chain management to enhance the efficiency and the effectiveness of the integration between supply and demand. Through the supply chain management, STC has developed an end-to-end SCM by developing the supplier system, and...
3 Pages 1477 Words

Multidimensional Approach to Human Development Versus Attachment Theory

Introduction The purpose of this study is to review relevant literature surrounding the topic of John Bowlby’s Attachment theory. Firstly we will be highlighting the key principles of Louise Harms Multidimensional approach to human development and how an individuals inner and outer worlds are interconnected, followed by an examination of what Bowlby’s Attachment theory is and how it is used in practice. With the use of pertinent research we will explore Attachment theories strengths in understanding an individuals behaviours from...
3 Pages 1458 Words

General Overview Of A Farewell to Arms: Critical Analysis

We are here today because the value of the literary canon and its influence on the current school curricula has been attacked and questioned. Classics, for English teachers like us, are the ‘Mona Lisa’ and ‘The Last Supper’; the microscope and periodic table; the abacus and calculator. Harold Bloom, a giant defender of the literary canon, once stated that “All canonical writing possesses the quality ‘of making you feel strangeness at home’.” Every word in this type of books seems...
3 Pages 1522 Words

Maya Angelou’s Success in Life And Meaning to Life

Viktor Frankl developed a theory that through suffering and hardship, individuals are capable of finding the “meaning and purpose of life”. Born on March 26, 1905, Frankl developed his theory called ‘Logotherapy’ which were based on his experiences and observations during his time in the Nazi Concentration Camps. Although he survived the Holocaust, his wife, parents and other family members didn’t. This changed his attitude to find desire in the meaning of life, driven by his experiences of suffering. In...
3 Pages 1505 Words

Chest Pain As A Symptom Of Cardiovascular Diseases

Introduction According to the World Health Organization, Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the world’s leading non-communicable cause of deadly diseases. In Australia, around 18.3% of adults reported having circulatory systems conditions such as heart attack and stroke. Common factors such as sedentary lifestyle, smoking, hypertension, hyperlipidemias, diabetes, obesity and family history have been found to be largely associated with CVDs due to the high risk of forming atherosclerotic plaques. At the same time, genetic factors and ageing also play an important...
3 Pages 1523 Words

Students’ First Amendment Rights: Cyberbullying & Social Media

For teenagers nationwide, the sound of a social media notification can fill them with dread. As technology has advanced, so has bullying. Today it is no longer necessary to be face to face in order to bully someone. “Now, emboldened by the anonymity available online, a bully can be nastier - and with the click of a mouse, have a far broader audience - than in the past” (Chaker). As a result, what once happened mainly on school campuses has...
3 Pages 1540 Words

The Beauty of Langston Hughes: Poetry Analysis

Langston Hughes, the famous poet of the Harlem Renaissance Era. Born in Joplin, Missouri, in 1902 and passing in 1967. Hughes was not only a poet, he also wrote short stories, novels, and even some plays. During his time alive he was a powerful African American activist for racial justice in majority black cities, for example, Harlem, Chicago, and Atlanta. Hughes loved Harlem “for Hughes, the city of Harlem represented the dream of racial equality”(Standish). The Harlem Renaissance was a...
3 Pages 1505 Words

Business Trends Of Facebook

Section 1-Introduction Facebook is a social media platform which allows users to connect with friends colleagues or people they don’t know online. Currently Facebook has 1 billion users worldwide. Facebook was set up in 2004 when a group of friends set up a social platform in order to connect students in the Harvard University. (Sabrina Barr 2018)Facebooks main founder was Mark Zuckerberg while attending Harvard along with classmates Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes. Mark Zuckerberg had previously developed...
3 Pages 1538 Words

Analyzing Crimes Against the Elderly: Fear of Crime

In India, persons aged 60 or exceeding the age of 60 are considered elderly or senior citizens. The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 (Gazette of India, December 2007) statesthat a senior citizen as a person who has reached the age of 60 years or exceeding. Nevertheless, under the law relating to income tax in India, persons are regarded as senior citizens only after they become 65 years old. Those who are between 60 and 74...
3 Pages 1469 Words

Existing Systems and Future of Artificial Intelligence

Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. Generation AI will rely on artificial intelligence to assist them through all the milestones in their lives. While many people think of AI as a futuristic technology, AI is something we encounter today in ways that some people may not even realize. For example, when you use an internet search engine, the search terms and predictive text...
3 Pages 1525 Words

The Maltreatment Of Immigrants In U.S. Immigration Custody

The United States of America was founded on the idea that anyone from around the world could come searching for a new life and freedom, but they cannot reach it when they are stuck in American Immigration Custody. Families are being split up in cramped cells, cold facilities, and with not enough medical attention to go around. Everything that the government does is a reflection of all the people in the United States. Immigration is not only happening to one...
3 Pages 1465 Words

General Overview Of Tuberculosis And Its Treatment

Abstract Tuberculosis is a disease once incurable but now it can be cured. It basically affects the lungs but other parts maybe effected. It can be treated now. Its symptoms include cough, fever, chills and mucus with blood. Vaccines are available to treat Tuberculosis which decreases the risk by 20% and 60% in children and woman respectively. Introduction Tuberculosis (TB) is a communicable disease usually caused by tubercle bacillus (MTB) bacteria. Tuberculosis generally affects the lungs, but also can affect...
4 Pages 1546 Words

The Situation With Capital Punishment In The USA

Capital punishment is a conclusive or ultimate discipline. There is no harsher discipline than death itself. Our country, the US of America, is one of the fifty-eight countries that training capital punishment. As of now the US will just utilize capital punishment, on the off chance that one submits first-degree murder. People that have confidence in capital punishment accept that death penalty will demoralize killers. In this paper, I will be contending that capital punishment doesn't discourage lawbreakers and that...
3 Pages 1527 Words

Greek Exploring Mathematics and the Natural Sciences: Pythagoras Theorem

A fundamental purpose of human social structures is to capture knowledge and convey it to succeeding generations. Individuals must acquire that knowledge through observations made within these structures, such as culture and education. Knowledge is defined as facts/skills acquired through the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. It is clear that much of our current knowledge is a culmination of centuries of knowledge evolving into what it is today. To me, the title implies that what we already know...
3 Pages 1525 Words

A Conversation Between A Doctor And A Patient: Critical Analysis

Discourse analysis is an exploration strategy for considering composed or communicated in the language in connection to its social setting. In other words, it is to search beyond what the sentences and words say. Under the title of discourse analysis, we have conversation analysis which is a particular type of examination or enquiry. Also, under the title of conversation title we have adjacency pairs which requires a person to direct a question and a person who responds to the question....
3 Pages 1513 Words

Rules Of Engagement In Social Media Marketing

Introduction Social media is redefining and reinventing marketing. It is also altering the definition and the foundations of communication as well as the dissemination of information. Businesses currently have access to rich channels through which they can get a hold of their customers, interact with them and push their products and services. However, the true promise that comes with social media is grounded on the direct connection that a company can have with its customers, as well as individuals who...
3 Pages 1497 Words

Overview Of Criminal Justice System And Explaining Imprisonment

The purpose of this essay is to explore the criminal justice system and its operations as well as dissect a chosen agency from within the CJS, considering the many thriving, hopeful developments that have been made in this field as well as the scrutiny of some decisions made and thus discussing where clear areas of improvement may lie. The agency chosen is imprisonment, this process sees a gap in research, proving many positives right as well as leaving much room...
3 Pages 1492 Words

Galileo Galilei And God In His Life

We are constantly surrounded by math and science. We use it without even knowing their true beauty. They impact our lives so much we take them for granted. But this hasn’t always been the case, it had to start somewhere. Over time science has evolved and been shaped into what we learn today. Tons of discoveries and theories have brought us to what we believe today. If we take Galileo for example, from the moment he was born it was...
3 Pages 1508 Words

Isaac Newton's Biography And Contributions

Introduction (200 words) Isaac Newton, a colossus of scientific genius, left an indelible mark on the world with his groundbreaking discoveries. Born in 1643 in Woolsthorpe, England, Newton's contributions spanned various fields, including mathematics, physics, and astronomy, fundamentally altering humanity's understanding of the natural world. His work laid the foundation for classical mechanics, with the laws of motion and universal gravitation forming the cornerstone of his legacy. Newton's brilliance was not limited to physics; he was also a pioneering mathematician,...
5 Pages 1481 Words

Elephant Back Safari In Sigiriya

Elephant back Safari in Sigiriya Imagine clambering up that massive beast of the wilds! Something that you never dreamed possible to do. Once atop, you will get that euphoric feeling of being on top of the world or on top of these majestic animals of the forest. Ride these beasts of majesty through the forest, feel like an ancient Maharaja or King as you slowly plod and sway to the rhythm of the elephant’s gait. Now this can be a...
3 Pages 1538 Words

Sensory Substitution Within Rats: Sound For Vision

Students at Normandy University (Normandie UniversitĂ©) in Rouen, France were curious to test whether the concept of ‘sensory substitution’ exists within rats. ‘Sensory substitution’ is when an agent temporarily stops a specific sensory system from functioning properly, only to have a different sensory system to make up for the sensory system that was lost by using the other sensory system to function in its place. These students set out an experiment that would test whether the auditory system can be...
3 Pages 1496 Words

The Value Of Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is interpretative research. It helps with access the thoughts and feelings of an participants, which can allow development of understanding to the way the self considers its past and present experience. Qualitative approaches have been used to study several different topics and can help researchers understand how and why certain behaviors happen. Reflection is required from the researcher when conducting qualitative research, both before and during the process in order to provide context and understanding to its audience....
3 Pages 1509 Words

Environmental Impact Of Nuclear Power

Nuclear energy, the energy that has not only pushed the world to where it is now but has hurt the environment in the process, was invented in 1951 by a scientist by the name of Enrico Fermi. Fermi and Leo Szilard, a scientist who was a colleague, were the first to discover nuclear reactors that caused nuclear chain reactions. Since then, there have been many objects turning nuclear powered, from nuclear rifles to nuclear aircraft. The radiation that nuclear energy...
3 Pages 1490 Words

Scientific Developments And Inventions Of Nikola Tesla Essay

Introduction Nikola Tesla was a brilliant electrical engineer and creator who seems to have escaped history. Born in the Austrian Empire in 1856, which is now Croatia, Nikola Tesla made important and groundbreaking advances to the field of electrical engineering. By laying the groundwork for today's alternating current (AC) power system, he had a big impact on the Second Industrial Revolution and the world's technology. His hobbies and inventions covered a wide range of topics, such as radio, X-rays, wireless...
5 Pages 1472 Words

Thomas Edison: Inventor & Leader of Industrial Revolution

Before the industrial revolution, normal tasks we do today were very difficult for civilians to complete back in the eighteen hundreds. Thomas Edison sparked a flame that was the Industrial Revolution. His curious and ingenuitive mind helped him to achieve massive goals that seemed impossible. He made many amazing inventions that helped make very hard jobs become undemanding. Edison was the first to produce many inventions that many other people had tried to create but failed. He refused to give...
3 Pages 1546 Words

Researching Of The Causes Of Dolphin Extinction

Extinction happens when a plant or animal species ' last individual dies out. This can occur naturally, likely due to climate change or other factors, or due to human activity such as overhunting or habitat destruction. Marine animals are aquatic mammals that rely for their life on the ocean and other marine ecosystems. Researchers are now using a comprehensive study of marine animals that have died out over the past 23 million years to determine which animals and ocean habitats...
3 Pages 1538 Words
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