1500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Evaluating the Impact of Obesity on the Treatment and Recurrence of Breast Cancer

Introduction The second biggest cause of cancer in the UK is overweight or obesity and this is preventable. Cancer Research UK (CRUK) reports that breast cancer is now the UK’s most common cancer. (CRUK, 2019). According to the World Health Organisation, (WHO) breast cancer is the second most common cancer in the world. WHO have also now estimated that in the last 40 years, the prevalence of obesity worldwide has more than doubled (WHO, 2018). It is expected that cancer...
3 Pages 1529 Words

Psychosocial Impact of Infertility

Infertility is defined most simply as the inability to conceive naturally after 12 months of regular sexual intercourse without contraceptives (Luk & Loke, 2015, p. 610). Having children and starting a family is a conventional staple in society and what infertility represents is an inability to do so. It affects approximately 1 of every 6 childbearing-age couples (Sherrod, 2004, p. 42). The consequences of infertility are manifold and can affect individuals psychologically, socially, and economically (Cousineau & Domar, 2007, p....
3 Pages 1495 Words

The Pomodoro Technique In Time Management And Procrastination

Pomodoro Technique The Pomodoro Technique is a method that is designed to help with time management and procrastination. As modern life increases, more stress tends to build in every person’s life. As human beings, we tend to procrastinate from doing a task, because of many other distractions. The Pomodoro Technique keeps you focused on any task by eliminating all distractions for a certain time limit. (Young, 2019) This technique has been proven to help almost anyone that has trouble with...
3 Pages 1471 Words

Narrative Of Frederick Douglass: Life As A Free Man

Frederick Douglass, an honorary abolitionist who attempted to put an end towards slavery and the author of his memoir The Narrative of Frederick Douglass, describes his emotions after escaping slavery and also his arrival in New York. In his written narrative, he not only addresses how slavery was reducing the mentality of slaves within slavery but even after being freed from it. He convinces to explain further on how it continues to affect former slaves' lives despite being freed from...
3 Pages 1468 Words

Factors Influencing Criminal Justice Personnel Behavior

Discretion still today stands as our liberty to choose by what means a situation ought to be handled inside our criminal justice system. Discretion as we know it should give some sort of check and balance within the criminal justice system. The law has been pinned out precise and plainly as to what crime is and its penalties. When one look at the discretionary nature of the matter even though the move on control is one of their rewards, you...
3 Pages 1515 Words

Research Analysis of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel written by Harper Lee and was published in 1960. The main aim of Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird is to focus on the extraordinary elements that come up in the 1930s in the Southern United States. Other authors and scholars, through their works, also focused on the aspects of racial discrimination and injustices in the society. The book is narrated by a young girl, Scout, who opens us into the world of...
3 Pages 1505 Words

Marijuana: to Legalize or Not to Legalize?

The battle over legalizing marijuana has been debated for years in the United States. The controversy has grown in modern times, and action has been taken by both sides of the fight. This issue has been prominent in the news headlines recently with legalization spreading across many states. However, the problems stem from the vast difference of opinion between those who support the new laws and those who oppose them. In an article from the Missouri Medical Journal, doctor Samuel...
3 Pages 1457 Words

Theme of Justice in To Kill a Mockingbird

Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird is set in Maycomb town in the U.S. State of Alabama. The fictional town is home to the Finches. Atticus Finch, a widower, lives with his daughter, Scout Finch, and son, Jem Atticus, during the Great Depression. Racism is a vital hallmark of life in Maycomb. As a prominent lawyer, Atticus understands the issue of race in Alabama. He reminds his children not to “kill a mocking bird” because they do not harm people...
3 Pages 1514 Words

Negotiation and Conflict Resolutions

Introduction and Literature Review Although, a few investigations examine conflicts as antecedents of their administration, not very many talks about how conflict types identify with conflict the executives' styles. A compelling conflict type was adversely identified with coordinating, abstaining from, trading off and obliging conflict changing and substantive conflict types had a positive association with ruling conflict the board style. Conflict is viewed as the typical and unavoidable result of social and authoritative life and is seen as a sign...
3 Pages 1497 Words

To Kill a Mockingbird: The Loss of Innocence

Psychologist Deborah Tannen once said: “We all know we are unique individuals, but we tend to see others as representatives of groups.” She also added that it is in our nature to do this, and from what she had said it can be concluded that this function in the human brain makes them more efficient since they will be able to see patterns. However, while this ability to separate different people into different groups based on distinguishing features of their...
3 Pages 1501 Words

The Correlation of Globalization and Freedom of Movement

Over the past decades, the mobility of people, information, and capital have greatly spread diversity. While the process of globalization and advancement of transportation technology together have lowered the constraints of communication across long distances, they have not entirely facilitated migration movements along differing geographical routes. Globalization is the expansion of world-wide interconnectedness and global linkages, including the integration of world economies, production markets, nation-states, and knowledge. However, globalization does not grant the freedom of movement nor commodify all people....
3 Pages 1500 Words

Transitional Justice Processes and Victim Centre

Families expressed the view that the most reparative act the authorities could undertake was to reveal the truth about the disappeared. They were concerned that compensation through reparation payments was designed to divert families from pursuing the “truth about their loved ones” . Therefore, in this specific case, the value of truth and acknowledgement for victims and their families cannot be emphasised enough. The first thing needed in addressing their needs was ensuring they were known, acknowledged and “part of...
3 Pages 1494 Words

Public Health Foundation for Health Promotion

BIOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INTERVENTIONS These involves the use anti depressants medications and the use of light therapy, electro convulsive therapy, diet and also exercise in promoting positive health promotion. In relation to the depression interventions explained above I related all my interventions which are the social interventions, psychological interventions, biological and physiological inteventions to the TANNAHILL MODEL OF HEALTH PROMOTION which is classified into health education, health Prevention and health protection, In health education communication is carried out to enhance...
3 Pages 1499 Words

The Correlation Of Children's Mental Health And Domestic Violence

Development and Attachment According to attachment theory, an attachment is a deep and enduring emotional bond that connects one person to another person, across all space and time. If an infant does not attach to a primary caregiver within 5 years, then the child can face developmental problems. If a child is growing up in a home where they are being exposed to domestic violence, it is harder for them to form a secure attachment to a significant adult in...
3 Pages 1523 Words

Positive and Negative Aspects of Traditional Igbo Life in Heart of Darkness and Things Fall Apart

Although Achebe has made known his desire to counteract through his writing the negative image Africans have been given through works like Conrad’s Heart of darkness and Cary's Mister Johnson, in Things Fall Apart he nevertheless presents both “positive and negative aspects of traditional Igbo life” rather than simply “ idealizing and romanticizing the past” Substantiate . Chinua Achebe wrote his debut novel “Things Fall Apart' as a reply and critique of Heart of Darkness. In “Heart of Darkness' Africans...
3 Pages 1486 Words

Symbols in Macbeth and Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

Symbols in literature works are used by writers to better convey the meanings in the stories. Also, it is evident that William Shakespeare, one of the most respected writers across the globe uses symbols uniquely in his work for the purpose of foreshadowing and to provide the reader with a better understanding of the overall theme. In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare, symbols are used to represent the overall theme of murder namely, the light and dark, blood, water,...
3 Pages 1467 Words

Iago as an Antagonist in the Play Othello

“It takes 20 minutes to build a reputation and five minutes to destroy it”. “If that is thought about things will be done differently (Warren Buffet)”. Reputation is the general belief or opinion that most people may view about who you are. In certain situations, one’s identity can hold so much value that it may impede judgement and the decisions made. In the case of William Shakespeare’s Tragedy of Othello, reputation plays a significant role in representing how people manage...
3 Pages 1540 Words

The Aspects of Middle and Late Childhood

Introduction Middle and late childhood is considered the calm before the storm as many of the major developments have either happened or are about to happen. Early to middle childhood is defined as an age from about six years old to about eleven years old, and it is a time of stabilization. The child is beginning to understand the core principles being taught in elementary school. According to Piaget middle and late childhood is the of concrete operational stage of...
3 Pages 1495 Words

Marijuana: Community Killer or Killer of the Community?

In 2012 a bill was passed to make the use of medical marijuana legal. To obtain the drug though, you would need to visit the doctor and get a medical card. It was hard to get a medical card and you needed a really good illness. Each state has different medical requirements for how you do get your card. The most common illnesses for getting a card, however, are cancer, glaucoma, severe anxiety, HIV/AIDS, Parkinson disease, PTSD, and any kind...
3 Pages 1521 Words

Hunger Games VS Hamlet

Have you ever seen an idea as an appearance but it turns into a reality? The play Hamlet and the movie The Hunger Games are very similar to each other based on Characters and plot in the book/movie. In Hamlet, the appearance of the characters is so vain. Everyone is so full deception that the appearance is made to look different than the reality. In The Hunger Games, the plot is very different from Hamlet however the theme of appearance...
3 Pages 1529 Words

Accidental Billionaires: A Factional Account of Facebook

As the title of Ben Mezrich’s book The Accidental Billionaires reports, the story of Facebook’s origin features elements of sex, money, genius, and betrayal. These elements are woven together to describe a wild and entertaining journey while achieving success and fame. The factional accounts presented throughout the book are summarized within these four categories. However, there is another aspect to the book than these four categories. As mentioned twice already the term factional is used. Factional is a combination of...
3 Pages 1500 Words

African American's Freedom after The Thirteenth Amendment

As many of us know who have learned anything about history, life for the African American race was not wonderful during the times of slavery until well after the reconstruction era. The tables were turned against them and they became the working class of the 17th and 18th century for little to no pay. It wasn’t until the Constitution of United States was brought forth in 1789 and the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth amendments were put into action around 1864....
3 Pages 1505 Words

How Can Serial Killers Be Infectious?

Do you see the effect a Serial Killer on your life? I believe that a psychopath serial killer can kill you without even touching you because it has a huge effect on society today. Many ways they affect us but mainly they cause more violence, Federal investigations, and the Government has assistance for those who have been impacted by the killer. It has been proven that because of their horrific crimes it has infected society also and not just the...
3 Pages 1463 Words

Malcom X and Martin Luther King as the Political Activists

Martin Luther King’s philosophy was against violence; he grew up in a strong religious household that soon became apart of who he was as a person and he was than inspired by Gandhi with his belief that campaigning should be seen in a passive manner. He believed that equality of other races were important in America and that his arguments should be achieved with peaceful facts and points, other than returning violence with violence. Malcolm X later had a different...
3 Pages 1506 Words

Feeding the Youth Obesity Epidemic: Risk Factors Examined

Between the years 1978 and 2004 Canadian youth aged 2 to 17 became 11% more likely to experience clinical obesity (Childhood Obesity Foundation, 2015, para. 2). Even more frightening, in 2017, 30% of youth aged 5 to 17 were overweight or obese (“Tackling Obesity,” 2018, para. 1). Between 40% and 70% of obese youth become obese adults at risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes and body dysmorphia (“The Link Between Childhood,” 2017, para. 2). Despite negative consequences, obesity continues to...
3 Pages 1458 Words

The Causes Of Psychopathy In Serial Killers

Psychology is the science of behavior and mental processes. Behavior is anything an organism does and any action we can observe and record. Mental processes are the internal, subjective experiences we infer from behavior- sensations, perceptions, dreams, thoughts, beliefs, and feelings(Myers). The key word in the psychology definition is science. It can help evaluate the mind of a criminal and give an explanation for their actions. As I started my research, I found out very quickly that the causes of...
3 Pages 1541 Words

How Does The Play Medea Reflect Inequality Within The Male And Female Gender?

In Euripides’ ancient Greek tragedy ‘Medea,’ he explores how women are disadvantaged in society in terms of welfare under the authority of men. Firstly, Euripides speaks against men dehumanising women in their pursuit of higher social standing, criticising such actions as morally wrong. Moreover, Euripides exposes how the patriarchal society places men in positions of authority, inevitably leading women to be seen as inferior. This is demonstrated through how Medea possesses power, however, due to her excessive loyalty towards her...
3 Pages 1457 Words

The Meaning and Positiveness of the Genealogy of Morality

“The Genealogy of Morality” is a book that analyzes the concept of morality and the occurrence of moral value through the genealogical methodology. However, it is not about the origin of moral theory, but about the origin of the moral concept and moral value. In other words, under what conditions will humans have a moral value judgment of good and evil? It aims 1) understanding of the dominant morality of modern Europe, 2) understanding the whole moral code as a...
3 Pages 1457 Words

Theme of Interdependency in Waiting for Godot

In Samuel Beckett’s absurdist play, Waiting for Godot, written in 1949, through the individual characterisations and the portrayal of the relationship between Vladimir and Estragon, Beckett provides insight into the human condition through an emphasis on the interdependency present within relationships and its subsequent effects on individuals. During the period of time following World War II, in which society was recovering following the devastation caused by the war, individuals found that suffering was a constant, with hope being a futile...
3 Pages 1548 Words

Struggle and Survival: Life of a Refugee

“Only the dead have seen the end of war” but in the midst of wars the surviving doesn’t necessarily reap the benefits (Plato). Escaping death to arrive in countries where people hate you instead of sympathizing is what you get as a refugee. As per oxford dictionary refugee is a person who has been forced to leave their county in order to escape war, persecution or a natural disaster. However, when instead of warmth you receive backlash, some unseen wounds...
3 Pages 1462 Words
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