1500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Orcs, Skinny Dipping And Rebels In Blade Runner And Fahrenheit 451

“The history of the world is but the biography great men.” – Thomas Carlyle. “The end of rebellion is liberation, while the end of revolution is the foundation of freedom” – Hannah Arendt. Though Carlyle’s insight is undoubtable, this author under the influence of Arendt believes that the history of the world is in fact the biography of great rebels. From Nelson Mandela opposing the legalised racism of apartheid to Galileo Galilei reorganising the stars, rebellion has punctuated revolution throughout...
3 Pages 1465 Words

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein: Gothic Or Romantic Novel?

The notion of Romanticism started to become prevalent in literature during the late eighteenth to the late nineteenth century. In this essay, I will present the key ideas of Romanticism, offering close analysis to the novel Frankenstein. Romantic concepts and formal choices often revolve around empiricism, the nature of the human condition, shared humanity and the appreciation for naturalistic beauty. Author, Mary Shelley embodied many of these Romantic ideas within her work, placing significance on her gratitude for the imagination...
3 Pages 1544 Words

Nurses Role in Communication

The primary search strategy for this literature review involved a search of the Scopus electronic journal database. Key words in the search included “roles of nurse’s in communication.” Additionally the phrase “ensure effective” was included. Articles were sorted using the relevance function. Despite a large number of initial results after removing articles not relevant to the topic and those considered too old to be included in contemporary literature review the number reduced to “100” articles. After reviewing abstracts for these...
3 Pages 1529 Words

The Purpose of Human Life in Waiting for Godot

With no apparent meaning, people attempt to impose meaning on it through patterned behaviour and fabricated purposes to distract from the fact that their situation is hopelessly unfathomable. Samuel Beckett’s 1950s play Waiting for Godot captures this feeling and view of the world, characterising it with archetypes symbolising humanity and its behaviour when faced with this knowledge. The protagonists, Vladimir and Estragon, wait endlessly for an unchanging situation to change, wasting time with mindless distractions. Beckett’s play is arguably the...
3 Pages 1509 Words

Illegal Immigration: Should it be Legal?

Trump has strong opinions on illegal immigration, should Australia follow… or not? There has been a recent spark in the public interest of the subject of illegal immigration, most attribute it to the said radical views of the President of the US: Donald J. Trump. There is a lot of controversy especially on his proposal to build a giant wall along the US-Mexico border to “keep out the illegal aliens”. Who allegedly “cost the Americans upwards of $200 billion per...
3 Pages 1538 Words

Obesity: Pathophysiology, Causes and Treatment

Introduction Body fat is stored as an energy storage for the body and is used to prolong survival if and individual is faced with food deprivation (Harvey & Wither,2008). In order for the body to function well the it needs a certain amount of body fat (Harvey & Wither,2008). In spite of that having excessive amounts of body fat can put you at risk of developing many health problems and diseases (Harvey & Wither,2008). This being obesity which is one...
3 Pages 1540 Words

The Idea of Social Inequality in To Kill a Mockingbird

Contrasts in social status are investigated to a great extent through the overcomplicated social progressive system of Maycomb, the intricate details of which always astound the kids. The generally wealthy Finches remain close to the highest point of Maycomb's social progression, with the greater part of the townspeople underneath them. The racial worries that Harper Lee delivers in To Kill a Mockingbird started some time before her story starts and proceeded with long after. So as to filter through the...
3 Pages 1471 Words

Fundamentals of Humanism in Architecture

Identification This research analyses the interior aspects of the National Parliament House in Dhaka by comparing the key importance in the response to three chosen scholarly texts. By analyzing three scholarly texts: (1) Architectural culture in the Fifties: Louis Kahn and National Assembly Complex in Dhaka by Sarah Ksiazek, (2) Louis I. Kahn: The Idea of Order by Klaus-Peter Gast and (3) Louis I. Kahn by Robert McCarter. In the first text, Ksiazek explores how the combination of humanism and...
3 Pages 1532 Words

Into The Mindset Of Serial Killers

Serial killers or multiple murderers are differentiated from single murderers in the fact that they have multiple victims. They are defined as people who have murdered more than three times. In more recent times, multiple killings are not as common as they may have been in the 1970s and 1980s. Much more advanced technologies and methodology allow law enforcement to pick apart the motivations and techniques that relate to each killer and apprehend them before their crimes can continue. The...
3 Pages 1468 Words

Artificial Intelligence In Medical Science

Abstract Artificialintelligenceis thehumanlikeintelligence exhibited by machines or software.It is an important part of computer science .The advancement in computer technology has encouraged the researchers to develop software for assisting doctors in making decision without consulting the specialists directly.The software development exploits the potential of human intelligence such as reasoning, makingdecision, learning (byexperiencing) and many others. Artificial intelligence is not a new concept, yet it has been accepted as a new technology in computer science. It has been applied in many...
3 Pages 1527 Words

The Current Obesity Epidemic in Australia

I am writing to express my concern in regard to eh growing rate of obesity in Australia among the young generation. training activities help promote the enthusiastic and physical wellbeing and prosperity all things considered and Australia's population. I accept this issue is significant as corpulence is in charge of the appearance of numerous incessant sicknesses which are at present the reason for noteworthy expense to our wellbeing system.(1) The point of this suggestion paper is to draw out into...
3 Pages 1545 Words

The Peculiarities Of Enron’s Scandal

Since Ethics is a fundamental part of management, it is very important for the managers and directors to know the language of ethics. Also to understand how it is impossible to separate or escape from the language of business. Any decision made in business can follow a rule or break a rule and norms, and its consequences and effects can be seen on stakeholders. Any business decision is made for the corporation is reflected by the character of managers and...
3 Pages 1541 Words

Anxiety Disorders among Mid-Life Women in Menopause

Introduction Menopause is the final menstrual period, representing the loss of ovarian follicular function. The menopause starts after 12 months without a menstrual period. Most women have their natural menopause in their 40s or 50s. (1) Symptoms of menopause vary from one woman to another. As physical symptoms arising, mental health is also affected during menopause. Phycological symptoms include depression, anxiety, and a decreased sense of well-being (1). There is little attention regarding anxiety symptoms experienced by menopausal women though...
3 Pages 1538 Words

Crime As A Learnt Behaviour In Relation To Domestic Violence

Crime is an omission that is punishable by the law and is a behaviour that can be learnt. In 1939, the theory of differential association by Edwin H. Sutherland suggested that criminal behaviour is learned by one associating with others who have criminal attitudes and norms (Jefferey, 1965). Modern learning theory revolves around the notion of conditioning, and the fact that behaviour is related to the environment in which it occurs (Jefferey, 1965). This essay aims to discuss the way...
3 Pages 1473 Words

Sickle Cell Anemia: A Succinct Look Into Recently Tested Disease Modifying Interventions

Oxidative Stress and Vascular Tone The aberrant biochemistry of SCA promotes premature intravascular hemolysis. This occurs when sickled red cells release free hemoglobin polymers into the blood plasma via the free hemoglobin scavenging mechanism. This consequentially impairs the synthesis and circulation of nitric oxide thus impedes on vascular constriction( Rees, Williams, & Gladwin, 2010). Normal levels of nitric oxide maintain vascular tone by stimulating the vascular endothelium to relax. Accumulation of hemoglobin in the plasma are reported to be avid...
3 Pages 1496 Words

Ethical Dilemmas: End Of Life Care

The healthcare profession is a fluid industry. Advances and the expanse of knowledge are continuously changing interventions and treatments. The medical advances created by research and technological growth have increased the lifespan of individuals. These advances have also created new ways of prolonging life even when the most traumatic events occur to the body. In the healthcare industry, ethical dilemmas arise daily. When do we stop medically intervening to prolong life and let nature take its course? This challenges medical...
3 Pages 1549 Words

Artificial Intelligence: Will Machine Be Smarter Than Us In The Future?

Introduction Starting from Turing test in 1950, Artificial Intelligence has been brought on public notice for decades. It flourished and stagnated over times in the past, which followed Gartner hype cycle. However, because of the development of big data, machine learning and deep learning technology, Artificial Intelligence returns back to the stage again in the 21st century, and play a growing role in all aspects. Millions of consumers interact with AI directly or indirectly on a day-to-day basis via virtual...
3 Pages 1467 Words

What Makes Odysseus The Epic Hero?

In mythology, heroes were considered to be any man who fights and defeats monsters. To become a hero, heroes in mythology had to go through a hero's journey which would then make them a hero that everyone knows. In The Odyssey by Homer, a narration of The Odyssey reveals that Odysseus is a hero in this story. The definition of hero has changed throughout history but the meaning from the past and present are still very similar. The modern idea...
3 Pages 1533 Words

Literature Critique of Advanced Nursing Role Theories Supporting Health Promotion

Overview As the profession of the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) continues to evolve within the healthcare system, the utilization of theory-guided practice is imperative for the deliverance of purposeful and effective care to patients. The use of theory in nursing gives APRNs the ability to organize and structuralize knowledge to guide patient care (McEwen & Wills, 2019). Multiple nursing theories exist dating back to Florence Nightingale. A thorough examination of the literature revealed two theories of particular importance to...
3 Pages 1460 Words

Affirmative Action Policies Are Outdated

In the landmark case of Grutter v. Bollinger, Justice Sandra Day O’ Connor wrote in her majority opinion that the “Court expects that 25 years from now, the use of racial preferences will no longer be necessary to further the interest approved today.” Originally, affirmative action policies were meant to support historically disadvantaged groups, like the discriminated Blacks and Hispanics, in employment. Not long after that, several universities would start implementing affirmative action policies by using race as a factor...
3 Pages 1524 Words

Students’ Perceptions And Experiences Of Social Media In Higher Education

21st Century higher education institutions encounter remarkable social, economic, and technological transformations guaranteed to transform students’ educational experience substantially. Analysts ought to proceed with monitoring contemporary and emerging technologies as a way of seeing what equipment have considerable abilities in the classroom, and how open-minded students are to utilizing the identified tools. This assessment takes out a single component of the crucial technological switch within universities by examining how social media is being used in higher education. The current study...
3 Pages 1532 Words

Smoking as the Slowest Form of Suicide

Smoking is like murder; it’s risky. In the beginning, it might seem fun and exhilarating, but after a while, reality hits you like a punch from Dwyane “The Rock” Johnson. There will be numerous severe consequences waiting for you. That is why I will never smoke, or even be near a pack of cigarettes. And you shouldn’t either. If you’d like to learn about why you shouldn’t smoke, and the terrible effects of smoking, continue reading. Smoking is extremely harmful...
3 Pages 1462 Words

The Effects of Advertising on Childhood and Adult Obesity

Have you ever asked a child what they want to eat for dinner or lunch and their response was a hearty vegetable? Or does that answer usually sound more like pizza or McDonalds? More than fifty percent of commercials or advertisements that children see while watching television or on the internet are food related. Commercials are so influential on children because they target them in particular by the colors and funny advertisements, and catchy jingles. Commercials catch children's attention without...
3 Pages 1516 Words

The Similarities And Differences Of A Rose For Emily And Everyday Use

In order to truly understand and appreciate a story, it needs to be taken and profoundly analyzed, different aspects need to be considered like settings, the time it is supposed to be taking place in, the location, even the writer plays a big role. Here comparing and contrasting the stories ‘A Rose for Emily’ by William Faulkner and ‘Everyday Use’ by Alice Walker, ‘A rose for Emily’ is written by William Faulkner in the form of a short story where...
3 Pages 1493 Words

Medea's Love And Hate: Passion, Murder And Motherhood

Love continues through Euripides’s Medea. Euripides’s Medea is an ancient Greek tragedy based on the myth of Medea and Jason. The play that was discussed about in class is based on the actions of Medea who was a princess of the Colchis Kingdom. Medea can be described as a fine line just between hate and love but we wonder what one is more than the other. It seems as if she is loving wife but also a dangerous enemy at...
3 Pages 1465 Words

Jane Eyre and Her Mental Stability

In Charlotte Bronte’s novel Jane Eyre, we see Jane go through many scenes where she endures supernatural, and spiritual events throughout her life. Is there a true purpose of why we see theses events happen to Jane, does she try to show the readers how her being in an abusive family changes her mental psyche or do these events seem to connect to her beliefs in Christianity because when she feels like she is stuck she always go back to...
3 Pages 1484 Words

Influence of Shock Advertisement on Consumer Buying Behavior in India

Introduction When an individual starts a business or is running a business, it becomes necessary for him to let people know about it. Promoting is essential to let others know about the business. Either offline or online, any sort of business needs customers to enjoy a healthy business turnaround. However, advertisement is the only way to reach customers. That’s why for a company, advertisement is essential. A business will be able to operate in a competitive setting, only if it...
3 Pages 1541 Words

Essential Topics And Ideas In Fahrenheit 451

In 1953, Ray Bradbury, composed Fahrenheit 451. Bradbury was a recognized American creator that composed numerous books from an assortment of types like dream, sci-fi, and ghastliness. His tale, Fahrenheit 451 is an idealistic and tragic fiction book. In rundown, the novel was about a fire fighter named Guy Montag, who consumes books. In his conviction, fire fighters don't extinguish fires, they start them. He feels that books don't have a reason on the planet that he lives since individuals...
3 Pages 1468 Words

The Themes Of Choice, Stereotypes And Friendship In The Adventure Of Huckleberry Finn

Nelson Mandela once said: 'To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.' Throughout the story The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, the author characterizes the friendship between Jim, a black slave, and Huck, a white boy, in a way that challenges their societal stereotypes through their relationships. Mark Twain shows us that despite the Post-Civil War era when there was a robust white reaction against blacks', race does not define one's humanity. The Adventures...
3 Pages 1496 Words

Fahrenheit 451: An Elegy To The Technological Modern Age

The year 2020 is off to a controversial start. News reports of devastating disasters, death, and other disturbing events are arising, including bushfires in Australia, the growing dread of World War III, and the sudden outbreak of the Coronavirus in China. And all within the first month. Lurking beneath these unfortunate circumstances is anxiety and with it, depression. With the introduction of social media, anxiety has skyrocketed in the next generation: teenagers. Teenagers highly value their outward appearance and what...
3 Pages 1468 Words
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