1500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Sensory Substitution Within Rats: Sound For Vision

Students at Normandy University (Normandie Université) in Rouen, France were curious to test whether the concept of ‘sensory substitution’ exists within rats. ‘Sensory substitution’ is when an agent temporarily stops a specific sensory system from functioning properly, only to have a different sensory system to make up for the sensory system that was lost by using the other sensory system to function in its place. These students set out an experiment that would test whether the auditory system can be...
3 Pages 1496 Words

The Value Of Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is interpretative research. It helps with access the thoughts and feelings of an participants, which can allow development of understanding to the way the self considers its past and present experience. Qualitative approaches have been used to study several different topics and can help researchers understand how and why certain behaviors happen. Reflection is required from the researcher when conducting qualitative research, both before and during the process in order to provide context and understanding to its audience....
3 Pages 1509 Words

Environmental Impact Of Nuclear Power

Nuclear energy, the energy that has not only pushed the world to where it is now but has hurt the environment in the process, was invented in 1951 by a scientist by the name of Enrico Fermi. Fermi and Leo Szilard, a scientist who was a colleague, were the first to discover nuclear reactors that caused nuclear chain reactions. Since then, there have been many objects turning nuclear powered, from nuclear rifles to nuclear aircraft. The radiation that nuclear energy...
3 Pages 1490 Words

Scientific Developments And Inventions Of Nikola Tesla Essay

Introduction Nikola Tesla was a brilliant electrical engineer and creator who seems to have escaped history. Born in the Austrian Empire in 1856, which is now Croatia, Nikola Tesla made important and groundbreaking advances to the field of electrical engineering. By laying the groundwork for today's alternating current (AC) power system, he had a big impact on the Second Industrial Revolution and the world's technology. His hobbies and inventions covered a wide range of topics, such as radio, X-rays, wireless...
5 Pages 1472 Words

Researching Of The Causes Of Dolphin Extinction

Extinction happens when a plant or animal species ' last individual dies out. This can occur naturally, likely due to climate change or other factors, or due to human activity such as overhunting or habitat destruction. Marine animals are aquatic mammals that rely for their life on the ocean and other marine ecosystems. Researchers are now using a comprehensive study of marine animals that have died out over the past 23 million years to determine which animals and ocean habitats...
3 Pages 1538 Words

Technological Innovation: Unveiling The Power Of Human Element

Introduction: Technological innovation as a method once innovation is studied as a method, there is also many definitions. Davenport (2013) see innovation as “the method within which from a thought, invention, or recognition of a desire develops a product, technique or helpful service to be commercially accepted “. during this definition, success of an innovation is generally coupled with the idea of social utility, and fewer with the industrial acceptance. Linear model of innovation defines innovation as a method that...
3 Pages 1543 Words

Childhood, Study And Life Of Marie Curie

Maria Sklodowska is a young polish girl who later became known as Marie Curie. She was born in Warsaw, Poland, but spent most of her life in Paris, France. To her family, she was known as ‘Marya’. She grew up with her mother having tuberculosis, so she didn’t get much affection from her. She never got hugged or kissed by her mother when she was a child. She grew up the youngest of four other siblings. Her father was a...
3 Pages 1467 Words

The Interview Methods Of Qualitative Research

Qualitative research has been used for a long time, it is an effective way of gaining an insight to individual’s experiences, opinions, behaviours, thoughts, feelings and how they see themselves or others. It helps with the understanding of individuals in a naturalistic setting. Researchers explore and attempt to make sense of why people behave the way they do and how and why behaviours happen through the collection of data in the form of words or images. Qualitative research methods help...
3 Pages 1523 Words

Religion And Supernatural Beliefs During The Renaissance And Elizabethan Times

The Renaissance and the Elizabethan periods were times of great change in religion, and supernatural beliefs were pivotal aspects of people’s lives. Throughout the eras, people were constantly changing their religion. Numerous new rulers claimed the throne, each with different perspectives on how they wanted their kingdom to be. Therefore, religion was always alternating from one to another, forcing people to quickly convert. Rulers such as Henry VIII, Queen Mary, and Queen Elizabeth influenced the religion of England during their...
3 Pages 1520 Words

Mental Illness: A Srime In The 19th Century

If the level of tension/stress that we bear in today's times was carried by the people in the 19th century, they were considered lunatic. With all the research, it seems like the authorities back then really made sure that the environment is calm and peaceful for everyone. Even though it meant they had to “arrest” the people causing a slight hindrance to society. Yes, that’s right - arrest. Well, according to the report, it was worse than going to jail....
3 Pages 1541 Words

French Revolution Essay

Introduction The French revolution might have only lasted a decade 1789-1899. However, its impact was unfathomable. It could be argued that it was the single seed that grew into a modern democracy. It questioned how the old world was governed by challenging the feudal system of France, the power of the church, and the monarchy (Anirudh 2018). The French revolution was bloody- about forty thousand lives were lost including King Louis XVI and his Queen Marie-Antoinette ('French Revolution | Causes,...
3 Pages 1479 Words

Rosa Parks: African American Sivil Rights Movement

Throughout the African American, civil rights movement opportunities were sought-after to spark an opportunity at rising conditions within the south. Parks refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama bus was the fireplace to it spark. Rosa, standing up for herself one thing anyone person in today’s world would do, was in remission and placed in jail. While Rosa was in jail she caught the attention of many individuals within the civil rights movement, together with the leaders....
3 Pages 1471 Words

What Technology Was Used During The Civil War

The Civil War was during a time period that saw many new methods and inventions being used for the first time. The inventions were used to help quickly advance the war being over which caused more complex injuries. Therefore, medical practices had to evolve to treat these injuries and the diseases caused by poor medical practices. Most of the inventions used were in the weaponry category, however, some of the others included the railroads and the telegraph. Medical advances could...
3 Pages 1515 Words

Napoleon Essay: Magnificent Hero Of French History

Introduction Napoleon Bonaparte is a historically important person. He was a military genius, a smart politician, and an ambitious leader whose actions changed the course of history. Napoleon was born on the small island of Corsica in 1769, just after it became a French colony. He came from humble beginnings and became Emperor of France, making an indelible mark on the world stage. His meteoric rise to power after the French Revolution, which was marked by a series of spectacular...
5 Pages 1540 Words

The Correlation Of Language And The Media

Abstract In this report I would like to emphasize the contribution of language and the media to the sense of living in this world. I will discuss about the influence of language in the world of media. Media suffuse our sense of living in a world: a social world, an imaginative world, the world of global politics and confrontation. The contribution of media to the individual’s mindset and thought processing is inevitable. The right use of language and media can...
3 Pages 1482 Words

The Aspects Of Behavioural Genetics In Cattle

Introduction Behavioural genetics can be defined as the study of genetics that is used to investigate the difference in nature and behaviour in livestock. It focuses on the influences of genetics mainly the genetics and the environment influences. The concept was discovered by Francis Galton in the 19th century. However, the survey of the literature on genetics was discovered recently where most studies started at the end of the 20th century. The importance of behavioural genetics in animal science(there ia...
3 Pages 1497 Words

To What Extent Does Genetics Affect Intelligence, Compared To Environmental Factors?

Introduction Through this essay, I will introduce intelligence scientifically as a component of many different traits and defining it in context of research on intelligence in humans. It has many different definitions and can be spilt into statistical values, such as g and IQ, or specific traits that contribute to overall intelligence, such as cognitive ability, fluid and crystallised intelligence, memory, or verbal reasoning. the nature vs nurture debate is controversial and currently being investigated in research, and I have...
3 Pages 1473 Words

The Role of Genetics in the Modern World

Today in biology the field of genetics is its own ever-expanding branch; geneticists can now tell us the entire blueprint for the human body due to a project completed in the early 2000s called the ‘Human Genome Project’, over 30,000 genes have been coded and the chromosomes that house them logged in a complete set of DNAs which can show what makes a human being. A genome is the complete set of deoxyribonucleic acid, a chemical compound that contains the...
3 Pages 1479 Words

Nursing And Chemistry Through My Own Eyes

I think there is a relationship between nursing and chemistry because nursing it is said to be a act and the science. And chemistry is science which shows how molecules of stuff interact with each other and the whole body of a person operate in molecular level. Which means us as nurses or as healthcare workers we need chemistry in order to understand what is going on within the body. I know it does not only relies on chemistry only...
3 Pages 1519 Words

Chemistry: Hemodialysis Vs. Peritoneal Dialysis

July 2015 my father was diagnosed with stage five kidney failure and heart failure; I remember thinking these illnesses were rare. I’ve come to find out that they aren't rare at all, the sad truth is that many people all around the world suffer from kidney disease and more severely kidney failure. There are three common treatments to combat these diagnoses; kidney transplant, hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. I wanted to learn more about the two treatments that my dad has...
3 Pages 1523 Words

Chemistry In Our Daily Lives

Chemistry is everywhere, from the foods we eat, to the toothpaste we use, in our cars, medicine and in our own body naturally. Chemistry has a huge part in daily life and in things that you wouldn’t even think of; chemistry defines the very building blocks of all life. Chemical reactions happen all around us: Everything we eat, chemistry is both used in the making of the product and when we digest it, digestion relies on chemical reactions between the...
3 Pages 1523 Words

Organic Chemistry And Nylon

Organic chemistry is a chemical branch involved with carbon compounds and particularly carbon compounds found in living things. Originally restricted to compounds generated by living organisms, this branch of chemistry has been expanded to include human-made substances like polymers. Polymers are substances with a molecular structure that consists mainly or entirely of a large number of related units, such as Nylon. Nylon is the most helpful synthetic material with applications that vary from day-to-day to industry processes. It is a...
3 Pages 1536 Words

Historical Development Of Astronomy

What is Astronomy? Astronomy is the scientific study of matter in the external parts of the atmosphere of the Earth including stars, planets and what they are made of and lastly how they move. Early indigenous knowledge lunar calendar solar calendar constellation star lore Astronomy is one of the sciences that having lived for a long time. Ancient civilisations globally observed over a period of time the night skies, noting the patterns they observed in the sky. These patterns are...
3 Pages 1461 Words

The Ways Social Inclusion And Exclusion Impacts Students From Religious Social Groups

Introduction Social Inclusion and Exclusion in Education Social exclusion can be quite a distinct concept that has faced challenges due to there being a lack of broadly accepted definitions of what constitutes social exclusion, however, there have been three main ideas recurring in various definitions of social exclusion. According to Anthony Atkinson these ideas are that social exclusion is relative to the norms of a particular point in time, that social exclusion is caused by an act of some individual,...
3 Pages 1502 Words

Psychology, Theology And Religion

Following the period of the Enlightenment, it was believed that religion would eventually fade away due to the rise of new ways of rationalizing the world in which we live, specifically religion was thought to be in its last phase before obsoleteness because of science (Newberg & d’Aquili, 2008). It has been over two-hundred years since the end of the Enlightenment and religion is not fading away, to the contrary, it is on the rise (Lipka & Hackett, 2015). However,...
3 Pages 1532 Words

James Cone’s Symbolism In Black Theology

James Cone, an American theologian, is best known for his advocacy of black theology, which focuses on the lives and experiences of black people. Throughout God of the Oppressed and Bill Moyers interview, Cone uses symbols to narrate black theology. The symbols he uses are the lynching tree, Jesus, the Israelites, and folk stories. The lynching tree symbolizes the reflection of the reality of black people, Jesus and the Israelites function as a symbol of hope, and folk stories round...
3 Pages 1506 Words

Islam Religion And A Gender Issue

In the natural world, humans live in a world where sexual aspects are involved, a vast realm that often parallels the relationship between identity and pleasure. The human’s urge for pleasure is indisputable - a condition that is emphasized in daily life. Throughout history, religious perspectives and various philosophies have aimed to create a universal framework to ensure the fulfillment of sexual pleasures via healthy means. A substructure deemed not only healthy for an individual, but humankind is the objective....
3 Pages 1523 Words

Feminist Art In Islam

Interdiction In this project I will be looking at feminist art and its effects, influences and relations in the Islamic culture. I want to explore and study some of the impacts the and differences between eastern and western cultures on feminist arts and artists. In particular I will be looking at Shirin Neshat, an Iranian born visual artist, film maker and photographer whose artwork evolves around the contrasts between Islam and western cultures, her work is both political and controversial,...
3 Pages 1548 Words

Theory Of Islamic Work Ethics

Islam emphasises on a creative and productive effort as a source of happiness and accomplishment. This is due to the Islamic viewpoint of poverty as the promise of the devil, and prosperity as the promise of God as Allah has prescribed in the Quran: “The devil threatens you with poverty and bids you to conduct unseemly. God promised you His forgiveness and bounties” (Al Qur’an, Al Baqarah: 268). This implies that poverty can almost amount to impiety. Thus, begging and...
3 Pages 1476 Words

National Diversity In Islam

Western media has gradually generalized the Muslim community as strict religious followers located in a singular region of the Middle East, leading Westerners to falsely assume that followers of Islam belong to few nations. However, as a widely practiced religion Islam surpasses national borders and extends to South Asian countries such as Malaysia, Bangladesh, and southern Philippines, with Indonesia as the country with the highest population of Muslims in the world. For Muslim Americans, their religion intersect with their ethnic...
3 Pages 1507 Words
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