1500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

What You Need To Know About The Spirituality Of Nature

Nature in all its magnificence is abundant to evoke the inherent emotional and intellectual spirituality that is dormant in every being. A spiritual experience should contain an emotional response to Reality that will enlighten the experiencer about the true value of his or her inner potential. How Nature Influenced Jesus Christ All great religious and spiritual leaders found in nature a great source of enlightenment and renewed knowledge. Have a look at any of the parables which Jesus used to...
3 Pages 1453 Words

The Mother's Sacrifices And Modern Issues

Introduction A mother has a significant role in the everyday lives of children. It is a relation that is formed from the day a woman conceives. It's a part of her body. Mother loves and sacrifices her children without any expectation, although there is some kind of expectation in other relationships. Even in husband wife's relation. It is said that the mother experiences it or feels the same when the child gets hurt. Mother gets it what her child needs...
3 Pages 1506 Words

Aspects And Characteristics Of Badminton

The characteristics of badminton, badminton is a racket sport played by two opposing players (singles) or two opposing pairs (doubles), each person takes a position on the opposite halves of the badminton court, with a net separating the opponents. Players are to score points by hitting a shuttlecock with their racket so that it passes over the net and lands in the opponentā€™s half of the badminton court. The shuttle can only be hit once by each side before it...
3 Pages 1521 Words

Behavioral Differences In Primary School Children

A study of childrenā€™s behaviour and related behavioural theories is a crucial component in not only training primary teachers but also allow them to execute their future duties in an effective way. A sound knowledge in behaviour management provides better tools necessary for teachers and educators manage classroom behaviour. Duchesne and McMaugh (2018) define behaviour as actions that are observable and measurable, they further say that children's experience in their family and culture influences their behaviour, which is known as...
3 Pages 1525 Words

Genetics And Evolution: Natural Selection

Rationale ā€œHumans have stopped evolving and are no longer subject to natural selection.ā€(Oā€™Rourke, 2020) Is an extremely broad claim with no evidence to support it, evolution is ā€œthe process by which new species or populations of living things develop from pre-existing forms through successive generationsā€(Gould, 2020) Whereas ā€œnatural selection is the process of which a selective agent acts on a population and results in certain organisms having greater chances of survival.ā€(Oā€™Rourke, 2020) Producing stronger second-generation offspring. Through these understandings it...
3 Pages 1538 Words

How Can RNA And DNA Advancement Be Implemented To Work Towards An Effective Vaccine Of The Covid -19

The Covid-19 is the Coronavirus it is an infectious diseases caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-Cov-2 It was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and has spread globally, resulting in an ongoing pandemic. The impact on society has been immense from complete lockdowns to people socialising to business closing and fear for the safety of people everywhere in the world. Lock down for business all over the world The Covid-19 outbreak has become one of the...
3 Pages 1541 Words

The Pantheon And The Hagia Sophia As Preserved By Faith

For their time periods, both the Pantheon and the Church of Hagia Sophia are considered bold experiments in structural design and impressive in their artistic expression. To compare the architecture and artistry of the Pantheon and the Church of Hagia Sophia is a unique challenge because both buildings were plundered, destroyed, rebuilt, and then preserved by a different religion than their designers intended. The Pantheon, once dedicated to seven Roman deities, now belongs to the Roman Catholic Church which is...
3 Pages 1549 Words

The Beliefs Of The Quran-only Movement

Innovation has always lingered within and around the growth of Islam. This innovation has created minor and major deviations from the straight path. One of those is the Quranists. According to Salih, ā€œThese new groups are currently neither well organized nor influential and probably will never be, but their rising number is significant because it reflects the deepening cracks in the Islamic structure.ā€ (Salih, pg 1). Quranism is the dire belief that The Holy Quran is the only source of...
3 Pages 1524 Words

Macbeth Ambition In The Shakespeare's Play

Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, is the tragic tale of a virtuous man, corrupted by power and greed. Ambition is the desire for personal achievement. Ambitious persons seek to be the best at what they choose to do for attainment, power, or superiority. In William Shakespeareā€™s The Tragedy of Macbeth, the protagonistā€™s lust for In Act I, Macbeth shows his ambitious nature when he says, ā€œThe Prince of Cumberland! That is a step/ On which I must fall down, or...
3 Pages 1511 Words

Evolution And Ecology Of Corona Viruses

The corona viruses (2019 -ncov) infecting humans appeared in Wuhan, China, at the end of December 2019. Since the identification of the outbreak the infection quickly spread. This illness is a type of decease that transmits between animals and humans. Based on the articles that I read the infections of human to human transmission remains unclear. In contrast, human to animal transmission can occur based on the evidence provided from natural and experimental settings. The corona virus could be started...
3 Pages 1479 Words

The Role Of Honesty In The Importance Of Being Earnest

Some people tend to assume things like ā€œWill she like me for be the person or will she not like me cause Iā€™m portraying this person she wants in life?ā€ Being yourself is a true factor of being who you supposed to be. Donā€™t change who you are for someone who wants something else besides what they get. This also one of the traits in the play ā€œThe Importance of Being Earnestā€ by Oscar Wilde. This play is about two...
3 Pages 1458 Words

Unequal Rights Of Women In The Workforce

Inequality or discrimination of women is that state in which women do not get equal opportunities and rights as that of men. Gender inequality describes the unequal distribution of privileges between men and women when it comes to employment opportunity and wealth. However, women are the mostly affected by this issue of unequal treatment. It is a general fact and observation that there is so much discrimination when it comes to women in the Caribbean. It is evident that, Caribbean...
3 Pages 1524 Words

The Empiricist, Intellectualist And Embodied Perspective In Phenomenological Sense

Introduction The focus of this essay is the analyses of the case study (sitting under a tree in the botanical garden and taking in nature). What I encountered in the Botanical garden is plants, trees and etc, therefore I tend to analyse it from the three perspectives namely, the empiricist (or natural scientist), an intellectualist (or rationalist), the embodied perspective ( ala Merleau- Ponty) and in a phenomenological sense. lastly, the explanation and description of the three perspectives will be...
3 Pages 1486 Words

The Present Law Of Divorce

Divorce occurs when a marriage comes to an end. It is said that divorce law should seek to support the institution of marriage since it is not only a heartache for the couple going through a divorce, but it involves expenses to the state. Divorce can be seen to shake social stability by challenging the traditional image of the family. According to Ruth Deech, the increased divorce rates will result in greater understanding of divorce as a solution to marital...
3 Pages 1457 Words

Why College Athletes Should Not Be Paid Essay

When people hear the term ā€œNCAA,ā€ which means National Collegiate Athletic Association, they often think of basketball or football. While there are a variety of sports under the NCAA, these seem to be the most popular. The NCAA offers sports at three levels, Division I, II and III. In total, there are 492,000 student-athletes. How many of these athletes go pro? Only 2%. The NCAA was founded in 1910 with a membership of only 62 colleges and universities. During the...
3 Pages 1479 Words

Baseball Success Of Jackie Robinson

When it comes to impact, Jack Roosevelt Robinson or as most call him Jackie Robinson is conceivably one the most historically important baseball players ever, ranking with legends such as Babe Ruth in terms of his influence on the national pastime. Ruth shifted the way baseball was played; Jackie Robinson shifted the thoughts and mindsets of people all across America. The first time Robinson entered the field as a Brooklyn Dodgers on April 15, 1947, more than sixty years of...
3 Pages 1500 Words

Reasons, Options And Results Of Divorce

The google definition of ā€˜Divorceā€™ is a severing of martial ties. Meaning it not only nullifies the marriage, but sets the terms of property division, child custody, child support, spousal support and other responsibilities. Also, agreements that you make in your divorce settlement are legally binding. This is the literal definition of divorce. However, there is much more to divorce then the defined content. Divorce is the failing of marriage due to broken promises, unequal attention, disagreements, lying, cheating, abuse...
3 Pages 1532 Words

Women In Minyan Services In Conservative Judaism

A woman participated in the opening of the Minyan service at the Conservative Jewish synagogue on that Friday evening. There were several other women in the congregation. Based on my research prior to my visit, I knew that a Minyan service needed 10 males present in order to begin; I was curious to know if I counted toward that quota. Therefore, I was interested to know what the standard was and how it had changed. The research revealed that while...
3 Pages 1492 Words

How Is Anti-Muslim Prejudice Socially Constructed?

Prejudice against muslims or Islam in the West mainly emerged upon 9/11 attack in the United States. On average, there have been around 145 anti-islamic hate crimes in United States from 1996-2013 (FBI reports, 1996-2013). The aim of this essay is to explain how ā€œanti-muslims prejudiceā€ is socially constructed and how it has affected certain groups. This essay analyses published studies to examine how media has constructed the issue. Firstly, I will explain what is social constructionism, its underlying basis...
3 Pages 1474 Words

Code-switching From Idhna's Dialect To Hebron's By Idhna Students

Abstract In this study, the researcher is investigating the reasons behind changing one's dialect to another, in particular, from Idhna's dialect to Hebron's by Idhna students at Hebron University. Since dialects vary now from one place to another, the researcher decided to study why his town students make changes when they moving to Hebron. Therefore, The researcher collected data from 23 participants (10 males and 13 females) on two different occasions, and they are selected randomly. The results came surprising...
3 Pages 1467 Words

Motivation And Inspiration Of Learning Social Work And Community Development

The motivation and inspiration of learning Social Work and Community Development that attracted me most was the perception of how can we get to advocate the village people in terms of basic knowledge on understanding the fruits of life or how should we live our lives in our day to day livelihood. By reflecting back to my home province and seeing most of the teenage girls becoming mothers without getting married and they do not realize the negative aspects of...
3 Pages 1548 Words

Being An Introverted Leader And How It Affects Upward Mobility

A few years ago, I participated in a test designed to find out what type of personality I had in order to better identify the best way to engage with me in a classroom environment and see how I received information. I am an ISTJ type personality. ISTJ stands for Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging, and is one of the many personalities identified by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test. This personality test was developed by Carl Jung and he was...
3 Pages 1507 Words

KFC Reputation In The United Kingdom

INTRODUCTION KFC UK is a bit of Yum! Brands, similarly, as Pizza Hut and Taco Bell. Around the world, the Yum! Brands framework has 43,000 restaurants in 135 nations (Yum China Launches Taco Bell Brand In China, 2017) with 842 of them in the UK and opens more than six new restaurants for each day by and large, making it a pioneer in worldwide retail advancement. Yet KFC UK was facing a significant challenge for the shortage of fried chicken...
3 Pages 1464 Words

Psychology Teacher Or Ecologist?

At one point in our lives, everyone has experienced absolute certainty in what they wanted for their career and the next moment, feeling completely unsure of what they wanted to do for the rest of their life. This can cause anxiety and unneeded stress on both the body and mind. And so, Iā€™ve some gathered information about a psychology teacher and an ecologist along with comparing the two from almost all aspects of the job, such as their salary, benefits,...
3 Pages 1512 Words

The Effect Of Temperature And PH On The Catalytic Activity Of The Enzyme

The effects of changing temperature and pH conditions on the activity of the Ī²-galactosidase enzyme and its affinity for ONPG were studied. A standard curve was developed as a control, and was used to obtain the assays for the 6 different reaction rates studied, corresponding with the 4 temperatures and 4 pHā€™s. The reaction results were measured for its absorbance, which was converted into mM of ONP present using the standard curve. Using conversions in a form similar to stoichiometry,...
3 Pages 1531 Words

Family Values Essay

Intro As timeless as they are, parental principles form the bedrock of societal structures and personal development. This essay delves into the intricate tapestry of family values, exploring their role in shaping individuals and communities. Traditionally, household values have been synonymous with principles like respect, love, and support. However, as societies evolve, so do the interpretations and applications of these values. This dynamic interplay between tradition and modernity raises critical questions: How do parental principles influence personal identity and social...
5 Pages 1527 Words

Optimization Of A Volleyball Serve

Rationale Volleyball is one of my favorite sports that I play although I only play two and that was the reason I decided to focus my mathematical exploration on this simple topic. When told I had to do this exploration, I instantly started searching for topics and/or things I could do but nothing interested me. After looking at the stimuli given to me and many other examples, I decided that I would stick to what I was known for: sportsā€”volleyball...
3 Pages 1454 Words

An Investigation Into Finding The Limiting Reagent In A Chemical Reaction

Introduction Stoichiometry is the section of chemistry that contains relationships between either reactants and/or products in a chemical reaction to assist in determining the required quantitative data (Nijmeh 2008, p1). Stoichiometry is used by chemists to give a detailed explanation on how much of certain materials are required in order to make a certain number of given products (Kailasa 2005, para.1). No products would be able to be made without chemical stoichiometry using balanced equations to calculate the number of...
3 Pages 1475 Words

Why Is Mars Considered To Be A Second Earth?

Mars is the next Earth. We have a lot of work to get it there, though. Mars climate is terrible and devastating. One word that describes Mars is freezing. In the summer on a warm day, the temperature may not be warmer than -20 degrees Celsius. However in the same season in the southern hemisphere temperatures can be up to 30 degrees Celsius warmer. These temperature swings between the southern and northern hemisphere can cause enormous dust storms. Some dust...
3 Pages 1522 Words

The Characteristics Of Enzyme Technology

Enzyme Technology Technology used to preserve various forms of food such as fruit and vegetables can often rely heavily on natural resources such as the utilization of fossil fuels for energy consumption. Enzymes can be used as an alternative method to the pre-established technologies many of which are unsustainable in the food processing industry. Enzyme technology is an efficient method for food preservation as the enzymes can accelerate reactions such as the breakdown of chitin in cell walls of pathogens,...
3 Pages 1465 Words
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