1500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Does Temperature Affect The Rate Of Reaction?

Rationale The big issue is that I want to see if chemical reactions will happen faster if they happen at different temperatures. So, I will see if iodine solution and starch solution will react faster if they are at room temperature, at 40 degrees and if they are cold. So, I will be recreating the Iodine Test Background Research: The Iodine test is an experiment which is used to determine the existence of starch. When this chemical reaction occurs the...
3 Pages 1451 Words

The Importance Of Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Series By Jeff Kinney In Children Literature

For my research paper I decided to find out more about someone who I looked up to as a kid, Jeff Kinney. In elementary school, reading used to be what you would find me doing the most. I ended up getting hooked on the series “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” which was written by Jeff Kinney. These books were very comical and relatable to my own life which made me want to read more. I sometimes would stop and think...
3 Pages 1498 Words

A Doll's House: Women's Rights

A woman's place in society has always been mapped out for her before birth. Women born in a patriarchal society of the late 1800s must endure the discrimination brought against them in a male-dominated time. In those times a wife and mother were regarded as women's most important occupations. During the period women normally had less legal rights and career opportunities than men. Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House, though written by a male using his own life experiences gave feminist...
3 Pages 1517 Words

First Nation’s Life & History

Thoughts and beliefs According to writer First Nation people are following their traditional values and beliefs from ancient time. There is no change in their thought about their culture and they have connection with their land to stay in touch with historical events. They have respect not only for their language, family, community and land but also for other culture and nations. They believe that in community work all people are same and show their efforts for a better community....
3 Pages 1457 Words

Effects Of Nutrition On Oral Bacteria

While researching for this paper, I’ve learned a little bit more about the history of dental carries and its effects on us even in the early days. I found a few authors who took time to really study the behaviours of oral bacteria that lives in our mouth. This paper also tells the importance of being well educated regarding our oral health. As we all know that bacteria were the first living things on Earth way back a few hundred...
3 Pages 1528 Words

The Faith In Christianity

Faith means knowledge and connecting power into the spiritual realm which links us with God and makes Him become a tangible reality to the perceptions of a person. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the proof of things not seen. It is also a concept which can’t be forced or created easily; the person must experience, gain insight of things from culture, community, school, etc. in order for the person to accept and have faith. Regarding the faith...
3 Pages 1492 Words

Self-Assessment And Conflicts Resolvement

Every week throughout the semester our class has been asked to complete several self-assessments and miniature simulations. Many of these self-assessments pertain to specific skills that are crucial not only in the workplace, but also in our day to day life. For instance, a number of the assessments focus on self-awareness, ethical leadership, teamwork, motivation, and creative problem solving. Of course, these self-assessments were not designed to measure how much we’ve learned throughout the semester, rather they were designed to...
3 Pages 1498 Words

Categories Of Nostalgia In X-men

Matthew Vaughn’s X-Men: First Class is a fascinating depiction of the 1960s. X-Men dabbles in period nostalgia as it gazes into the future, using the Cuban Missile Crisis as a backdrop to explore how the past informs the present. First Class is primarily a historical fantasy that places its characters at the center of the most contentious time in American history. Vaughn’s film exhibits Boym’s idea of historical emotion and how past events can be altered to fit into someone’s...
3 Pages 1540 Words

Legal English And Legal Language

INTRODUCTION Language is the expression of thought by means of speech-sound. It is sum-total of such signs of our thoughts and feelings as are capable of external perception and as could be produced and repeated at will. Language means a system of words and their use and it is a way or communicating, ideas, feelings and desires by means of a system of sound symbols. The dictionary meaning of the word “language is system of sounds, words, patterns, etc., used...
3 Pages 1515 Words

Has Advancements In Technology Led To A Dilution Of Acceptance Of Religious Beliefs?

Introduction Religion and Science have been in war for as long as anyone can remember. Every religion has been intimidated by technology. Bible apps, Torah-chanting apps, Buddhist prayer apps that are not what these religions preach however technology has helped religions get recognized and bringing respect, knowledge and faith into these religious communities. There are many acts that are banned or neglected due to their faith. Women suffer at some times because of these organized religions that state the women...
3 Pages 1485 Words

The Crusades Can Be Used To Represent The Catholic Church And Its Mission Today

In history since 1096 until 1254 (Stewart, 1968), there was seven crusades and there were several different reasons for the crusades. In some cases, the reason for the crusade was similar whether it was religious, economical and also political motives. The crusades happen because of the Holy land and it was between the Christian and the Muslims. The first crusade which was in between 1096-1099 and it was called for the reason of the pilgrims’ problems and it was between...
3 Pages 1470 Words

The Power Of Everlasting Faith

On that snowy Saturday morning as I sat there in church listening to the pastor preach with tears filling my eyes, I knew I never wanted to lose that feeling. A feeling of hope and comfort filled my soul and took me in. I knew in the end I would be okay. When I was younger I would often tell myself during worship and the sermons: you need to get it together, but now I realize I never want to...
3 Pages 1482 Words

CRISPR/Cas9-HDR Gene Therapy To Treat OCA1 Albinism

Abstract Gene therapy has gained large interest in the scientific field for potential therapeutic applications since the development of CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing techniques. The effectiveness of CRISPR/Cas9 to treat disease has been demonstrated in studies regarding HIV, liver disease, and triple negative breast cancer, but little is known about its ability to treat oculocutaneous (OCA1) albinism. OCA1 albinism is associated with mutation in the tyrosinase enzyme gene ( ​TYR​), and is characterized by little to no melanin synthesis, particularly in...
3 Pages 1492 Words

The Modification Of Human Gene

As Valle (n.d) pointed out “In editing the human genome, scientists must worry about unintended consequences, changes to other parts of the genome that are called off-target effect. Fix one thing, we have broken something else. (as cited in Hopkins, 2017)”. In other words, by developing technologies, scientists have tried out all possible ways of modifying the genes of animals, nature, and food and now they have started hunting human beings. One of the major goals of creating gene modification...
3 Pages 1509 Words

Similarities And Differences Of Views In Malcom X And MLK's Works

While Martin Luther King's protests, which were projected and held for logical reasons, against white supremacists helped him soar to national notoriety, Malcolm Little, before Malcom X, addressed the United States about Islam and encouraged the people to let go of the thought that all whites were their enemies and prepare themselves for a war ahead of them. Both men talked about similar issues, however their strategies for success and thoughts regarding equal opportunity contrasted in a number of ways....
3 Pages 1461 Words

How Does Genetic Modification Work?

The genetic modification and engineering of organic organisms (living things that naturally evolved instead of being scientifically made in a laboratory) is a newfound process that is risky and extremely complicated. The basic idea of genetic modification is to take a gene* from one organism and inject it into another. There are many different people and companies that have genetically modified and tweaked (slightly changed) animals and plants’ cellular makeup, but here are the most famous examples explained (which I...
3 Pages 1549 Words

Paradise Lost And Doctor Faustus: The Problem Of Evil

Abhorrent judgments abound these days. Violence. Hate. War. Political insanity over authority. It all seems so negative. Events and such individuals become more disturbing than the last, and this initiates the loss of hope. Nevertheless, what if things are not as bad as they seem? What if the view about what is occurring in the world is warped by the very means by which one learns about it? Therefore, in the novel 'Paradise Lost,' written by John Milton and in...
3 Pages 1526 Words

The Kinds Of Globalization Drivers

Market Globalization Drivers Market Globalization Drivers defined the develop of the consumer behavior whose are from all around the world, which include the degree of consumer needs compile around the world, consumer purchases behavior on global basis, distribution develop of all around the world. (Lardbucket, 2012) Current customer needs and taste who’s from different countries but want the same things in product or service category that the industry offers. Nowadays, the globalization trends of losing regulation and increasing the privatization...
3 Pages 1493 Words

Lessons From The Fall Of Muslim In Spain

Introduction The Umayyad Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan is remembered in the annals of Islamic history as one of the most influential and successful leaders of Islamic History. In a time of great upheaval, his most remarkable achievement was being able to unite the Islamic world and establish a strong center around Damascus, that gave the entire Muslim Ummah strength and conviction. His leadership also drove the surrounding Empires to realize that the Muslims are a formidable force (Najeebabadi, 2001,...
3 Pages 1482 Words

Role Of Protein Kinase Enzymes In Apoptosis

Introduction Protein Kinase A kinase is an enzyme serves as catalyst which facilitates the transfer of phosphate groups from high-energy, phosphate-donating molecules to specific substrates. This process is known as phosphorylation, where the substrate gains a phosphate group (and become phosphorylated substrate) and the high-energy ATP molecule donates a phosphate group (and become as ADP). On the other hand, the de-phosphorylation process is when the phosphorylated substrate donates a phosphate group back to the ADP which become as ATP accordingly....
3 Pages 1469 Words

Literature Techniques And Their Roles In Romeo And Juliet

Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet utilizes metaphors, symbolism, oxymorons, and personification to further his theme of nature to describe and illustrate his story. The theme of nature is closely tied to the story. The overarching theme of nature is broken down into the earth and stars. Each is developed with literary devices to properly explain and describe the theme to the readers. It follows along with the narrative that Romeo and Juliet have external factors driving their relationship forward. With the...
3 Pages 1501 Words

Influences Of Bacterial Cellulose To Avert Needs Of Plant Cellulose

ABSTRACT In the Current era, rapid urbanization, industrialization, and declining forest which are ultimately leading to a global climate changes. The huge scale of lessening of forestation for firewood, building, paper products, textile and many other applications are gradually imposing a serious negative impact on the environment. Inherently, it has limit application due to the presences of hemicellulose and lignin. Therefore, this studies shows benefit of bacterial cellulose alternative in the near future. As it possess several important and unique...
3 Pages 1502 Words

The Undesirable Effects Of Envy And Jealousy In Othello

The jealous are troublesome to themselves and tormentous to others. They create a path of destruction detrimental to themselves and those closest to them. Envy has the power to overrule even the sanest of people. In William Shakespeares’ Othello, jealousy is a prime emotion felt by both Othello and Roderigo, leading them to be unquestionably obedient and suffer immensely. Ultimately, it is Othello who is affected the most by his own begrudging actions. The extreme envy felt by Othello and...
3 Pages 1507 Words

Laws Of Physics Apply To The Sport Of Tennis

The most basic a part of the sport of court game is that the rally, wherever opponents in turn hit the ball back and forth across Infobahn, victimization their court game racquets, till one player makes a mistake. Throughout assembly there's a tremendous selection of basic mechanical principles current that administer the mechanical phenomenon or the ball. The subtleties of wave of a ball area unit ruled by an equivalent basic mechanical principles that we've studied generally Physics. However the...
3 Pages 1460 Words

Why Are People Religious?

Many people are born into a family where religion is practiced. They just assume that is what they should believe in. Not often will one ponder over the question of how religion has become what it is today. Religion’s grasp on the world is extensive. It is found in all societies. Religion has evolved, though, over the hundreds of thousands of years it has existed. It has progressed from the less complex to having over four thousand different types of...
3 Pages 1547 Words

Personal Beliefs, Values And Experiences

When it comes to choosing work placement many factors have to be considered. For example Equality, Diversity and relationships. While on work experience it is important to take into consideration not only your beliefs and values but the ones of the other practitioners and the parents and children who attend the practice. The study of student beliefs can have important implications for teacher education programmes. Evidence suggests that students’ beliefs upon entrance into their teacher preparation programme may influence the...
3 Pages 1518 Words

Identifying Stakeholders In New Community Initiative

Community Overview The state of Ohio has been greatly impacted by the opioid epidemic. The epidemic has greatly impacted small cities, towns and rural communities in the state, compounding issues that already existed within the areas. A significant issue that has resulted from the nationwide epidemic in the Lima, Ohio community is the lack of housing and supportive services available for those who are being released from incarceration due to opioid-related felony charges. Many people during active addiction have lost...
3 Pages 1500 Words

CRISPR, Gene Editing And Its Uses In Agriculture

CRISPR or Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (Broad Institute, 2019) is a relatively new discovery in genetic sciences with many useful applications across many fields. CRISPR is extracted from a bacterium and was initially thought of to be a part of bacterial immune system. It has what are known as spacer sequences that contain past genetic code of bacteriophages and destroys them when they return. (Broad Institute, 2019) First proof of this was on 23 March 2007 (Ishino, et...
3 Pages 1454 Words

Slavery As A Factor For Civil War In America

Slavery was the main provoking factor that made a Civil War break out in America. This was because there was a clear distinction between Northern Abolitionists and people in the South who heavily relied on slavery, because they were needed for their agricultural based economy. This issue escalated when the cotton gin was invented because slaves were needed to work the machines in order to produce/clean the cotton. There was only a small percentage of the South’s population that actually...
3 Pages 1486 Words

NCAA Athletes Deserve What They Have Worked For

Over the past decade there has been a major debate at the hands of the United States that is still undecided upon. Do NCAA Athletes deserve the right to be paid for their commercials, brand deals, and jersey sales? When it comes to the citizens of our current society the viewpoint is split evenly for the most part. In my opinion the athletes of major college teams that bring in millions, or even billions in some cases, for their schools...
3 Pages 1544 Words
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