2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Lord of the Flies': Literary Analysis Essay

William Golding’s 1954 classic novel titled, Lord of the Flies, showcased a story of how young boys cope and try to survive, as they are stuck on an unknown island located in the Pacific Ocean. Inexperienced and without the supervision of adults, these young men created their own civilization, where rules are established to keep order between them while waiting for their rescue. As they prolong on the island, conflict soon arises, as the young men would have different perspectives...
5 Pages 2351 Words

Suicide Thesis Statement

In 2010, the United States Department of Veteran Affairs began an intensive effort to shorten delays associated with access to the National Death Index (NDI) data. The motive is to increase understanding of suicide among all Veterans by developing data-sharing agreements with all 50 U.S. states. In 2012, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) conducted a study stating that an estimated twenty-two veterans commit suicide per day. Nonetheless, twenty-two per day is not a legitimate representation of the number of...
5 Pages 2370 Words

Life before and after Coronavirus: Critical Essay

A few months ago, people were presented and or told about a sickness that could be developing in China. With many people traveling to China from the US, this brought up many concerns. People who did travel to China had a very high risk of having coronavirus when they came back to the US and infecting others without even knowing. People as an effect of this, didn't think much of it, they thought it was just another sick person. But...
5 Pages 2435 Words

Claude McKay and the Harlem Renaissance: Critical Essay

Currently, a persistent and highly structured racial hierarchy exists in the United States. Such a hierarchy has been central in the country’s political development, from the country’s founding, the longevity of African American slavery and Native American genocide, and the existence of Jim Crow laws and immigrant social segregation. The civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s fought against oppressive and legal racial exclusions. Because racial exclusions persisted throughout the 1970s, race-conscious policies (affirmative action procedures) were enacted in...
5 Pages 2255 Words

Why Did Rome Fall: Informative Essay

From a dominating empire to a declining power, many have attempted to declare a single factor behind the Western Roman Empire’s collapse. Rome’s imperialist grand strategy may have thrived in the 1st-3rd centuries, but it lacked sustainability, the Empire’s internal issues weakening its function until its defeat by Germanic forces in 476 AD. Modern scholars now generally agree that a multidisciplinary approach assessing a multitude of factors is necessary to define Rome’s fall. As Middleton notes, all great states at...
5 Pages 2521 Words

Analytical Essay on the Reality Television Show 90 Day Fiancé

90 Day Fiancé is a reality television show that offers a look into the world of international dating and marriage. The couples on the show are usually a male living in the United States and foreign partner coming from another country. The premise of the show is that foreigners will travel to the U.S. to live with their overseas partners for the first time using a special 90-day fiancé visa, the K-1 visa. The K-1 visa process begins with the...
5 Pages 2341 Words

Using the PDSA Cycle in a Nursing Quality Improvement Proposal: Critical Essay

Nurse safety is an essential factor of consideration in ensuring the delivery of safe and quality care within an acute mental health setting. According to the Work Health Safety Act (2011), employers are legally obliged to provide a safe workplace as well as comply with the responsibility of protecting workers and all healthcare staff from harm. Aggression and violence toward nurses have detrimental effects on the ability of nurses to care for consumers effectively (Kelly, Fenwick, Brekke, & Novaco, 2016)....
6 Pages 2494 Words

Science and Its Significance: Critical Essay

Science is very important in our lives. With science, minds, and hearts bloom. Thanks to science, many things have become easy and simple and can be accomplished in a few moments. Especially because it was thanks to him that the means of communication that enabled reaching very long distances in a short time were discovered. Science is one of the things that make up the human being and illuminates its mind, just as science has a great advantage over mankind....
5 Pages 2306 Words

Functions of the Modern Superhero Archetype

The traditions of mythical storytelling organically developed as a way for human civilizations to relate to one another. This process of storytelling dates back to what antiquity recalls as the Paleolithic prehistory. At least, that’s as far as we can date back to early mankind’s prehistoric rock art. It is this shared cultural experience of storytelling, a deeply woven use of human communication that has propelled humans to connect with one another, to relate to shared experiences throughout their lifetime....
6 Pages 2686 Words

Two Americas in the 1950s and 1960s: Critical Essay

Two Americas: one of economic opportunity, prosperity, and equality, and the other of the ugliness of discrimination and poverty. This was the ever-present theme in the atmosphere of the 1950s and 60s. Three weeks before his assassination, Martin Luther King prominently and correctly claimed that America has failed to hear that the plight of the negro poor has worsened, the promises of justice and freedom have not been met, and white society is more concerned about tranquility and the status...
5 Pages 2276 Words

LGBT Situation in Countries: Research Paper

The term ‘LGBT’ was first introduced in the 1990s meaning those people who identify themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. It replaced the earlier used term ‘LGB’ that was first used in the early 1980s (Wikipedia. 2018. LGBT.) It is commonly estimated that 1 in 5 people of the world’s population identifies themselves as LGBT (Jennifer Robison. 2002. What Percentage of the Population Is Gay?.), yet, in many countries across the world – even in the Western world –...
6 Pages 2684 Words

Lady Macbeth's Cause of Death Is Suicide: Critical Essay

Macbeth', by William Shakespeare. With particular reference to Act 1 Scene 5, Act 1 Scene 7, and Act 5 Scene 1, explain how Lady Macbeth changes through the play. Shakespeare's play 'Macbeth' is one of his most well-known tragedies, and it was first played in 1611, while it was written in 1603. Despite the fact that the kingdom was led by a woman, this was during the Elizabethan period, which was largely a male-dominated society. Lady Macbeth is one of...
5 Pages 2349 Words

Essay on Ocean Clean-up Solution to Plastic Pollution

Introduction Plastic pollution in the waters has been a massive environmental issue affecting the entire ecosystem. A recent study estimated that a minimum of 5.25 trillion plastic particles are floating within the water bodies, weighing 268,940 tons (Eriksen et al., 2014). Plastic particles are hazardous objects to marine organisms that either become entangled or ingest plastic (Stefatos, Charalampakis, Papatheodorou, & Ferentinos, 1999). Plastics are synthetic polymers that are durable, strong, anti-corrosion, not biodegradable, and cheap. Although plastics can be degraded...
6 Pages 2531 Words

Essay on “Shakespeare of Harlem” during the Harlem Renaissance

Langston Hughes and the Powers That Be When it comes to poetry pushing racial freedoms, only a few have gone as far as Langston Hughes. Langston was a famous American writer and poet in the 20th century. He published many well-known works such as ​I, Too, The Negro Speaks of Rivers, ​and ​Let America Be America Again.​ Some of his poetry was controversial for the Cold-War era time, as he was investigated by the American government for interpreting his poetry...
5 Pages 2423 Words

Disadvantages of Toxoid Vaccines: Critical Essay

If you had been born in the U.S. around the year 1900s, the three leading causes of death were infectious diseases, such as pneumonia and flu, tuberculosis, and gastrointestinal infections. The influence of such diseases exponentially shortened human life expectancy during that time period. Approaching the year 2010, the leading cause of death ameliorates to chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease, and stroke. For such advancement in the world, the medical field sheds light on improved sanitation practices and medical...
5 Pages 2328 Words

College Essay about Being Shy

Shyness is a feeling of situation or suffering precipitated with the aid use of exclusive human beings specifically in new prerequisites or amongst strangers its a disagreeable feeling of self-consciousness a concern about what some human beings believe others are wondering about this problem can inhibit a person from achievable to do or say what they desire shyness is associated with infinite emotional social and tutorial troubles while there are greater than one concern that normally accompany shyness there show...
6 Pages 2675 Words

Climate Change Thesis Statement Essay

Clearly, human activities are now the main source of pollution production. Vanuatu is the most affected by climate change, and the Ministry of climate change and Natural disaster has big opportunities to attend one of the biggest conventions on climate change in France and nearly led by NDC (Nationally Determined Contributions) and MRV ( Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification) launched to control climate change. Indeed, projects/programs are currently installed and implemented to build climate change and disaster resilience. Moreover, the Global...
5 Pages 2296 Words

Charter School Essay

Introduction: Imagine it’s a normal day after school and your daughter walks in. She drops her things and enters the kitchen. You asked the typical parenting question. “ How was your day at school?”. She replies, tomorrow the teacher will be showing us a presentation of “The Festival of the Steel Phallus”. Which is a Japanese penis festival? You brush it off and the next day she texts you and says the teacher showed two objectionable videos. How would you...
6 Pages 2708 Words

Bullying Solutions Essay

The effects of bullying can be catastrophic. Being harmed or getting told that you aren’t enough or experiencing things you don’t permit to are all instances that can tear someone apart, especially a teenage child. As a teenager, you are learning to become yourself, you’re still figuring out who you want to be so being treated like that isn’t enough or right can emotionally affect you. Being a victim of such a careless, disheartening act can cause a child’s mental...
5 Pages 2479 Words

Belzec Concentration Camp Essay

Adolf Hitler stated: “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.” Hitler’s early life influenced his rise to power, the holocaust itself, and the aftermath of the Holocaust. Adolphus Hitler was born in a small town in Austria-Hungary in 1889 as the second oldest child. He had two younger siblings, but his eldest ran away at age 14 because of their abusive father. That left Adolf to complete most of the chores...
5 Pages 2257 Words

Analytical Essay on the Southern Strategy in the Civil War

Strategy is a piece of the puzzle that is warfare, the most confusing and complex of human endeavors, and cannot be studied apart from its critical accompanying factors. The most important of these is policy, meaning the political objective or objectives sought by the governments in arms (these are sometimes described as war aims, or what they are fighting for). The policy should inform strategy and provide the framework for its pursuit, but not dictate it. Understanding the political objective...
5 Pages 2259 Words

Air Force Speech on Cyber Security

Cyber Security an Invisible War The guard of our Nation has customarily been finished by using physical people as ground power. These ground powers push their way through foe lines to accomplish their destinations. As our reality changes and advances as new technology is presented, so do our ground powers. This is accepting structure as people keeping an eye on PCs searching for adversary warriors to get through our guards, our cyber safeguards. Today, an ever-increasing number of troops are...
5 Pages 2541 Words

Abraham Lincoln's Biggest Objective in the Civil War: Analytical Essay

The Civil War played a major role in the history of the United States. It was fought between 1861 and 1865, with battles mainly being in the southern state. The civil war began due to unresolved economic, geographic, social, and political issues that divided the United States. The most significant of these points was slavery. There were many causes for this war but most historians would say that slavery was one of them. Slavery had existed in the United States...
5 Pages 2308 Words

AAMFT Code of Ethics Essay

Abstract A 10-year-old boy has been described as having disruptive behavior at home and at school. Below are five different scenarios in which I am challenged to explore and apply the knowledge I have gained throughout this course in making ethical and legal decisions. Scenarios Scenario 1. The mother informs you that a family physician that recently diagnosed her son with a Sleeping Disorder would like to know more about the boy’s therapeutic work and his success in therapy. The...
5 Pages 2492 Words

What Impact Has the Nigerian Civil War Had on Jonathan's Point of View: Critical Essay

Nigeria is a diverse country with three large ethnic groups and a myriad of languages ranging from Igbo to Yoruba. The main three ethnic groups which make up the Nigerian population are the Igbo, Yoruba, and Hausa. While the socio-economic status of Nigeria has improved slightly over the years, Nigeria’s natural resources were not enough to aid the country’s poverty. In spite of its vast wealth, Nigeria is a relatively poor country consisting of a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of...
5 Pages 2404 Words

What Advantages Did Nationalists Have Over Republicans in The Spanish Civil War: Critical Essay

The Spanish Civil War took place in 1939 in Spain, part of Morocco, the Sahara, and Guinea. The war ended with the nationalists as the winners. How were the nationalists prepared for the Spanish Civil War compared to the Republicans? What factors facilitated their success? Nationalists advocated for a new revolutionary; therefore, after their success, the Second Spanish Republic ended, and the Spanish State was founded with Franco as their overall leader. This essay analyses the factors that lead to...
6 Pages 2591 Words

War of Attrition Civil War: Critical Essay

The civil war in the Kayin State between the KNU and the Burmese government has not concluded and does not look as if it will end anytime soon. However, there have been many attempts at peace in recent years. In April of 2005, the U.N. Commission on Human Rights took a stance that the Burmese government should put an end to the human rights violations taking place within the country, end widespread sexual violence, especially against those of minority identities,...
5 Pages 2363 Words

Thesis about Poverty: Critical Essay

Poverty and Homelessness in the United States continue to grow exponentially as more and more citizens’ budgets continue to tighten and more families end up below the poverty line and out of their homes. The issue of Poverty and Homelessness is hard to solve and define, at what point does the middle-class sinkage constitute a homelessness crisis in America? The economy still continues to be affected due to factors such as inflation and employment rates, will this continue to push...
6 Pages 2738 Words

Physician Assisted Suicide Research Paper

Human euthanasia is the medical practice of assisting an individual with suicide through medication. Per the Merriam-Webster dictionary definition, euthanasia is, “the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals (such as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy” (Webster). This practice is commonly used with sickly animals whose quality of life has significantly deteriorated, so wouldn’t it be equally righteous to offer a human the same...
6 Pages 2746 Words

Mental Illness Research Paper

Mental health is a person’s Psychological and emotional well-being, it affects how we think, feel, and act. It included how we handle pressure, identify with others, and settle on decisions (Anne, 2014). We all experience fluctuations in our emotional state or mood but for many of us, at certain periods in our lives, this can be to such an extent that it a person suffering from these conditions can be diagnosed with mental illness (Claire, 2012; Fernando and Keating, 2008)....
5 Pages 2312 Words
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