Poverty and Homelessness in the United States continue to grow exponentially as more and more citizens’ budgets continue to tighten and more families end up below the poverty line and out of their homes. The issue of Poverty and Homelessness is hard to solve and define, at what point does the middle-class sinkage constitute a homelessness crisis in America? The economy still continues to be affected due to factors such as inflation and employment rates, will this continue to push...
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Human euthanasia is the medical practice of assisting an individual with suicide through medication. Per the Merriam-Webster dictionary definition, euthanasia is, “the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals (such as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy” (Webster). This practice is commonly used with sickly animals whose quality of life has significantly deteriorated, so wouldn’t it be equally righteous to offer a human the same...
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Mental health is a person’s Psychological and emotional well-being, it affects how we think, feel, and act. It included how we handle pressure, identify with others, and settle on decisions (Anne, 2014). We all experience fluctuations in our emotional state or mood but for many of us, at certain periods in our lives, this can be to such an extent that it a person suffering from these conditions can be diagnosed with mental illness (Claire, 2012; Fernando and Keating, 2008)....
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Over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States each year. 21 states and the District of Columbia have passed mandatory laws that allow students to stay in school even when they have passed the age of 16. However, the USA has passed a compulsory law that requires that all children attend school at least from the age of 5 until they are at the age of 16. Despite the mandatory law, school dropout rates are...
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She was only twenty-two and had her whole life ahead of her. Dana Reisman was a member of her high school swimming team, a junior high and high school cheerleader, a great student, and a wonderful daughter. Dana Reisman had everything going for her until she lost her courageous battle. Diane was a victim of addiction, lost in a tornado, followed by treatment and relapses before succumbing to an overdose. Diane left in her path heartache and pain for all...
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2628 Words
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Muzafer Sherif, a psychologist, developed social judgment theory in the early 1960s with the assistance of Carl I. Hovland and Carolyn W. Sherif. To explain apparent inconsistencies in attitude change research, Sherif and Hovland (n.d.) suggested a theory of social judgment. The theory delves into how people make decisions when persuaded to accept or reject a message based on their current attitudes toward that message or subject. According to the theory, attitude change is moderated by judgment and its consequences....
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2537 Words
Prison overcrowding is not a new issue in the penal system in the United States. As far back as the original thirteen colonies, there have been problems surrounding the incarceration of criminals. Over the past century, different situations have caused fluctuations in the number of people confined to prisons, in both the federal and state-level justice systems. This issue is not only a threat to the general public, it can hurt state budgets, the employees that work in the complexes...
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Hedonism comes from the Greek word ‘hedone’ which means ‘for pleasure’. It is also a way of life that is characterized by openness to a pleasurable experience for satisfaction, contentment, and happiness. There are also cases in which hedonism can be rejected on moral grounds and is said to be detrimental to long-term happiness. There are various opinions about the premise if hedonistic behavior is said to be morally good or bad. To what extent can a person seek pleasure...
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2494 Words
This essay will be about how the role of the teacher has evolved and developed through time, and the differences from then to now. From when the idea of teaching began centuries ago to now, the idea of the role of the teacher has changed and evolved to fit that society and time frame. A teacher's role has changed from being a sage on the stage, which is teacher-centered and traditional learning, to becoming a facilitator of learning processes. It...
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2286 Words
The concept of modernity has been subject to investigation by many scholars and largely concerns components of industrialization, urbanization, education, secularization, and the creation of mass media. Socio-technological developments such as the modern city, railway travel, and mass media promoted criticism of tradition, and, when combined with changes in lifestyle due to ongoing war and the introduction of urban consumerism, modernity can be further embodied by the antinomy of change and continuity. The such reinvention of society inevitably resulted in...
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2643 Words
Imagine a picturesque American couple who just arrived home from their trip across the world. Unlike their departure from their home a month earlier, they are carrying a baby, and they both have smiles stretched across their faces. They just adopted a child from a poverty and crime-riddled country. Little did they know across the world there is a similar couple who mourns the loss of the child they just gained. A couple who would have loved and raised this...
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2410 Words
The early 20th century was a time of significant change in domestic Interior spaces. In this period, Britain saw a vast improvement in the standard of living, despite having two great world wars occur and severe recessions. The transition from the Victorian to Edwardian times allowed many changes due to the development of gas and electrics, leading to new appliances becoming accessible for all classes gradually over the period in the 1900s. A space I believe in the 20th century...
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2468 Words
Growing advancements in the field of science and medicine brought about through evidence-based research, are a turning point to identifying, diagnosing, and treating various infections thereby; reducing mortality and morbidity. One of the greatest inventions in bio-medical science was the discovery of vaccines, which have contributed to the prevention of deadly infectious diseases such as smallpox, polio, and measles (Grant, 2012). Despite the success of vaccination programs for global health, there has been a controversial debate regarding its safety and...
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2713 Words
The disease is a simple handshake. Contagious viruses spread throughout the nations like wildfire. When a new sickness turns into an epidemic, panic spreads rampant and many may wonder if there exists a cure for protection. The answer to that question lies in vaccines. Vaccines are a collection of the inactive form of a disease that, once injected into the bloodstream, stimulates antibodies to protect the host from a virus. The injection of a vaccine is essential for keeping any...
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2588 Words
Throughout history, women have been constrained by their corresponding society’s beliefs, and nurture that instruct or compel them to be who they are not necessarily meant to be. This issue has been limiting feminine freedom and failed to admire the humanistic approach to consider all individuals to be equally free, fenced with no boundaries. This essay is subjected to outline and compares three short stories that all together enforced the argument of feminine oppression that its causation is not only...
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2549 Words
Abstract In this paper, the “Rule of Law” forms one of the supreme manifestations in human civilization with eternal values of constitutionalism, attributed to democracy and good governance. Constitutional Law mandates through its provisions and fundamental obligations with the conception of equality before the law, social justice and liberty involve a sense of supremacy and predominance aspiring for the spirit of legality with provisions of fairness and reasonableness, respecting basic human rights irrespective of their status in society to access...
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2537 Words
Introduction Increasingly in the past ten years, policy, public health, and criminal justice attention has been focused on sexual harassment in schools including physical abuse, psychological and emotional abuse, and sexual abuse involving controlling behavior and causing harm. Many adolescents experience sexual harassment behavior and the prevention of this behavior is important because adolescent victims have higher risks to get involved in suicidal thoughts and negative outcomes. This research paper reviews the different information found in several academic journals about...
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2330 Words
Introduction This report is going to analyze if the attack on Pearl Harbor was more gruesome than the Battle of Britain with the research question being: Was the attack on Pearl Harbor more gruesome than the Battle of Britain? Under gruesome, we understand how many deaths there were, how these deaths happened, and what the effects, like other deaths or impacts on the families of the dead, the battles had after the war. You can find these three elements back...
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2750 Words
How has Social Policy Shaped Foster Care Practice in the Australian Welfare Context? Reviewing the history of Foster Care, it must be recognized that Foster Care practice has not been able to make substantial and measured improved outcomes for children. Rather, despite decades of policy change, strategy and foster care change, the system has only been able to improve within the lower levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (safety, physiological) (Hopper, 2020) Baber (et al, 2003) asserted that Foster Care...
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2265 Words
Program Purpose The purpose of this primary program is to prevent the aging out of youth and young adults in Baltimore Public Schools within the foster care system through the increased awareness and ultimately the adoption of these youths. The Arc Baltimore (https://www.thearcbaltimore.org/programs/family-services/foster-care/) will attend the educational programs and awareness campaigns over the course of a year to teach about the foster care system and the type of situations that teens face as they age out of the foster care...
6 Pages
2701 Words
Fake news; to what degree did it help Trump during the presidential elections? “So much Fake News. Never been more voluminous or more inaccurate. But through it all, our country is doing great!” (Vox, 2018). Donald Trump, often characterized as a populist (Rice-Oxley & Kalia, 2018), is speaking here concerning fake news[footnoteRef:1] in a tweet that he posted on the 26th of March 2018. To illustrate why Trump has been characterized as a populist, Professor Susan Hunston (2017) stated the...
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Abstract The essay discusses the pervasiveness of fake news on Facebook as well as the role of the Mocha Uson Blog. The author discussed how Facebook fake news is viewed in both the international and Philippine setting and the perceptions of netizens therewith. The essay also showed the biography and career of Mocha Uson, and how Mocha Uson Blog affected the social platform. The author analyzed the Mocha Uson Blog and the mainstream media news outlet using the Gratification Theory...
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2459 Words
There is no doubt that elections and democracy play a major role in the lives of Canadians. However, it is apparent that the issue of fake news is a rising epidemic that has threatened to harm and disrupt democracy by spreading disinformation, with the goal to alter the democratic process and affect election outcomes. Fake news is false information that is created and spread with the objective to mislead people and develop confusion and mistrust amongst people, in a political...
6 Pages
2561 Words
The commercial production of palm oil in Malaysia has increased by over 5 million hectares of crop since 1960. This rapid expansion of the crop has lead to the destruction of the tropical rainforest in both peninsular Malaysia (West Malaysia) and Borneo Malaysia. Due to this excessive deforestation, the European Commission concluded that palm oil would stop being imported for use as a biofuel and that it should be phased out by 2030. However, it has been suggested that European...
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2406 Words
“Forests are the world’s air-conditioning system – the lungs of the planet – and we are on the verge of switching it off». -- PRINCE CHARLES. Speaking at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Indonesia (3 Nov 2008) Nobody can deny the fact that continual deforestation is a driving force behind such environmental issues as global warming, desertification and enhanced greenhouse effect. A vast majority of trees are burned by wildfires which mostly occur in some southern countries, namely Indonesia, USA and...
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2721 Words
A child under the age of 18 who is intentionally harmed or mistreated is considered abused. Child abuse accounts for the majority of childhood morbidity and mortality causing the community and the victims’ families to lose a fortune. There are many different types of child abuse, which often occur all at once. A child may be abused through physical, sexual, emotional, and medical abuse, along with neglect. Children are often abused by someone they know and trust, usually a parent,...
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2538 Words
In this essay, I will argue that, though I agree with Harris and Scully (2015), and Ferguson (2015) that the project toward new forms of social welfare systems should emerge, I still insist that this project can only be attained when the South African state introduces new and upcoming graduates to the historically established affirmative action policy. In the first section, I will present this by providing a summary of Silver's (2003) and Arrighi, Aschoff, and Scully’s (2010) understanding of...
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2630 Words
Introduction China’s economy has undergone rapid growth over the past few decades, with its GDP almost tripling from 2000 to 2007 (World Bank Staff, GDP of China 2018). Urbanization — the migration of people from rural to urban areas — is “[central] to driving economic growth” (Montgomery 2008). In 2005, urbanization was responsible for 10.98% of the economic growth in China (Song et al. 2018). Because urban residents contribute 6.59 times more to the economy than rural residents (Song et...
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2716 Words
“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me” -Martin Niemöller (. It affected mainly the Jews whose population dropped 67% by...
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2603 Words
Child Maltreatment Child maltreatment is all the forms of neglect, ill-treatment, and commercial exploitation that may result in subsequent potential harm to minors. It exists in four types of abuse; sexual, emotional, physical, and neglect (Merrick & Latzman, 2015). As a significant societal problem, child abuse could lead to lifelong repercussions, social misplacements, or in worse cases, death. In most cases, there is a thin line between child abuse and traditional health practices. In this sense, various cultural traditions that...
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