2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Ethnonationalist Terrorism: Informative Essay

For many right-wing terrorists, the key driver that motivates their cause is the fear of extinction of the so-called white race. Whether this be through the prospect of equality for black people within the United States that motivated the Klu Klux Klan (KKK), or the increasing presence of Muslims within Norweigan society that enraged Anders Breivik, it is evident that a great deal of right-wing terrorists are driven by the fear of extinction of the white race. However, in order...
5 Pages 2254 Words

Essay on Frankenstein Fate

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is often read as a cautionary tale about the dangers of hubris and scientific advancement however I will also be discussing an interpretation of the text as a commentary upon the debates surrounding slavery at the start of the 19th century. The essay begins with a close analysis of Frankenstein in regard to the debates surrounding slavery, particularly a view that Mary Shelley may have held; the sudden emancipation of slaves would be dangerous as they could...
6 Pages 2731 Words

Causes and Effects of the Holocaust: Analytical Essay

Terror was the most elementary way to draw the obedience of German citizens. Since Hitler already had previously gained the majority of the nation, he maintained the community that he had gained and started his “final solution” through terror leaving a ‘one way’ road for the population to respond. If the Semitic folk rebelled they would be executed. Terror is a tool that Hitler implemented to create the holocaust, having control over all the German citizens and getting rid of...
5 Pages 2482 Words

Homelessness as a Social Problem: Critical Essay

Homelessness as a social matter is complicated and complex. This essay will analyze the different approaches and attitudes towards the issue and will attempt to understand and acknowledge ways in which the problem can be settled; whether the issue is temporary enough to solve or whether the permanence and complexity of homelessness are too overwhelming to be completely resolved by society and urban design. Additionally, there are a variety of pathways that people follow into homelessness, some of these common...
6 Pages 2715 Words

Is Human Trafficking a Social Problem: Research Paper

According to the WomensStats Program, created in 2001, the movie 'Taken' was a catalyst for bringing global awareness to the brutal reality of human trafficking. In 2009, a blog writer, ASF, notes that 'the content of the movie confirmed much of what I had researched with realistic accuracy, opening the eyes of the public to a variety of horrific brutalities associated with the sex slave trade.' Unfortunately, trafficking was part of the fabric of Texas before 2009 (CCPS, Jan 2013)....
5 Pages 2400 Words

Critical Essay on Pros and Cons of Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is a growing problem not only nationwide, but worldwide. Human trafficking is the action of force to illegally transport people from place to place usually for labor or sexual exploitation. The three most common types of human trafficking are sex trafficking, forced labor, and debt bondage. Sex trafficking is a crime when men, women, and/or children are forced into sexual acts without consent. Debt bondage is a type of labor used to pay back for some obligation or...
6 Pages 2516 Words

Review of 'The Yellow Wallpaper' Essay

Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” is a great piece of fiction that shows gender inequality and the unfair social norms of the 19th century. Author Gilman used this story to speak for all the women in the 19th century who felt suppressed within their own homes because of the social imposition of femininity that they had to follow. She used her own personal experience with her physician Dr. Mitchell and his ‘rest cure’ treatment to write the story to...
5 Pages 2296 Words

Black Lives Matter or Do All Lives Matter: Critical Essay

There is a significant statistical difference between the numbers of black and ethnic individuals in comparison to white individuals. The 2011 census report showed that 86% of the population in and Wales identified as white and only 3.4% identified as being black and 6.8% as Asian i.e., Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, other (White, 2012). This shows how white is the dominant ethnic group which can lead to some individuals believing that they are the superior group. Throughout history, it has been...
5 Pages 2435 Words

Social Issues of Police Brutality: Research Paper

As long as there are crimes, and people willing to or compelled to commit them, there will always be a need for specialized forces to serve, protect and keep us. Every day, in every city and town across the world, police officers sport their uniforms and serve the vital role of helping to make and keep our lives and the lives of countless others safer. Recently, however, police officers, our very same unmasked superheroes of the modern era, have been...
5 Pages 2358 Words

Is Police Brutality a Social Issue: Critical Essay

Police brutality has been around in America since the first police force in the 1800s, but received nationwide attention in 1991 with the brutal beating of Rodney King in Los Angeles (Davis 276). The desensitization Americans have to police brutality and the decriminalization of the systemic murder of African Americans is indicative of the larger culture surrounding policing in the United States. Through militaristic propaganda, the Blue Lives Matter movement has redirected the conversation away from the brutal killings of...
5 Pages 2256 Words

Opposing Viewpoints on Childhood Obesity: Critical Essay

Childhood/Adolescence As habits and problems of childhood often follow the individual through adulthood, childhood obesity gets a great deal of ink. The perspectives on the issue, however, vary dramatically. For example, Elizabeth Poskitt and Laurel Edwards wrote Management of Childhood Obesity for Healthcare The upshot of the work suggests that if parents are not willing to change behaviors around food, the healthcare professionals are not likely to succeed. This pessimism is countered somewhat in Fed Up!: Winning the War against...
6 Pages 2725 Words

Childhood Obesity Research Essay

Introduction Obesity in children is a global epidemic with numbers growing fast in need of action to be put in place. Different policies have been put in place by different countries worldwide touching marketing, economy, schools, etc. to reverse the climbing numbers. The purpose of this research is to determine the information data collected in order to manage and find the treatment of child obesity in school settings and clinical settings. With the question of childhood obesity, this research will...
6 Pages 2620 Words

Informative Essay on High Functioning Autism

High-Functioning Autism refers to a condition where individuals do not have any learning or intellectual disability but do exhibit other common features of autism. The main characteristics may include difficulties with social interaction and communication. They are unable to read facial expressions and social cues of conversations making it difficult to make friends. Along with high emotional sensitivity, individuals with this condition exhibit strong reactions to physical sensations like light or noise. Individuals with high-functioning autism have limited social skills...
5 Pages 2263 Words

Autism Research Paper

Introduction Throughout the years, teachers in special education have implemented a vast array of strategies that target the behavior of autistic students inside the academic classroom. Some teachers utilize a list of different strategies to cope with their students. Others rely on experience or intuition to determine what works in a particular moment or with a particular student. Few, however, are the teachers that resort to analyzing the functions of the brain, its different regions, and its link to the...
5 Pages 2366 Words

Piers Plowman as an Allegory Essay

Margery Kempe and William Langland have in common an acute sense of the dysfunctionality of the late medieval Church but where Langland seeks ecclesiastical reform for the communal good, Kempe’s critique is motivated by more personal aims. Defend, refute, or qualify this statement. It is clear from readings of Langland’s The Vision of Piers Plowman, that there is a satirical cry for ecclesiastical reform. The Book of Margery Kempe, however, doesn’t appear to disapprove of the church’s practice but instead...
5 Pages 2278 Words

Gun Violence Vs Social Justice Issue Essay

Why is gun violence so prevalent in the U.S.? This question is one that has many answers. A plethora of factors contribute to the vast quantity of gun violence incidents. These can be small factors, such as time of day, or larger factors, such as the number of citizens that have easy access to firearms. Gun violence should be considered a prevalent issue that can be solved with gun control because many individuals are uneducated about guns, individuals with serious...
6 Pages 2639 Words

Environmental Racism: Critical Essay

Environmental Racism in Flint, Michigan How did racial and economic conditions develop to become a blatant example of environmental racism in the Flint Michigan water crisis? This question was answered by examining articles that have described the conditions in Flint, Michigan leading up to the crisis and emphasized how racial and economic conditions played a significant role in its creation. This topic interested me because it is such a clear example of how structural inequality in general, and environmental racism...
5 Pages 2393 Words

Cause and Effect Essay on the Declaration of Independence

The United States of America is one of the longest and leading democratic nations in the world. It thrives among many nations socio-economically. It boasts freedom of speech, religion, and property for the citizens, and enticing living conditions for immigrants wanting a better life. Separated from the Pacific Ocean is one of the few countries still practicing communism: The Republic of China. According to World Atlas, the Communist Party has been ruling the politics and economics of the country since...
6 Pages 2731 Words

Do Schools Do Enough to Prevent Bullying: Critical Essay

The younger generations are said to be much more sensitive and easily offended nowadays. This could be due to the overlooked bullying and harsh truths that children have to face each day. All over the world these young boys and girls wake up to face another day of school, but that day can hold a different experience for each child. Some face the day with pride and joy, others with anxiety or terror that it could be an endless shift...
6 Pages 2651 Words

Sex t in Public Schools: Persuasive Essay

Sexual education can be identified as several things. According to Jaafar & Chan (2008), sexual education is the study of the structural, functional and behavioral feature of human reproduction. It covered different aspects, including reproductive health, affection, interpersonal relationship, intimacy, gender responsibility, body images, and most importantly, sexual development. In the words of Spielhagen (2013), generally sex education is education revolving around sexuality, prevention of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), contraceptive methods such as drugs and condoms, significance of protection, and...
6 Pages 2504 Words

Lady Macbeth's Power in Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'

‘Macbeth’ is a catastrophe which was written by one of the most notorious playwrights in history. Shakespeare wrote ‘Macbeth’ in 1606, but it took place in the 11th century. He wrote it for the pleasure of King James I and his royal court who ruled over medieval Scotland. The play features themes of betrayal, which is ironic because King James was the victim of a potential gunpowder plot one year prior. King James loved the supernatural element, which subsequently adds...
6 Pages 2670 Words

When I Realized That I Am a Superhero: Personal Narrative Essay

“The great mission of our day is not conquering the sea or space, disease, or tyranny. The grand quest which calls to the hero in every one of us is to become fully alive – to stand up and claim our birthright, which is inner freedom, love, and radiant purpose”, said by Jacob Nordby. Throughout my life, I have always thought that a superhero is a humungous man or woman who is gifted with a powerful superpower, and with it,...
6 Pages 2614 Words

Work from Home During the Coronavirus Pandemic: Critical Essay

The business world was catapulted into turbulence and uncertainty in March 2020 when the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, and companies were forced almost immediately into considering new working methods. This situation allows us to interrogate the future of work in a world changed by the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. During the critical pandemic, the operations of mostly all the companies from home led to a new generation of magnitude, potency and connectivity. Many business...
6 Pages 2654 Words

Should Roe V. Wade Be Overturned: Argumentative Essay

Recently, there has been an ongoing debate regarding the morality of abortion, and whether the landmark Roe v. Wade decision should be overturned. This topic is of particular interest to research because, despite the overwhelming rhetoric from the media to believe otherwise, studies show that Planned Parenthood facilities are still inadvertently continuing to operate under the premise of Margaret Sanger's intended goal—to exterminate the black race through birth control and abortions. Furthermore, Margaret Sanger's diabolical influence is still manifesting today,...
5 Pages 2367 Words

Stephen's Struggle with Power in Joyce's ‘Portrait of the Artist’

Throughout the process of growing up, people are influenced by everything surrounding them. This phenomenon doesn’t have to be negative, but as Stephen gets older, he begins to reject any power that isn’t himself, despite being vacuumed into always having a power when he was younger. In this essay, power is the influence other characters have over Stephen’s actions. While this said power affects Stephen’s growth, it doesn’t determine an outcome, Stephen’s own choices do. His choices attempt to get...
6 Pages 2674 Words

Aspirations vs Social Responsibility in Cock Crow and Eveline

The theme of motherhood is a key one in both the novel ‘We Need to Talk About Kevin’ by Lionel Shriver and the collection of poems ‘The World’s Wife’ by Carol Ann Duffy. Motherhood is seen as a key element of the female experience, and both texts explore the connection between motherhood, femininity, and the way in which women navigate motherhood in a patriarchal society. In the novel ‘We Need to Talk About Kevin’, Shriver uses the epistolary narrative through...
6 Pages 2737 Words

Babe Ruth: Biography of a Baseball Legend

My essay is about George Herman Ruth Jr., or mainly known as Babe Ruth. Ruth was a famous baseball player from the 1900s. He had a troublesome childhood, but when he started to play baseball, he learned some discipline. As many people know Babe Ruth was the best baseball player of his time. He set all kinds of records, like his home run record, which he held for almost forty years until it was broken on April 8, 1974, by...
5 Pages 2491 Words

Argumentative Essay on Teenage Curfews

Teens should be allowed to have much more freedom. Teenagers want to stay out and enjoy themselves with friends. Curfews for teens should be eliminated because teens need more freedom, it is a way to gain trust with parents, and teens can get in trouble at any time. People know for a fact that curfews do not actually do the job they are supposed to which is to keep teenagers out of trouble. “Nationwide more than 80 percent of juvenile...
5 Pages 2393 Words

Positive Peace and Its Attaining in African States: Informative Essay

Peace has been the greatest aspiration of humankind at a personal level and in communities they reside. Peace has been talked, thought, taught and studied in numerous ways. For better understanding on status of negative and positive peace in African context, it is crucial to first analyze the key terms majorly used in this write up: violence, conflict, peace, positive and negative peace. Peace is relative to many people and scholars have expressed their dissatisfaction in trying to attach a...
6 Pages 2734 Words

The Transatlantic Slave Trade and Its Effects

The trans-Atlantic slave trade, which was also known as the Triangular Trade, formed one of the most significant historical events. Once the slave trade started from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century, the trade route through the Middle Passage were used by Europeans to transport African slaves. Not only did the trans-Atlantic slave trade consist of a large migration of enslaved people from Africa to America, but it also resulted in the breakdown of the Indigenous American population. The Portuguese...
6 Pages 2590 Words
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