2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on Why Is Frederick Douglass a Hero

As a historical source, what does Douglass’ Narrative reveal about the lives, culture, and psychological struggles of American slaves? In Douglass’ Narrative, he describes several different moments where he was a first-hand witness to the brutal nature and acts of masters towards their slaves. He tells several stories of real people who experienced real torture and mistreatment, such as the boy who was walking down the road, approached by a man and asked “Does your owner treat you well?”, although...
5 Pages 2533 Words

Essay on Nestle Corporate Social Responsibility

“Children are like buds in a garden and should be carefully and lovingly nurtured, as they are the future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow” - Jawaharlal Nehru. Unfortunately, child labor heartlessly engulfs children across the world. The term “child labor” is defined as children who “are either too young to work or are involved in hazardous activities that may compromise their physical, mental, social, and educational development” (UNICEF, 2019). According to the International Labour Organization (ILO) worldwide,...
5 Pages 2340 Words

Essay on Jim Jones and Ted Bundy

Criminals tend to view all information before committing a crime. Therefore, because they believe that the risk does not outweigh the rewards of said crime, they go through with it. In criminology, we call this Rational Choice Theory. “The view that criminality is a product of abnormal biological or psychological traits, is known as Trait Theory” (MindTap, Chapter 5). “This theory can then be subdivided into 2 important categories: 1) Those that stress biological makeup and 2) Those that stress...
5 Pages 2312 Words

Essay about Five Important Things about Going to College

The admission process to a college is a stressful process to go through, with many factors to consider and think about such as submitting high school transcripts, exam scores, essays, and partaking in interviews. With technology becoming increasingly more advanced every day, more information is available for others to see. Once reaching the internet, items posted including Instagram posts and uploaded TikTok videos are never erased even if deleted. Many posts, comments, and tweets, whether they be good or bad,...
5 Pages 2492 Words

The Things They Carried' Essay on PTSD

According to research conducted by Charles R. Hooper, former Navy Seal, and graduate of the University of North Carolina, approximately 20 war Veterans commit suicide every day. The main causes of suicide in Veterans include mental illnesses related to PTSD or trauma from wars such as the Vietnam War or World War II. Kurt Vonnegut, a popular 20th-century author of the bestselling novel Slaughterhouse-five, expresses his philosophical thinking by exploring the mind of a World War II veteran named Billy...
5 Pages 2497 Words

Essay on Individual Vs Community

Merges academic definitions of a community to conclude its description as, “A group of people living in the same defined area or sharing the same basic values, organization or interests. An informally organized social entity that is characterized by a sense of identity. Traditionally, the definitions of a community can be categorized into three extensive explanations. Geographical communities: based on geographical location such as neighborhood, village, city, or country. The community as a social network: when citizens living in the...
5 Pages 2361 Words

Companies Requiring Dress Code: Argumentative Essay

Summary Policies are significant in the working environment as they fortify and explain the standards expected of workers and assist bosses with overseeing staff all the more viable as they characterize what is worthy and unsuitable in the working environment. This paper focuses mainly on four policies: sexual harassment, non-discrimination, employee benefit, and dress code; particularly why they should be implemented in a small company. Human Resources Policies Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment keeps on being a problem in American workplaces....
5 Pages 2353 Words

Gender Equality Essay Thesis Statement

Introduction Leave no one behind the project Water, C.(2019) explains a Leave No One Behind project that ensures that no individual is left behind requires that all projects establish gender focal points across partners and stakeholders so that efforts of gender transformative approaches do not lie exclusively with the gender advisor but are integrated into multiple layers in the project in which gender are highly considered. Leave No One Behind project is based on ensuring that marginalized groups, oppressed groups...
6 Pages 2712 Words

Essay on New Imperialism Vs Old Imperialism

Old imperialism European imperialism commenced in the 1800s. The efforts to find a direct trade route to Asia during the stage of Old Imperialism, made the European nations establish clusters in the Americas, India, South Africa, and the East Indies, and expanded territory along the coasts of Africa and China. Consequently, Europe’s Commercial Revolution created new needs and desires for wealth and raw materials. Mercantilists maintained that colonies could serve as a source of wealth, while personal motives by rulers,...
5 Pages 2501 Words

Essay on 'Antigone' Conflicts

The idea of conflict between the state and individuals and the theme of civil disobedience remains prevalent throughout society today. Despite 'Antigone' and 'Fahrenheit 451' being written nearly two thousand years apart, both texts share the same societal issues of conflict between the state and the individual but in different contexts. Both Sophocles and Bradbury are influenced by the political contexts of the period and thus the relationship between moral and religious law in conflict with constitutional law. Bradbury wrote...
5 Pages 2347 Words

Antigone' Feminism Essay

'But I will bury him; and if I must die, I say that this crime is holy' Once described as a play depicting the complexities of 'state versus personal', Antigone's sheer determination to transgress against the politics of the king, to follow her personal beliefs, presents her as a highly strong-willed protagonist. The idea of a female figure with such bravery and obstinacy was extremely controversial to the standards of the classical period in which the tragedy was first written,...
5 Pages 2503 Words

Artificial Intelligence Movie Reflection Essay

Introduction Nowadays, artificial intelligence (AI) is present almost everywhere and helps us daily, for example in self-driving cars, in virtual assistants such as the well-known Siri or Google Home, or even in the film industry. However, when asking some of my close friends, family, and IB students from around the world if they trusted AI, the most common answer was that they did not; but those same people also had trouble correctly defining what is AI. So first of all,...
5 Pages 2400 Words

Essay on Effects of Japanese Imperialism on China

To address the question of whether Japanese and Western imperialism differed, one must first understand what imperialism means. The term “imperialism” first appeared in France in the 19th century and was later introduced into English by critics of Louis Napoleon. It is descriptive of the relationship between a controlling power and those under its rule and refers to the attempt by such a power to dominate and impose its will on a foreign area. A country can be deemed imperialistic...
5 Pages 2332 Words

The Biopsychosocial Model vs. the Biomedical Model: Comparative Essay

The World Health Organization (2019) defines mental health as “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her abilities, can cope with the normal stress of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and can make a contribution to his or her society”. For a behavior to be considered abnormal, it must be deviant from normal behavior, it must cause distress, it must be dangerous, and well as cause dysfunction in a person’s daily routine (Davis, 2009). When...
5 Pages 2444 Words

Gender Equality in Workplace Essay

Introduction In this essay, I want to address the overshadowing of gender equality by feminism within painting. Gender equality is defined as having equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities for women and men. In the realm of painting the issue of gender inequality has been steeply shadowed by the importance being placed on feminism- the perceptions of women and the purpose of the female body as many female artists are reclaiming their bodies through painting women’s reality and using their work...
5 Pages 2554 Words

Research Essay on Computer Science

Abstract: The number of women pursuing computer science majors in college has dropped almost 20 percent in the last thirty years. Even though many tech industries claim to have found solutions to fix the gender gap problem, this issue has not changed over the years. My contribution essay will analyze the reasons behind the wide gender gap in computer science. I will look at various scholars and their studies on what they think causes the gender gap in tech industries....
5 Pages 2457 Words

The Great Depression Argumentative Essay

How have U.S. protectionist trade policies affected global trade since 1930: lessons for the US-China trade war. Ever since the 1980s, before he showed interest in politics, President Trump had advocated trade restrictions, especially on tariffs because in his point of view, to decrease the trade deficit and promote the domestic manufacturing industry, those trade restrictions are seen as necessary procedures. He said that the US is getting ripped off by other trading partners/competitors and imposing such kinds of trade...
5 Pages 2441 Words

Social and Economic Justice Essay

Economic and Human rights laws address two spheres of social life that being the economy and human rights/politics. It also addresses two irreconcilable areas of government policy. There was a constant attempt at separating the two although this led to some disastrous results. Economic policies place a focus on the market with this usually results in inequality and discrimination. Human rights policies attempt to lessen this inequality and discrimination that may exist. The lessening of inequality and discrimination can make...
5 Pages 2350 Words

Child Field Observation in Child Care Reflective Journal Essay

Introduction When the topic of literacy occurs, literacy is commonly associated with the learning of reading and writing. But within Early Childhood, literacy can be seen in more than just reading and writing. Early Literacy consists of children gaining knowledge about reading and writing before they achieve these milestones. Literacy can be developed in more ways than one, which could be singing, playing, talking to peers/adults, as well as reading and writing (Cedar Mill Community Library, 2019). Literacy can be...
5 Pages 2434 Words

Observation of a 5 Years Child Essay

Why do we observe? Understanding and supporting children's learning can be determined by several factors, one of which is observations. Observations are important as they seek out the next steps for making progress in children's learning. When professionals carry out observations, children should be consulted and involved as if they were being taught. They are often formal and systematic when taking place in an educational setting, conclusions are drawn to help professionals further develop strategies and programs to support children....
6 Pages 2607 Words

Naturalistic Child Observation Essay

From watching a video of a child named Jamie I grasped an understanding that is it crucial for social workers to have good observation skills. This is because it enables them to gain an understanding and insight into child development and the structure of a relationship in different cultures and families (Linnet McMahon, 2003). The method of observation I applied while conducting research was the naturalistic approach, which Michael V Angrisano states in his book (Angrisano, 2016). That 'naturalistic observations...
6 Pages 2657 Words

Gender Equality in Sports Essay

Traditionally, men have been dominating sport, in terms of both participation and governance. Looking back to the first modern Olympic Games, held in Athens in 1896, women were excluded from participation. Women were only allowed to participate after four years. Although women’s presence and involvement in sports activities have gradually evolved and improved, girls and women across the world still get fewer opportunities and less investment, training, and corporate attention. The importance of sport in daily life cannot be ignored...
5 Pages 2421 Words

Problem Solution Essay about School Shooting

One of the biggest things students have to struggle with is school shootings. School shootings fear all students and even their parents. We think there are many factors leading up to someone wanting to do this. Many of these people who do school shootings have some sort of mental illness. Mental illness paired with social media and the harsh students that partake in bullying can mentally break down any student of any age. Social media plays a big role for...
6 Pages 2659 Words

School Shooting Problem Solution Essay

School shootings have been occurring for centuries, but now in the past few years, there have been too many to count. “The earliest known United States shooting to happen on school property was the Pontiac's Rebellion school massacre on July 26, 1764, where four Lenape American Indian entered the schoolhouse near present-day Greencastle, Pennsylvania, shot and killed schoolmaster Enoch Brown, and killed nine or ten children (reports vary). Only two children survived.” (Glavin, C.). The worst school shooting as of...
5 Pages 2273 Words

Sociology Essay on Intersectionality

Homosexuality is a term to depict an individual explicitly pulled into those of a similar sexual orientation. Homosexuality can be utilized to allude to both gays and lesbians. Oppression homosexuality has represented a significant issue that has delivered various exploited people and it is essential to stop this superfluous demise. The discrimination against homosexuality has been around for a long time. Bachman stated that “homosexuality is both a choice and a threat” (Goldberg: 2011). This means that transgender people have...
5 Pages 2375 Words

Fast Fashion Pros and Cons Essay

The modern fashion industry has a guilty conscience when it comes to clothes and children. Whether or not they would like to profess this, young children in poorer countries thread and sow the very clothes that are worn by millions across the globe. Since the Industrial Revolution, abusive labor has been no stranger to the creation of garments and accessories [1]. Which, this is why I want to research and debate if the fashion industry is responsible for this exploitation....
5 Pages 2427 Words

Soccer Passion Essay

I didn’t know what to expect when starting this project, but coming out, I have to say my excitement to work in the sports industry is through the roof. Right when we started our SPM class, we were given the idea that it was okay not to know what we wanted to do. Honestly, that frightened me. I’m the kind of person who needs to be driven in a certain direction, or I tend to drift off; and not fully...
5 Pages 2407 Words

Personal Narrative Essay about Teenage Moms

Underage Moms or Good Moms Based on research, there has been a mixture of perspectives on whether or not there is a huge difference between children born from teenage mothers to children born from mature mothers (ages 21 and above). According to statistics, written by Cost and Henshaw’s article entitled Facts about Teenage Pregnancy, 3 in 10 teen American girls will get pregnant at least once before age 20. That's nearly 750,000 teen pregnancies every year. Less than 2% of...
5 Pages 2329 Words

Essay on Positive Effects of Teenage Pregnancy

Part one: Assessing Health Needs Assessing the health needs of a population requires the focus of individuals and not the actual problem. For example, the subject of teenage pregnancy should represent the focus of pregnant adolescent mothers and their sexual health needs. It is estimated that each year in developing regions, twenty-one million girls from the ages of 15 to 19 years old become pregnant, and approximately twelve million of the girls give birth. According to The World Health Organisation...
5 Pages 2422 Words

Critical Essay on 'Wide Sargasso Sea'

While the theme of the quest for identity is woven into the heart of both George Eliot’s Silas Marner (1861) and Jean Rhys’ Wide Sargasso Sea (1966), it is also clear that loss and destruction have significant roles to play in the texts. The characters are hit with the loss of their homes, their identities, their relationships, and their wealth, both due to their actions and the actions of others. Loss and destruction are particularly strong for Antoinette Mason in...
5 Pages 2261 Words
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