2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Alchemist' Book Review Essay

Introduction: One of the best-selling books in history, ‘The Alchemist’ written by Paulo Coelho, has been translated into over seventy languages, published in one-hundred-forty countries, and sold over sixty-five million copies. It is indexed within the Guinness Book of World Records as the most translated book by a living author. The book, ‘The Alchemist’ is about following your dreams. The book talks about the Andalusian boy, Santiago, who takes a journey to Egypt and the way everybody helps him. He...
5 Pages 2446 Words

Research Essay on Elizabeth Blackwell and Gender Equality

‘I am ready to maintain that there are many females who never feel any sexual excitement whatever … a modest woman seldom desires any sexual gratification for herself. She submits to her husband’s embraces, but principally to gratify him; and were it not for the desire of maternity, would far rather be relieved of his attentions.’ In the above quotation Dr William Acton, a leading medical professional in late nineteenth-century Britain, foregrounds a distinction in sexual interests between men and...
5 Pages 2424 Words

Research Essay on Vegan Lifestyle

Go vegan, they said. Save the world, they said. But, is the plant-based diet truly as beneficial for the animals and environment as people like to believe? What would happen if everyone converted to a plant-based diet? Veganism is defined by The Vegan Society, as “a way of living which seeks to exclude as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose”. These restrictions also apply to leather, wool,...
5 Pages 2417 Words

Critical Essay on Racism in Police Enforcement

Over-policing and under-protection have emerged as powerful platforms for institutional racism. Institutional racism is 'the collective failure of an organization to provide appropriate and professional service to people because of their color, culture or ethnic origin. It can be seen or detected in processes, attitudes, and behavior which amount to discrimination through unwitting prejudice, ignorance, thoughtlessness, and racist stereotyping which disadvantages minority ethnic people.' (Macpherson, 1999: 6;34). Throughout this essay, it will criticise the central issue of stop and search,...
5 Pages 2457 Words

Argument against Vegan Essay

People in this day and age have so many beliefs that it can be hard to have a reason for everyone to commit to veganism or vegetarianism. Some people believe it is okay because it is how we survived. It is how our ancestors survived. Some think it is okay to eat some meat but stay away from others because that is what their god says, but why should these sentient creatures have to suffer because of our food preferences?...
5 Pages 2269 Words

Letter from Birmingham Jail': Argumentative Essay

“My conscience won’t let me go shoot my brother, or some darker people, or some poor hungry people in the mud for big powerful America. And shoot them for what? ... they didn’t put any dogs on me, they didn’t rob me of my nationality, rape and kill my mother and father. … Shoot them for what? How can I shoot them, poor people? Just take me to jail.” This passionately charged statement is from the world champion boxer Muhammad...
6 Pages 2638 Words

Constructivism Philosophy of Education: Essay

Communication is a core element in teaching and learning a foreign language as it is an important tool. It is quite impossible to interact without communication. In order to learn a foreign language communication is really crucial, useful, and noteworthy. In this perspective competence over the years English language learning and teaching has become widely popular all over the world to learn a foreign language because English has gained the prestige of becoming a global language in the era of...
6 Pages 2638 Words

Best Way to Prevent Teenage Pregnancy Is Sex Education: Essay

Wellness tends to be much more than non-attendant illness or lack of illness it is about health-promoting behavior to be able to progress to your full potential. Health can refer to nonattendant illness and wellness does not refer to just physical health but spiritual emotional and social issues. Social determinants of well-being tend to be the social, cultural, economic, and commercial factors of an individual’s life. The social determinant of health shapes the conditions of how people are born, grow,...
5 Pages 2359 Words

Essay on Loss of Cultural Identity

Loss of cultural identity of the Adivasis community Mahasweta Devi's Chotti Munda and His Arrow expose the tribal history of the Munda community and others with colonial and post-colonial history. Devi attempts to highlight tribal history to emphasize their social lifestyle and their struggles for their rights and livelihood. Additionally, she also unfolds how they were treated and taken advantage of by others. Devi says in her interview with Gayatri C Spivak, “I have seen with my eyes what the Emergency...
6 Pages 2574 Words

Teenage Depression Essay

All of the people have these periods of times when they feel down, sad, and don't want to do anything during the day. This type of sadness may last for a few days without serious consequences on people and their normal day-to-day lives. When people feel sad others have a habit of calling it depression, wrongly thinking that depression is “just sadness”. According to the American Psychiatric Association, “Depression (major depressive disorder) is a common and serious medical illness that...
6 Pages 2507 Words

Research Essay on High School Sports Being Number One

“An estimated 55.5 percent of all high school students play a sport (Jason Koebler). High school athletics refers to competition between other schools at the middle/junior high school and high school levels in the United States. The first athletic program was put in place in New York public schools by Luther Garlic in 1903. Over the next 12 years, 177 similar leaks were put together all over the United States. The purpose of these slow programs was simply to encourage...
6 Pages 2600 Words

Research Essay on Youth on Their Own

Criminological theories are useful tools because they help to understand the criminal justice system, the victims, and the perpetrators in the system. It is important to acknowledge that there are many criminological theories with different levels of analysis, and there is no single theory capable of explaining all the forms of offending behaviors. The ‘problem’ of youth crime is complex in nature. This essay argues that the ‘problem’ of youth crime can be identified as both that African youth are...
6 Pages 2662 Words

Synthesis Essay on Social Networking

My cousin and I are best friends because of Social Networking Sites (SNS). I know that she has a favorite hat. Because of social networking sites, she knows how much I love it! I also know that my younger cousin turned 10 recently! These are all things that I would not know if Social Networking Sites did not exist! Some people may think that social networking sites are either their saving grace or pure evil itself, but they need to...
6 Pages 2640 Words

Evaluation Essay on Donald Trump

Neo-pluralism rejects the idea of a totalitarian society. This means it does not only tolerate many ideas however it accepts other opinions, religions, and cultures. It is not the concept of a pure democracy where the majority gets what they want and the minority remains at a disadvantage (Dryzek & Dunleavy, 2009). This is exactly what happened during the mid-term elections. The important factor that stood out in this mid-term election is the culture wars. The mid-term elections are divided...
5 Pages 2352 Words

Narrative Essay: Personal Interview about IEP Process

Questionnaire Interview 1. How did you learn that Braylin has a disability? (Who was present? When did this happen?) If you were giving advice to professionals who need to explain to a parent that his/her child has a special need, what would that advice be? 'We were at, I was working at Shelly's (Welsh's Pre-K day school), and I noticed that Braylin was not playing with the other kids. Braylin was three at the time. He always played with his...
6 Pages 2576 Words

Evaluation Essay on Marijuana

Marijuana is widespread in Bhutan and is often regarded as a weed, rather than a beneficial plant. Over time, there have been significant changes in the variety, availability, production, distribution, use, and user(s) of psychoactive substances, the meaning of substance use, and its impact on users and their social or social environment(s). Before the 1970s, marijuana was not considered a drug by the government of Bhutan. The first ever marijuana-related arrest in the country wasn’t made until 1989 when a...
5 Pages 2294 Words

Research Essay on Fairy Tales

Fairy tales are a magnificent way to teach children life lessons. However, some lessons may be obvious while others are completely hidden. Through analyzing the fairy tale “The Brave Little Tailor,” the obvious and hidden lessons from the story will be brought out and explored. “The Brave Little Tailor” is a reflection on underdogs and their low probability of winning. I want to indicate that fairy tales like “The Brave Little Tailor” show how an underdog may appear to be...
6 Pages 2666 Words

Synthesis Essay on Parental Supervision and Learning

The Internet and video games are a huge knowledge, fun, and risky database. Parents are having trouble shielding their children from the hazards they face on the internet and video games (such as cyberbullying muscle spasms, date rape, addiction, excessive pornography, and obesity). In modern-day research, parenting techniques for social media and video games are well-defined and operationalized to find out about the effect of adolescents at home and in school on the actual use of the internet. The Internet...
5 Pages 2325 Words

Evaluation Essay on the Declaration of Independence

The vision of Freedom is varied. For Americans, their freedom was written in the Declaration of Independence stating, All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness (The Declaration Of Independence). It cannot be said the same for the black community. The perspective of the inhumane treatment towards black individuals. Is countered by the ascribed past. Further known as the Declaration of...
6 Pages 2681 Words

Research Essay on Native American Civil Rights

The Native Americans have long fought the battle to retain ownership of land they consider sacred. Bergmann has produced an admirable ethnographic work that demonstrates the unique relationship that links the peoples to the geographical landscape and the culturally relevant stories of which these sites were permanent reminders. Two periods of treaty-making occurred, during late 1850 to 1851, and 1884 to 1885, and concessions were made by the US government above what they had previously envisaged. The war of 1855-1856...
6 Pages 2743 Words

Why Do Empires Fall: Essay

One major core class young students are required to take in high school is History. Students learn a wide variety of subjects under this category, including ancient civilizations, past presidents, US history, and the great empires that once ruled the continents. The idea behind learning history is possibly to try to avoid it relapsing again. Students are taught in depth about the major empires of the world and what modern civilization stands to gain from learning about these empires. One...
6 Pages 2581 Words

Synthesis Essay on the Purpose of Education

Introduction: The focus of this essay is to discuss the purpose of education and how it is essentially a contested concept. Or, one that has a vast range of definitions, none of which is satisfactory, Harris (1999, cited in Bates and Lewis 2009, p.21). Education derives from two terms, the first is 'educare' which is to draw out and realize the potential, and the second is 'educere' which is to bring up and nurture (Jordan, Stack, Carlile, 2008, p.6). The...
6 Pages 2502 Words

Synthesis Essay on Health

Mental illnesses continue to affect thousands of lives and communities globally but access and equity are the compromise. Australia's access and equity policies were implemented to enable all Australians to access affordable, quality, and appropriate medical care. Equitable health is a fundamental human right; therefore, it should be available to all. Cumulative realization of healthcare inequity enables the elimination of unfair allocation of resources often resulting from disease and disability variations that hinder the course of planning and well-being (Breslow,...
6 Pages 2509 Words

Synthesis Essay on Drugs

Introduction It has been designed to assess reasons, consequences, and context for the use of drugs in clubs by adults in the city of U.S. There was a report from the adults for the utilization of drugs like GHB, Ecstasy, Rohypnol, LSD Ketamine, etc., in club under the interview discussion which included the measures of qualitative and quantitative. The drug that is most frequently used in the club is Ecstasy along with LSD, and ketamine. Most of the participants have...
5 Pages 2393 Words

Synthesis Essay on Cloning

Stereotypically speaking, the majority of this world refers to cloning as a fearful fictional story of human replication, such as an army of clones from Star Wars, or The Island. But what most people don’t know is that there is a beneficial side of cloning besides just creating a living being that is identical to its original. Researching and experimenting with human cloning will also open the doors to cloning rare crops, and more animals that even have gone extinct....
5 Pages 2439 Words

Synthesis Essay on Bullying

The developmental stages of adolescence, which include physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development, are divided into early, middle, and late adolescence. The goal of adolescent development is to move toward a more mature sense of self and purpose. Adolescent learns how to establish and maintain healthy relationships, share intimacy comfortably to understand abstract ideas and develop their own moral viewpoints. Adolescence is a very sensitive stage; they experience puberty changes that are many physical changes in their body; adolescents start to...
6 Pages 2354 Words

Synthesis Essay on 'The Great Gatsby'

Since it was the end of the war, America in the 1920s was a huge materialistic culture, and the roaring Twenties erupted, with wealth and status as major core values. The relationships in 'The Great Gatsby' depict this appearance of wealth as a core value; Jay Gatsby spends the entire novel attempting to be of a higher social class than he was raised in. He tries desperately to persuade others of his social standing. Similar to this, the relationship between...
6 Pages 2683 Words

Synthesis Essay about Technology

Technology has become advanced over the years which has now become a powerful tool, and has become a necessity in people's lives. Technology addiction is a thing that has become very common in our lives and is an issue that has to be addressed. The addiction is universal which means that it can be at any place in the world that has technology. This issue can start at any time and can affect any gender and any age. Technology addiction...
5 Pages 2357 Words

Stress and Anxiety Essay

Abstract This study scrutinizes the relationship between stress and anxiety among college students. In the study, we tested and explored the relationship that exists in the students' levels of anxiety, and stress with the elements of the working hours among immigrantsimmigrants students and nonimmigrant students. The study was conducted among 67 undergraduate psychology students from Florida Atlantic University, with an average of 23.39 years. The members were requested to complete forms related to the study, such as their age, GPA,...
6 Pages 2720 Words

Exemplification Essay on Characteristics of Animal in Human Life

As in real life, the human-animal relationship in children’s literature is often antagonistic. In the two texts, 'The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies,' and Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, the hostility is not only felt in one direction, but is experienced by the animals and the humans toward each other. However, because Beatrix Potter wrote 'The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies' for a younger audience, she handles the human-animal enmity in a more simple and comforting manner. Her...
6 Pages 2612 Words
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