2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Reflective Essay on Developmental Disorders

Parental Consultancy - Initial contracts and other agreements I had been recruited to work with the agency and their safer recruitment procedure was followed. This included an application form, referees taken up, and an enhanced DBS check required. I received regular supervision and worked with 6 different families over about 5 months. The referral to work with Kate and David Brown was made by an adoption support social worker from the Regional Adoption Agency. I held an initial consultation (over...
6 Pages 2681 Words

Reflective Essay on Science

This work is a reflection on my own experiences of collaborative data science work, using the DEBRIEF framework. It is adapted from my report initially submitted in March 2022. Describe events 'Six students, including me, worked together on the Group Project in the Data Science module. Most of us had never met before and we had not previously worked together. I was initially working from home due to various circumstances. The other five were present in person. We were working...
6 Pages 2561 Words

Reflective Essay on Oral Presentation

Oral presentation: According to my understanding, the most crucial part of any kind of oral presentation is analyzing your audience and adjusting your tone accordingly. Though a few peers argue that the crucial part is about the purpose of the presentation and to include explicit research and findings to prove the idea effectively, unless I connect to the audience, I can’t make an impact on them. By conducting an audience analysis, you can gather segment information on your crowd and...
5 Pages 2384 Words

Reflective Essay on Counselling Session

The feeling of being a client As this is the first time I am attending a counseling session, I felt curious and excited during the first counseling session because I had only a brief idea of the counseling session which is clients have to express their feelings and problems of own to find a solution. After I attended counseling sessions, I found that counseling is not just about pouring emotions but taking it as a learning process to make life...
6 Pages 2663 Words

What Is the American Dream Essay

The American Dream is the ideal of equality of opportunity to achieve one's goals and have a better life. Many people have a dream, but not everyone has an equal opportunity to achieve it. Achieving the American Dream isn’t easy because it requires one to work hard and overcome obstacles that occur along the way. Everyone has a dream, but it’s not easily achieved for some. My American Dream is to have a stable job so I can prosper myself,...
6 Pages 2672 Words

Substance Abuse among Healthcare Professionals: Essay

Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals are the providers of our communities. They use their knowledge, skills, and technology to heal our wounded and treat our ill. Even with so much education and experience gained from their hard work, there is still the problem of some of these professionals succumbing to alcohol and/or drug dependency. Most with these substance dependencies are in dire need of fighting this addiction in order to reduce the chances of a work-related incident happening to...
5 Pages 2295 Words

Social Media and Eating Disorders Essay

The way we perceive our bodies can be influenced by internal factors (e.g. mental, emotional, historical, or physical components) or by external facts (culture, the media, or advertising). Body dissatisfaction comes in many forms and is defined in many ways and measured using a variety of techniques. The leading causes of body dissatisfaction are (1) the media as the 'ideal' body for men and women is used across all forms of media. Even low exposure can cause, especially women, an...
5 Pages 2323 Words

Proposal Essay about DACA

Through this proposal, I hope to illustrate the political, religious, and physical struggles that pushed the Irish people out of their homeland, Ireland. I will illuminate some of the many ways the English and then, later, Americans used stereotypes and propaganda to marginalize the Irish, and much worse. Their intentions were to defame and demoralize the Irish people so they could conquer and control them. I will examine how America worked on immigration issues in the 1800s. I will show...
5 Pages 2282 Words

Family Resilience Essay

A human being is a social animal and to survive in this society we have to communicate and interact with individuals. It s not the individual who impacts our learning process but it the relationship with them, the places where we met, and the things that they did; and that’s how cognition occurs (May 2013). According to Te Whariki, the New Zealand early childhood curriculum which is based on sociocultural and ecological development reveals the importance of families in children’s...
6 Pages 2561 Words

Essay on White Collar Crime Theories

The type of white-collar crime exposed by the Banking Royal Commission is difficult to explain using criminological theory. White-collar crime consists of law-breaking actions that business and government-appointed officials in workplace environments have committed. The crimes are usually nonviolent, and primarily focused on financial gain. (Loy, n.d.) The Banking Royal Commission investigated the improper behavior of businesses in the banking, superannuation, and financial services sectors. It was initiated by the Australian government on 14 December 2017, in accordance with the...
5 Pages 2431 Words

Essay on Ponzi Scheme White Collar Crime

The Ponzi Scheme The Ponzi Scheme is a term commonly thrown around in the world of white-collar crime. It is an age-old game of borrowing from Peter to pay Paul – a form of fraud where people believe in a non-existent business or product and the money gathered from today’s investors would be used to repay the debts of those that came before (Darby, 1998). Typically, these investors are attracted by the promise of outrageous profit. Time and again, people...
5 Pages 2305 Words

Immigrant Parents' Involvement in School Activities: Essay

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Mexican-Americans are the most rapidly growing population group in the country. The majority of these people are families: parents and school-aged children. It has been shown that ELLs can be expected to have a higher GPA as well as higher test scores when their parents take on an active role in their education (Altschul, 2011). For this reason, teachers of Mexican ELLs need to know how to encourage parents of Mexican ELLs to participate...
5 Pages 2261 Words

Male Dominance over Females: Essay

Male dominance over females is one of the earliest known and most prevalent forms of inequality in human history. Due to its everydayness, male dominance seems natural. But one question never goes away. Might innate biological mechanisms be a hindrance to women attaining equal power with men? Or might men’s authority to command women be credited to the nature of the male personality itself, rather than anything else? My research has convinced me that male dominance over females is not...
6 Pages 2713 Words

Exploratory Essay on Fine Arts and STEM Education

There are many variations you might’ve heard over time about the importance of art and where the importance of the subject stands. From relatives who claim it to be pointless, educators who believe it’s inessential and the school boards who say that it’s a waste of time and money. Whereas subjects like science and math take the spotlight for its advancement of humanity, such as its progress in engineering, technology, and medicine. Because of this, schools are beginning to cut...
5 Pages 2332 Words

Connection Between Music Preferences and Personality Traits: Deductive Essay

Introduction Ever been asked why you are listening to a particular song? At that moment, people usually try to come up with the reasons. However, the answer will be, because I like it, and perhaps it could be the artist or because one wants the beat or how someone is feeling at that particular moment. It is essential to understand that individuals are exposed to a variety of music differently regardless of whether they choose to listen or not. Research...
5 Pages 2256 Words

Investigating the Influence of Weather on Mood and Productivity: Deductive Essay

‘’How does weather affect one’s mood?’’From a very old age weather was a factor affecting not only one’s mood but most importantly one’s survival. Weather affected the food available to eat, if there was any food, the water available to drink, the shelter and warmth one needed in order to not freeze to death, and pretty much all else affecting one’s survival. Now with electricity things have become much easier and weather is no longer a matter of life and...
6 Pages 2550 Words

The Harm of Truth: Deductive Essay

Introduction Breaking bad news to a patient may be viewed as one of the most difficult areas within the job of a doctor. However, it's an essential skill that all doctors have to do throughout their entire careers. Bad news may be defined in a variety of ways, including 'any information which adversely and seriously affects a patient's view of his or her future'. In the context of medicine, some examples of bad news situations include disease diagnoses, disease recurrence,...
5 Pages 2356 Words

Identity and Youth Gang Culture: Essay

In this essay, I will be exploring how urban youth cultures in today's society provide a sense of identity and belonging to many of its members. I will be sincerely analyzing how gang culture provides that sense of belonging, and there are both positive and negative outcomes of feeling like you have an identity from being a part of gang culture. The definition of a gang in some people's eyes means a group of organized criminals that engage in criminal...
5 Pages 2271 Words

Essay on Land Degradation as One of the Major Environmental Problems in India

After independence, India launched a series of economic plans for rapid expansion in agriculture, industry, transport, and other infrastructure with a view to increasing production and employment, reducing poverty and inequality of incomes, and establishing a socialist society based on equality and justice. But because of poor planning and in many cases mindless and ruthless exploitation of natural resources, we have degraded our physical environment. Environmental problems have become serious in many parts of the country and can no longer...
6 Pages 2575 Words

Essay about Earthquake as a Natural Disaster

About 50,000 earthquakes are big enough, to occur around the world naturally. Of these, around 100 are big enough to inflict serious harm if their centers are located close to housing areas. Averagely, some very large earthquakes occur once a year. Over the years, it caused hundreds of thousands of deaths and an untold amount of economic loss. Earthquakes have numerous impacts such as seismic changes, damage to buildings created by human beings, and effects on humans and animals. Much...
5 Pages 2426 Words

Are Cell Phones a Boon or a Bane: Argumentative Essay

Cell phones have turned into a necessity of life, an extension of our arm. Some of us can’t even live without it. One of the greatest inventions of mankind always has its negatives and can end up causing pain and destruction, but that all depends on why and how it is used. There are many benefits to having a cell phone. There are many important uses for it that we use on a daily. Its usefulness overpowers its abuse. It...
5 Pages 2447 Words

Research Essay on Illegal Immigration

In the Shadow of the Wall: The Effects of the US Expansion of Border Protection The case of the USA and Mexico may be different from any other in the world. Although the two countries are economically very differently developed, they have a unique common history, are important trading partners for each other, and are linked by a remarkable Mexican diaspora spread throughout the territory of the United States. However, both countries are also connected by a 3,000-kilometer border, which...
5 Pages 2438 Words

Research Essay on Harassment

1. Introduction: Sexual harassment can be described as a complex problem that is as well as universal in nature. It takes place throughout the world in multiple cultures and societies, for both adults and children. The involvement in any sexual activity that is forced or unwanted over a child or an adult victim for satisfying the sexual gratification of another is said to be sexual harassment. The explanations for sexual harassment are varied, they depend on the sexual maturity i.e....
5 Pages 2441 Words

Research Essay on 'The Yellow Wallpaper'

The Yellow Wallpaper written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman in 1892 expresses the severity of the suffering people encounter behind closed doors regarding mental illnesses and the factors that affect this. The short story follows a young woman and her diary entries as she documents her journey suffering from post-partum depression. During this time, she becomes increasingly obsessed with the wallpaper within the room she is confined in. Postpartum depression which is now more commonly recognized was misunderstood at the time...
5 Pages 2434 Words

Research Essay about the Occult

What is the occult? It is defined as anything connected to magic, astrology, or a system claiming the use or knowledge of unknown or supernatural powers or agencies. The occult is not considered a religion or a science. The occult and its many fields are ancient in nature and crucial to understanding the human race’s past, present, and future. One of the earliest practices in the occult is alchemy. Alchemy is defined as an ancient practice from which people attempted...
5 Pages 2330 Words

Reflective Essay on Racism

While it is easy to say that racism is simply the personal bias of one group of people towards another, I believe that racism is much more insidious and permeating than that. Camara Jones states that “racism is a system”(2002, 9), and I agree with her. The system of racism does consist of individuals, but it also includes policies, laws, structures, social norms, and structures. It flows through all parts of government, education, and the health care system, impacting where...
5 Pages 2326 Words

Persuasive Essay on Literacy

Reading- it’s something you do on a daily basis. You’re doing it right now, but reading can be hard. According to Rebecca Silverman, an associate professor of education at Stanford Graduate School of Education, “[reading] is not a natural phenomenon. There’s no specific region of the brain for reading or writing. Through evolution, humans have hijacked other parts of the brain – auditory, visual – and combined them into a network of channels to develop the ability to read and...
5 Pages 2260 Words

Exemplification Essay about Social Media

Nothing has taken over so many people’s lives more than social media. The majority of people worldwide use social media on a daily basis. For adults, it is usually Facebook or Twitter while teens tend to use Snapchat, TikTok, and Instagram. This technology allows everyone to stay in touch whether the results are good or bad. When people really take a moment to think about how social media is affecting their lives, they may find that it actually has some...
6 Pages 2574 Words

Evaluation Essay on Tattoos

This paper will argue that tattoos in modern society are a form of art used to represent identity and self-expression or to symbolize personal experiences and growth. I will begin with a review of relevant literature discussing the history of tattoos, with an emphasis on how the art form was used and the significance of them in ancient times. I will discuss how tattoos were used in a cultural context and the negative perceptions of tattoos that followed as a...
6 Pages 2746 Words

Evaluation Essay on Chipotle

Chipotle: Diving to the Middle of the Burrito Chipotle’s foundation is built upon its mission of “Food with integrity.” With an array of 2300 stores across the United States, Chipotle is aspiring to be one of the most healthy and influential businesses in the modern era. Steve Ells, Chipotle’s original founder, and co-CEO, intended the company to create, produce, and manufacture locally. From day one, Ells remained committed to serving food that is ethically and naturally produced (Page). Famously known...
5 Pages 2330 Words
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