3000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Impact of Public Opinion and Media on Foreign Policy

Traditionally, academics have regarded foreign policy as an area of “high” politics (Almond, 1950). However, the possible effects of media, with the complex influence of public opinion, have garnered scholarly attention and debate for several decades now, without a clear consensus ever truly emerging. As Steven Livingston summarized: “The impact of these new global, real-time media is typically regarded as substantial, if not profound.” He pointed to two key factors in particular: the first factor was the conclusion of the...
7 Pages 2882 Words

International Expansion And Success Of Campbell’s

In 1869, Abram Anderson, an icebox manufacturer, and Joseph Campbell, a fruit merchant, founded a canning and preserving business. After Anderson left the partnership in 1876, the company was named the Joseph A. Campbell Preserve Company. Today, the company is known as the Campbell Soup Company, often known as just Campbell’s. They are headquartered in Camden, New Jersey, and their business has expanded substantially, with a multitude of offerings than just soup in a can. Campbell has become a staple...
6 Pages 2914 Words

Views of Plato and Nietzsche on Romantic Relationship

Our topic for research is the views of Plato and Federick Nietzsche on love sex and marriage. The paper describes the views of each philosopher on love, sex and marriage and to understand it with a contemporary point of view. The paper includes terms like homosexuality, how sex is for producing kids than loveAlso to learn more about both of the philosophers including research that expand our knowledge. Love, Sex and Marriage when it comes to defining them there are...
7 Pages 3187 Words

The Purpose of the Criminal Law

Criminal Law governs the society we live in by deeming what citizens living within its jurisdiction can and cannot lawfully do. Criminal Laws consists of statutes and common laws put in place by ruling governments or can based on previous case law. The laws are in place to help societies function in a fair and peaceful way and should be applied equally and if there should be a violation of a law there may be a penalty as defined by...
6 Pages 2867 Words

Me Too: The Movement that Sparked The Debate About Sexual Abuse

MeToo movement is a social movement that wants to fight to bring an end to sexual violence and sexual assault that is being done against people, the success of this movement is to take a stand that objectifies individuals The movement is designed to help survivors of sexual assault, violence, and harassment that is happening to those who are at a disadvantage: people of color, women and girls, members of LGBQT community and other young women from low wealth communities...
6 Pages 2829 Words

Key Theories of Jacques Derrida

Jacques Derrida came to prominence in the late 1960s and early 1970s with the publication of Of Grammatology, Writing and Difference and Margins of Philosophy. Derrida’s name is inextricably linked with the term ‘deconstruction‘. Largely because of this, or rather because of some interpretations of what deconstruction is, he must be counted as one of the most controversial of contemporary European thinkers. The controversy surrounding Derrida can be traced back at least as far as the late 1970s, when he...
7 Pages 3067 Words

Oscar Wilde’s Aesthetic Theory in 'De Profundis'

Composed in January through March of 1897 in Reading Prison, Berkshire, De Profundis is a letter of “revelation of all that is feeblest in the writer”. Written by Oscar Wilde addressing his lover, Lord Alfred Douglas, or, Bosie, the title of the eighty-page letter translates from Latin to “out of the depths.” The letter describes Wilde’s account of the events leading up to his imprisonment when he was convicted to two years hard time for “gross indecency.” While the letter...
7 Pages 3214 Words

Essay on Vote for Trees

On October 28th, 2020, Donald Trump and his cabinet enacted legislation to allow logging in Alaska’s Tongass National Forest. According to those within the Trump administration, and Alaska’s state representatives, such logging was necessary in order to buoy a drowning timber industry and create jobs. On the other hand, according to scientists like Dominick DellaSala, “We need those rainforests to survive, … The trees will do fine without us, but they're pulling that carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and...
7 Pages 3224 Words

Henry IV: Fatherhood, Masculinity and International Sovereign Status

In the last decade of their reigns, a series of legal disputes arose between Francis and Henry which seem oddly trivial and unnecessarily prolonged to the modern observer. Yet, there was an earnest tenacity about them. The apparent issue in each was the respect for the legalities of treaties between them, and particularly honouring the financial obligations each had to the other. At heart, however, they were really about their respective claims to personal honour as kings and brothers. Having...
6 Pages 2913 Words

Thomas Hardy's Philosophical Outlook

Hardy’s conception of human life was shaped in part by his extensive critical reading of the Bible, study of ancient tragedy, contemporary philosophical and scientific works, and in part by his rural environment. Ernest Brennecke, who wrote one of the earliest appraisals of Hardy’s philosophy of life, argued that Hardy developed “a consistent world-view through the notions of Chance and Time, Circumstances, Fate, Nature, Providence, Nemesis and Will tinged with metaphysical idealism”. This opinion has hardly changed throughout the years...
6 Pages 2877 Words

UK’s Criminal Law Dealing Adequately With Online Abuse to Protect the Public

The fast-paced development of digital technology has opened a pandora’s box of new behaviours under online abuse, which negatively impacts individuals of all ages, particularly young people. The government’s task of successfully classifying online abuse as criminal offences, is becoming increasingly difficult. A topical issue is the problematic area of the criminal law surrounding ‘revenge porn’. This is defined as “the sharing of explicit or sexual, images or videos, without the consent of the person in the image”. Although the...
6 Pages 2865 Words

The Duty of Sound: The Importance of Sound within Video Games

We often have preconceptions of how things should sound, as we hear them in day to day life without even taking notice of every single sound. But what is sound design? It can provoke a mood or feeling, and it can also inform the gamer with information such as doing a task with an audio prompt, or locating important clues such as an enemy’s footsteps close by, or a gun shot in the distance for example. This project will attempt...
6 Pages 2934 Words

History of Batteries, What Is a Battery, Recycling of Batteries

History of Batteries (Types – Production – Consumption) in Europe, the USA and China One of the most revolutionary ideas at the time of the invention was the battery. A battery is defined as a device where energy is stored and delivered through electrical means. Alessandro Volta invented the first electric battery in the early 1800s. Based on his theory of the Voltaic pile, Volta was able to produce a steady supply of electricity. The unit of measurement, Volt, is...
6 Pages 2966 Words

Change Management Issues and Challenges in Malaysian’s Employment Sector

Each country has a level which improve the ranked once they achieved something that could be consider as proud of in economics of the country such as gross domestic product, gross national product and per capita income, however, many countries occasionally will have some kind of problems that caused the fall of the country ranking. Malaysia is closer to the ranking of developing countries if Malaysia does not face any decline in productivity, and this will open up the pace...
7 Pages 3138 Words

Use of Risk Management in IT

In the enormous field of Information Technology, the term 'Hazard Management' alludes to the various systems to diminish and avert potential risks to an organization/association. This is finished by people who recognize, survey and control potential security dangers. These threats could emerge from a various scope of sources, including budgetary insecurity, methodical mistakes and lawful liabilities. For some, driving organizations, security dangers and information related dangers being top need has enabled organizations to progressively reinforce their benefits. A hazard is...
6 Pages 2851 Words

Systemic Factors Behind the Replication Crisis in Psychology

Systemic Factors Behind the Replication Crisis in Psychology Professional incentive systems shaped by a systemic preference for statistical significance play a key role in psychology’s replication crisis. Though scientific progress hinges upon the accumulation and dissemination of new knowledge, those involved in the publication process have mistakenly equated new and important findings with statistically significant results. As a result, journals are more likely to publish significant findings over null results. However, in academia’s highly competitive ‘publish or perish’ culture, career...
6 Pages 2767 Words

Wind Farms - a New Type of Electricity Generation to Industrial Sectors

The need for energy from sources with less environmental effect has brought scientist’s attention and greater investment interest in the wind farms sector; which is a solution for the generation of electricity based on the power of the wind but this sector considers to be new and bring occupational risks. This paper will present a brief historical review of the development and growth of the wind farm sector and evaluation of the occupational hazards, risks, and safety that workers in...
6 Pages 2915 Words

Odes and Biographies Challenging Established Concepts of Authority

In examining the ways in which odes and biographies challenge established concepts of authority, with reference to Phillis Wheatley’s ode ‘On Being Brought from Africa to America’ and Alice Walker’s ‘In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens’, context must be explored. The eighteenth-century was a time of societal interest in European colonial practice and Enlightenment imperialism. The long history of racial prejudice in Anglo-American society influenced oppression within the black community, which encouraged their exclusion from the established western literary tradition...
6 Pages 2913 Words

Deserts of the United States: Reproductive Ecology

Deserts make up close to a fifth of the earth’s surface, and they occur in areas where the annual rainfall is below 50cm. Most of these deserts, such as the Sahara of North Africa, occur at low altitudes though others occur at relatively lower latitudes and are referred to as cold deserts. However, such deserts are more deficient in life forms and species because of the freezing temperatures limiting plant life. The United States has four significant deserts located in...
6 Pages 2758 Words

A Comparative Analysis of Zadie Smith's White Teeth and Anita and Me by Meera Syal

Zadie Smiths White Teeth is about three different cultures, and three families spanning three generations. Characters include Archie Jones and Samad Iqbal, best friends who spend their teenage years together and raise families in the Cricklewood area of London. The novel follows their experiences in the war and later on, the exploits of their families as they grow up and mature. Anita and Me by Meera Syal is a semi-autobiographical novel about Meena Kumar, a young Punjabi girl growing up...
6 Pages 2807 Words

Crime Prevention and Control in Indian Society

‘CRIME’ is a social and economic phenomenon, crime is as ancient as human. Halsbury defines ‘crime’ as an unlawful act which is an offence against the public, and the perpetrator of that act is liable to legal punishment. Women who constitute half of the population and without whom the survival of the world would have been impossible, are going through hell in this male dominated world. In the current scenario, either in domestic sphere or in the outer world women...
6 Pages 2755 Words

Antony and Cleopatra': The Portrayal of The Relationship Between Couple

Antony and Cleopatra’s love for one another is the prominent theme throughout the play, and although both characters profess to an incomparable “peerless” love, they encourage doubt in the audience by acting in a manner that appears to contradict this. This is demonstrated by Cleopatra’s bullying, manipulative manner and also with the ease with which Antony dismisses their relationship in front of Caesar and his marriage to Octavia. Ultimately, Shakespeare intended for the audience to question the genuineness of Antony...
6 Pages 3030 Words

The Fate of Humanity: Exterminism vs. Socialism

Humans have always thought about the future. Some think of a utopia when they imagine the future, others a dystopia. Some people dream of the day when they would not have to work anymore and would have everything that they could ever want at the touch of a finger, where there is no such thing as scarcity or competition. Others dream of a place where there is no hierarchy anymore, everyone is equal to everyone else. A commonality between many...
6 Pages 2925 Words

The Types, Symptoms, Causes and Effected of Dementia

In this essay I will look at the different types of dementia and how they can affect an individuals physical and mental health, their wellbeing and quality of life. Another thing it will cover is how the care is improved by the workers if they have a good understanding and knowledge of the effects of dementia. The one cause of Alzheimer’s is a build-up of proteins which cause plaques and tangles that form in the brain. Dementia UK (2020) Alzheimer’s...
7 Pages 3096 Words

Social Security and Migrant Welfare in the UK

Social security and welfare are very necessary in which people receive help from the government through certain schemes such as through the contribution of the national insurance schemes. This essay will briefly examine what social security is and who it benefits. Secondly, will look into the migrants and their welfare rights in the UK, such as the job seeking allowance. Furthermore, this essay will look into the policies from the past and current era which have been put in place...
7 Pages 3004 Words

Essay on Aviation History: Role of Wright Brothers

1.0 Introduction to aviation history For more than 200decades, humans have made extensive efforts to peruse the skies with man-made flying objects. Man’s fascination with flight has been demonstrated by countless records throughout history. Aviation history began with the invention of kites and gliders, before emerging into the modern era's multi-million-dollar aviation industry.In ancient times, mankind navigated the sky by imitating the birds. Flapping wings which is known as ornithopters were built to strap on their arm or machines. Unfortunately,...
6 Pages 2916 Words

Argumentation of the Need to Amend Article 54 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1898

We all know that the law of Bangladesh prescribes different punishments for different crimes. Similarly, the Code of Criminal Procedure which is called the Criminal Code. It is a law regulating criminal activities in Bangladesh. There are currently 365 sections in the CrPC. One of the controversial sections is Section 54. Section 54 basically provides for the arrest of a criminal without a warrant. Basically, in order to arrest a criminal, the first thing to do is to get an...
6 Pages 2847 Words

Eurozone Crisis: Causes and Consequences

The European Project has always been more or less ambiguous about its objective. The famous Schuman Declaration of 9 May 1950, considered to be the guiding principle behind the European project, is without doubt the clearest of the founding texts. It assigned the six signatory states the objective of achieving, through the European Coal and Steel Community, “the setting up of common foundations for economic development as a first step in the federation of Europe”. Federation was what it was...
6 Pages 2825 Words

Biological Weapons and Their Disarmament

Committee History and Introduction The General Assembly (GA) was established under Chapter IV of the United Nations (UN) Charter. Since the General Assembly is the principal organ of the United Nations and has representatives from all the Member States of the United Nations, it is able to discuss a wide variety of world issues. As a result of the extensive spectrum of topics discussed by the UN, the General Assembly is made up of six different committees. These committees are...
6 Pages 2849 Words

Ethical Questions Within the Context of Rebecca Skloot's 'The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks'

Taking cells from patients is a standard practice of biomedical research worldwide from the 50s till today. The first immortal cell line (HeLa cells) were created from cervical cancer cells taken from Henrietta Lacks, a young mother of five children died in 1951 at the age of 31 after seeking treatment at Johns Hopkins Hospital for an aggressive form of cervical cancer. Dr. Richard TeLinde, who treated Henrietta with radiation took a sample of her cervical cancer tissue without obtaining...
6 Pages 2758 Words
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