3000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Achievements of Victorian Women in the Struggle for Equality

The place of women in society and their struggle over the centuries for getting gender equality has been in the spotlight of history. Victorian women’s lives were differed significantly by its uniqueness, and during the entire 19th century with the women’s movement they managed to sign crucial achievements in the history of whole feminism. The day when Alexandrina Vitoria became the queen of the United Kingdom, the new era began in the history of Britain and it continued for 63...
7 Pages 3154 Words

Presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt

The beginning of 1932 marked a terrible time for the American people. This was the time of the Great Depression which, at the time, seemed to worsen with the passing of each year. This was a time when unemployment peaked and private, charitable organizations were overwhelmed by the crisis. Americans, with nowhere to turn, needed someone or something to help them face off against their hunger, loss of property, and their dying hope. However, things were looking better when on...
7 Pages 3041 Words

Application of Kotter’s Change Theory in Nursing

John Kotter was born in California on 25th February 1947. He graduated from Massachusetts Institute of technology in 1968 with a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering and a Master of Science later in 1970. In 1972, John completed his Doctor in Business Administration at Harvard Business School. He joined Harvard Business School faculty and in 1981 he received tenure and a full professorship. He retired from full-time faculty member in 2001. John Kotter co-founded a business consultancy firm (Kotter...
6 Pages 2892 Words

A Detailed Analysis of Frederick Douglass's 'What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?' Speech

Introduction to Douglass’s Rhetorical Strategy Douglass uses the second person pronouns with words including “you” and “your” instead of the first person plural “we” and “us” because Douglass is primarily delivering this speech to his “fellow citizens” which not only includes his fellow slaves but also some of the Americans and figures responsible for writing the Declaration of Independence. By doing this, Douglass is able to emphasize that while many of the whites and Americans who fought for independence from...
6 Pages 2943 Words

Concept of Truth in James Frey's Memoir A Million Little Pieces: Critical Analysis

According to the Webster dictionary, truth is “a transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality”(Merriam-Webster). Is this definition the real meaning of truth? Yes, this definition explains truth very well, because truth is not always what people think it is; truth lives in its own reality. Truth is different to every single person depending on his or her perspective of events. Actually, the Webster Dictionary gives four different definitions of truth, and the Oxford English Dictionary provides thirteen different definitions for truth,...
6 Pages 2772 Words

Analytical Essay on Social Theories: Modern Times; Black Like Me; Evicted; How Robots Will Change the World

Drawing on Chaplin’s Modern Times and the readings, discuss four seminal features of the Fordist mode of industrial production. Now discuss two significant ways in which post Fordist production regimes (flexible specialization/just-in-time production) are different from Fordism. Identify and discuss two ways in which the workers in Thailand’s shrimping industry as shown in the film Super Market Slave Trail are different from the workers in Modern Times? What is alienation or estrangement of labour? Give an example of alienated work....
6 Pages 2814 Words

Pam Grier and the Empowerment of Exploitation: Analytical Essay on Black Power Movement

The phrase ‘blaxploitation’ already implies the medium was used by Hollywood to exploit blackness, or black bodies, through stereotypical characterization and glorification of violence in these films (although few characters were depicted as heroes). The films Shaft and Sweet Sweetback’s Baadasssss Song, is credited for the invention of the genre, but its inception began further back with films such as Uptight, as they depicted Black Power ideology on screen in earlier periods. These films brought light to the black experience...
7 Pages 3169 Words

Richard Wright's Identity and Way of Life

The two men continue to harass him, when the manager and his secretary are gone, Pease summons Wright from his duties. Suddenly he finds himself hemmed in between the white men in a narrow corridor. Pease glances at him winks at Reynolds, standing a short distance away. The two white men measure him with hostile eyes. He is trapped. He realizes what they want: he volunteers to quit. He feels as if he has been slapped out of human race....
6 Pages 2996 Words

The Black’s Search for Identity in Works of Richard Wright: Analytical Essay

Richard Wright was the breakthrough man who came all the way up from all the way down. He was suckled on resentment, nurtured on anger, grew up on rootlessness, and tested every violent flavor of alienation and hostility. But his bitter rootlessness, resentment, alienation and hostility are the creations of poverty and humiliations attendant upon racism led him, through the grim determination of his personality to blaze a trail that opened new worlds to countless young blacks. The Black’s search...
7 Pages 3020 Words

Native Son As Richard Wright’s Novel of Outrage: Analytical Essay

The creation of Big Boy is only to show how much he hated to live a life like that. A life where the blacks are lynched for small offences and their body parts taken as souvenirs by the whites and kept in their houses or shops only to show that they are the superior people. So Big Boy who is a revolutionary had to leave and the story Big Boy Leaves Home had to be written. Native Son is Richard...
7 Pages 3034 Words

Reflection on My Experiences with Australian Single-Sex Schooling: Research of Canterbury Boys High School

Part A Canterbury Boys High School is a secondary school which consists of male students from years 7-12, the school has a small student populus compared to other schools within the area, there is a majority of students who are from a language background other than English (LBOTE). The school is located in the sydney metropolitan area, and also enrols a small amount of Indigenous students (Myschool) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders (ATSI) students for Canterbury Boys and Girls High...
7 Pages 2984 Words

Analytical Essay on Portrayal of Mansa Musa in Sundiata: A West African Epic of the Mande Peoples. by David C. Conrad

Abstract: In the book Sunjata a West African epic of the Mande peoples by David C Conrad he shows how the Manding are a backbone of West Africa for a significant long time, this epic pursues the endeavors and achievements of the Mande’s first king, Sunjata. It sets up the phenomenal medieval empire of Mali. The author passes on the strong story push of the Sunjata epic in his presentation of liberal determinations from his understanding of a show by...
6 Pages 2808 Words

Analytical Essay on Single Sex Schools: The Impact of Ethnicity, Gender and Social Class on Schooling

1.0. Introduction: Education in Ireland plays a crucial role in shaping society. The dramatic transformation of Irish society in the past number of decades has contributed to the monumental steps taken to strive to create inclusivity in the Irish Education System. The growing interest and impact of ethnicity, gender and social class on schools and schooling effects a students experience of education. Students are undoubtedly influenced socially though the school environment and their peers. It is evident that those of...
7 Pages 3169 Words

Bloodchild by Octavia E. Butler, Intracom by Ursula Le Guin and The Time Machine by H.G. Wells: Comparative Analysis

The encounters between humans and alien have been represented in many ways, within the multiple universes created under the genre of science fiction, both in movies and books. In this essay, the authors and their respective works chosen to be analyse are Bloodchild by Octavia E. Butler, Intracom by Ursula Le Guin and The Time Machine by H.G. Wells. Each one of these authors narrates the encounters with alien in their own way and, though in some cases the relationship...
7 Pages 3032 Words

Analysis of Health Care Policy and Factors Enabling Health Care Redistribution

While scientific evidence, in theory, plays a crucial role in predicting issues that influence the health care policy agenda, its role, in reality, does not always reflect this. Sutherland, et al. (2012) asserted that science and public policy makers have always gone hand in hand, the significance of one to the other has always been acknowledged but in recent times there has been an evolving discussion on how to optimally achieve this. This has continued to the point where ‘evidence-based...
6 Pages 2775 Words

Power of Self-Presentation Speaks Before You Do: Analysis of Using Myspace

The ability to interact with others concerned mankind for years. Humans were naturally created as socially dependant beings. As such, people were dependant on personal communication as a method to reinforce bonds. When personal interaction wasn’t possible, individuals developed various unique solutions to the problem. One such method was the use of hand-written letters to compensate for the lack of communication as a result of great distances between individuals. The letters were hand delivered from person to person until it...
6 Pages 2799 Words

Marketing Challenges and Opportunities in Digital Media: Case Study of Netflix

Abstract Media consumption across the globe is progressively happening in digital formats. The surge in the number of devices capable of supporting digital media along with increasing internet access speed, has delivered consumers with an option to access the media content of his choice be it data, entertainment or social activity anytime, anyplace. Media consumption in the world has shown marvelous increase and has seen a momentous jump from traditional media to new (digital) media. The rise of digital media...
6 Pages 2797 Words

Analysis of Castle Lager: Research Design and Data Collection

1.1 Research Problem The research problem with reference to the case study is the stereotyping and labelling that is prevalent in South Africa. Racism has always been a prevalent issue in South Africa, there are too many incidents that involve racism. For example, according to Jordaan (2018) the South African Human Rights Commission in 2018 had dealt with 505 complaints related to racism, this was an 82% increase from 2017. This shows how racism is still an issue in South...
7 Pages 3179 Words

Nonallele-specific Silencing of Mutant and Wild-type Huntingtin Demonstrates Therapeutic Efficacy in Huntington’s Disease Mice

Human Genetics and Genomics- Nonallele-specific Silencing of Mutant and Wild-type Huntingtin Demonstrates Therapeutic Efficacy in Huntington’s Disease Mice Huntington`s Disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease affecting 4-to-7 per 100,000 individuals. It is classed as a trinucleotide repeat disorder (Marcy et al, 1993) due to the fact that it results from an expanded CAG repeat which leads to a polyglutamine strand of variable length at the N-terminus (Walker, 2007). The normal number of CAG repeats is 10-35 times, however,...
6 Pages 2858 Words

Close-Ranged Weapons' Impact On Society: Fighting in the Dark Ages

Close-ranged weapons have, undoubtedly, been the most influential tools for the majority of Ancient and Medieval history. This form of weaponry has allowed for many changes/adaptations in society and warfare to occur. And, as these alterations in society (as a whole) occurred, a definite lens/perspective on this weaponry formed simultaneously. Close-ranged weaponry helped form people's perspectives, beliefs, and the way they go about war. In addition, methods of attack were established as more nations became aware of the impacts of...
6 Pages 2845 Words

Chief Justice Research Paper: Analysis of Thurgood Marshall

Chief Justice Research Paper (Warren Court 1953-1969) Introduction: The Warren Court led by Chief Justice Earl Warren was effective after the passing of Fred M. Vinson the former Chief Justice. Chief Justice During the Warren Court Era, the court handled several landmark cases that would transform area of laws in racial segregation, criminal procedures, and free speech to name a few. Many of the cases that the Supreme Court reviewed during this time are well known to the public, this...
6 Pages 2791 Words

Radio and Community Radio: A Study on Its Role in Community Development

Introduction Radio or community radio is said to be defined as a radio service that offers third models of radio broadcasting in addition of commercial and radio broadcasting geographic communities and its interest are served through community stations, which are non-profitable and envoke a mechanism for enabling groups, individuals, and communities to share their point of views and experiences in the media world, to become creators and contributors of media. Radio is used as a major communication tool throughout the...
6 Pages 2966 Words

Critical Analysis of the Issues of Gun Violence and Its Control

Gun violence stands for usage of guns in an attempt to harm someone or cause any sort of casualty intentionally or unintentionally. The discussions with regard to the ownership of firearms and proposals for combating gun violence have been largely controversial and have amassed divided public opinions as well as conflicting constitutional claims. In an attempt to tackle this problem, conflicting interpretations of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (“the right of the people to keep and bear arms...
6 Pages 2835 Words

Disastrous Hurricane Katrina: Case Study

Background Moderating fiasco sway requires distinguishing hazard factors. The expanded weakness of the physically delicate is effectively comprehended. Subtler is the financial hazard factors, particularly inside moderately prosperous social orders. Tropical storm Katrina showed vast numbers of these dangers inside the United States. These variables incorporate neediness, home possession, poor English language capability, ethnic minorities, worker status, and high-thickness lodging. These hazard factors must be viewed as when deciding for fiasco readiness, moderation, and reaction. Introduction The Atlantic period of...
7 Pages 3201 Words

Disaster Recovery Plan: Case Study of Bank of America

Introduction: Overview of the disaster recovery plan: A business needs to deal with many vital operations through which it can provide the services to its clients or customers. Higher the number of customers; higher is the pressure for the business to provide quality services in time. For example, a banking organization needs to provide financial services to its customers and need to manage all its business operations without interruption. However; problem occurs when the business operations are interrupted due to...
6 Pages 2879 Words

Analytical Essay on An ACT Relating to Screening for Hepatitis C

Kentucky S.B. 250: An ACT Relating to Screening for Hepatitis C Hepatitis C (HCV) is a chronic infection that attacks the liver and if not treated liver failure, cancer, and/or death can be the result. This infection is spread through contact with contaminated/infected blood and most individuals that are carriers of Hepatitis C have no symptoms. Typically, we know the most common spread of HCV is done through dirty needles, but what about spreading it inutero if an infected person...
6 Pages 2752 Words

Reflective Essay on Writing Coursework

Reflection I am writing this one day after I finished my report. After all the difficulties I have faced during the year, and after the great help, I have received from my supervisor and tutors I am happy and proud of the report I have written. I have to say that I first felt worried when I was introduced the coursework, the fact that I have never done something like this scared me because I did not know if I...
6 Pages 2918 Words

Application of Tinker Versus Des Moines Case in Protection of Jennifer Morgan’s First Amendment Rights

Statement of facts This is a case of first impression regarding the protection of Jennifer Morgan’s First Amendment rights. Defendant suspended fifteen-year old Jennifer Morgan for posting memes to Instagram with her personal cellphone from the privacy of her bedroom. (Dep. of Jennifer Ann Morgan, 4:15-32.) Typically a high achiever and an “A” student, Ms. Morgan received a “C” in Ms. O’Malley’s class. Morgan Dep. 1:18-20. Bewildered and confused, Ms. Morgan sought advice from fellow classmates and discovered that none...
6 Pages 2887 Words

Discursive essay on Shakespearean Comedy: Analysis of As You Like It

Historical context During the time of Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth I was ruling England. The era lasted between the years 1558 – 1603. Christianity was important in Europe. It was divided into two groups –“Catholics and Protestants – of dramatically opposing beliefs” (“Elizabethan Era”). Queen Elizabeth was a Protestant, but was allowed to also practice Catholicism. There were deep tensions between Protestants and Catholics that “came from England’s recent departure from the Roman Catholic Church, initiated by King Henry VII” (Clunie)....
6 Pages 2841 Words

Netflix Strategy Analysis

Summary of the Article Anders Bylund’s article in The Montley Fool titled “What is Netflix, Inc.’s Competitive Advantage?” provides a key understanding of Netflix today. The article reviews the gains and the valuation ratios of Netflix’s business growth and provides insight into the business growth strategy of Netflix. The article mentions three key components of company’s success. These components are investing cash into content development, developing high quality content, and providing an easy to use Netflix platform. The article further...
6 Pages 2964 Words
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