3000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Is the Capital Punishment a Violation of the 8th Amendment?

The 27 amendments that exist in the U. S have the sole purpose of protecting our unalienable rights. By the 8th amendment, we the people are guaranteed the prohibition of extraordinarily big fines and the imposition of excessive bails and that there will be no cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. The purpose of this essay is to examine and argue whether the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment. Thirty states practice the death penalty and they punish crimes such...
7 Pages 3127 Words

Alienation in Kafka's Metamorphosis: A Psychological Analysis

The story of The Metamorphosis is easily told. It is the story of a travelling salesman by the name Gregor Samsa who wakes up one morning transformed into a hideous and monstrous vermin; he of course retains the human faculties of thinking and feeling, he is held prisoner and hidden by his family in his room. Finally he slowly goes to his ruin and annihilation. From this bare and sketchy outline it is clear that like almost all other works...
6 Pages 2788 Words

Criminal Justice: Serial Killers

Serial killers are mostly people who may have had a hard childhood or people who have been over looked or unappreciated as adults. Some acts that serial killers may portray have no motive and are done out of spite, others are because you may look like someone who they may hold a grudge against. This document will give you an insight on serial killers and an insight on how people may think their minds work versus reality. Granted no two...
7 Pages 3166 Words

Human Rights And The Women Of Saudi Arabia

With the violent death of Jamal Khashoggi, reportedly under direct orders from the Saudi Royal Family, Saudi Arabia has seen their human rights violations thrust into the light. For years western countries have seemed to turn a blind eye to these abuses based on various factors, most notably the close relationship between the United States and Saudi governments. Of these documented violations, women in Saudi Arabia have seemed to suffer the worst. Gender roles in Saudi Arabia, like most middle...
7 Pages 3156 Words

The Extent of Gender Equality in the UK

Introduction Gender equality is one of the controversial issues in current society. More women who have more opportunities for study or work can be seen in workplaces or university, whereas sex discrimination is still existing today, for example, sexual harassment in workplaces. This situation lea to 'METOO' movement. The movement that women start to report and share their experiences of sexual harassment from the Hollywood in 2017. Many women and men who had suffered use the hashtag 'METOO' to show...
6 Pages 2833 Words

Refuting Marijuana Legalization

Introduction The legal recognition of marijuana denotes one of the most controversial themes across the globe. Contrary to the contentions presented by the activists of legalizing the drug, the present bipartisan and restrictive laws of the US, as well as other nations around the globe, are doing a commendable job in alleviating the consumption of marijuana. In line with this argument, it is imperative to acknowledge that the substance is one of the most commonly abused drugs in the US...
6 Pages 2770 Words

The Sammy Yatim Case And Restorative Justice

The current criminal justice system often tends to focus on punishing the offender. However, this practice has proved to be destructive and a failure in many cases. The Little Book of Restorative Justice by Howard Zehr is a bestselling novel. Howard Zehr is known worldwide for his work he has done in terms of understanding justice. The Little Book of Restorative Justice examines how restorative justice is a process to involve offenders, victims, and the community in order for healing...
7 Pages 3136 Words

The Concept Of Motivation

George Herbert, a British poet, orator, and priest said: “Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.” This quote motivates us a lot, it can be associated with several matters in our daily life. Just like what Wei said about his life mottos: “Others can do it, I can do it too”. Although...
6 Pages 2912 Words

The Effects of Commercialization on Obesity

Business owners are constantly placing unhealthy, cheap snacks on the way out of stores to promote customers to spend a few extra dollars. Consequently, children are provoked by food cues, the sight of an item that initiates hunger (Keesman, Aarts, Vermeent, HĂ€fner, Papies, 2016), which increases the amount of ‘junk-food’ they are consuming. Not only are Canadian parents spending more money, but the extra chocolate and candy negatively affects the overall health of their children by initiating weight gain and...
6 Pages 2787 Words

Restorative Justice System In A Corrupt Society

Abstract The restorative justice system is a traditional way of justice. Despite this, most people have realized the system lately. As such, the retroactive justice system is still at an earlier stage of implementation in the modern world. Various research is being conducted, however, to make the operation successful. A study into the restorative justice system aims at establishing multiple factors. These factors include the effects of the order on the victims and offenders. Through this knowledge, the discussion aims...
7 Pages 2983 Words

Serial Killers: Definition, Demographics, Motivations, And Typologies

The Intrigue of Serial Killers Today, I feel everyone is fascinated by crime with serial murder being the most fascinating crime out of all crimes. You see books, newspapers, television shows, and movies based on well-known killers like Ted Bundy and Andrew Cunanan who had the destructive minds that continually kill. Many of these accounts leave impressions that serial killers are different and distinct from other criminals. Our current knowledge on serial killers is based almost exclusively on a small...
7 Pages 3049 Words

The Reasons Children Become Serial Murders When Grow Up

Since the beginning of mankind there has always been the belief that children are a product of their parents, in appearances, mannerisms, vocally, talents, and career choices. Though equally in good and evil, anger and love, tenderness and aggression, have also been given incredible amounts of extensive research and study to either justify the belief or disavow it as a myth or perhaps a coincidence. Dating all the way back to Adam and Eves’ children, Cane and Able. Adam and...
6 Pages 2926 Words

Dystopia: Fiction of Helplessness and Hopelessness

Both Orwell and Atwood explore and present how two dystopian societies are completely controlled by different despotic regimes that restrict freedoms. In order to preserve the totalitarian states the secret police in both ‘The Handmaids tale’ and ‘1984’ the secret police invade and terrorise the personal lives of civilians so they are too scared to rebel against their leaders. Written in 1948, Orwell presents ‘1984’ in the future in order to present a message of alarm on the human race...
6 Pages 2879 Words

The Link Between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder And Domestic Abuse

'Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love... violence ends up defeating itself. It creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers' - Martin Luther King Jr (1964) The life of every domestic abuse survivor is somewhat altered due to the aftermath of such a harrowing experience. When exiting from an abusive relationship, it is important to remember the transition from being an individual who was once controlled by another human being, to then becoming...
6 Pages 2816 Words

Doubles in Irish Gothic Writing: Thematic Significance

This essay will examine the representation of doubles in Irish Gothic literature and its thematic significance. For the purpose of this essay when invoking the phrase Gothic, I am referring to the definition of Gothic as a genre of fiction ‘characterized by suspenseful, sensational plots involving supernatural or macabre elements and often having a medieval theme or setting.’ In addition, by a Gothic novel I am implying the definition to be that ‘with scenes of cruelty and horror and [
7 Pages 3027 Words

Programming And Advertising In Media Organizations

ABSTRACT When it comes to media advertising and programming, there are basic factors to consider. These factors include; target audience, time of airing, gender, age and most importantly the adverts to run during the breaks and sponsors of a show. Most media organizations rarely bother with programming. Most shows in our televisions and radio stations have been running for almost ten years. Citizen TV has had shows like Inspector Mwala, Mother-in-Law, Machachari and Papa Shirandula for so long that even...
6 Pages 2869 Words

Smoking Cessation Support Activities Using Health Promotion

Promotion is a health strategy of the 21st century, which based on the new health perspective that WHO (World Health Organization 1986) proposed in the 1986 Ottawa Charter and re-proposed in the Bangkok Charter of 2005. It is defined as “the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health”. In recent years, growth of the Internet has contributed access easy to get lots of information, currently Internet user in the UK shows 90% of people...
7 Pages 2921 Words

Heart of Darkness and The Road: Effect of Environment on Mind

A dramatic change in environment can have varying effects on its inhabitants, leading to a person performing actions that they normally would not. I will be investigating how the characters of the two novels ‘Heart of Darkness’ and ‘The Road’ behave in response to these changes, as well as how their very way of thinking is altered by their experiences. There are three societies depicted within the two novels; the remnants of humanity within ‘The Road’ and the contrasting civilisations...
7 Pages 3037 Words

Should the Law be Based on Morality?

What is morality? According to Mill (a renowned legal philosopher), our moral obligations result from the justified moral code of our society however there are numerous takes on what morality actually means, we have morality as set down by religion; the easiest examples being the ten commandments, morality and religion, however, are not the same; a society might found its collective morality, which refers to addressing widespread harm caused by actions of individuals/groups in society, however, religious practises are sometimes...
6 Pages 2838 Words

Capturing Sexual Serial Killers: Key Considerations

Abstract Serial Killers are indeed very dangerous people and fact can be very challenging to catch. It could be people you least expected it to. Killing is already a problem within itself but the big issue is trying to collect evidence on a serial killer to find them guilty and to capture them all at the same time. Serial Killer are meticulous people. There very cleaver and can also be very intelligent at times than the average person. The issue...
7 Pages 3092 Words

Pregnancy and Postnatal Developmental Outcomes ICSI

SUMMARY Since the introduction of ICSI back 28 years till now ICSI is widely used to treat malefactor as well as female factor infertility. However, studies had shown concern of the pregnancy outcome in ICSI over conventional IVF in couples with non-male factor infertility. Studies had shown an+ altered pregnancy outcome in ICSI compared with natural conception. So far no difference in neurodevelopment in ICSI and spontaneously conceived (SC) children has been found. Additionally, epigenetic disorders and imprinting disorders have...
6 Pages 2782 Words

Ethical Dilemmas In Robot Care For The Elderly

Robots can assist in medical-related situations, for example, supplying and handling medication, reminding them to take medicine, or monitoring medicine usage. Additionally, they can act as a bridge for communication to doctors or nurses, and regularly inform and observe their health. Robots can provide physical assistance as well, such as household tasks including lifting, moving from one place to another, dressing, cooking, or cleaning. For instance, there is a robot developed by Riken called the Riba robot: “...it has a...
7 Pages 2993 Words

Human Trafficking In The United States

SOCIAL ISSUE IDENTIFICATION Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery, defined as illegally luring humans into captivity to trade them for money or services (Davidson 462). According to the U.S. Department of State, human trafficking can be broken down into two distinct categories: sex trafficking and forced labor (“Human Trafficking” 1). Gale Global Issues defines sex trafficking as a person being forced through coercion, threat, or another force to engage in a sexual activity against their own will. In...
7 Pages 2982 Words

To What Extent does Childhood Trauma Influence Criminal Behaviour?

The debate on what the causes of criminal behaviour has been a long going one. Many have tried to explain and give reason for the actions of offenders. But at the end of every debate, people are left with the question: Is There a Connection Between Childhood Trauma and Criminal behaviour? And if there is there is a connection at all how much does their upbringing contribute to antisocial behaviour. The Natural Institution of mental health defines childhood trauma as...
6 Pages 2920 Words

The World War II as the War of Social, Economic and Moral Progress

The Second World War was a global armed conflict that started the 1st of September of 1939 after the invasion of Poland by the German troops. Immediately, on September 2nd, Great Britain and France declared war on Germany. After this declaration, two military alliances emerged. The Allied powers were formed by France, Great Britain, United states and the Soviet Union. On the other hand, the Axis powers compound by Germany, Italy and Japan. These countries are called belligerent. They receive...
7 Pages 3100 Words

Armed conflict: factor for progress?

The history of mankind has revolved around conflict, especially after the first societies sprung up. The innumerous conflicts that have occurred throughout history are analyzed and transmitted through generations, which has led to the constant advancement of society. This advancement is due to humans being able to recall and recognize our ancestors' failures, which leads us to learn from them and inevitably change as a society. Despite this learning process, human beings have continued to commit faults, as it is...
7 Pages 2992 Words

Conjunction of Descriptive and Normative Ethics

In Greeko-Roman societies of the past, it was collectively agreed upon that slavery was a necessary and justifiable economic endeavor. Similarly in early America, it slavery was considered ethical and essential to the economy. A hundred years later, American culture changed their views on slaveries acceptability and ruled it immoral and unconstitutional. The acceptance of slavery in different cultures, as well as within a single culture over time, follows exactly with Ruth B's philosophy of cultural relativism. Her philosophy states...
7 Pages 3245 Words

Fahrenheit 451: Censorship Essay

Introduction: The Dystopian World of Fahrenheit 451 A society filled with wide television screens, fast cars, and the complete banishment of literature is seen as ideal in this action-packed science fiction novel. Firemen switch their roles from being the extinguishers to the igniters of bonfires that ruin any book that they come across, watching in glee as the blaze incinerates its contents. A time where the government had complete control over a population by using their deadliest weapon: Using their...
6 Pages 2768 Words

Psychological Disorders in Jane Eyre: Thoughts and Actions of Bertha Mason

Introduction Three of the world’s most concerning psychological disorders are Huntington’s disease, schizophrenia, and dissociative identity disorder (DID). Over ten million adults in the United States are affected by a severe mental illness. The difficulty people must face to cope with the effects along with the recovery of one of these diseases is a constant battle. Today, the concept of recovery for these patients is a determined mindset with international concord. The notion of recovery is “a commitment to the...
6 Pages 2867 Words

The Peculiarities Of Sickle Cell Anemia

Sickle cell anemia is severe, chronic and even fatal disease. It causes red blood cells to break down and and sickle (form a crescent shape). It occurs due to a point mutation in the Red blood cells which blocks blood flow therefore there is a chronic deprivation of oxygen which leads to complications such as damage to nerves, kidneys, liver, spleen and other organs in the body. Therefore it is important to find a cure, Gene therapy is one of...
6 Pages 2817 Words
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