3000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Peculiarities of Walmart Expansion to China

Introduction International expansion has been slowly gaining much consideration from all industries that planned to expand overseas. Significant factors that must be measured in the decision-making procedure will be business approaches, entry methods, and threats and prospects available in the marketplaces. Suitable strategies used will also help to decrease the risk of disappointment in the global markets. When a company makes the right choice of business guidelines and entrance modes, the corporation will then be able to prosper in the...
6 Pages 2795 Words

The Meaning And Reasons Of Hate Crimes

There has been a drastic rise in hate crimes over the last decade and it does not look like slowing down. Just shortly before writing this there was an attack on different mosques in New Zealand where over fifty people have died and forty plus more have been injured and are in critical condition. There is no doubt that this was a heinous hate crime. These atrocious acts were committed by a white supremacist with a message to share to...
7 Pages 3210 Words

The Aspects of Buyer Behavior on Apple Air Pods

Background Information The primary focus of this report is to discuss the impact of market size, market segmentation and competitors on consumer behavior (Kotler, 2015, p. 184). It is important to say that many Companies exist with the aim of generating a profit regardless of the market situation. That is where the three factors will come in purposely to give a business premise an advantage over the others. In this report, I am going to discuss how Apple Airpods, products...
7 Pages 3099 Words

Is Morality Innate or Learned?

Through history, there have been some very deep inquiries concerning if morality is innate or learned in humans. Morality by definition is the principles that distinguish right and wrong. Philosophers were questioning the idea of what is “right” and “wrong” but haven’t necessarily came to a conclusion during the modern-era of philosophy. (Haidt & Joseph, 2013) might say that it is innate, based on cross-cultural research, but others might say differently on that matter because of other research findings. There...
6 Pages 2798 Words

Hate Crime: The Problems And Related Prejudice Against Refugees And Asylum Seekers In England And Wales

Introduction Context of the research focus Acts of violence and discrimination that are motivated by racial and ethnic hatred have a long history and not only in England and Wales (Bowling, 1998) but around the world (Fredrickson, 2001; Iganski and Levin, 2015,p.8). The impact of racial hate crime in some countries, such as Rwanda and Bosnia have had such a profound impact on the members of victimised groups that it has resulted in many people fleeing the country (Iganskin and...
7 Pages 3016 Words

Suicide And Religion: Can It Be Reasonable To Commit Suicide?

Suicide rates are expanding significantly. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that every year roughly one million people die from suicide, which speaks to a worldwide death rate of 16 people per 100,000 or one death every 40 seconds. It is anticipated that by 2020 the rate of death will increase to one every 20 seconds. Over the most recent 45 years suicide rates have increased by 60% worldwide. Suicide is currently among the three leading causes of death among...
6 Pages 2786 Words

The Impacts Of Serial Killers Of The 1970’s On Society

The Decade of Fear There are many characteristics that define a decade. The 50’s were known for poodle skirts and Elvis Presley, the 60’s helped spread the message of peace and love and then there was the 70’s. While the 70’s was a decade of social change and free will, it also was the decade that introduced the world to some of the most notorious killers we have seen in U.S. history. The world was introduced to Ted Bundy, The...
7 Pages 3147 Words

Adolescent Suicide: The Dangers And Seriousness Of Taking One’s Own Life

Throughout the ever changing world, and the innovations of technologies substantially increasing, there is seen to be a direct correlation between that and the increase of personal responsibilties and social pressures. These pressures and responsiblities of the individual, in some cases can be too much to handle. More Specifically, with the change of society there are higher pressure on adolescents to succeed faster and earlier in life. Despite the positive connation with success, this societal view can result in negative...
6 Pages 2849 Words

Support for the Theory of Moral Perception

Morality has and continues to play an enormous role in shaping societies. What a civilization agrees upon as right or wrong plays a clear influence in how people interact with world, be it because of their moral attitudes, social judgements or even laws. But how exactly are moral violations or just acts experienced? There is a great deal of debate in the perceptual philosophy literature on the existence of moral perception. Can moral properties be experienced at the level of...
7 Pages 3060 Words

Impact of E-commerce Sites on Consumer Buying Behavior

Abstract The development of the web, revolutionized the thought of the conventional way of shopping. A buyer is not concerned about the timings or particular location of the stores; buyer can be active at essentially all the time and can buy anything from anywhere. The impact of electronic commerce (e-commerce) on obtainment, shopping, trade collaboration and client services as well as on conveyance of different services is so emotional that nearly exaction is influenced. As the online shopping is getting...
6 Pages 2894 Words

Law Of Suicide: Need To Humanise The Criminal Justice System

Since the advent of mankind, suicides have been a complex part of society. It is considered as a factor contributing to the premature or unnatural end of precious lives. It is an act of self-destruction. It is an outcome of an unfit mental thought-process. It is not the nature of a person. It is an act which is as involuntarily done as voluntary it seems to be. A person is in such an irreversible ideation that he loses the prudence...
7 Pages 3247 Words

Is Terrorism Ever Morally Justified?

Introduction It is widely recognized that one of the tasks of our century is the challenge to terrorism. The term, continually used by policymakers and journalists, has become part of our vocabulary and daily lives. Anyone is aware of a danger so called, but few wonder if this has any justifiable reasons. Increasingly, individuals, organizations and politicians compete to defining a certain act as “terrorist” and then having the legitimacy to fight it; but trying to be judge in this...
7 Pages 3106 Words

Death Penalty as an Equitable Punishment

As former president of the United States of America, George W. Bush once stated, I support the death penalty because I believe if administered swiftly and justly, capital punishment is a deterrent against future violence and will save other innocent lives.” To some the death penalty is the only just thing that will teach criminals that they have to pay for their actions, that they can not commit these hate crimes and think that they will live the rest of...
6 Pages 2885 Words

The Refugees In Europe: State Policy VS Human Rights

The refugee crisis we are facing today and have been facing for the past, almost, four years has no precedent. Since 2015 when the whole madness started, when over one million refugees, displaced persons and other migrants came to Europe to find shelter and escape from the conflicts and wars in their countries, our continent became the host for other 65 million people, the number rising with the time passing by. All these people that have arrived here after land...
7 Pages 3204 Words

How Far was Malcolm X the Most Significant Black Campaigner for Civil Rights in America?

“Malcolm was intelligent, logical and eloquent. He experienced racism and was aware of it. Prejudice, racism and discrimination hurt him. His reactions to his experience changed his outlook and his behaviour. These things changed his life. And his life changed us.” Historian Horace Coleman argued, in 1994, that Malcolm X was one of the most significant Black campaigners for Civil Rights in America between 1863 and 1968. Indeed, Malcolm X could b0e argued as the most significant Black Civil Rights...
7 Pages 3199 Words

An Analysis Of Malnutrition In Africa

Abstract This paper examines the relationship between climate change and malnutrition in Africa, specifically through the scope of rice production. Although Africa depends heavily on rice for sustenance to feed its growing population, this paper explores alternative options to rice due to rice’s nutrient depletion over time. The paper first delves into the history of rice in Africa and compares African rice to the rice currently grown in Africa. Climate change is then discussed, specifically focusing on the effect of...
6 Pages 2948 Words

Vulnerability Of Women In Cases Of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a prominent issue in today’s society and Italy has one of the highest rates of domestic violence rates in Europe with 39% of Italians saying they knew a woman in their neighbourhood who has been a victim of domestic abuse in 2014. In 2016 alone 59 women were killed during incidents of domestic violence, making it the country with the highest femicide rate in Europe. At the heart of this issue is that Italian society today continues...
7 Pages 3240 Words

Indian Media, Democracy and the Role of Media as a Watchdog under the Influence of New Digital Media

The essay intends to analyse the relationship between democracy (freedom and security) and media while simultaneously commenting on the increasing capitalistic attitude, the advent of digital media and its influence. Social Media often acts as a catalyst to bring out reformations through intuitive communication and spread of information which at a plain hindsight seems to challenge traditional journalism that in countries like India fall at hands of Neo - liberal, capitalist bodies. India has a list of mainstream News Channels...
6 Pages 2869 Words

British Pride to an Indian Bride: Problems of Retaining the Indian Essence in a Western Scenario

ABSTRACT Adapting literary texts into films, often disregarded as a secondary activity, is a crucial process that requires the effort and time equal to that of creative writing. An adaptation's success depends on its ability to amalgamate the gist of the literary text and the necessities of a visionary medium, without the objective of the adaptation getting compromised. Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice is adapted into an Indian Bride and Prejudice by Gurinder Chadha in such a manner that the...
7 Pages 3153 Words

The Theme of Mending Wall Can Best Be Inferred From Which Line

Introduction to Frost’s Thematic Exploration The twentieth century was to witness an explosion of poetry in America. The traditionalist search for a past and precedent, as described in the Phillis Wheatley essay example, was to be maintained. The reader is confronted with work that negotiates between the solidity and the subversion of the moral self and poetic structure, the pursuit of form, discipline, and the impulse towards fragmentation, doubt`. (Gray 373-374) This is the way in which Richard Gray describes...
6 Pages 2845 Words

Comparative Analysis Of Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist And Mark Twain's The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

As one looks at past authors in British and American literature, two authors stand out among the others. These two authors are Charles Dickens and Mark Twain. Both of the authors lived during the Victorian Era (Lane 1). Their writings are very interesting and entertaining to readers because of the themes and writing styles that these authors used to convey their thoughts. Charles Dicken’s childhood which consisted of poverty and poor working conditions had a great impact on Dickens’ writing....
7 Pages 3045 Words

How Emily Bronte Portrays Social Class in the Novel Wuthering Heights

Social class in the Victorian era is often envisioned as a strict structure made up of the working, middle and upper classes: difficult to climb up but easy to fall down. However, in Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights, that strict class structure is turned upside down, with characters gaining a higher social position just as easily as they lose it, showing the fragility of the class system. The structure of class in Wuthering Heights is therefore more complex and more, if...
7 Pages 3060 Words

To What Extent Does Political Corruption Impact Malnutrition In Children?

Abstract Political corruption influences various state welfare sectors, thereby impacting various socio-economic and public health areas, which affect millions of people around the globe. One of these focus areas is malnutrition among children, which this research design proposal investigates the relationship into. With support of existing literature in related fields and publicly available data, this work aims to answer the following question: to what extent does political corruption affect malnutrition in children? The research offers insight to the hypotheses through...
6 Pages 2775 Words

Elon Musk: Life and Projects

Elon Reeve Musk was born on June 28, 1971 in Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa to Maye Musk, a model and dietician from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada and Errol Musk, a South African electromechanical engineer, pilot, and sailor. He holds South African, Canadian, and U.S. citizenship and is the founder, CEO, and lead designer of SpaceX; co-founder, CEO, and product architect of Tesla, Inc.; co-founder and CEO of Neuralink; and co-founder of PayPal. In December 2016, he was ranked 21st on the...
6 Pages 2837 Words

Sexual Morality in Ancient India with Reference to Kamasutra

India is a vast country depicting wide social, cultural and sexual variations. Indian concept of sexuality has evolved over time and has been immensely influenced by various rulers, kingdoms and religions. Indian sexuality is evident in our attire, behavior, recreation, literature, sculptures, scriptures, religion and sports. It has influenced the way we regard our health, disease and device remedies for the same. Kāmaśāstra is the science of love and sex. The Kamasutra is the oldest extant Hindu textbook of erotic...
7 Pages 3070 Words

Malnutrition Evidence And Solutions For Pakistan

Nearly one in three persons globally suffers from at least one form of malnutrition: wasting, stunting, vitamin and mineral deficiency, overweight or obesity and diet-related Non-Communicable Diseases1. Malnutrition is widely known as under-nutrition until and unless it is not specified. It accounts for at least half of all childhood deaths worldwide. Malnutrition is considered as fundamental cause of morbidity and mortality among the children2,3. It also poses a risk to children’s physical and mental development, which results in poor academic...
6 Pages 2785 Words

Cultural and Social Norms Between the Republic of Ireland and Ontario

Cultural and social norms can be found in any society while being a citizen or a traveler in a community. These behaviours, characteristics, best practices and acceptable social interactions can range from ways of communication, living and daily etiquette (Myers, Nyce, and Dekker, 2014). When discovering a new environment and some social norms, it is crucial to understand that though it is common to see some practices, it does not define the social structure or the culture of one society...
7 Pages 3197 Words

Human Behavior Recognition in Surveillance Systems

Abstract This paper is a literature review that focuses on detecting and analyzing the human behavior and its application in surveillance systems. Surveillance systems play a very important role in tracking and monitoring human behavior generally, this is one of the reasons why it has recently become a major interesting research topic. Human effort is not very effective in monitoring human behavior via surveillance systems as human operators miss a lot of information in different video frames. Sometimes, it is...
7 Pages 3051 Words

The Construction Of A Fallen Woman In Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorn

This paper focuses on a construction of a women in ‘Scarlet Letter’ by Nathaniel Hawthorne and the way the woman is shown as a fallen one. Specific methodologies have been chosen to explain, identify and analyse information about this topic - gender, feminist as well as historical methodology. Human beings are differentiated into a man and a woman, women are judged by their looks and actions, and the public never likes them to be even slightly different, sinful or impure....
7 Pages 3227 Words

The Success Factors of Samsung Electronics

Introduction In this report, we are going to discuss the success of Samsung electronics and will point out the factors that play a key role in the success of the company. To understand those factor effects we will use three different techniques of analysis PESTEL, SWOT, and marketing mix respectively. We will see how a single factor from the analysis techniques is effecting in the success of the company. Company Introduction Samsung Electronics Ltd. Headquarter is situated in South Korea...
6 Pages 2955 Words
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