INTRODUCTION Background Islam is a dienullah taught to mankind through the intermediary of the Prophet Muhammad.Islam was fought fiercely by the Prophet and then followed by his followers, then by other human beings. They are willing to sacrifice anything even life, for the sake of the establishment of Islam.The development of Islam is very rapid but not easy. Islam develops through various ways, such as preaching, warfare, trade, and so on Objectives & Benefits Adding faith and devotion to Allah...
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3134 Words
Introduction Postmodernist believe that morality comes by the greater demand of the people, thus meaning that the people decide what’s right and what’s wrong not God. Christian on the other hand believes in a contrasting worldview; reason for maintain goodness. This reasoning derives from that of the creator and constantly points to truth, whereas Postmodernist believes that everyone has their own truth. As an adult, one may spend a majority of their life span in the workplace and sadly unpronounced...
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Throughout history there have been many charges brought against the christian faith. Most recently it has been a charge that christianity is at the root of our current ecological crisis. In Lynn White’s article “The historical roots of our ecological crisis” he attacks the way that the christian faith has, throughout history, led us to the place we are today in terms of the ecological crisis. White’s argument has held ground since it was published 50 years ago. Since his...
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Death and the mortuary practices of antiquity are mainly examined through the lens of archaeological material evidence. From excavation we can infer the processes behind belief and rituals to some extent, often supplemented by written records of the time. However, death is surrounded by notions and concepts that are simply not tangible, illustrated by fantastical myths and notions of what ‘the afterlife’ is believed to be. Death, by its nature, is an event that is closely linked to emotional reaction....
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Introduction In the field of Sports Coaching, disconnect between the core values professed on a coach profile and the reality expressed in the field is one of the major influences of the performance of soccer teams in the UK. The discrepancy in the confessed values of soccer coaches and the perceived values are known to influence the outcomes of soccer matches and therefore determine the performance of soccer team. A systematic research using a case study approach on the influence...
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2963 Words
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Sport is not only healthy but has both legal and economic aspects. News from the world of professional sports almost always have a legal background, and even mass sports, sports within sports clubs and sports in schools are increasingly confronted with legal issues. Sport and legal regulation are reflected in the deep linkage, as the most important and essential element of sport is its legal regulation. This applies in particular to the competition rules as well as to other supporting...
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2925 Words
Influence on motivation Intrinsic factors: these are factors that come from within yourself, an example of intrinsic motivation includes taking part in a certain sport, only because you purely enjoy being a part of that team or club, because you want to gain some experience from performing at a specific level. Extrinsic factors are those which are external. They include things like rewards that make you feel better, like praise, encouragement and trophies and money or records. Also they can...
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3053 Words
Turn on any live sports broadcast today and you will see the same things on the screen, regardless of the sport, the station, or the time of day – a fancy scoreboard displaying time remaining in the game, the current score of both teams and other pertinent information to help the viewer understand the situation of the game. You will see starting lineup overlays, statistical overlays, and, more and more often in today’s broadcast landscape, you will see advanced graphics...
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3140 Words
Career Counseling is a system of scientifically based measures aimed at preparing young people to choose a profession, taking into account personality characteristics and the socio-economic situation in the labor market, to assist young people in professional self-determination and employment. Career Counseling includes: Vocational education - It is a process of familiarization of students and graduates of educational institutions with modern types of labor activity, socio-economic and psychophysiological characteristics of various professions, the need for qualified personnel, the requirements for...
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2971 Words
The main point of the modern methodology is the maximum adequacy of the conditions conducive to the formation of communication skills in a foreign language, the condition for the use of speech means of a foreign language in communication. Learning a language from the very beginning should go in conditions of real communication or imitate these conditions as accurately as possible. Therefore, one cannot underestimate the enormous methodological and practical value of using proverbs and sayings in the process of...
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3151 Words
Abstract The following paper attempts to understand of how “ the self ” is at the peak of disorientation and personal crises, identification of the psychological calamity and how the self is able to co-relate that with the advancement of different soul ages. The purpose of this study is to understand the essence of a young person’s journey of psychological disorientation stemming from disruption of belief system to self-actualization using Heuristic inquiry. The current study is based on the data...
6 Pages
2842 Words
ABSTRACT Lifestyle is an approach centered on way one leads life. Lifestyle is the way in which the people live, spend their time and money. Lifestyle of an individual is his way of expressing his feelings, attitudes, interests and opinions. The Lifestyle of individuals has always been of great interest to marketers. They deal with everyday behaviorally oriented facets of people as well as their feelings, attitudes, interests and opinion. A lifestyle marketing perspective recognizes that people sort themselves into...
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2948 Words
If I have to choose three places that I would like to bring my children the age of 5 and 8, I will choose places that I feel will have a great impact and beneficial to them during their growing up years. After thinking deeply, my husband agrees with me on what I have decided that bring them for an oversea trip to visit Golden Temple, Amritsar which is located in India, while the other two places will be in...
7 Pages
3148 Words
WHAT IS FAMILY? Family in human society is a group of people related either by consanguity( by blood) or affinity( by marriage or other relationships).The purpose of families is to maintain the well being of it’s members and of society. Ideally, family would offer predictability, structure, and safety as members mature and participate in the community. In most societies, it is within the families that children acquire socialisation for life outside the family and acts as the primary source of...
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2963 Words
Medicine and religion have intertwined since people started trying to understand cure illnesses. Humans did not at first think of death and disease as natural phenomena. Common illnesses such as colds were accepted as part of life and were mostly dealt with by using herbal remedies. However, serious and disabling diseases were treated very differently. These were considered to be of supernatural origin. They might be the result of a spell cast on the victim by a evil spirit, for...
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2949 Words
Introduction: In this essay I will explore a variety of topics relating to the concept of mediatisation and mediated communication. I will critically discuss the concept of mediatisation, it’s impact on society with it being no longer conceived as being separate from cultural and other institutions as well as describing the mediatisation of religion throughout this essay. I will also be dwelling on scholars such as Hjarvard and many other relevant authors and theorists as well as discussing how the...
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3025 Words
The world of science is in the midst of gender reckoning. Women cannot go on being persistently ignored. They also play a key role in our lives. From the earliest times of human civilization there are some very significant contributions which women have played a key role in by offering their scholarly research. They have made their own success stories while also facing barriers. Many of the world’s largest problems would have gone unsolved if men would have continued the...
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3052 Words
Life chances are given at the time you take your first breath. Depending upon which life chances those are can help determine what the future holds. Life chances are opportunities and those that are given range from education, environment, adequate and supportive families, employment, health care, and religion. Life chances can bring positive outcomes as well as negative ones. Throughout my childhood, I received positive outcomes that came mostly from a family-oriented background and with the influence of religion, my...
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2925 Words
Humans have been breeding dogs for at least an estimated 14,000 years, it is said to believe that the evolution of the domestic dog evolved from the wild grey wolf (Canis Lupus.) As humans began domesticating dogs, they had begun to favour specific traits such as dogs with particular physiques and temperaments, hunting skills, intelligence, behavioural traits and even the simple companionship between man and dog.By selecting the most favourable dogs to breed, humans were unconsciously using artificial selection to...
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2772 Words
Abstract We are living in a digital era of technological learners who are adept at using technology without any formal instructions. The ongoing pandemic may have staggered economy and halted lives across the globe, but, one blessing of these desperate times has been the desperation of ever individual to empower oneself with information and technology because it has proved to be the lifeline of communication and learning. Emails and virtual classrooms have been the new norm ensuring connectedness between the...
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3081 Words
The Oxford Dictionary defines myth as, “A traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.” There are two terms in this definition that warrant attention; tradition and history. The connection of myth with tradition and history supplies a substantial amount of inseparableness and intimacy of myth with the place, the community, the culture and the people in which the myth is rooted. In...
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2952 Words
Introduction What we know of Mark is that it was the first written gospel. This gospel really established the life of Jesus story. It actually develops a narrative from Jesus early career, all the way through to the main points of his life and culminate in his death and its actually sets the tone for the other three gospel. It is a given that Luke and Matthew used Mark, as their source and John possibly could have also, simply because...
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3026 Words
How much do you weigh? What were you wearing? Did you drink in college? Are you sexually active? Do you have a history of cheating? How many times did you black out? On trial, these were some of the questions directed towards Emily Doe (pseudonym), a Stanford graduate victim of sexual assault who was found unconscious behind a dumpster, hair dishevelled, naked from the top down on January 17th 2015 and who had learnt of the grim details of her...
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3014 Words
Introduction Sexual assault is a gross act of violence which strips a victim of their right to autonomy over their body and sexual experiences. Sex and partying are at the centre of student life at college, especially in the United States. However, there is a large rape culture among fraternities. Over a 10-week academic term, between 11% to 28% of college women reported experiencing an unwanted sexual encounter, ranging from unwelcome sexual contact to rape. As sexual assault degrades victims,...
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2815 Words
Reputation is an important issue for business in the 21st century. Reputation is considered much more important nowadays when compared to any given point of time in human business history. In this essay, first, I will start by defining the business reputation. Second, try to theoretically explain that reputation is important to the business. Third, I will review the business environment in the 21st century. Fourth, discuss the reasons that reputation is important in this era by using the vehicles...
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2910 Words
Strong leadership has emerged as one of the most valuable assets in the new millennium. The abilities and positions bestowed upon individuals in present-day society often come with immense responsibilities. Executive coaching has often been utilized within very complex business organizations to improve their success and operations. Executive leadership and coaching refer to the ability of training, usually identified by younger people in the environment, to learn and to equip employees with tools and skills to improve their performance. In...
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2786 Words
Parkinson’s Disease, a disease many people are all too familiar with, is a serious neurological disorder that involves a long-term degeneration of the Central Nervous System (CNS). Parkinson’s, or PD for short, affects more than 10 million people globally and over 60,000 Americans alone are diagnosed with PD each year (GBD, 2016). People affected by this disease, a trait or combination of traits with environment, experience a variety of symptoms, typically including rigidity, muscular weakness, slow movement, tremors and problems...
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3060 Words
ABSTRACT Study on the temperature effect on plant photosynthesis is essential for proper understanding of physiology of plants as well as designing of crops that are able to cope-up with temperatures greater as well as lower than optimum growth temperatures. Any fluctuation in temperatures from the optimum temperature affects the overall growth and productivity of plants. Any temperature fluctuation from permissible values have known to affect the PSII, OEC, PQ, PSI, Cytochrome b559 as well as he primary enzyme of...
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2840 Words
INTRODUCTION Human attitudes are unique to each person. Attitudes are a group of thoughts, feelings, or actions that evaluates objects in either a positive or negative manner (Schwarz, 2015). For example, our opinions on climate change, beliefs on the side effect of vaccination in children, or as simple as the credibility of politicians (Branscombe & Baron, 2017). Among researchers, there are questions on to what extend do attitudes differ in their strength (Branscombe & Baron, 2017). Attitudes can be categorized...
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2846 Words
Kants account of Perfect and imperfect duty is recognised and accepted all over the world. If we try to understand perfect and imperfect duty from a layman’s point of view it would go as follows : Perfect duty consists of duties which have a binding nature for example the duty to not to murder someone falls under perfect duty as it applies strict injunction which restricts us to do the act. Now to get a clear picture of imperfect duties...
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