3000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Police Misconduct Towards Rape Victims In The United States

On September 25, 2010 a young woman went to her best friend's house for a party after a college football game. After falling asleep on his couch for several hours she woke up to him doing unspeakable things to her. Out of fear, she pretended to remain unconscious. After he was done and had left the room, she grabbed her belongings and bolted for the door. He proceeded to chase after her. Because of the extreme physical pain and shock...
7 Pages 2979 Words

The Correlation of Youth Culture and Music

Music is the combination of vocal and instrumental sound that expresses the feeling of an individual. There are various kinds of music such as Classical music, rock, heavy metal, jazz, trance, hip-pop, folk and techno. Traditional and Modern Music Traditional music is the expression of the feeling of people in the past, usually melodious unlike in the present. The people usually express theirs feeling through music and it plays the greatest role in providing the information. The traditional music are...
6 Pages 2856 Words

Juvenile Drug Crimes And Conviction

There has been an increase over the years where our juveniles have experienced the use of narcotic drugs. Sometimes it is a one-time use, or they can become addicted. Furthermore, drugs and violence both has an effect on our juveniles and causes them to demonstrate criminal behavior. Secondly, juveniles have varied of ways to get access to illicit substances. Most of the time at school or though their peers. Some juveniles have access to substances in their own home such...
6 Pages 2924 Words

Difference Between Utopia and Dystopia

The Dual Nature of Utopia and Dystopia In every second of our life, we need to decide between action and inaction. These pull us towards one of two future, a heavenly and other is more hellish. Other is more utopian versus one that is more dystopian. It’s our human nature to dream about utopia, a place better than our current word. We dream about a better life or how life could be better. To provoke a definition of ‘utopia’ is...
6 Pages 2768 Words

Should Millennials Make Youtube a Career

In the current job economy, there are thousands of jobs that can be occupied if the right qualities and applications are met. Well rewarding jobs can be; Financial Analyst, Paramedic, and Statistician where salaries will vary between $30,000-$82,000 a year based on occupation (Martis). Jobs that involve a high level of education are dominantly controlled by millennials. Those that aren’t capable of a higher education; resort to the beginning industry of video game streaming which involves the usage of Twitch...
6 Pages 2925 Words

The Opportunity To Save Animal Lives in Cosmetic Industry

Studies in the beauty industry have shown that the over 170,000 vulnerable rabbits have experienced pain in laboratories around the U.S. annually (Nava-Martinez 53). Animal testing in the cosmetic industry consists of chemicals intentionally being seeped in numerous places of an animal's body to monitor any damage to the body that may occur (Doyle). An initial thought of animal testing in the cosmetic industry is that the companies are required to utilize animals as subjects in testing their products, but...
6 Pages 2756 Words

The Kite Runner and The Great Gatsby: Personal Identity Development

Identity can be defined as the way you think about yourself, the way you view the world and the characteristics that define you. It is a typical feature for authors to create unique identities for their characters which shapes the rest of the book. Both novels explore the ambitions, dreams and personality of their protagonists in order to portray their sense of identity. Firstly, both Gatsby in ‘The Great Gatsby’ and Baba in ‘The Kite Runner’ attempt to create an...
7 Pages 3130 Words

Eccentricity Of The Protagonist In The Catcher In The Rye By J.D. Salinger

In 1951, Jerome David Salinger published a novel ' The Catcher in the Rye', which has become a desktop book of more than one generation of Americans and not only Americans: according to the number of translations to other languages 'The Catcher in the Rye' occupies one of the first places in the post-war U.S. literature. Published in 1960 in Russia, Salinger's novel strongly influenced the so-called youth prose, which was made famous by the magazine 'Youth'. Even in a...
6 Pages 2918 Words

The Moral Dilemma of Cannabis Legalization

Abstract Throughout our history, legal and illegal drugs have been a topic of discussion and a concern for society as some of the worst drugs ever have made it to the streets of our communities and destroy lives every day. Illegal drugs like meth, cocaine, LSD, and heroin are just some of the major drugs that have left their footprints in communities and put people who use them in danger of losing more than their freedom. One specific illegal drug,...
6 Pages 2823 Words

Weaknesses And Strengths Of Racial Profiling

“When I got stopped the other day, I wasn’t a cop. I wasn’t a guy who lived in a neighborhood looking for his daughter’s toy. I was a black man, a dangerous black man. That’s all he could see: a threat” (Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Terry Jeffords). Racial profiling is a serious problem that targets minorities. The tactic is used by police, and it simply judges a person based on their skin color and not evidence. Racial profiling compromises the very fabric...
6 Pages 3002 Words

Gender Discrimination In Academics And Corporate In Current Scenario

Abstract Gender discrimination is to behave or view negatively and unpleasantly toward a person specially women because of her gender basis. All through the ages, women have been struggling for equality .The stereotype image of men and women is famous all over the world. It is usually believed that while men are good for outside jobs, women are capable of only certain jobs. In most families, there is a stereotype image that girl should get married after education while boys...
6 Pages 2838 Words

Marketing Portfolio of Starbucks in China

Introduction Starbucks, founded in 1972 in Seattle, has been methodically building the popularity of its brand since the very beginning. Today, the distinctive logo of the two-tailed siren is already internationally recognised. Starbucks has become a powerful player in the market by producing and selling many different types of beverages, pastries and confections in more than 8,400 coffee shops in 30 countries worldwide. But the company is not only focused on coffee and desserts. Starbucks cafés also offer a wide...
6 Pages 2880 Words

Empowering Inner Peace & Freedom

“Joy comes when people are spontaneous, when their real self comes out, when they connect with their true nature, this is exactly when energy comes alive” - Anthony Robbins Perhaps, the most challenging sessions, in any coaching process and relation in general and those aiming for inner peace and freedom in specific, are the ones related to beliefs, as they are the core, the strongest fundamentals that form our identities, how we perceive ourselves in addition to perceiving people around...
6 Pages 2838 Words

Legislative Aspects of Surrogacy

Executive summary Surrogacy is an increasingly popular arrangement that can be defined as when a woman holds and gives birth to a baby for another individual/ couple . The law surrounding surrogacy in the UK is anachronistic and desperately in need of substantial legislative reform to keep up with contemporary society. Even though the laws have marginally changed to protect the intended parents more than previously and we are seeing a more even shift of the balance of power in...
7 Pages 2984 Words

Advertising, Marketing And Brand Management

Introduction Marketing and brand management is the concern which requires a depth know how to assess the impact and the significance to be able to sell the enterprise and supply the desirable improvement to the corporation. It does not have the most effective simply regarding the product or maybe the emblem as an alternative that is extra immoderate than it is miles displayed as a whole, it's far the tool that enables to apprehend the notion of the not unusual...
6 Pages 2908 Words

The Idea of Collective and Individual Identity in The Dead, Daddy, Brave New World and The Handmaid’s Tale

This essay will focus on the ideas of collective and individual identity and how they are presented in ‘The Dead’ (1914) by James Joyce, Brave New World (1932) by Aldous Huxley, ‘Daddy’ (1965) by Silvia Plath and The Handmaid’s Tale (1985) by Margaret Atwood. The idea of identity, in general, is a central theme in all of these texts. Gordon Marshall (1998) describes identity as centred on two distinct areas, namely the psychodynamic and the sociological. An example of sociological...
7 Pages 2999 Words

Exploring the Prevalence of HIV among the Black African Community in the UK

Introduction As a woman of black African decent, I am sometimes overwhelmed with disbelief about the negative perception of others towards other black African women in terms of HIV and AIDS. Some incidents such as a routine visit to the hospital in Belgium for a thigh rush led to a test for HIV/AIDS. On a recent visit to hospital in England for a routine headache with tummy pains I was surprised the first question I was asked was if I...
6 Pages 2861 Words

Reflection On Medics Against Human Trafficking

This essay will include my reflections on my experiences from medics against trafficking including my thoughts and feelings about each lecture, books and websites I have read and films watched during my self-directed learning, reflections from group work carried out and reflections on how what I have learnt and experienced in this module will impact my practice as a future doctor. When selecting my student selected component for this semester I put this module as my first choice. I put...
7 Pages 3245 Words

Beauty and the Beast Characters

Introduction and Author Description Author Description: Author Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve, born in Paris in 1695, is considered the original author of the tale “Beauty and the Beast.” The story was drawn from fairy tales and folklore and was first published in 1740. The original book was 362 pages long but later abridged and republished by Jeanne Marie Leprince de Beaumont. Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont was a French author best known for her version of “The Beauty and the Beast”....
6 Pages 2976 Words

My Own Personal Mission Statement: My Vision of The ‘Ideal’ School

“To promote a safe secure environment for children to play and explore both the inside and outside spaces, to foster friendships and working with others within a group with no labels on ability.’ – My mission statement. This is my own personal mission statement. Although I am only on the first step of the ladder to becoming a teacher, this mission statement reflects my view on what I feel would be the ‘ideal’ school, the reasons why I will go...
7 Pages 3215 Words

Competition in the Market and Application of Competition Law

Introduction The Cartel has been defined as the “supreme evil of antitrust” shaking the foundations of an ethical structure of the existing competition in the market. In 1996 the European Union introduced the concept of the leniency programme to ease the Commission’s burden and time in detecting cartel. Leniency programme gives immunity or discount in fine to the first undertaking in the cartel, reporting the Commission. Prior to the leniency programme cartel were mostly detected by own initiatives, customer complaint,...
7 Pages 3008 Words

Thomas Paine's Way of Life and Worldview

The implication of Thomas Paine’s metaphor: “My own mind is my personal church,” means that Paine’s not unusual feel, and that of his mind’s logical reasoning serves him more justifiably than that of the creed ideology of the church buildings. consequently, Paine believes that churches are, “human innovations set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit (Paine 654).” Upon his ideals on not unusual experience and logical reasoning, Paine maligned all God’s revelation to sure character...
7 Pages 3064 Words

Music Therapy: Ability To Heal And Recover Mental Health Illness

Introduction: Music therapy is a type of treatment that addresses psychological and social issues among people for all ages. As the brain responds towards sounds, it can act as a mood stimulator. It has the ability to cure both psychological and physical diseases. Music enables to express emotions through which certain chemicals are released in our body which helps us to restore our well-being. Even if we are feeling sad, stressed or eccentric, we convey our feelings through music, so...
7 Pages 3018 Words

Project Report on Implication of GST on Supply Chain Management

Abstract: The main objective of this report is to provide a holistic view of the implication of Goods and Service Tax (GST) on Supply Chain Management. It describes how the GST has impacted various Supply chain activities. The report effectively contrasts the practices that used to exist in the pre-GST regime and the changes to which the current Supply Chain Management is moving after the introduction of GST in India. It also highlights the impacts on The Procurement, Transportation, Logistics,...
7 Pages 3166 Words

Gender Bias in the Classroom

Abstract Gender is a dynamic concept. Race, class, economic circumstances, age- all of these influences what is considered appropriate for women and men. This study determined the level of gender biases among Education students along learning materials, subject matter, learning evaluation, and teaching evaluation. The descriptive method was employed using quantitative data. This study was conducted at Bukidnon State University, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon. A total of 80 respondents participated in this study, representing the 4-year levels of Education Students, both...
7 Pages 3094 Words

Issues On Which Western Feminism And African Feminism Can Develop Common Grounds

1.0 Introduction Feminism is a movement of the group of women to end sexism, sexist and oppression. There are a number feminist theories which are propounded on three main principles. The principles states that women have something important to subsidize to every part of the world, women being viewed as a burdened group of people and women being unable to achieve their prospective, gain rewards, or gain full participation in societies. (Sachikonye, 2016). Western feminists have been fighting back historically...
7 Pages 3057 Words

Extent Of Applying Artificial Intelligence In The Diagnosis Of Skin Cancer

Before delving into the content of this essay, it is crucial to understand why this argument is valid. Cancer is a fatal disease and the chances of survival, especially for skin cancer, vary greatly depending on how early and accurately it is diagnosed (The Skin Cancer Foundation, 2019). Recognising cancerous cells from benign ones requires not only medical knowledge but precision and intelligence. Would a machine be able to diagnose a patient with skin cancer? When arguing whether Artificial Intelligence...
7 Pages 3200 Words

My Whole Negotiation Journey: Personal Experience Essay

Introduction This paper reflects on my whole negotiation journey including planning efforts in preparation, strategy development and execution of the negotiation. Following this, I have incorporated the reflection of the exhibited behaviour (self and counter-part), strengths, weaknesses, qualities, what I resonated with and surprises I experienced throughout the negotiations. Furthermore, I have reflected on analysis of how my performance aligned with my original vision, my experiences and learnings, key lessons from the class material and exercises. Thereafter, I have presented...
7 Pages 3193 Words

Safety In The Civil Engineering And Risk Management

Safety in the civil engineering Engineering is a part of the science. Both Scientists and Engineers studies science. Scientists study real world and they discovers the theories of science. But Engineer has to apply science and mathematics theories to their projects. Applying science to the real world is tougher process. That process contains lots of risks and uncertainties. Each engineering department has various varieties of hazards. Some of the hazards are same for all. Here let’s give our attention to...
6 Pages 2921 Words

A Study on Impact of Organizational Factors on Job Satisfaction among Doctors of Teaching Hospitals

Abstract Job satisfaction has different perspectives. Considering the point of view of an employee, it reveals the benefits people might be looking for while taking the job. And these benefits are agreed by the employer considering their own strategies, benefits and profits. Moreover organizational factors that affect their satisfaction articulate employees’ aspiration to utilize their potential to make a valuable and meaningful contribution towards fulfilling their individual goals. From an organization’s point of view, they take up people to perform...
6 Pages 2824 Words
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