400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Galileo Galilei: The Most Important Character In The Scientific Revolution

Conceived in February 15, 1564, Galileo was going to become the most powerful individual in the logical upset. Everyone knows that Galileo Galilei invented the telescope, but no one knows the paths and challenges he had to overcome. Vincenzo Galilei, Galileo’s father, wanted Galileo to become a doctor. Galileo was enrolled in the University of Pisa to study medicine in 1581. When he was a student at the university, he ascertained that his passion was not medicine. Instead, it was...
1 Page 412 Words

The Computer As The Most Important Intelligent Machine

In our life technology plays a vital role because it provides more efficient and faster results with different methods. Computer programming is one the easiest and simple way used in many different aspects such as education, transportation and communication. Humans and machines can have a strong relation in case of communication which helps both to develop the intelligence. The dynamic relationship between human and machine holds an equally important position. Now a days machines are able to solve every aspect...
1 Page 416 Words

Life And Work Of Alan Turing

Alan Turing, mathematician and cryptographer, managed to achieve incredible feats despite being held back by stigma surrounding his sexuality. This scholar loved to take in new information to solve new problems and was an undeniable math genius. Alan Turing made math history through his excellence in mathematics, heroism in World War 2, and breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, all while being openly gay in a society where homosexual acts were illegal. Alan Turing was born on June 23rd, 1912. When he...
1 Page 410 Words

The Importance Of Electronics In The Modern World

I've grown up knowing that life will not be the same if you take electronics out of the question. I mean, how will I be able to enjoy instant coffee in the morning if I did not have my electronic coffeemaker in my condominium? That thing virtually cut off a lot of my early morning preparation time for work. Without it, I would have to spend around 10-15 minutes preparing my own coffee every day, and I have to shower...
1 Page 409 Words

Difference Between Religion And Theology

Theology and religion are two very closely related and easily confused disciplines. The confusion arises because both of them revolve around a supreme power, God. If you carefully examine each subject, you will realize that, while they have a few aspects in common, they are also two completely different things. Theology mostly focuses on studying about God and faith. It is only concerned with particular beliefs and religious views. Religion, on the other hand, covers a broader scope as it...
1 Page 412 Words

The Role Of Self-reflection In Learning And Development

Self-evaluation is a necessary part of learning and development for any individual. When I look at my own career path and self-reflection, I consider how I would assess myself. I asked myself what my strengths and weaknesses are. By doing this I can identify what I need to work on and improve but also what I can showcase and enhance. In this case I am very organised, but I could work smarter and also delegate more. Therefore, I need to...
1 Page 417 Words

Business Of Religion

Religion is a social-cultural system of designated behaviors and practices, morals, worldviews, texts, sanctified places, prophecies, ethics, or organizations, that relates humanity to supernatural, transcendental, or spiritual elements. (Wikipedia) Religion is a means of techniques to cross the limits of human mind and behavior and experience a connection between oneself and the highest source of energy, often called the creator or god. God is known by different names in different forms by various religions. Thus, religion enjoys a very special...
1 Page 383 Words

Is Our Technology Taking Us Closer To The World Of Big Brother?

With the way our technology is progressing, the world of big brother is closer than we think it is. A few years ago, the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) was exposed to the public. The Washington Post stated that the US government hacks phones, computer and TV’s of regular people. In some cases, there is a tool called Weeping Angel that makes homeowners believe their tv is turned off when in reality, a bug records any conversation and sends it a...
1 Page 409 Words

How Much Freedom Should Parents Give Their Children?

According to my opinion parents should give liberty to their children to make the child more sociable and more open but this freedom shouldn’t pass the red line, which will make the child spoiled. From a personal experience I know a friend that passed the ‘red line’. He was given all the freedom to do what he like whenever and wherever. He gradually got more spoiled and spoiled after we became teenager this kid started to talk back to the...
1 Page 388 Words

The Stages Of Cellular Respiration

The cellular respiration is a function that releases energy from food. The cellular respiration requires oxygen and glucose, which produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy. You might wonder why is the cellular respiration so important. It’s important because the cellular respiration provides energy for living organisms. The cellular respiration is the process where chemical energy from food molecules turns into ATP. The equation for cellular respiration is C6H12O6+6O2 6H2O+6CO2. There are three stages of reaction in the cellular respiration which...
1 Page 414 Words

The Role And Effects Of Siblings Relationships

Many sibling relationships that are displayed on T.V. or in real life show that siblings share special bonds. Although, siblings may be different, the old memories and experiences (good and bad) that they share for a lifetime. As a result, relationships between siblings are complicated which causes them to be tough, sometimes dangerous and, at times they can even be rewarding. Sometimes, having someone that a person is compared to or something with can be tough. Many times, younger siblings...
1 Page 390 Words

The Process Of Ben For Child Labor

Introduction Indigence is the major cause for child exploitation. It involves intolerable abuse like enslavement, forced labor and any other unlawful activities. Grown-up are always paid more than kids since there are no trade unions for kids. Child labor is any activity that is unhealthy to kids or keeps them from attending school and this affects their growth due to poor health. Thesis Child labor is any activity that is unhealthy to kids or keeps them from attending school and...
1 Page 383 Words

Origins of African Slave Trade & Development in American Colonies

From the seventeenth century onwards, slaves were the focus of trade between Europe and Africa. From the fifteenth century onwards, the conquest and colonization of North and South America and the Caribbean islands by Europe created an unquenchable thirst for African workers, who were perceived to be more suited to work in the New World's tropical conditions. The number of slaves traded throughout the Atlantic Ocean has grown gradually, from around 5,000 slaves a year in the sixteenth century to...
1 Page 417 Words

Why Should The Pharmacist Be The One To Conduct Medication Review?

Medications are identified as substances taken in the body that can harm as well as heal the patient. Several studies stated that approximately 5% to 15% of people are admitted to the hospital due to the harmful effects of some medications. Hence, medication review is essential to conduct so as to prevent any adverse effects of the drugs and improve the quality life of the patient. Medication review is defined as the systematic comprehensive evaluation of patient medications with the...
1 Page 420 Words

How Awnings Improve Your Business

Awnings in Maroochydore are a great way to enhance your business and here at Cool Outdoor Living, we are committed to helping you find the perfect awnings and get the most out of them. The many benefits that you’ll be able to take advantage of will make a huge difference for your company and your customers. You’re going to love them and will wonder how you ever did without awnings. Check out these great perks. Keep it Cool Adding awnings...
1 Page 391 Words

Lessons In Overcoming Adversity While Traveling With Your Kid

Recent studies show that parents’ attitudes can influence their offsprings’ belief from very early childhood. Just as fatherhood teaches dads various life lessons that can shape them for the rest of their lives, there are invaluable life lessons fathers can pass onto their own children. These include overcoming adversity and resolving conflict. Travelling together may well present lots of opportunities to put these lesson into practice. The importance of overcoming barriers When travelling, it is very likely that you and...
1 Page 403 Words

Justice And Forgiveness

The article “Old Rape Kits Finally Got Tested. 64 Attackers Were Convicted.” is about how a women, Maisha Sudbeck, was raped in 2012. She had a rape kit tested on her that went untested. The case was eventually forgotten and left behind. In 2017 the kits were tested by a lawyer and found that the test came positive and a man was arrested on 6 accounts of rape on different women. This incident caused an additional 55,000 rape kits tested,...
1 Page 399 Words

Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition

Behaviorist Theory Skinner's standpoint was that the learning procedure must be founded on preparing like redundancy, drill and repetition so as to be effective. He likewise asserted that youngsters learned by doing. He further expressed that understudies would react as indicated by the incitement they got. As indicated by the results, which could either be sure or negative, kids would rehash a specific conduct. Skinner believed extraordinarily in uplifting feedback and felt that it could be successful in controlling conduct....
1 Page 411 Words

Overviewing The Politics Inside Philippine Volleyball

“The best way to build confidence in court is by playing.” according to a Thai Secretary-General of Thailand Volleyball Association, Mr. Jaksuwan Tocharoen, “It’s best to go up against strong guys if you want to get stronger.”- Haikyuu!! Volleyball (A Japanese manga series). Another proof on the list is the journey of Brazil WVT, from just being a part of Olympic line up in the past, they managed to be the #1 team in world ranking for years! The year...
1 Page 410 Words

Ambassador: The Iconic Car Of India

In year 1958 in India, Hindustan Motors had launched Ambassador car which was then a marvel of engineering and product of innovation. For more than two decades after its launch, Ambassador enjoyed monopoly [> 75% market share by year 1970s] and was king of Indian roads. Ambassador was omnipresent. It was high in demand with long waiting period of delivery and was a priced possession till year 1983 when Maruti launched its compact and fuel efficient 800 model. After opening...
1 Page 421 Words

The Significance Of Self-Reliance in The Modern World

In this world, where every other person is tech-savy, people tend to blindly trust their mobile 'robots' for almost every information they are required to have. Assuming that reliance on people has been diminished, implying to the fact, that now, they are 'self reliant'. This is a complete myth. Self reliance includes the use and believe in one's own resources and hardwork for living. But now, technology is not included in 'others' as everyone has their individual access to it,...
1 Page 380 Words

The Process Of DNA Sequencing

The marine fisheries sector has a very important contribution to food security and economic prosperity, since fish is an important source of protein, vitamins, iodine, and omega-3 fatty acids. Identification of the proper fish species is important for fisheries management and food product certification. Identification of marine species using traditional taxonomic methods is often a taxonomic inconsistency. To understand, evaluate, and manage marine ecosystems, it is important to have information about the diversity of species that make it. Getting this...
1 Page 425 Words

The Reasons For Dialects Development

Throughout the world, people have developed thousands of languages. Each language has its own diversity. In terms of dialect development in a language, there are two main reasons: “geographical variations” and “social variations”. According to Syal and Jindal, living in a different geographical area may occur diversity in dialect. “It is a universal characteristic of human language that speakers of the ‘same’ language who live in different parts of a continuous territory do not speak in the same way” (Amina,...
1 Page 383 Words

The Definition Of Cyberstalking

Cyberstalking is harassment or stalking that happens through online channels. Social media, yemail and forums are a few of the online channels. It must be stopped for good. People will sometimes cyberstalk people so they can get information to blackmail them. Cyber stalking doesn’t just stop at that. On social media if you make multiple accounts to be harassing somebody that counts too. They won’t know it’s multiple people. What is sad is for the most part cyber stalkers personally...
1 Page 405 Words

The Features Of Epistolary Novel In The White Tiger

“THE WHITE TIGER” is an epistolary novel, which is written in a form of a letter, in which the narrator composed more than seven evenings to the Chinese prime minister Wen Jiabao; it is a narrative of bondage, financial thriving, and murder. The tale utilizes a first-individual teller of tales, Balram Halwai, whose extraordinary, wry voice helps the peruse through his existence in 'new India.' Balram composes the letter in the brightness of an announcement he heard on the radio,...
1 Page 425 Words

Message And Moral Of The Story The Monkey's Paw

It is a common mindset that when wishes are made with good and not selfish intentions, they are likely to come true and impact positively on our lives. The monkey’s paw is a short story which was written by Jacobs in 1902, the story involves a family set-up. The author w.w. Jacobs begins the story by setting the scene and the atmosphere by describing the area in which the Whites live. Jacobs describes the night as cold and wet, while...
1 Page 407 Words

Digital Communication In Modern Organisation

In Today’s contemporary era, digital communication has become vital need of organisations which allows a company to share the data swiftly through physical path or physical connection. The aim of this report is to write an argument based on evidence that why digital communication is valuable for every organisation. Digital communication in a business relates with wellbeing personality and it is most favourable to be a master personality at job. there are six terms to have a unique look at...
1 Page 407 Words

The Importance Of Self Confidence For The Leader

Self-confidence is classified as a personal trait for an effective leader. Self-confidence measure the potential to trust your instincts, qualities, and judgment to make a better decision. Being self-confident is vital that a leader can have due to the fact it will help instill self-belief among the followers and the group (Dubrin, 2015). Self- confidence can also be considered as a behavioral and interactive ability as an alternative than just a personality trait because it reflects on how both male...
1 Page 413 Words

Single Parenting And Social Media

Social media is great tool of intervening and solving so many social problems that are curbing the society. It does not just limit to social problems but it cuts across so many societal problems that seem to be taking a toll on humanity. In this social media would be the best tool for addressing the issue of single parenting. It is a great way of immensely impacting positivity on the issue and also creating awareness on the same problem. All...
1 Page 417 Words

Postcolonial Discourse Influences Ideas About English As A Global Language

I highly agree that postcolonial discourse influences ideas about English as a global language. English as the language of the British colonists achieved celebrated immensity during British Imperialism. Since then, English as a language accomplished admiration in educational prospects and in governance structure all along the colonial era. The reverence of English did not stop yet it further intensified in postcolonial era. As the idea of globalisation was being enlightened, English has become the Lingua France of connecting people throughout...
1 Page 401 Words
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