400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Nursing as an Art and as a Science: Informative Essay

Nursing is a profession that focuses on the care of individuals, families, and communities. It involves skilled professionals whose goal is to provide optimal health and quality of life to their patients. Nurses may be different from other healthcare professionals in terms of their approach to patient care and scope of practice. The public image of nurses has been shaped over the years. This essay will briefly discuss nursing as an art and as a science. Despite the ongoing debate...
1 Page 413 Words

Essay on 'The Tempest': Critical Analysis of Caliban

Rather than centralizing on postcolonial critiques of Caliban as the colonized ‘Other’ in The Tempest, Atwood reimagines a humanist critique of the Fletcher Correctional Players in Hag-Seed. Inspired by Canada’s reformative prison literature of the Shakespeare Behind Bar program, Atwood adapts the universality of Shakespeare’s language to allow the inmates to transgress their mundane existence through the rehabilitative power of theatre. In The Tempest, Shakespeare explores the relationship between European civilization and the primitive New World ‘savage’, utilizing the European...
1 Page 417 Words

Pearl Harbor as a Turning Point of WW 2: Reflective Essay

According to milspousefest.com, it states that “The attack of Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941, “is a date which will live infamy” (President Roosevelt) was an attack by Japan.” It was very early Sunday morning at 8 am families were getting ready, kids were eating breakfast, etc. Although many people thought it was a normal day. The Japanese were dropping the atomic bombs in a very sneaky way. When Japan tried bombing Pearl Harbor no military was sent to defend Pearl...
1 Page 411 Words

Short Essay on Capital Punishment (250 Words)

What is the principal explanation behind capital punishment? Human developments have been doing capital punishment for 4,000 years back. Capital punishment is held today for ruthless and deplorable wrongdoings, for example, first-degree murder. Nations like China, Iran, Japan, and India extend capital punishment for monotonous fierce wrongdoings, for example, assault, rape, or explicit medication offenses. Here is a portion of the upsides and downsides of capital punishment. Here are a few experts on capital punishment. It is an approach to...
1 Page 404 Words

Why Did the Allies Win World War 1: Analytical Essay

The Allies won ww1 mostly because they had a bigger advantage in their quantity and quality. They had also got a bigger industry for weapons and many other things. The allies were Russia, France, Britain, the United States, and some other smaller countries states. France had 777,000 French troops and 46,000 regional troops, Russia had 5,971,000 men in the Russian army, the United States had 4.7 men and women that served in the regular force, national guard units, and draft...
1 Page 413 Words

What Made World War 1 a Total War: Analytical Essay

Total war is when countries use any warfare that includes any civilian resources, uses all of society’s resources to fight the war, and the priority is towards warfare over non-combatant needs. World War One is considered a total war due to the fact that societies, economies, and labor were all seconded to the war effort. In World War One, the countries used all means to completely demolish the enemy so that they were unable to fight back because the destruction...
1 Page 397 Words

Was the American Revolution Successful: Argumentative Essay

“The American Revolution was a beginning, not a consummation” - Woodrow Wilson. The American Revolution was revolutionary by definition because it was successful regarding political, economic, women's rights and freedom for African Americans. In fact, despite all of the obvious costs and excesses brought throughout this historical event, it also brought numerous benefits not just for citizens living in the United States, but for other people around the globe. It is extremely difficult to shrink something as big and numerous...
1 Page 403 Words

Utilitarians Would Be Against All Forms of Affirmative Action: Critical Essay

The arguments in support of strong affirmative action that talks about diversity are that it brings more people to the table and with this more ideas. With more people that are included in a group, community, jobs, or involved it means that there are more ideas and more tolerance to new upcoming and different points of view. Like I have said previously in my other works, it was a woman that came up with the equation that took us to...
1 Page 412 Words

Animal Imagery in Othello

William Shakespeare’s Othello explores the term 'other' to achieve his purpose of trying to question the validity of stereotypes. Shakespeare uses the protagonist, Othello to question the racial prejudices during the Renaissance and to question the validity of stereotypes. During the Elizabethan Era in England, a dark-skinned person in a position of power wasn't part of the norm during the Elizabethan England, the population, at the time, considered dark-skinned people to be seen as a minority compared to the English...
1 Page 406 Words

Joan Didion ‘On Keeping a Notebook’ Summary Essay

Joan Didion's essay "On Keeping a Notebook" explores the practice of journaling and its significance in the author's life. In this essay, Didion reflects on the act of writing and the personal insights that can be gained through the process of keeping a notebook. Didion begins by explaining the motivation behind her journaling, highlighting the importance of capturing fleeting moments and preserving memories. She notes that her notebooks serve as a repository for observations, experiences, and thoughts that might otherwise...
1 Page 380 Words

Human Trafficking: Persuasive Speech

Around the globe, many people fall victim to modern slavery. Human Trafficking is a major worldwide problem that occurs every day, even in America. Human trafficking is hidden in plain sight without the knowledge of the public. Victims of human trafficking can be anybody; mostly females of all ages, including young children. They can be normal individuals who have been kidnapped, hookers, the homeless, or drug addicts. These people are often disregarded by society and labeled as outcasts. They are...
1 Page 424 Words

Football is My Favourite Sport Essay

Football is my favorite sport. But I think that it is the most addicting game in the world. It is a very interesting game. Also, this sport is played by two teams each having 11 players. This sport is known as soccer. Football is a fun game activity to play together with your friends or teammates. In addition, it is a local and international contest of this game playing in 90 minutes or they can be divided into two sections...
1 Page 412 Words

Police Brutality Symbol: Research Essay

Demonstrators Worldwide Yelled Out Against Police Brutality In The United States. The Global Society Reacts to George Floyd's Death, on Systemic Racism, Police Brutality, and Protests in the United States. What transpired in the final moments of Floyd's life? On May 25. the murdering of Floyd, cascading far beyond the borders of the United States. The subsequent waves of demonstrations both at home and abroad have again brought a laser-like focus to longstanding queries involving systemic racial discrimination, the unequal...
1 Page 412 Words

Analysis of Symbols in 'A Raisin in the Sun': Critical Essay

The biggest symbol in the story, Mama’s plant represents both Mama’s care, the dream for her family, and wanting success. In the beginning, momma is helping the plant to take care of it. She says that the plant never gets enough light or water, but she takes pride in how it nevertheless flourishes under her care. Her care for her plant is like her care for her children, despite a less-than-perfect environment for growth. The plant also symbolizes her dream...
1 Page 405 Words

Importance of Natural Resources Essay

Introduction: There are actually two types of energy resources that we can use. Nonrenewable energy comes from fossil fuels, oil, etc. The energy comes from sources that will run out or will not be replenished in our lifetimes. Renewable energy, often referred to as clean energy, comes from natural sources or processes that are constantly replenished. For example, sunlight or wind keeps shining and blowing, even if their availability depends on time and weather. Body: Natural resources are earth materials...
1 Page 401 Words

Essay on Maya Angelou and Civil Rights Movement

Today I will be talking about a poem about civil rights. The poem's name is the caged bird and the author is Maya Angelou. She was in the civil rights time and she was famous for making a poem it talks about her life in the civil rights. She also made poems to educate people to not be racist so that in the future people can live happily without civil rights. I will be talking about this poem and how...
1 Page 410 Words

Characteristics of an Effective Counsellor: Informative Essay

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a counselor is someone who is trained to listen to people and give them advice about their problems. Within the framework of psychology, effective counseling requires, first of all, the cooperation of the client and the consultant. To be an effective consultant, you need to be able to first assess your client; it opens the door to communication and involvement in the problem. Before you begin counseling any client, make sure that it is clear...
1 Page 405 Words

Why Should the Government Add Laws to Prevent Bullying: Persuasive Essay

Bullying is a serious problem of modern society. Whether it is verbal bullying, cyberbullying, or physical bullying, bullying can significantly change a person's lifestyle in many ways. Some humans may also take a positive route and talk up about their struggles from being bullied. They may seek professional help to cope and deal with recovery. Other people who pick to do nothing, do not attain out for help. They may also emerge as depressed and think suicidal thoughts. These victims...
1 Page 401 Words

Abortion Is Murdering: Persuasive Essay

Abortion is an intervention intended to terminate a pregnancy and to take the life of the unborn child and is one of the most controversial issues in today’s society. We need to seriously think about whether or not abortion should be acknowledged as ethically right. Some consider that it’s a form of murder, we need to apply anti-abortion laws to all women around the world to prevent taking the lives of innocent human beings not yet born and save women...
1 Page 419 Words

Analysis of Stevie Wonder's Song ‘Don't You Worry 'bout a Thing’

‘Don't You Worry 'bout a Thing’ by Stevie Wonder, a famous American singer-songwriter, is a single released alongside his 1973 album ‘Innervisions’. Stevie Wonder is a powerhouse of an artist. By his teenage years he was releasing successful singles off the Motown Record Label. His song ‘Fingertips’ made him the youngest artist to top the charts at the age of 13. Soon after, that he released 'Uptight (Everything's Alright)', which really cemented his growing stardom. His other hit songs later...
1 Page 406 Words

Power and Authority in William Shakespeare's ‘The Tempest’ and Margaret Atwood’s ‘Hag-Seed’: Compare and Contrast Essay

Shakespeare's ‘The Tempest’ textual converse with Atwood’s ‘Hag-Seed’ examines the gradual descent of power and authority in society, infecting individuals with merciless corruption leading to disastrous consequences. Through the dramatic plot and characters, Shakespeare represents the volatile aspect of the human nature, reflecting the complex issue of power and authority related to the context of rising political power and the downfall of religious authority. On the other hand, Atwood’s personal context reframes this idea through a modern political lens on...
1 Page 409 Words

Power Is Used by the Strong to Exploit the Weak: Critical Essay

Throughout ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ and ‘Blade Runner’, Margaret Atwood and Philip K. Dick explores the theme of power through events that showcase a hierarchy in both texts. Both authors use power to give to the robust to take advantage of the fragile. What is meant by power in the context of each text is that power is used upon dictatorship with fascist leaders forming slaves to satisfy their needs and to exploit the weak. Central to Margaret Atwood’s ‘The Handmaid’s...
1 Page 409 Words

My Mom Is My Superhero: Personal Narrative Essay

With each era beginning it comes to an end. All the time our world is changing, and we are the ones responsible of fixing it. We then each create our own ideas and superheroes. With different problems come different superheroes. Henry Ford, Batman and a librarian. All different looks, clothing and jobs, yet they serve the same purpose for looking after our community. Some superheroes are glorified and some aren’t even heard of. We aren't currently living with Batman and...
1 Page 422 Words

Informative Essay on Freedom of the Press

The notion that communication and expression through various media, including written and electronic media, especially published information, should be recognized a right to be freely exercised is known as freedom of the press or freedom of the media. The freedom of the press refers to the ability to criticize the government in the absence of fear of obstruction or punishment from the government, either before or after publication. In the United States, the terms 'freedom of the press', 'freedom of...
1 Page 401 Words

Humanities Deserve to Be Studied: Argumentative Essay

The humanities traditionally encompass those disciplines that treat human culture, experience, and perception as an object of study, while simultaneously treating the person as a knowing subject, and that pierce to the core of culture and the human condition. According to the editors of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, the humanities are differentiated in terms of substance and process, in a community of education disciplines, from the physical, biological, and, somewhat less decisively, social sciences. The humanities require the study of all...
1 Page 423 Words

Reflections on Why the Humanities Should Be Taught in College

If the main focus of the humanities are men, why should there be a need to study ourselves? According to Gaff and Ratcliff (1997), the humanities talk about the life of others, people whom we have never even met before. The life of others gives us stories and ideas on how life was back then. The humanities are commonly focused on aspects that are deemed to be useless and unpractical, when in reality, the humanities prove to have the most...
1 Page 419 Words

Persuasive Essay on Pizza: A Dish for Everyone

Some kids eat meat and vegetables and some don't, but pizza is a whole new story everyone loves pizza. Pizza is one of the world’s most favorite food. There is a pizza in every country in the world. However, Naples is still the birthplace of pizza. I would like to devote my essay to this unique dish. Speaking of pizza, the first thing to note is that it is a dish made from a roll of dough topped with a...
1 Page 421 Words

Argumentative Essay on Why Weed Should Be Legalized

Across the United States weed is being legalized for both medicinal and medical use, it’s time we ask this question for Australia. There are several reasons why weed should be legalized in my opinion. My first reason it that it will give less power to gangs and create jobs for people to farm it, process it and sell it, and produce stuff to take. It would also be giving less power to gangs and give that power to the government...
1 Page 402 Words

Reflections on Helping Others and Its Importance

Caring about other people and their feelings can turn out to be a really good situation or a bad situation. It can be a great situation because you can end up helping the person and making them feel better, but it can be a bad situation because you can end up getting in their business and they start to dislike you. Even though you are doing a good deed and thinking that you are helping that person out with their...
1 Page 400 Words

My Definition of Happiness: Narrative Essay

Have you ever thought about what truly is happiness? I believe that at one point in time everyone would have come across this question. Everyone would like to be happier, including me. Happiness is important to me because it helps to protect my mental well-being. In this essay, I would like to explain my definition of happiness, which is a combination of good feelings and desire satisfaction, as well as setting goals as a way to achieve them. Happiness, in...
1 Page 410 Words
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