As Rome conquered the different towns in different places she did not only gain territory and subjects, but she also gained foreign ideas. Rome sucked foreign temples and obtained new ideas of religion and art. Those who were captured in war and were educated and civilized she made slaves and often Rome used them as teachers of Roman children and writers of books (Morey, 1901). In spite of the fact that Rome had many influences the most powerful foreign influence...
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405 Words
Around the year 2019, we had been invited to a wedding ceremony of my brother's friends wedding ceremony and it was a Zulu tribe they slightly differ from us in terms of distinction to variants in the way they did things, When the groom`s family get to the bride`s home, they`ll have to give the representatives of the bride pulamolomo (money taken out ) in order to start talking. They`ll also have to bring a drink like a whisky or...
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425 Words
Throughout the novel, names have significant roles in identifying both people and places by matching their characteristics with their definitions. In the beginning, on page 21, there is an introduction to districts, and later on page 80, it begins to describe how each district is characterized by something different from the rest. For example; District 12 is coal miners, District 11 is agriculture, and District 4 is fishing. A district is defined as an area of a country or city,...
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412 Words
Nowadays, when googling up the definition of adventure, you will easily get a general answer like “an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity”. Basically, that’s more or less encapsulated it. People often think about adventure as an exhilarating experience that is with some potential for physical danger. Adventures may be in the main, reckless and dangerous outdoor activities such as skydiving, scuba diving, cliff jumping or extreme sports. Adventure is hard to define but can only be experienced...
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411 Words
People including Americans should be themselves, naturally humans are good and have limitless potential. Emerson argued Americans should stop looking to the Europeans for inspiration. He believed that they should create their own distinct culture carried through transcendentalist ideas. Which is followed through by the American Scholar because they are actively seeking knowledge for themselves and trying to attain a higher understanding of life. This way it leads them to their own thoughts and style that’s uniquely American. Emerson first...
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402 Words
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Countess Olenska is the talk of the opera audience because she grew up in New York and has had a controversial past which has brought her back to her roots under mysterious circumstances. The majority of the Lovell Mingott's formal dinner invitations are declined. New York's high society is sending the message that Countess Olenska is not welcome. The Archers turn to Mr. and Mrs. Van der Luyden because of their elite and revered status in New York’s high society...
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398 Words
Few commentaries on the novel are silent on the subject of Oedipa’s name. Most take for granted that it is significant in a straightforward way: by referring the reader to some extra-textual network of meanings the name appropriates some or all of those meanings for the novel, which thus draws part of its own significance from the resonances they generate. This is the “conventional” response that at least one critic claims is unavoidable. Even if the name is a joke,...
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410 Words
The concept of lobbying means influencing state authorities in the interest of certain political, economic or social groups. In Poland, the term 'lobbying' appeared in public debates after 1989 and immediately took on a pejorative meaning. He was associated with corruption, behind-the-scenes dealing with cases and breaking the law. A negative look at the issue of lobbying is also influenced by the way it is presented in the media. It rarely appears as an integral component of democracy, it is...
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411 Words
Evolution from Post Impressionism to Cubism. Post Impressionism is considered to be one of the earliest avant-garde movements of the 19th century. It lasted from approximately 1885 to 1910. Artists of this time focused on the emotional, symbolic, and spiritual elements that were not found in works from Impressionism. There was the use of light, shadows, and colors from Impressionism. It opened up a new world for modern art and stretched boundaries. This period began with artists such as Money,...
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395 Words
Reader response criticism is a part of literary theories, mostly concentrating on the gatherings of people and audience appearance or response to a particular content. According to Oxford University Press (2019), Reader response criticism is the response of a reader to a text, especially as arising from the effect of cultural context and other factors on the reader's experience of the text. The short story 'The Necklace' by Guy De Maupassant has been taken place in France a hundred years...
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418 Words
The underground man lives an isolated life colored by his own imagination (“Of course, it was I who just invented all these words for you. That too comes from the underground. For forty years in a row, I’ve been listening to all your words through a crack. I’ve invented them myself since that’s all that’s occurred to me” (Dostoevsky, p.28)). Unable to resolve his personal, literary, and social ideals with that of reality, he lives an unhappy existence unable to...
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410 Words
Jane Austen’s 1814 novel Mansfield Park begins and ends with the topic of marriage. In this regard, it seems to fit into the genre of the courtship novel, a form popular in the eighteenth century in which the plot is driven by the heroine’s difficulties in attracting an offer from the proper suitor. According to Katherine Sobba Green, the courtship novel “detailed a young woman’s entrance into society, the problems arising from that situation, her courtship, and finally her choice...
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399 Words
Proclivity for violent outbursts. The proud and inflexible Coriolanus cries out in a key scene in the play, surrounded by his enemies, I banish you There is a world elsewhere (act 3, scene 3). But there can be no other world for a Roman-like Coriolanus, who was raised on the ideal of serving the commonwealth and striking blows 'for Rome': he brings Rome with him everywhere he goes. They see him as implacable, a machine bent on destruction when his...
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400 Words
Quindlen’s thesis is how important the idea of a home is for an individual’s life. For instance, “No drawer that holds the spoons. No window to look out upon the world. My God. That is everything”(Quindlen 106). Quindlen argues that a home should have the essential requirements to make a home feel like your own, even the basic necessities like a drawer that holds the spoons. Purpose and Audience I think Quindlen’s purpose in writing this essay is to show...
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411 Words
I am applying to study for a business degree in ..... As I grow up seeing my grandfather taking care of our family business of olive lands and how my father took the lead to study business and management professionally I became committed with a keen lifelong interest in business and I also became more aware of the importance of how the world of business and commercial are affecting our daily life. In fact, the world of business is changing...
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401 Words
“Conflict is inevitable in organizations. However, it can be both a positive and negative force.” As a leader of a current team, at your next team meeting, you plan to do a speech where you outline and discuss five strategies used to effectively manage conflicts in the organization. Answer: “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” This quote taken from Proverbs in the Bible can be seen as the framework upon which resolving conflict...
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411 Words
India of my dreams I am Lakshya Sharma. Like every human, I love my Country, My India. I think every human wants his nation to be a great nation, perfect in all spheres and I am not an exception. I too have the perfect India of my dreams. Like all Indians, In India of my dreams, I wish that all citizens should be happy and healthy. Although these two words seem too small but to make this dream a reality...
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416 Words
SUPEREGO is part of the personality that is later developed under the influence of the social environment that the individual lives with. It contains values and ideals. Basically, up to 6 years of age, we can say that our behaviors are affected by our family members. The first years of our life are a reflection of our parent’s behavior. But what happens next?! Our personality changes over time because we change the social environment. From a small environment like home...
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400 Words
Tyranny was used in ways the world cannot describe any longer. It means the power which one has to consequence another individual. The year was 1787, summer to be more exact. Twelve out of the thirteen states represented Philadelphia that afternoon. Fifty-five delegates in total. They were brought there to discuss the problem with The Articles of Confederation. Something showed that it needed to be changed. The problem was that there was no central government so no one could force...
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424 Words
Hometown, I do think Malvern is my hometown, those are the streets I walked when I was learning to walk. In my hometown, it's where memories are created, and friendship, family, and laughter never end. The town that I love the most, it gives me peace of mind, there are parks with big trees and dams. Malvern is a suburb of Johannesburg, South Africa. Situated east of the Johannesburg CBD, it lies south of Kensington and north of the industrial...
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417 Words
An American abolitionist also known as ¨The Conductor¨ named Harriet Tubman was one of the most famous and let’s not forget, successful conductors a woman who escaped the slavery that she was born into. She was born in 1822, her exact birthday is unknown. Araminta Ross had changed her name to Harriet Tubman as we know it today. She escaped slavery in the South and started dedicating her life to helping others escape slavery and to find freedom. In 1849,...
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382 Words
Orwell is a police officer in Burma. So a police officer's job is to preserve peace in such a place. And the elephant is wreaking havoc, so the locals in Burma expect him to do his job, so he shoots the elephant even though it is against his will. I think it's circumstantial and social motives. Circumstantial for the reason that Orwell had to shoot even though he didn't like it but circumstances said so. And social because Orwell doesn't...
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411 Words
Mental health is defined as when a person understands and knows their own abilities regarding being productive, handling stress, and knowing how to control their emotions. Good mental health is when a person can do tasks like learning, healthily expressing their emotions, and having a good balance between negative and positive emotions without crumbling under pressure. Bad mental health is when a person cannot cope when doing necessary tasks in life and cannot control their feelings, they often struggle to...
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408 Words
Intelligence testing is the testing of someone’s cognitive ability that can help diagnose people with any method of disabilities that may hinder their everyday life. However, influence testing every day is susceptible to barriers such as patients not following up, proper scoring, and miscommunication. Intelligence Assessments are a type of evaluation to classify an individual’s cognitive function and mental thinking such as reasoning, problem-solving, and much more. The definition that comes from the Encyclopedia of Mental Disorder is “ Intelligence...
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416 Words
Shakespeare presents Romeo and Juliet’s love in the extract as pure, holy, and sacred. The idea of their love being holy is evident when Romeo says, “have not saints lips, and holy and palmers too?” which is part of an extended Christian metaphor. The particular use of the noun “saints” within the metaphor used by Shakespeare suggests that Romeo is comparing Juliet to the divine figure of a saint and therefore that she is heavenly which makes their love seem...
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409 Words
There are three primary types of evidence available to archaeologists in the study of the houses of Pompeii. Archaeologists can look at fixed, semi-fixed, and non-fixed remains. Fixed remains refer to the structure of the buildings, semi-fixed remains refer to larger items such as furniture, and non-fixed remains are simply the contents of the house which may include the remains of people and objects. Some of these types of evidence pose significant issues such as in the investigation of non-fixed...
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423 Words
According to an article on the Russian news site called RBC, the law on banning GMO in Russia entered into force on the 4th of July in 2016. Vladimir Putin signed the document that prohibits the importation of GMO into Russia and the cultivation of genetically modified plants and animals, except for cases when this is done during research. In my opinion, GMO technology is only beneficial for humanity and should not be banned. Firstly, genetically modified food is healthier...
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408 Words
Helping others is giving positive energy to people, and connects us to others, creating stronger communities and helping to build a happier society for everyone. However, there are disparate ways for us to help others without spending money: giving blood, donating materials and doing volunteering. Every day in the Canadian Red Cross, people give one unit of blood saves three lives. Each blood type is valuable, but if you are O-positive or negative, which occupies 37 percent of world population,...
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417 Words
Being happy and optimistic is not a reflection of the circumstances we find ourselves in. It is a choice. It’s both the easiest and most difficult choice one could ever make. When learning for the first time how to do it, choosing to be optimistic no matter what can feel like it requires us to get knocked down and get back up, over and over again, knowing that every time we get back up, we are closer to creating the...
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421 Words
The word ‘beauty’ is far more than what our stereotypical society may think it is. When you think of the word beautiful, what do you think it is? Well, many people would answer that question with something like: tall, slim and long hair. This is because the celebrities, models and social media influencers we see online create this expectation. We are made to believe that unless we look like them, we do not reach the standard of being beautiful, which...
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424 Words