400 Word Essay Examples

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Critical Essay on Santa Ana Winds by Joan Didion

The winds of Santa Ana, as explained by a well-respected author, Joan Didion, occur on a hill of a mountain and shift from cold air to a dry and humid wind as it travels down the mountains into Los Angeles. At the beginning of Didion’s story “Los Angeles Notebook,” she emphasizes that the Santa Ana winds can be very dangerous and have very negative effects. Didion’s unpleasant feelings toward the Santa Ana Winds are depicted through the tone and imagery....
1 Page 415 Words

What Is the Public Good: Informative Essay

According to Adam Smith’s Theory” Wealth of Nations,” ideology is the exact same in I believe. He stated “Rational self-interest in a free market economy leads to economic well-being” In other words, there was little to no government involvement and we as individuals were given the opportunity to have a free market so we can become balanced. We as individuals will be willing to work out of pure happiness and as well as be able to work as an entity....
1 Page 424 Words

Information Essay on the Black Panther Party

The Civil Rights Movement began in the 1940s and ended in the late 1960s. This movement began in hopes to lessen the widespread systematic inequality towards African Americans. While this movement included famous individuals such as Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr, and Emmett Till; it wouldn’t have had the results it got without the help from thousands upon thousands of people of all colors and self-organized organizations who were fighting for equality. Protests were often held to promote the...
1 Page 405 Words

How Will the Honours Program Benefit You: Narrative Essay

Honors at Iowa has been a dream of mine to gain entry to. I will be attending the University of Iowa Tippie College of Business this upcoming fall. Although I did not achieve all the requirements to be automatically admitted into Honors at Iowa, I believe that I still have many favorable qualities that would make me a great addition to this program. In this essay, I will explain why I believe that my entrance to this program will be...
1 Page 408 Words

Susan B. Anthony: Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography Primary Sources: History, A&E Television Network March 9, 2010 https://www.history.com/topics/womens-history/susan-b-anthony This website goes into a little bit about her biography and the family she grew up in. It also gives examples of how she fought for what she believed in, and the consequences she faced during that time. It also explains her involvement in the Woman’s suffrage movement and how her work helped her try to get the 19th amendment written into the “U.S Constitution”. Susan B. Anthony's...
1 Page 405 Words

Argumentative Essay on George Broderick and a Cat

It all started when a replica of a mummy came to haunt and in the process was destroying a bed and breakfast in Pleasantview. Who could it be? George Broderick is one of the suspects, and he is the mummy imposter. George Broderick has the best motive and opportunity, unlike Chester Gibbons. George Broderick's motive is money. A letter that George wrote to Agatha asking “ Will you marry me and make me the happiest, the richest man in the...
1 Page 417 Words

What Caused the Dust Bowl: Informative Essay

Origins of The Dust Bowl “Welcome to the great plow up, where crops grow good and money flows endlessly.” That's what they said about the Oklahoma regions during the initial discovery of the plains. During the great plow-up, people would take their furrow plows and plow up the dirt to plant cash crops like wheat and corn. The government was handing out land to people who would plow and plant on it. People rushed to plant their crops and make...
1 Page 409 Words

Which Relationship from 'The Tragedy of Julius Caesar' Does not Explore the Theme of Betrayal: Essay

In his work, William Shakespeare uses the elements of drama to analyze and explain the universal themes present in each of his plays. The Shakespearean play ‘Julius Caesar’ demonstrates the universal themes of betrayal and tragedy. Julius Caesar is a tragedy play written in 1599. It’s about a conflict/rivalry between two people, named Brutus and Caesar. In the end, Brutus ends up stabbing Caesar in the back and killing him all because he felt that Caesar had too much power....
1 Page 420 Words

Summary of 'A Wrinkle in Time' by Madeleine L’Engle

“A Wrinkle in Time”, authored by Madeleine L’Engle, tells the wildly crazy story of three young children, Meg Murry, Charles Wallace Murry, and Calvin O’Keefe. This amazing adventure commences when young Meg a distant child who’s just trying to do the best she can, can't sleep because of the storm that's happening outside her bedroom window at night. She goes down to discover Charles Wallace, a remarkable young boy who is mature beyond his years making some warm milk for...
1 Page 394 Words

Short Story of Mulan

This story is about the adventure of a heroic young lady in the Ancient China period, who efficaciously defended her country against the opposition of the Hun Invasion, her name is Mulan. Mulan lived in a village with her family in Northern China. Her household determined to get Mulan a partner but eventually, it didn't work. Due to Hun's taking over the Chinese government recognized a situation of hardship and declares that every man of the family should join the...
1 Page 409 Words

Proposal on Funding for Kinesiologists to Prescribe Exercise for Obese Children

Introduction Obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death worldwide 1 In Canada, 13% of children between the ages of 5-17 are obese with another 20% overweight 1 Obesity is responsible for an increased risk of developing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and respiratory disturbances 3 Due to factors such as socioeconomic status, and physical, and emotional health. Registered Kinesiologists can influence change by prescribing exercise. Recommendation It is recommended that the Government of Ontario provide additional funding...
1 Page 424 Words

Oration in Memory of Abraham Lincoln: Summary and Analysis

The Oration of Memory by Fedrick Douglass was a remembrance of the former president Lincoln, he wanted to tell his story and wanted people, especially African Americans to know what he did through his years of presidency. During the speech, Douglass needed to make decisions, decisions on how he will honor and address Lincoln's memory, he wanted to pinpoint the areas in Lincoln's life that affected people in a good way and that coincided with the freedom of slaves. Above...
1 Page 400 Words

Is It Time to Drain Lake Powell: Opinion Essay

I feel that the effect of the dam you say is a little over-exaggerated and wrong. I feel the reserve is a much better idea for the people because the dam brings in people to fish and do other adventurous things on the river but before since it was just a river there wasn’t much attention to Glen Canyon. Edward abbey uses a sense of anger, sadness, and other emotions to try and convince the audience that he is right,...
1 Page 410 Words

In Franz Kafka’s 'The Metamorphosis': Why Does the Protagonist Dislike his Job?

Gregor’s metamorphosis accomplishes several of his aims: First, it frees him from his hated job with an odious company by using disabling him from working; second, it relieves him of the requirement to make an agonizing desire between his filial duty to his parents—particularly his father—and his desperate yearning to emancipate himself from such responsibilities and dependence. It as a consequence allows him to “bug out” of his loathsome constraints yet do so on a degree of aware innocence, with...
1 Page 403 Words

Essay on Merilyn Monroe: Causes of Death

Marilyn Monroe, or Norma Jeane Mortenson, born in 1926 in Los Angeles, did not have a carefree childhood. She never knew her father, and she spent most of her childhood in orphanages, as her mother was not capable of caring for her. In there, Monroe stated that she was sexually assaulted. Monroe, fortunately, got out of the foster system by marrying her boyfriend at that time, but she had three husbands in total. When her husband was away because of...
1 Page 395 Words

Essay on Animal Cruelty

Although animal cruelty is not limited to these areas, changes in farming, animal testing, and fishing achieved through implementing an additional legal basis and providing financial support are possible ways to reduce the global animal cruelty scale. Animal cruelty is the deliberate infliction of pain that leads to the death or injury of an animal. Without a proper assessment, animal cruelty gradually leads to personality degradation, which subsequently contributes to antisocial behavior, violence, and murder. Ignoring cases of animal cruelty,...
1 Page 425 Words

Essay on 'The Epic of Gilgamesh' Analysis

The Journey Towards Greater Insight and Death The Babylonian Epic of the valiant hero Gilgamesh, king of Uruk, consists of a series of episodes, which all primarily center on one theme, human attitudes towards death. By focusing on one person’s struggle to accept death as one of the fundamental conditions of life. The epic stresses the journey to greater existential insight or coming to terms with human mortality. In its own way, the Gilgamesh epic explores many social issues of...
1 Page 416 Words

Celebrities Should Have More Privacy Rights: Argumentative Essay

Not every day you’ll see a celebrity have time for themselves, not even have their own privacy. Nowadays, there are always articles or pictures of almost every single celebrity on the news or social media exploiting their personal lives. All over the media, a great amount of attention has turned towards the personal lives of stars that are admired or are usually the center of attention for the whole public. It seems as though the public is eager to hear...
1 Page 423 Words

Boston Tea Party as a Key Event of American Revolution: Analytical Essay

New York changed from Dutch (New Amsterdam) to British in 1664. In addition, the company that supplies black tea to New York has also been changed to the East India Company of the United Kingdom. The price of tea soared, which was raising people's discontent, and also consumption did not decrease, but vice versa. There was a cheap way for people to buy teas smuggled by Dutch merchants. Not only did Britain impose high tariffs on black tea, but it...
1 Page 425 Words

Analysis of Misogyny in Hip Hop

While many studies focused on women and the problem of sexism, only a few researchers have spotted the light on misogyny against women in hip-hop music. Hip hop as we mentioned before is an art style that was first known in America by the 1980s and introduced to Moroccan society by a few groups that delivered the messages of this new urban art which was most of the political messages before it knew some changes. (Fried 1999) suggested that hip-hop...
1 Page 420 Words

Epic of Gilgamesh' Vs Noah's Ark: Comparative Analysis

The natural interactions between the people who wrote the Epic of Gilgamesh and The Code of Hammurabi had a large influence on many of the stories and laws are written in the Old Testament. The Epic of Gilgamesh is thought to be the oldest form of prose/poetry, and it was written during the mid-3rd century BCE meaning the Old Testament came after. The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Old Testament have a very similar story that most Christians know as...
1 Page 417 Words

Thoughts on the Movie 'Freedom Writers'

‘Freedom Writers’ is a drama movie was released on 2007 and directed by Richard LaGravenese. This movie is based on a true to life story of Erin Gruwell with her freshmen students in 1994. The movie happened in Woodrow Wilson High School which they encounter difficulties and problem because of their differences, it was extremely chaotic inside and outside of the classroom because of having a racial tension. Erin Gruwell starts to teach in Room 203, she motivates the student...
1 Page 401 Words

Thoughts on the Importance of Food

Who doesn't want to eat food? Probably, no one. Food is a necessity for every human being on the planet. It is an integral part of our lives. Without food, we can't do certain tasks that require our energy of body and brain. Everyone has probably noticed that when we eat something, we get instantly happy and we want to do the certain tasks that we wouldn't do when we hadn't eaten. Of course, our body has the energy to...
1 Page 403 Words

Essay on the Need to Thank Fear

You, me and all of us have probably faced various forms of fear in this life. I think the number is no longer counted. Tens of thousands or even millions of times throughout our time, alternating like day and night. Like graphs, fluctuations up and down. In the past, when we were at school, for example, we were afraid during the school exam. When we enter university, we are very afraid of the thesis. And when we start looking for...
1 Page 418 Words

The Movie ‘Legally Blonde’ and the Muted Group Theory

When it comes to the muted group theory, the concept is fairly simple. It states that those who hold the power in a room tend to have their ideas communicated better and those who do not have such strong language hold less power. When the more powerful groups are conversing, the other groups must find themselves changing their communication style in order to adapt to those of power. In regards to the movie ‘Legally Blonde’, the entire plot of the...
1 Page 411 Words

The Most Influential Person in My Life: Personal Narrative

Each person has their own personality, but the way one acts today might be the result of what that person learned while growing up. One person can change another’s life in a variety of ways; a simple sentence from someone important to you can change your worldview completely. Other people’s influence is forever present in our daily lives, but only one is the most influential person in my life: my dad. Since the first moment I came into this world,...
1 Page 425 Words

Essay about Montgomery Bus Boycott

Have you ever wondered if laws were different a long time ago? I have, and they definitely were. There were unfair laws that separated black people from the white people. These laws were called Jim Crow laws. Jim Crow laws made black people’s lives horrible. They were kept from using the same things as a white person. People had to go through a lot of horrible events to get where we are today. Civil rights were made to treat everyone...
1 Page 406 Words

Thank You Letter to My Educator

I realize most students do not concentrate to their language necessities, and that is a genuine disgrace since when you make a stride back, unmistakably this class is one that can genuinely set you up for an implausible remainder. I would state that most students at Lassiter, myself notwithstanding, unquestionably do not concentrate to it as we should. I, like other people, pushed my work aside and accepted different classes progressively significant. Since I am nearly in college, I perceive...
1 Page 422 Words

Social Isolation: Good or Bad?

Isolation can have a huge impact on relationships between people. Whether it may be friendship, business relations or family, isolation can either harm or benefit their relationships. People deal with being by themselves differently depending on how they perceive isolation. Some may be just completely fine with being isolated from the crowd, while some may develop some issues from lack of social interaction. During elementary and high school, I dealt with the feeling of isolation from time to time. In...
1 Page 403 Words

Should There Be Chocolate Milk in School Cafeterias: Argumentative Essay

Do you think chocolate milk is not healthy? Well, I believe that we should keep chocolate milk in school cafeterias because chocolate milk has many great nutrients, has less sugar than other beverages, and is popular among school-aged children. First, chocolate milk is just as good for us as white milk and is just as nutritious. Chocolate milk helps children reach more nutrient needs than non-milk drinkers. Children who drink chocolate milk are not heavier than non-milk drinkers, and do...
1 Page 414 Words
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