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Social Issues

Review on Application of Acoustic MPEG Audio Player: Analytical Essay on Sound Playing

Abstract - The utilization of advanced versatile music gadgets, for example, MP3 players has quickly expanded amid the most recent decade, and the users usually did not know how the MP3 player works. This article investigates MP3 player the signal processing, it is involve the conversion from analog to digital signal. Also that, in this paper will introduced about classification of signal, properties of signal and system block diagram. The material introduced in this article depends on a subjective meeting...
9 Pages 3913 Words

A Review of Gender and Race Impact on Leader Development: Issue of Transformational Learning

“She’s the Boss?”: A review of gender and race impact on leader development Abstract Despite the proliferation of women in leadership in the decade, investigating the ways in which women and men leaders are developed continues to surface unanswered questions. Through the framework of leader image, gender bias, minority women experience, and development programs, this author will review gender-related findings from a broad survey of existing literature from the past two decades. Findings include inherent bias of leader images and...
9 Pages 4121 Words

Bullying in Schools Essay

Fighting The Good Fight I. Introduction Witnesses of a 2013 shooting at Sparks Middle School in Nevada recall the 12-year-old shooter telling a group of students, 'You guys ruined my life, so I'm going to ruin yours” (Lurie). This student had been bullied for years, neglected by his peers, and finally had enough. Unfortunately, this is the consequence of the massive increase in school bullying over the past several years. Students feel lost, unloved, and at times worthless because of...
9 Pages 4016 Words

Freud’s Ego Essay

Psychodynamic Theory Origin and development The perspectives in social work that we can call psychodynamic, all have an origin that leads back to Sigmund Freud (1856–1939). Freud was an educated physician and worked for many years as a researcher within the area of neurology before he developed a theory about: The personality’s construction Children’s development Mental illness and treatment These three parts of the theory make up a whole. In the following, we want to present the fundamental classical psychodynamic...
8 Pages 3754 Words

Video Games Don't Cause Violence Essay

Introduction: Misconceptions About Video Games and Violence There have been many things to come from the 20th century and one of the most notable ones was video games. Video games are a form of digital media used for entertainment. One of the most common tropes in video games is violence. Violence is usually looked down upon in our society minus a few exceptions like video games. This explains why some people are against video games. Those people believe that video...
9 Pages 4016 Words

Case Study of Malik Taylor Who Was Tried and Convicted of First-degree Robbery

Nature and Stage of the Proceedings Malik Taylor was tried and convicted of first-degree robbery in the Delaware Superior Court. The defense filed a motion for judgment of acquittal at the close of all evidence; the motion was denied. The defense now appeals arguing (1) that the trial court erred in denying the motion for judgment of acquittal, as there was insufficient evidence to link the defendant to the robbery, and (2) that the trial court erred in denying the...
8 Pages 3794 Words

Rethinking Social Protection for the Informal Sector: Analytical Essay

Background Ever since India’s “tryst with destiny” in 1947, it has been the aim of Indian policymakers to promote equitable economic development in the country. This strategy of ‘inclusive growth’ aims to balance economic growth with the reduction in the acceleration of inequality and poverty. Yet, many in India grapple with deprivation and vulnerabilities. According to International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) World Social Protection Report, 2017- 19, India spends only 2.7% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on total social protection...
9 Pages 4057 Words

Actors in Child Protection: Interplay between the Roles of Police Officers and Social Workers

Abstract The protection of children is a value shared by all cultures and communities around the globe. In almost all societies, responsibility for raising children well and preparing them for adulthood goes beyond the parents and is shared, to some degree, by the community at large. The community’s investment in the well-being of its children is reflected in cultural mores and social norms, and in legal frameworks that permit intervention in individual families when children are abused or neglected. Exploring...
9 Pages 4118 Words

Antecedents of Trust towards Purchasing Decision Via Social Commerce: Analytical Essay

Abstract Purpose – The development of social media has given rise to a new e-commerce paradigm called social commerce. Social commerce is a social interactions and user contributions to facilitate the online buying and selling of various products and services. Recent years have witnessed the rapid growth of social commerce in Malaysia, but this growth has involved a number of transaction-related issues. In particular, consumers’ trust has become a crucial factor in the success of social commerce firms, requiring these...
8 Pages 3759 Words

My Experience of Visiting a Sales Centre in the Technological Powerhouse of IBM: Reflective Essay

Introduction The means by which companies sell their solutions to clients is constantly changing due to advancements in technology and means by which clients search for products and services. In this academic essay, I will detail my experience of visiting a sales centre in the technological powerhouse of IBM, and how they are embracing the digital age in connecting and selling to their customers. 1. Reasons you chose this Company The world we live in today is becoming more connected...
8 Pages 3973 Words

Critical Analysis of Sony Subsidiaries and International Exposure

Introduction Sony is a world-renowned large-scale comprehensive multinational conglomerate. Headquartered in 1-7-1, Gangnam, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Sony is a world leader in audiovisual, video games, communications products, and information technology. It is the world's first pioneer of portable digital products. It is one of the world's largest electronics manufacturers and one of the world's three major players in the video game industry. One of the six major movie companies in Hollywood, USA. Its brands include Xperia, Walkman, Sony Music, Columbia...
9 Pages 4126 Words

Nestle Maggi Crisis: Critical Analysis

Abstract Whenever we think about Nestle, we think about a story about organizational success. Since its inception in 1866, the company has seen rapid growth, profit, and earned reputations all around the world. Even its company in India is doing exceptionally well. Since 1959 Nestle has been operating in India. It is selling noodles to a rice/wheat-eating country. Sells chocolates to people who are famous for their sweets. Sells powder milk to a country obsessed with fresh milk. Unfortunately, the...
8 Pages 3766 Words

Sales Strategy for Selling Yuesai Cosmetics’ Ganoderma Lucidum Product to UK Market: Analysis of Pricing Strategy

1.0. Introduction Internationalization present great opportunities for international companies to exploit new international market opportunities with a goal of higher customer reach to increase sales revenues, profitability and overall growth of the companies. Yue-Sai Cosmetics has changed the face of China through its recognition as a completely owned foreign cosmetic company in 1990. The company starting from zero in 1990 in the cosmetic segment has made efforts and improvements that have seen it become a favourite brand enjoying a brand...
9 Pages 4128 Words

Strengthening E-Commerce in the Asia Pacific: Analytical Essay

Introduction The acute awareness of building strong multilateral ties within Asia and the Pacific saw the establishment of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) - a platform aimed at discussing confidence-building measures. This includes trade and commerce and the challenges surrounding it. By 2021, e-commerce in Asia-Pacific (APAC) is expected to reach $3.5 trillion. This multi-trillion dollar e-commerce market is the world’s largest, and almost three times larger than North America[footnoteRef:1]. Whilst the projected growth is slightly slowing in the coming...
8 Pages 3812 Words

Advantages of Alternative Dispute Resolutions: Analytical Essay

On behalf of Horace Rumpole & Co Solicitors, I am writing to you to explain the situation you are currently in with Mr Bolton of UHL Dispatch & Delivery Ltd. I will be explaining all your possible options which include going to court and the pre-action procedure we must go through with or taking the alternative dispute resolutions method. Explanation of the contract Firstly, I will go through the contract you entered with Mr Bolton and any possible breaches that...
9 Pages 4001 Words

Analytical Essay on Brand Management of Red Bull

Industry Overview: Red Bull is a premium brand of energy drinks with a niche market sector, however, it falls under beverages industry.It is an industry that consist of a wide range including packed water, milk, tea, coffee, soft drinks, alcoholic drinks etc. Red Bull comes under the umbrella of Non-alcoholic carbonated drinks. The market of energy drink is very small in this industry need category it serves is SEC A and B+ but this is where the company sees a...
8 Pages 3859 Words

Effective Collective Bargaining and Conflict Management: Analytical Essay

Introduction 1.1 Problem statement The relationship between management and trade unions are one of the most fundamental working relationships within South Africa's labour sphere. Yet, bargaining with South African trade unions can be quite a daunting task, as management continually protests against trade unions' obstinate actions and workplace disruptions within their organisation (Mash & Kremer, 2016). Researchers within the field of sociology critically portray trade unions as uncompromisable, supercilious and irrational (Farber 2001; Freeman and Medoff, 1984). Even so, trade...
9 Pages 3778 Words

Essay on Nestle: Analysis of Industry, Background Information, Organizational and Market Structure

Task 1 To classify the types of industries, there are three types of industries which are Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary. Primary factor are the basic production of the company. For the Secondary factor, it is based on the production of goods like industries and construction craft. The industry which based on the providing services is the tertiary. As Nestle is a company which includes these three industries form, it has a good relationship with their farmers which provide the source...
8 Pages 3758 Words

IT Strategic Planning and Governance in IT Strategic Planning and Governance: Analytical Essay

Abstract: Volkswagen is a German car manufacturer based in Wolfsburg, Lower Saxony (Germany). Volkswagen is the original and best-selling brand of the Volkswagen Group, Germany's largest automaker and the world's second-largest automaker. In the text “Volkswagen: a drive down memory lane” is noticeable the worry about the “millennial fever” from social experts. They consider that this “millennial fever” has a result of driving consumer behavior in different ways because of the impact of the environmental forces on consumers and marketers....
8 Pages 3894 Words

Fund Flow, Managerial Structure and Manager Turnover: Analytical Essay

Fund flow To test whether external product markets play an active role in responding to changing in managerial structure, one way is to examine whether shareholders redirect their money away from fund family, reflecting through fund flow measurement. We analyze two measures of net flow. The first measure is the net percentage flow, scales net flows by the total net assets in year t-1 and can be interpreted as an asset growth rate net of appreciation. While most previous papers...
8 Pages 3923 Words

External Analysis of Honda: Opportunities and Threats

Pestel analysis of Honda: Political Factors: these elements can influence Honda's long-haul productivity. These components are spoken to in the accompanying: -Incentives and Taxation: Tax rates change from country to another and that impact the product market cost which is going to affect purchasing buying power of Honda’s customers. -is it safe to work there? There are a few nations in which Honda might want to put resources into and work there however would it be protected to produce its...
8 Pages 3856 Words

Influence of Mass Communication on Exponential Growth of Kenya’s Pidgin Language: Analytical Essay

Introduction It is surprising the impact a language can have on a people and its influence on a nation as a whole. What is more intriguing is the prospect of an informal language assuming an almost similar role and rising to the surface with the potential to become a nationwide language. Pidgin languages – languages formed through the blending of two or more others – are growing languages which integrate societies and unite people through their relatable nature. In Kenya,...
8 Pages 3987 Words

Elementary Education in Real and Virtual Life in Covid-19

Educational institutions (schools, colleges, and universities) in Pakistan are currently based only on traditional methods of learning, that is, they follow the traditional set up of face-to-face lectures in a classroom. Although many educational units have also started blended learning, still a lot of them are stuck with old procedures. The sudden outbreak of a deadly disease called Covid-19 caused by a Corona Virus shook the entire world. This situation challenged the education system across the world and forced educators...
9 Pages 3946 Words

Cause and Effect Essay on Global Warming

Global Warming Essay 1 (100 words) Global warming refers to the long-term increase in Earth's average temperature due to human activities, primarily the emission of greenhouse gases. This phenomenon poses severe threats to our planet and ecosystems. Rising temperatures lead to melting ice caps, sea-level rise, and extreme weather events like hurricanes and droughts. It also disrupts ecosystems, affecting biodiversity and food production. Mitigating global warming requires collective action, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, transitioning to renewable energy sources,...
8 Pages 4187 Words

Abiotic Factors in a Coral Reef

Abstract Coral reefs are increasingly subjected to both local and global stressors, however, there is limited information on how reef organisms respond to their combined effects under natural conditions. This field study examined the growth response of the damselfish Neopomacentrus bankieri to the individual and combined effects of multiple abiotic factors. Turbidity, temperature, tidal movement, and wave action were recorded every 10 minutes for four months, after which the daily otolith growth of N. bankieri was aligned with corresponding abiotic...
9 Pages 3891 Words

Scott Fitzgerald’s Unique Literary and Writing Style

Introduction: The Multifaceted Genius of F. Scott Fitzgerald F. Scott Fitzgerald is one of the most renowned writers of the 20th century that his heritage and the public fascination of his lifestyle have significant roles in the context of world literature. The realistic effort of the late 19th century writers—especially in this case F. Scott Fitzgerald—who accurately shows life and its problems attempted to give a comprehensive picture of modern life by presenting the entire world picture. He did not...
8 Pages 3782 Words

Effects of Music on Mood in Adolescence

A large amount of teenagers in today’s age demonstrate a popular liking towards music for a variety of reasons. From bubblegum pop to heavy metal, music is known to be a basis of expression and identity for many. Several studies and research conducted over the years have supported the claim that music does take a toll on the emotional responses of people, identifying what draws people to enjoy music as much as they do. Coping mechanisms come into play when...
8 Pages 3881 Words

Extravagant Masculinity in The Rain Good by A. Islas

The performance of masculinity, a theory introduced by Judith Butler, is explored through the characters in Arturo Islas’ The Rain God. Islas introduces male characters that encompass a wide range of masculine representations and roles placed upon the male gender specifically in the Mexican culture. His text constructs masculinity in his characters through the representation and image of the body. At a young age Islas battles polio and is left with a limp, this illness creates an awareness of his...
9 Pages 4087 Words

The Life of Jack London as Reflected in His Works

Jack London was a prolific writer; over the period from 1899 until his death in 1916, he wrote 50 books and over 1,000 articles. Though he was made most famous by his stories of the Klondike, he wrote on subjects ranging from boxing to romance, from survival in the Arctic to labour strife in Australia. He led a harsh, erratic life; born illegitimate, raised as a poor 'work beast', constantly questing after every adventure and all the knowledge the world...
9 Pages 3906 Words

Leo Tolstoy on Finding Meaning in a Meaningless World

Shortly after turning fifty, Leo Tolstoy (September 9, 1828–November 10, 1910) succumbed to a profound spiritual crisis. With his greatest works behind him, he found his sense of purpose dwindling as his celebrity and public acclaim billowed, sinking into a state of deep depression and melancholia despite having a large estate, good health for his age, a wife who had born him fourteen children, and the promise of eternal literary fame. On the brink of suicide, he made one last...
9 Pages 3892 Words
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