4000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Theme of Death in 'Lycidas' and 'Paradise Lost'

John Milton’s first encounter with death sent him reeling and kept him off balance for a long time. He found an escape in poetry, pouring out his confusion and frustration and sorrow in the now-famous poem Lycidas. The young Milton was struck with a realization of his own mortality, and spent a lot of time in the poem pondering on his tasks in life and how he could fulfill his calling. Lycidas records Milton’s turn to both Christian and pagan...
8 Pages 3907 Words

Holistic Nursing in America Prior to the 21st Century

Americans in the 1800s and early 1900s sought unconventional methods such as the use of botanical drugs, steam baths, cold water therapy, magnetic healing, homeopathy, osteopathy, chiropractic, and naturopathy for the treatment of ailments (Wharton, 2003). Doctors were not readily available and most care was provided by family in the home. The use of blood-letting, induced vomiting, purging of the bowels, and the ingestion of drugs such as calomel were the types of conventional treatments utilized during this era, which...
8 Pages 3852 Words

The Importance of the Utmost Caring for the Older Person

The main focus of this assignment is to provide the utmost care for the older person. We must also ensure that they have a healthy lifestyle and can participate actively in family and social life. Communication is a key factor in all types of caring. It is so important to listen to and encourage the older person to express any anxieties and worries they may have. The organisation I choose to write about is ‘Friends of the Elderly Ireland’. They...
9 Pages 4110 Words

Emergence of Need for Legislations and Policies for Safeguarding Women Against Cyber Crime

The technological advancements have unleashed new horizons of crime. Before the birth of the internet the concept of crime was somehow limited to, something physical or concrete which could be felt in real space or time. But after the development of internet and after the creation of the virtual space, the new dimension of crime has evolved. Cyber-crime has become a very prominent form of crime in the new technological era. In this respect, the vulnerability of the users has...
9 Pages 4172 Words

Contribution of Simeprevir and Sofosbuvir in Managing Hepatitis C Virus GT4: Critical Analysis

Abstract Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a key RNA virus that contributes in the progressive damage of the liver. HCV infections have been shown to progress and eventually initiate the onset of complications such as cirrhosis and liver cancer. It is projected that close to 100 million individuals worldwide suffer from HCV infections. Recent statistics have shown that HC is the major predisposing factor for liver transplantation in most countries worldwide. Following the detection of HCV in 1989, research activities...
9 Pages 3866 Words

Role of Corticosteroids in Treatment of Community-acquired Pneumonia: Analytical Essay

Introduction: Due to minimal development of new treatments since antibiotics in 1950s. There have neither been any new drugs developed targeting Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Therefore, the purpose of the topic for this diploma thesis is to find the significance of corticosteroid treatment applied to community-acquired pneumonia, after new studies has emerged providing scientific evidence of potential positive effects of corticosteroid treatment. The goal is to compare this treatment with the treatment we use today and see if there are any significant...
8 Pages 3810 Words

Effectiveness of Construction Safety Competency Assessment in Improving Overall Safety Aspects on Construction Site

Abstract The present study aimed to determine the relationship between competency assessment and the rate of fatalities in the construction industry. Using the construction assessment and some information provided by, the effectiveness of construction safety competency assessment in improving overall safety aspects on construction site can be determined. Introduction 1. Background Construction work is known as one of the economy-leading sectors of the national economy but it also the most dangerous and high-risk industry in the world. According to the...
9 Pages 4088 Words

Problems with Performance Management in Bangladeshi Pharmaceutical Industry: Analytical Essay

Introduction Over the last decade there has been a worldwide movement towards the implementation of performance management in both the public and private sectors. Performance management targets planned performance along with the improvement that needs to be achieved overtime. It is important for both organizations and individuals working in them and is best viewed as the development of these individuals who are working towards the achievement of shared meaningful objectives of the organization. Performance management system is a systematic way...
9 Pages 4077 Words

A Study of Pop Culture: A Cross-Cultural Impact on Young Human Resources in India

Abstract The human resources are the most essential and readily available resources. The most important part of progress of any organisation and eventually, any country, depends upon the people involved in the development of the economy. Day by day, globalisation covers new areas of life and calls for the continuous learning and adjusting to new cultural dimensions, also known as, Pop Culture. Managers are expected to display adaptation to new ways of working, cultural intelligence and to posses the ability...
9 Pages 4245 Words

Understanding to Cultural and Language Diversity to Be Found in Africa: Management of Diversity within the Mining Industry

Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1. Background. The Oxford English Dictionary defines diversity as, “A diverse range; a variety.” Well, if you look around your workplace, you will definitely see a diverse range of people; after all, we are all individuals with unique qualities. Diversity can be in relation to religion, race, gender, age, physical ability, class, etc. Diversity is about more than just recognising differences. It is about acknowledging those differences, accepting them, and allowing them to change the way we...
9 Pages 4049 Words

Genre Convention to Study a Discourse Community: Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography: Sources for Research Genre, as defined by Bazerman (2003) is a “Recognizable, self-reinforcing forms of communication” this mean that there is a feature that everyone can recognize and choose the appropriate ways to response to that situation. This is not the case for teachers that teach high school students about genre based on Whitney, Ridgeman & Masquelier (2011). They mentioned in their article that, “Genre has often been taught as long lists of characteristics that teachers should make...
8 Pages 3835 Words

Strategic Marketing Plan for Super Bikes (Sri Lanka) Company Ltd

Executive Summary Super Bike (Sri Lanka) Co. (Pvt) Ltd., since its inception has created a huge brand image and remains a large commercial force which is constantly driven to satisfy the legitimate interest of its stakeholders, the customers. Super Bike (Sri Lanka) Co. (Pvt) Ltd., has changed its focus to differentiate itself from other players in the market, especially the Indian players, by filling real needs of our target group with reliable, friendly and efficient service. The company’s market focus...
8 Pages 3760 Words

Antecedent Factors of Competitive Advantage and its Impact on Performance: Analytical Essay

Abstract: Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) have performed an important role in national development upon their support on both the traditional even modern sector. They have experienced an increase of competitiveness, particularly since the Indonesian government deals with the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). The agreement encouraged SMEs to escalate their innovation and creativity to be able to survive amid intense competition. This research aimed to find an explanation about factors influencing the business competitiveness of SMEs and the effect on...
9 Pages 3815 Words

Effect of Cognitive Capabilities on Sustainable Strategic Fit on Competitive Advantage at Selected Commercial Banks in Kenya

Chapter one. Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study Competitive advantage ensures that the firm survives and is placed in a prominent position in the market (Allan 2019). Thus, it is important for firms in an industry to develop competitive advantage over its competitors. According to De wit and Meyer (2010), a firm has a competitive advantage when it has the means to edge out and outsmart rivals when contesting for the favour and following of customers. Schermerhorn et al. (2014)...
9 Pages 3830 Words

Significance of Representing Various Parts of Disgrace and Numerous Shame Indicator: Analytical Essay

Stigma among adolescents with depression in the United Kingdom Introduction and background Many people with mental health illnesses are the victims of stigma, which leads to additional suffering and humiliation. Negative stereotypes and prejudicial attitudes against them are often reinforced by their policies representation as unpredictable, violent and dangerous. Hence the importance of this portfolio on stigma as an explanatory construct of much that transpires in the management of the mentally ill in our societies, (Pinfold et al, 2003). Stigma...
9 Pages 3912 Words

History of Alcatraz and Al Capone: Discursive Essay

The history of Alcatraz (1775-1971) On August 11, 1934, Alcatraz opened its doors. Alcatraz was the maximum high-security, minimum privileged Penitentiary for the most ruthless criminals, or the worst of the worst. That’s where its nickname came from, “The rock.” One of these criminals was Al Capone, who was one of the most wanted gangsters who practically ruled Chicago. Once he was sent to Alcatraz, he later said: “It looks like Alcatraz has got me licked” Early Alcatraz 1775 On...
9 Pages 4152 Words

Influence of Organizational Culture, Fringe Benefits and Salary on Employee Retention

1. Introduction 1.1 Background While introducing the topic which is our research project, we are a group of four MBA (HR) students and decided to work on Employee Retention. The topic of our base article is ‘Effects of Job Organizational culture, Benefits, Salary on job satisfaction ultimately affecting Employee Retention’ which is basically a study of deciding whether Organizational Culture, fringe benefits and salary has any positive or negative relation with job satisfaction and ultimately on employee retention or not....
9 Pages 4038 Words

Application of Motivational Theories in Apple Inc.: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Maslow's hierarchy of needs is usually shown as a pyramid. The lowest level of the pyramid consists of the most basic requirements, while the top of the pyramid consists the most complex needs. Once the lower level of needs are met, people can move to the upper level of needs. As people enter the pyramid, needs become increasingly psychological and social. After that, the need for love, friendship and intimacy become very important. At the top...
8 Pages 3872 Words

Analytical Essay on The Scarlet Letter: Symbolism around Hester Prynne

Mistress Hibbins is based on a historical figure, Ann Hibbins. Ann Hibbins was the sister-in-law of Governor Belligham and she was also executed in 1659 after being accused and found guilty of witchcraft. Her function in the novel is to be the exact opposite of the character of Hester. She symbolizes supernatural knowledge and evil powers. “Wilt thou go with us tonight? There will be merry company in the forest; and I well-nigh promised the Black Man that comely Hester...
9 Pages 4152 Words

Reflective Essay on Characteristics of College Life

No student wants to perform poorly in academics. However, poor academic performance is becoming increasingly common. So, what if you unexpectedly fail a course? Does it mean the end of your dream of emerging as the best graduating student of your department? Absolutely not! Under such an unexpected scenario, the first thing to do is to accept responsibility. No matter how difficult the class may be, no matter how bad the professor may be in giving his or her lecture,...
8 Pages 3879 Words

Inserts Used by Ariana Grande of Interview in Jimmy Fallon Talk Show: Analysis of Polite Speech-act Formulae

Abstract This research aimed to find out types and function of inserts used by Ariana Grande of the interview in the Jimmy Fallon talk show. This research was qualitative research. The subjects consisted of a famous singer Ariana Grande. The data were inserts used by the Ariana Grande interview in Jimmy Fallon talk show from the transcript of 6 minutes interview video. Does the study seek to answer two research questions: (1) what are the types of inserts in Ariana...
9 Pages 4250 Words

Rodney King Beating and Uprisings in Los Angeles, California: Analytical Essay

As a young girl, I was raised in a predominantly black, latino, pacific islander neighborhood in the Bay Area. Growing up in what most people from the community and outside called the “hood,' always left a unsettling taste in my mouth because I understood at a young age that being from the hood was a lifelong fight for survival. Living in the hood, meant survival and one of the threats was the “ops” or the police. Police sirens, and the...
8 Pages 3759 Words

Eagle As a Symbol of Power: Portrayal in Literature

Introduction Sir Muhammad Iqbal (November 9, 1877 – April 21, 1938), widely known as Allama Iqbal was a poet, philosopher, and politician, as well as an academic, barrister and scholar in British India who is widely regarded as having inspired the Pakistan Movement. He is called the 'Spiritual father of Pakistan'. He is considered one of the most important figures in Urdu literature, with literary work in both the Urdu and Persian languages. Iqbal is admired as a prominent poet...
8 Pages 3858 Words

Application of Social Contract Theory: An Insight into the Divine Formation of Nations

A Constitution is a document which comes into existence primarily when a Nation is formed. Tracing back to the history of governing authority of the State, the inception can be marked from the time when the Divine Power (Almighty) governed the humanitarian society. When, gradually the society started growing, the Divine/ Supreme power was vested the authority in certain chosen humans which came to be known as Kings. When power corrupted these Kings, we witness a chaotic society coming into...
9 Pages 4226 Words

Critical Analysis of Causes for Homicide: Gun Crimes Are the Product of Certain Opportunities

Abstract: Crimes committed with guns are happening daily in our society. The point of this research paper is to collect secondary analysis data on every state in the U.S. to find how their state, federal, and local gun laws could open opportunities for crime and death rates that were committed with firearms. This research will be looking at state gun laws and the main crimes that are committed with guns. The main crimes are homicide, suicide, aggravated assault, rape, and...
8 Pages 3829 Words

Media Influence on Perceptions of African Americans in Criminal Justice System in the US: Trial of OJ Simpson

To what extent do the media influence perceptions of African Americans in the criminal justice system in the US “Stereotypes are not mysterious or arbitrary, but grounded in the observations of everyday life.” (Eagly, A. 2015, “How Do Stereotypes Form and Can They Be Altered?”). Stereotypes are integrated within everyday life due to media representation and personal experiences. On the least harmful part of the spectrum comes the stereotype surrounding high school drop outs. The idea that they are less...
9 Pages 3975 Words

Comparative Study on Voter Preference of Political Parties Based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need

Political parties play an important role to every local, national, and even in school-based elections, such as in student councils. The establishment of political parties helped shape voter preference that accords to the social considerations and social benefits of the student body. For the past two (2) academic years (A.Y.), there has been a commonality of the winning participants coming from the same political party. The ALAB party is known to be the first political party established in the San...
9 Pages 3922 Words

Critical Analysis of Business Strategy and Key Limitations in Costco Wholesale Corporation

Introduction and Background Costco Wholesale is a multi-billion dollar wholesale retailer with hundreds of membership warehouse clubs across eight countries worldwide. Costco’s long-standing success is the product of the combined efforts and aspirations of Costco’s co-founders Jim Sinegal and Jeff Brotman and Sinegal’s mentor, Sol Price. Price, previously the founder of FedMart (a chain of discount department stores) founded Price Club, the world’s first membership warehouse club, in San Diego, CA in 1976. At Price Club, Sinegal was Price’s Executive...
9 Pages 4054 Words

Role of Black Lives Matter Movement in the Resignation of Tim Wolfe: Analytical Essay

Abstract Does social media play a role in activism as many claims? This question has been circulating around African-American communities and classrooms for quite some time now. This research reviews social media’s impact in fighting for justice among Minorities. This paper also looks at the events leading up to University of Missouri president’s resignation. Finally, this research explains why the value of social media is underappreciated, and the next steps to ensure justice for all Minorities on college campuses. Keywords:...
9 Pages 3808 Words

Strategies to Reduce the Increasing Incidence of HIV in Chinese MSM Population

Issue China has made a substantial progress in tackling its HIV epidemic. The HIV epidemic in China is largely characterized by low national prevalence at 0.037% with certain regions having higher and more severe HIV prevalence rates [1]. The country has also made substantial progress with regards to funding its HIV response as 99% of funding came from domestic sources in 2015 [UNAIDS, 2016]. Despite these efforts, in December 2016 the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC) reports...
9 Pages 3853 Words
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