750 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Modernism Essay

Modernism is a way to understand everything around us now. It is a focus on processing things back to their essence and creating a new vision for dance in order to search for the “psychological truths” (Source of Postmodern dance, p.16). Postmodernism means after modern. It is the development and the rise of society and culture. In this paper, I will be talking about the difference between modernism and postmodernism by using in-class discussion, citations from the readings, and my...
2 Pages 769 Words

Essay about Legislative Branch

One document that influenced the Texas constitution was the United States constitution. These two constitutions are very similar. As a matter of fact, both the United States and Texas constitutions have a bill of rights, a bicameral legislature, a system of checks and balances, and a separation of powers within the three branches of government; legislative, executive, and judicial branches. One major reason I believe the United States constitution influenced the Texas constitution is because of the separation of powers...
2 Pages 759 Words

Leadership Self-assessment Essay

1 Introduction This document contains my understanding of leadership and self-assessment of my leadership qualities as well as some definitions and explanations from our textbook The Art and Science of Leadership, Afseneh Nahavandi. 2 What is a leader? Afsahneh Nahavandi talks about a variety of definitions of leadership and lists the common elements they share in her book, The Art and Science of Leadership, “Leadership is a group and social phenomenon; there can be no leaders without followers. Leadership is...
2 Pages 738 Words

Justification Essay

There is an increase in the level of obesity in developed and developing countries. According to Friedman from the Atlantic, obesity has spread to places from developed countries to developing countries. As it is increasing, psychologists are studying contributed factors. One of the appealing reasons for unhealthy food to people is the type of advertisements. The study “Are Self-endorsed Advertisements Unhealthy Food More Effective Than Friend-Endorsed Advertisements?” compares the success of self-advertised fast food and friend-advertised fast food that the...
2 Pages 744 Words

Essay on Imaginary Homeland

Self-identity is a fascinating term for a human being. The quest for identity is an inevitable process in man’s life. Humans though, established his self in economic soundness in the migrant land but, tracing ancestral rootedness and correlating oneself with ancestral inheritances enthralled human beings for their self-identity. An ancestral inheritance such as history, race, language, and religion values one’s mere existence in the world. Generally, Immigrant writers express a deep sense of identity crisis and they try to reclaim...
2 Pages 741 Words

If I Was President: Essay

If I were president I would aim to achieve three major things in our society. First, I would change our educational system, the second I would make drastic changes so that everyone has fair and equal treatment in the U.S., third would give ex-cons a fresh start after they served their time, and lastly I want to help clean our oceans and rivers of pollution The educational system in America is a mess honestly it really is. America does have...
2 Pages 772 Words

Essay About Heartbreak

This day 4 years ago we began, This day I’m letting go. This is the absolute end of us. We’ve gone over the line where we can’t be possibly normal to each other without having doubts. We’ve gone over the line where we could be gentle and soft. We ended in heartbreak. Even though I am not 100% sure about how you feel, I think I can tell. This day last year we started and I cannot describe how peaceful...
2 Pages 757 Words

Essay on Health and Wellness

What is the difference between health and wellness? The main difference between health and well-being is that health is the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, while well-being refers to an active process through which people become aware and make decisions toward a more successful existence. Thus, wellness is a lifestyle choice. Health is a state of being, while well-being can be defined as the state of leading a healthy lifestyle through which a person can achieve good...
2 Pages 732 Words

Essay about Gold

Gold is a soft, corrosion-resistant element and is the most malleable and ductile metal. Gold is a great thermal and electrical conductor. This element is generally alloyed to increase its strength. The Melting point of gold is 1337.58 °K and contains a boiling point of 3080 °K in recent years gold has had a significant impact on the economy it's known to rarely decrease in price, and many people have lately invested in gold. Gold is a jewelry metal and...
2 Pages 773 Words

Essay on Why Should School Start Later

On average teenagers are missing out on 10 hours of sleep per week due to having to start school early in the morning. This means that they are missing out on vital sleep which can lead to serious consequences such as limiting their ability to listen and concentrate forgetting important things such as names and homework dates, a lack of sleep can also contribute to many skin problems such as acne. It can also cause teenagers to become more aggressive...
2 Pages 740 Words

Essay on Hunger Games: Book Report

A Rebellion of Hope For my second quarter book report, I read The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, originally published on September 14, 2008. This book is set in the country Panem, which is District 12, The Capitol, and the arena. The significant history is eloquently stated in the film version of The Hunger Games. “From the Treaty of Treason: In penance for their uprising, each district shall offer up a male and female between the ages of 12 and...
2 Pages 768 Words

Essay on How to Contribute to Community

My interest in doing community service developed after joining the Women in Search of Excellence after-school program. W.I.S.E. helped me understand that any circumstance should not hold me back from attaining the best version of myself. My first experience as a volunteer, was when I attended the Martin Luther King Service Day event, in which I sorted food from the inventory provided, and packaged plus distributed baby formula, and hygiene products for the communities that were underserved with my team...
2 Pages 760 Words

Essay on How Is the Crucible an Allegory for Mccarthyism

Have you ever been accused of something that you didn't do just because people fear that they were going to be accused of it? That's exactly what Arthur Miller wrote in a play called The Crucible during the most fearful and terrifying times for Americans...The Red Scare. This led to a range of actions that had a profound and enduring effect not only on the U.S. government but also the society as well. Federal employees like U.S. Senator Joseph R....
2 Pages 752 Words

Essay on How Does an Optimistic Mindset Change My Tomorrow

Optimism is the hope and desire for the future and the belief the outcome is going to be successful. Optimism is key to success and the accomplishment of dreams. Think of someone you look up to that is successful. Think about everything that it took for them to be able to achieve their goals and dreams. Imagine if they would have been pessimistic. If they would have doubted themselves. If they had not been positive and believed in their own...
2 Pages 760 Words

What Is My Teaching Philosophy

I believe an excellent teacher, first, has an effective faith in the future. Like the forester planting an oak seedling knowing he or she will in no way see the tree in all its glory, I comprehend I can also by no means see the fruits of my labors as teacher. My calling is to plant and nurture seeds that will develop and form tomorrow. The desirable teacher knows and understands students, how they increase and learn. I recognize that...
2 Pages 756 Words

What Does Night Symbolize in the Book 'Night'?

In 1986, during his Nobel Prize speech, Elie Wiesel said, “No one may speak for the dead, no one may interpret their mutilated dreams and visions” (Nobel). Wiesel was a holocaust survivor who dedicated his life to telling his story. One of his most famous books is his memoir, ‘Night’. Wiesel starts the memoir describing his life before the Holocaust, how he was a family man who heavily relied on God and the importance of his religion. His life was...
2 Pages 766 Words

Video Games Effects on an Individual's Body

Video games have played a key part of entertainment in life for some people since October 1958. After then, people have remained ‘entertained’ even more so, that for a lot of individuals it has begun (or resumed) to seep into their everyday lives. Video games, in which nearly a third of the planet’s population plays, have started to affect people's bodies and the way they function, in both good ways, and bad ways. In fact, they can improve vision-related senses/coordination,...
2 Pages 729 Words

Use of Psychoanalytic Concepts in the Treatment of PTSD: Article Review

Traumatic experiences are a terrible thing for anyone experience. But they do happen to people. When these events transpire, it is possible that the victim of the incident will start showing symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The DSM-5 lets us know that some of the people who are most likely to be affected by PTSD are the “survivors of rape, military combat and captivity, and ethnically or politically motivated internment and genocide” (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). We hope that...
2 Pages 738 Words

Influence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Future of Work

The fourth industrial revolution will impact everyone through the innovation of new technologies by merging that which is physical, biological and digital (Hinton, 2018). More so, the Covid-19 pandemic has rapidly altered the way humans currently live. These two events are likely to set a ‘new normal’. This paper will discuss the influence of the fourth industrial revolution and the Covid-19 pandemic on the future of work. Revolution: Job Replacement and Creation Robot hardware and software have current limited flexibility...
2 Pages 744 Words

Impact of Junk Food on Health

Adults and kids these days eat drive-thru food without knowing its consequences for the body and general wellbeing, hence we will understand the healthy benefit of what we eat with the end goal to comprehend whether we require it or not. Low quality nourishment is a deprecatory term for sustenance containing countless from sugar or fat with minimal dietary fiber, protein, nutrients or minerals. Albeit cheap food is delectable and flavorful, it has numerous detriments, individuals must know about these...
2 Pages 766 Words

Different Hats I Wear

People tend to describe themselves in a numerous amount of ways. This may include race, gender, or even profession. We all possess a variety of characteristics and by secluding ourselves to just one in particular would be doing a true disservice to the person we have worked so hard to construct. The different ‘hats’ we may wear define us as people and the specific part we play in this thing called life. From time to time, depending on the circumstances...
2 Pages 737 Words

Summary of the Movie 'The Social Network'

The film serves to represent the journey Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) undertook in relation to the formation of Facebook. Facebook as it is known today is a social media network used by millions of people worldwide. The film’s opening scene occurs in a gloomy pub, here the audience watch Erica Albright (Rooney Mara) essentially break up with Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg). Throughout this conflict it can be noted that Zuckerberg appears to be limited in terms of his ability to...
2 Pages 751 Words

Statement of My Purpose to Join the Graduate Program

“All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to pursue them”, -Walt Disney. My statement of purpose is actually my story, a simple and normal story of a young man in his mid-20’s, who has dreams and wants to fulfill them. I am not exceptional, outstanding, immensely talented, genius, natural leader or claim to be one; but an individual who is in pursuit of becoming a better human, son, student, professional day by day. A man...
2 Pages 765 Words

Statement of My Purpose to Become Part of Your University's Student Community

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do”, - Pele. Education is given extreme impetus in my family. Coming from a poor family, with a passion for studying and to achieve something reputable, my father worked hard to fund his own education apart from supporting his family and went on to become regional manager of a reputed life insurance corporation. His aim...
2 Pages 728 Words

Statement of My Purpose for Applying to Southern Cross University

As long as there have been people in this world, technology and science have existed. Technology is a powerful force that helped in the development of civilization and is a part of our system of culture that reflects its values. The impact of technology is such that it has inevitably become an inseparable part of our lives. Being very influenced by computers since my early days, I have always wanted to know more about its functioning and discovered more on...
2 Pages 775 Words

Spike Lee and His 'Do the Right Thing'

Interesting fact before the beginning of this paper: five years ago, on the twenty-fifth anniversary of ‘Do the Right Thing’, the director, Spike Lee threw a party with a special message from President at the time Barack Obama and his wife Michelle. The two had seen the movie on their first date, and now, in 2019, the movie is getting a UK re-release in honor of its 30th – and the context is very different. The implied happy ending of...
2 Pages 745 Words

Societal Progression in World History

History changes every second of the day. Throughout history, there were many crucial events, such as the Industrial Revolution and the World Wars. However, the century between 1815 and 1915, had the most profound effect on world prosperity. Those one hundred years is the most prominent time period because it helped us progress to where we are in the modern day. The larger theme in between 1815 and 1915 is progress. One event that led to progress is the lack...
2 Pages 742 Words

Essay on Setting Life Goals to Achieve Success

Personal responsibility to me is very simple. My definition is being in command of all of your actions and learning from your mistakes and successes. People suppose that if you create an error that you have failed, however the way I see it is if you allow failure to be failure then you will not succeeded. By learning from what you did wrong from your own mistakes, you'll be able to produce success and learn from what you did wrong...
2 Pages 741 Words

Rice Cultivation in India

Rice is the seed of specific species of grass. If it’s Asian rice it comes from Oryza sativa and if it’s African rice it comes from Oryza glaberrima. It’s a cereal grain that is among the most widely consumed foods for a large portion of the world’s population, this is especially true in Asia. As a commodity, it has the third-highest production numbers worldwide after sugarcane and maize. India is the world’s largest exporter of this crop, and it’s also...
2 Pages 765 Words

Review of the Movie ‘Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade’

The movie ‘Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade’ is an action-packed adventure movie starring Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones) Sean Connery (Indiana Jones’ dad). If I could give the film a rating, I would give it a 4/5 just because it's a bit more of an older movie. But the storyline and the actors are spot on. It's interesting and it keeps you on the edge of your seat, I think a four out of five is a solid rating, especially...
2 Pages 748 Words
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