750 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Liberty and Freedom in My Life

Freedom is the right and privilege to do what you want and aspire what you want. Freedom can shape people in a positive or negative way. Liberty is the condition of being free inside from restrictions by authority on one's views of position and behavior. Freedom has to do with certain situations in which you have to deal with. As you get older, you gain more and more freedom and liberty. The more and more freedom someone gets, the more...
2 Pages 750 Words

Essay on Travel and Tourism and Their Importance for the Country's Economy

Most of the people travel to do tourism. Tourism and travel are two connected topics, but is does not mean that you have to travel for tourism. A person travels around the world to discover new cultures as well as to have fun and enjoy. Voyaging and the travel industry can be considered both to be a penance or a wellspring of joy. Some people may see the good side of travelling to other places, while others might only be...
2 Pages 748 Words

Essay on My Unforgettable Road Trip with My Family

We can all agree that it’s nice to have a little break from our daily routines. I still remember the road trip my family and I took to Lake of the Ozarks and Rogers, Arkansas. It was a two-day vacation we took in 2017. Some days earlier, my dad got back from work with some exciting news! “Pack your bags for tomorrow. We’re going on a road trip”. I was thrilled, but I thought my dad was just joking around....
2 Pages 767 Words

Should Cash Currency Be Eliminated? Essay

A cashless society is a society in which purchases of goods or services are made by credit card or electronic funds transferal rather than with cash or checks. The economic concept of a cashless society appeared as early as the 17th century, but it was presented as a check at that time. Then it slowly evolved to credit card and debit card, and then into today's e-wallet (LightNet, 2018). Today, a cashless society has become a controversial hot topic when...
2 Pages 727 Words

Essay on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Gadgets for Children

Internet technology and video games have become addictive to so many children. Many kids have become victims of Internet predators and others have become video game addicts, which leaves them with no time to interact with other children and this has resulted in increased cases of loneliness and depression among children. The most common electronic devices used by children include: video games, smartphones, television, computers, tablets, Internet, social networks, chatting services, calculators and much more. Many researchers have studied that...
2 Pages 741 Words

Is a Tax on Junk Food a Good Approach to Combating Global Obesity? Essay

Aptly described by WHO as an ‘escalating global epidemic’ (WHO, 2002), the burden of obesity on communities is self-evident: an estimated 3 million deaths and 2 trillion dollars in medical costs (Dobbs et al., 2014). To address the challenge member nations have introduced tax policies to regulate people’s nutrition. The phraseology ‘junk food’ is attributed to sugar sweetened beverages and energy dense processed foods and may apply to foods of higher than needed caloric value (Donald et al., 2015). The...
2 Pages 730 Words

Kyoko Mori's View of Japanese and American School Education

Kyoko Mori, who was born in Japan in 1957, lived in an abused home with her father and stepmother after her mom passed away because of suicide. She later moved to the U.S. in 1977 and she went to a school in America. Japan turned out to be western undergraduates who have begun protesting in the late 1970s. She was a speaker at Harvard University and she also joined a creative writing faculty at George Mason University. She is also...
2 Pages 738 Words

Essay About a Holiday Trip to Remember

My holiday trip to remember I ever had was 9 years ago, with my husband for our honeymoon. We went to a small island called Langkawi, off the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. It was the furthest away I had ever travelled, and I remember feeling so excited to be going on an adventure for 14 days of pure paradise. When we finally arrived in Langkawi, after 18 long hours of travelling, it blew me away by how incredible it...
2 Pages 760 Words

A View of the Development of Athens Through the Change of Its Main Functions

In the 3000 BC, the first people settled in Cecropia, which is now known as the capital of Greece, Athens. People settled in Athens due to many reasons one of them being the location. Athens was also located in a high spot which benefited them in all their wars. The location benefited them as during the time (3000 BC) they were still going through the neolithic age which meant more wars and having the high ground made it easier to...
2 Pages 760 Words

Warfare and Weaponry in Ancient China: An Essay

In this essay, I'll be talking about the meaning of warfare in ancient China and the way it led to the creation and innovation of weaponry and technology in every single dynasty, chronologically. Warfare in Ancient China meant gaining ascendency over other dynasties to extend border sizes, therefore the state can expand and protect its frontiers. Ancient China are often countermined into five dynasties: The Xia, The Shang, The Zhou, The Qin and therefore the Han. The Xia Dynasty The...
2 Pages 729 Words

Should Australia Introduce a Sugar Tax to Improve the Health of Its Population? Essay

Implementing tax on sugar-sweetened beverages was correlated with substantial increase in soda rates and decrease significant consumption of aerated drinks, sweet teas, flavored water, and sport drinks. In Australia people are getting fat since childhood caused by eating too much unhealthy processed food which address complex disease called obesity. World Health Organization (WHO) suggests that obesity is a risk factor for most of non-communicable disease such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease (heart attack, stroke, hypertension), cancer etc. To improve...
2 Pages 759 Words

Negative Effects of the Kilauea Volcano Eruptions in Hawaii and Ways to Reduce Them

Kilauea is one of five volcanoes that forms Hawaii. Kilauea is active, and the most active out of the five volcanoes. It has been erupting since 1983. Kilauea is approximately 300,000 and 600,000 years old. It is situated along Hawaii's south shore and is accepted to have arrived adrift level around 100,000 years prior. Kilauea is a Hawaiian word signifying 'much spreading' or 'regurgitating', named in that capacity in view of its successive magma stream (Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica,2020). Most...
2 Pages 771 Words

The Importance of Guest Experience in Creating a Competitive Advantage in the Hospitality Industry

In the hospitality industry, superior customer experiences play an important role in gaining customer loyalty and achieving a competitive advantage (Kandampully & Jaakkola, 2018). If guests feel well cared and their expectations are met or exceeded, it will result in a positive experience preserved in their memories (Slåtten and Mehmetoglu, 2010; Liu and Jang, 2009; Kim and Moon, 2009). As a result, it will lead to guest retention (Kim and Moon, 2009; Bowen and Shoemaker, 1998) and positive word-of-mouth about...
2 Pages 730 Words

The Importance of Computer Graphics for Modern Architects

Up until recently architects were required to hand draw designs for their projects and these were called blueprints. The main problem with having to hand draw everything was that it was incredibly slow, it was difficult to get accurate or to change and it would take time to physically send the design to everyone involved. Correcting a mistake or modifying a design often required redrawing the entire blueprint. However, during the past decade many 3D graphics software programs have become...
2 Pages 726 Words

Poverty in Australia Is More Disastrous Than You Realize: An Essay

On the surface, Australia is a wealthy country; rich, prosperous, full of educational and career opportunities, excelling in sport and the arts, and with a phenomenal standard of health. However, many of us fail to understand how deeply our country has been affected by the poverty epidemic. Studies in 2016 found that 739,000 children are living below the poverty line (Australian Council of Social Service, n.d.). These children make up 17.3% of our population – 17.3% of young Australians who...
2 Pages 757 Words

The Housing Shortage Problem in Kenya

Out of 45.92 million, the urbanization rate is 25.6%, the unemployment rate is 40% and 43.4% of the population live below the poverty line. 68% of Kenyans have insufficient income which makes it nearly impossible to rent a house in Kenya. The World Bank states that Kenya needs more than 2 million low-income homes which will increase the economic growth of Kenya. The housing shortages in Kenya stands at 2 million and continues to increase at a rate of about...
2 Pages 757 Words

Hurdles in the Provision of Education in Developing Countries

According to various sources, about 124 million children today do not have access to education. Developing countries pose a wide range of obstacle for these kids wanting to go to school and while poverty is the most common barrier, there are several other obvious factors such as “not having a school to go to, gender disparity, disabilities, long commutes, the ‘silently excluded’ (children enrolled, but not learning) and war zones”, sources report. Some may face one obstacle, others may be...
2 Pages 749 Words

The Problem of Blind Loyalty Among North Korean Population

Suki Kim explores the theme of freedom and independence in the essay ‘Without You, There Is No Us’. The piece recounts a series of attempts to expose Pyongyang University students to the world outside the dictatorship of North Korea. In North Korea, there are restrictions on all media and publications, which limits the ability of individuals to form a voice and opinions. In Western democracies there is almost no regulation in freedom of speech or press, yet there are features...
2 Pages 761 Words

Levels of Leadership in the Army

What does leadership mean? Leadership is someone of higher ranking who influences people by providing direction, motivation and improving the organization at the same time. The purpose of this essay is to inform you about the three levels of leadership and how each level is as important as the next. Each of these levels are very important because they each play a different role in the Army. It goes from the lowest level to the highest level of the Army....
2 Pages 767 Words

Reflections on Whether Brazil Can Become a Superpower Like the US

Brazil has many problems that keep it from becoming a superpower. In the future though with the technology being developed it may be able to overcome these problems. If Brazil is compared to America, America is almost perfect for geography as for Brazil there are many things stopping its growth. The question is whether Brazil can become a superpower like America. America was set up almost perfectly when it was becoming a united nation. At first it was split in...
2 Pages 757 Words

Colombia as a Potentially Safe and Prosperous Country

Colombia has been a country of turmoil and unrest for most of its existence. Due to the fact that there are so many regions and each region being in control of itself and not having much to do with the other region, the unrest has been difficult to manage. From a business standpoint, there has not been much going on with the outside world until the early to mid-20th century. It was during this time period that there was a...
2 Pages 771 Words

Should Parents Monitor Their Children's Internet Usage? Essay

When I was around 12 years old, I started to notice that my parents stopped caring about what I was browsing on the Internet, what TV shows I watched or even the types of movies I watched. When I was younger, I was used to them often asking me what I was looking up, trying to keep a close eye on my search history and telling me what I could and couldn’t watch, deeming certain shows too inappropriate. It was...
2 Pages 752 Words

A One-Weekend Skiing Trip to Quebec

“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page”. Traveling is one of the best ways to help people get to relax and spend time with family. Most people might go for a trip two or three times a year. Not everyone has a long vacation for the trip. People usually go for a weekend trip because a weekend trip does not need to prepare a lot of things. For the people who live...
2 Pages 747 Words

Things What Dentistry is About

Dentistry is about working diligently and amicably, whilst keeping the patient’s best interest at heart. It was after receiving orthodontic treatment and being able to personally experience the power that excellent dental work can have, both aesthetically and emotionally, that fuelled my desire to become a dentist. In addition to this, becoming a dentist would allow me to explore human oral biology further and combine my intricate manual dexterity whilst also actively improve our society’s welfare. Reading an article from...
2 Pages 758 Words

Dream Vacation Essay

If I am going on to cruise, I would like to go to Paris because Paris is known as the city of affection. If you ask, I’m a romantic person. I may be shy but deep inside I am romantic and I want to cruise with my girlfriend and go to Paris. So, if you're looking for a romantic place, Paris should be on your list. It attracts couples from around the world looking to create an unforgettable romantic vacation....
2 Pages 732 Words

Choosing a Career Essay

Under the occupation “Physical Education,” there are many careers. I happened to choose the Adapted Physical Education Specialist career. Guided by the College Foundation of North Carolina website (cfnc.org) one is capable of planning, applying, and making necessary payments for college. My job also aligns with it in such a way that, before enrolling in the chosen career, there’s the creation of awareness. The strategy of the career including duration and requirements for one to pursue various professions is outlined....
1 Page 745 Words

Benefits of Studying Abroad Essay

The creator of an unquenchable hunger is knowledge; the more you drink, the thirstier you become. It is strong enough to bring about social and economic reform, and development in nearly any field of existence. Many students are stuck in this cobweb of interminably escalating hunger which is why studying abroad is an ambition for many to go ahead and follow the kind of profession they want. The term study abroad means a person who intends to acquire information beyond...
2 Pages 756 Words

Abortions Should not Be Banned Essay

Imagine your twelve-year-old daughter is walking home from school, she always tells you how she wants to be a doctor when she grows up, so she can help people like her mommy. She gets kidnapped by an individual and is raped. You live in Alabama, and the law to make abortions illegal just passed. She gets pregnant at age twelve. What are you going to do? Your daughter's future is thrown out the window, and her dream of being a...
2 Pages 742 Words

My New Year Resolution Essay

Introduction New year resolution is as big a part of my life as new year celebrations. Having a new year resolution is to be proud and share my knowledge or something with others. New year resolution is very important for me because I must have a purpose or goal. Also, the new year's resolution is a portion I want to achieve. It is what I promised myself at the end of the year. It is a good time as I...
2 Pages 745 Words

High School Experience Essay

7 girls, one high school. I began high school thinking that it was exactly like I had learned about through Hollywood movies, there was the nerd who was always made fun of for his brains, the bully who would push the ‘nerds’ around and steal their lunch money, the jock who was good at every sport and the guy that girls drooled over, and lastly the mean girl and all her minions who all the other girls wanted to be....
2 Pages 743 Words
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