750 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay about Peace

Islam and Christianity are two religious traditions that to a significant extent have actively focused on and succeeded in guiding their adherents in their contributions toward world peace. Peace refers not only to harmony, freedom, and the absence of war in society, but also encapsulates the understanding between different religious traditions. World peace cannot exist without inner peace so by obtaining world peace, individuals can live in harmony with the universe and live in harmony with themselves. Islam and Christianity...
2 Pages 771 Words

Gmo Argumentative Essay

Introduction The genetic engineering of plants and animals is a highly beneficial method of making our food sources healthier, hardier, and larger that has been practiced since the dawn of man. Modern disparagers of GMOs are more concerned with modern methods of gene manipulation like the use of CRISPR and “Gene guns” as the direct manipulation of genes, and the unknown consequences of it, can be frightening to some. Though the possible consequences of genetic modification’s future is unknown, what...
2 Pages 756 Words

An Essay Explaining the Best Way to Learn New Things

Nature has given us many priceless gifts in the form of renewable and non-renewable sources. Renewable sources will never perish from the earth but non-renewable sources need to be preserved otherwise there will be no trace of these sources on this planet. On the other hand, renewable sources also need due care because even if they will not perish from our earth then also if they get polluted then it will be very harmful to the planet. There are many...
2 Pages 770 Words

Voice of Democracy Essay Example

Hybrid warfare: the U.S. and China In May, the U.S. government imposed a ban for its companies to supply technologies to Huawei. The reason is that the U.S. thinks that Huawei devices gather information about its users and that the company may share these “benefits” with the Chinese government. Thus, a lot of American technological giants ceased working with the Chinese company. Although Huawei devices will stop having access to popular applications such as WhatsApp, Facebook, and so on, the...
2 Pages 737 Words

Essay on Online Education

Advantages of online education There are several advantages of getting online education for the students of the modern era. These days, students are choosing to receive their formal education through online medium and taking into consideration more regularly. Above all, online education presents a variety of benefits to students who have inadequate funds to pursue their education. The affordable costs, the flexibility of time, and easy access to educational resources make online education the most attractive medium for students. Online...
2 Pages 770 Words

Women in The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald in April of 1924, demonstrates close resemblance to the history of the 1920s. The 1920s commonly referred to as the “Roaring Twenties,” is most popular for its wild parties, dancing, and illegal drinking to its post-war prosperity and its new freedoms for women (Southern). All of these components and more can easily be identified in Fitzgerald’s award-winning novel. The Great Gatsby represents the history of the 1920s by expressing changes in women’s...
2 Pages 773 Words

Descriptive Essay on Jimmy Carter: Way of Life

After serving America as its 39th president between 1977 to 1981, Jimmy Carter lost his second bid due to perceived mishandling of certain issues which befell him as the county’s chief executive officer at a period of grave problems both in the US and abroad. Following his defeat, Carter took the decision to move into advocacy and diplomacy, which earned him a 2002 Nobel Prize for Peace. This article will x-ray the former US president’s background, age, presidency and his...
2 Pages 770 Words

Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan Similarities

During the late 70s and early 80s, the US was still recovering from the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal, and it almost led the US into a depression state. It was clear that the next upcoming presidents would have to make drastic changes to US foreign policy. In this essay, I will discuss US foreign policy during the times of President Carter and President Reagan. First, I discuss the foreign policies of both President Carter and President Reagan. Second,...
2 Pages 731 Words

Critical Analysis of Family Health Insurance

Before starting my article, I would love to raise a question. Be honest to yourself and answer it by your heart. “What is the most important thing to you in the world?” I know, you will be a little bit stuck for a moment and starts to think about what is important for me? The answer may differ from one person to another and sometimes there is a list other than one, single component. However, if someone asked the same...
2 Pages 734 Words

Stereotypes in Bringing Up Boys: Discursive Essay

The culture had created stereotypes that have clearly molded how both genders should behave and speak. In America, girls are taught to be weak and polite while boys are told to control their emotions because real boys don't cry. Furthermore, these expectations have altered the way society defines men and women. Even in extreme cases, as some people will try to silence those who will test these gender roles. In this new millennium, nothing has changed by the ancient roles...
2 Pages 731 Words

Role of Confirmation Bias in in Diagnosing and Treating Mental Disorders

The world consists of a diversity of cultures and within these cultures, there are different definitions of what behaviour can be defined as normal or abnormal. Due to these different perspectives among different cultures, there can be a wrongful diagnosis of a patient with potential mental illnesses. These criteria, that are used to judge behaviour within each culture, are called clinical biases. Clinical bias can have an impact on the diagnosis of a patient due to the lack of knowledge...
2 Pages 727 Words

Reflective Essay on the Course of Engineering Technical Communication

Final Reflection Assignment Engineering technical communication is a course that teaches about developing the overall personality of an engineer. I have learned many professional values during this course by performing various tasks. I faced a problem in the topic of team collaboration in which the professor taught about how to interact with other group mates in a professional environment. I have also encountered many difficulties while doing tasks. Actually, I face a problem when I became a group member with...
2 Pages 735 Words

Australia As a Developing Country: Analysis of Human Development Index

Australia, Developed or not? Australia is a developing country due to its economy, its citizens’ lifestyles and its ratings in the human development index. In 2017 Australia exported 243 billion dollars in goods, to China, Japan, South Korea, India, Hong Kong and More(1). Australia also imported 199 billion dollars in goods from the United States of America, China, Thailand, Japan, South Korea and more(1). Making their trading balance 44 billion dollars (1). If the commonwealth of Australia was not sustainable...
2 Pages 750 Words

Reflective Essay on Biases in My Life: Analysis of Confirmation Bias

I choose two biases to investigate and explain how these affect on my life. People read articles daily, but they are doing not recognize that bias is getting used to alternate their opinion. “I’ll believe it once I see it.” this is often what the general public says once they have a special opinion on topics. However, changing opinions aren't as easy because it seems. Opinions and perspectives are ever-changing solely supported by a person’s thinking. to vary a person’s...
2 Pages 758 Words

Critical Analysis The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver

Novels can oftentimes be said to be defined by the characters within it. The Poisonwood Bible follows the growth and development of each member of the Price family as they adjust to their new life here. One of the middle daughters, Leah experiences many changes throughout her time in the Congo. Throughout her experiences in the Congo, Leah’s perspective on her devotion to her father and religion changes through her exposure to the new environment and the people she meets,...
2 Pages 736 Words

Difficulties of Being a Writer: Opinion Essay

There are so many people that now write. The advent of free writing platforms has opened up a wealth of possibilities in an industry which used to be seen as a closed shop by many people. Wherever you are based in the world, there is no greater time than now to become an author. However, you may be asking yourself if a writing career is the one for you. Maybe your mind is filled with uncertainty about this. Anyone choosing...
2 Pages 771 Words

Tangled Review of Story of Princess Rapunzel: Reflection on Story and on Movie

Not only is it a fairy-tale or a fantasy but the legendary movie Tangled touched the hearts of many. The Disney animation is perfect for those who accept in the stereotypical view of gender, where men are men seen as heroes and lifesavers and the females are portrayed as the goddess princesses. The directors of tangled Byron Howard and Nathan Greno kept the absurdity as the main element of the movie to keep their audience entertained, amused and fascinated with...
2 Pages 741 Words

Major Conflict between England and the 2 Boer Republics of Transvaal: Historical Essay on Boer War

The first major conflict between England and the 2 Boer republics of Transvaal (African Republic) and Orange Free State in Southern Africa that is marked on an international scale, most frequently referred to as the Boer War, commenced on 11th October 1899 and terminated on 31st May 1902. Lasting a total of 2 years, 7 months, 2 weeks and 6 days. This war from 121 years ago is also often called many names such as the Second Anglo-Boer War, South...
2 Pages 749 Words

Portrayal of Henry V by Shakespeare: Discursive Essay

Shakespeare describes Henry V as a wise and loyal king. Henry V changed from a wild youth to a very mature king who gained recognition from society. He was intelligent, thoughtful, and carried out his duties with enormous efficiency. His invasion plans for France were so strategic and this aspect explains his sense of responsibility. His strong speech inspired confidence and courage in the army and which went a long way to enable them to win the battle. He had...
2 Pages 759 Words

General Overview of Stonehenge: Descriptive Essay

Stonehenge (Monument) Key Features Stonehenge is prehistorical and was built around 3000BC. It consist of standing stones that make a ring. Many historians believe the people who created this used it as a burial ground. It is intriguing for many due to how it was built and how many years ago could've been constructed it with limited technology. The name of the monument derives from the Saxon stan-hengen, meaning 'stone hanging' or 'gallows'. Along with more than 350 nearby monuments...
1 Page 733 Words

Relevance of War and Peace for Modern Reader: Opinion Essay

‘War and Peace ‘ by Leo Tolstoy has earned a standing along of the foremost illustrious, nonetheless most intimidating, books at intervals the fashionable library. the primary reason for its terrible name is as a result of the book is overflow thousand pages in most written editions. Yet, in spite of the actual fact that it is so difficult, it's maintained a inheritance of being a masterpiece and is beloved by many who browse it. ‘War and Peace ‘ could...
2 Pages 731 Words

Reliability of Our Memory: Analysis of the Effect of Flashbulb Memory

The TED talk is about how memories are not reliable, begin with a raping case. Because the false memory of the victim. It destroyed the future of an innocent man. Our memory is not like a recording machine. The information in our memory can be changed (Loftus, 2013). Everyone including our self can go inside and change the memory. Elizabeth also talked about how memory experiments can lead to ethical problems. For example, when soldiers were being arrested as prisoners,...
2 Pages 772 Words

Critical Analysis of Antony and Cleopatra: Representation of Senses and Emotions

As seen in the first few sentences Shakespeare displays how shocked and confused Cleopatra is that the love of her life and the warrior and protector of so many has been defeated. It could be said that she feels that for this to happen the world must be changed, and for the worst as ‘young boys and girls are equal to men’ which in those times age came with experience and you had to earn your place. There is a...
2 Pages 751 Words

Analysis of Acemoglu and Why Nations Fail to Evaluate Necessity to Donate

Peter Singer in his paper Famine, Affluence and Mortality believe that people of higher wealth should be morally obligated to donate more to humanitarian causes than what is considered normal in western cultures. It’s Singers premice that if it is in our power to prevent something bad from happening, without thereby sacrificing anything of comparable moral importance we ought to do it. Singer makes some good points throughout his paper such as the drowning child example, where if you’re not...
2 Pages 748 Words

Essay on The Three Theban Plays by Sophocles: Critical Analysis of Odes

With Power Comes Responsibility In the greek mythology play, The Three Theban Plays, Sophocles entails the story of Antigone, a daughter who rebels against Creon and his rules of the city in order to bring justice and glory to her brother. But through this journey, King Creon’s character develops from a cold hearted figure of authority, to a humbled and remorseful king. He finally stands down under the Gods and their power, that soon, the entirety of Thebes comes to...
2 Pages 742 Words

Essay on General Mathematics: Calculation of the Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient

Correlation analysis is a statistical measure that indicates the extent to which two or more variables fluctuate together. It helps us in determining the degree of relationships between variables, according to, Hazewinkel, (1994). It does not, however, tell us anything about the cause and effect of the relationship, for instance, if there is a high degree of correlation between the variables. A variable in statistics is any characteristic number, or quantity that can be measured or counted. It is unknown...
2 Pages 759 Words

Descriptive Essay: General Overview of Kathak Dance

On the 2nd of November, I went to see the live performance of Diwali Dance Party at the Town Hall in Flushing Queens. The event lasted for four hours and showcased the Indian traditional dances, music, clothing, and food. There were also workshops at the event, that included: Kathak dancing, Bhangra dance, open floor dance, and information hubs. Other sessions included: cooking demonstrations, Indian traditional Henna painting, jewelry workshops, Indian fashions on display, games, and Indian Ayurvedic medicine. Flushing Town...
2 Pages 775 Words

Impacts of Distance Education in Comparison with On-campus Learning: Analytical Essay

Research methods Participants The participants for my study will be the students of Sherubtse College and the reason behind choosing them is because students did and experience distance education because of worst situations (COVID 19). The education provided by the schools through distance learning is considered a continuation of school’s educational program in the same manner as if the program was being provided on-campus. My research is mainly to collect the information about the experience and opinion of students on...
2 Pages 731 Words

What Is Patriotism Essay

All of us are proud of what race we came from and all of us love our own country no matter what happens. Now in our essay, we will talk about patriotism and how we can say that one person s a patriot. First, we are defining patriotism as love for own country or homeland. It means one person who's having patriotism by heart is working hard and honestly doing something for his own country, like sacrificing himself or his...
2 Pages 728 Words

Impact of Ned Kelly on Colonial Australia: Analytical Essay

Australian bushranger, outlaw, gang leader, convicted police murderer, and the face of the Colonial Australian Identity. This ‘identity’ being the ‘bushman’ identity- also known as the ‘noble bushman’. Edward 'Ned' Kelly (December 1854 – 11 November 1880) held this infamous repertoire. Kelly is synonymous with the ‘Colonial Australian’ identity due to many reasons such as; his outlandish method of pushing his beliefs, the way he carried himself, and Ned’s profound and enduring effect on Australian Society. Ned Kelly pushed his...
2 Pages 746 Words
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