750 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on Torrential Rain

For four days it rained non-stop. The ram was not very heavy but it kept on coming without letting up. Our neighbours and we were all worried about the possibility of a flood—the levels of the nearby river had been rising steadily. The next day the river overflowed its banks and the water spread out covering the entire area cm which houses stood. To make-matters worse, debris were caught on the bridge thus impeding the flow of the river. This...
2 Pages 746 Words

Affects of Pregnancy Conditions on the Management of a Dental Patient

The sacrifices begin at the instant when those two pink lines show up, and many times ever sooner. As a saying goes ‘pregnancy is a beautiful time in a woman’s life, but it can also be one of the most stressful and tough one, despite how much she may love it.’ Pregnancy causes many changes in the physiology of the female patient. These alterations are sometimes subtle but can lead to disastrous complications if proper precautions are not taken during...
2 Pages 775 Words

Macbeth': Beneficiality of Gender Roles in Society

In the Renaissance period, gender roles were one where men and women were assigned specific roles to which society portrays their standards and requirements. The value, social expectations, and personal status differed greatly between the genders. Men were the ruling voice over everyone else. Women had no control over their role in society, and their public reputation was dishonorable and a disgrace. At times, Shakespeare reflects and supports the Renaissance stereotypes of women and men and their roles in society....
2 Pages 755 Words

The Importance of Water Conservation Essay

The Water conservation is the call of today. We need to learn the methods & strategies how to conserve water safely. Since, the water is precious resource. Therefore, there is the great importance and advantages of water conservation. Read our best written Essays on the topic Water Conservation with quotes & images. These short & long essays are quite helpful for children & students. These essays are meant for Children and students of Primary, high School and College Level Students...
2 Pages 731 Words

The Anti-Tyranny Symbolic Theme in Robert Browning's poetry

This essay attempts to highlight the symbolic theme of anti-tyranny in Robert Browning’s selective poems by using symbols. This study sheds light on studying symbols as Browning’s indirect way of criticizing the Victorian Age by linking the meaning of the symbol to linguistics. This study clarifies that Browning, as being religious, patriot and human, is discontented with the material Victorian community that seems, externally, prosperous, but conceals, internally, the brutal visage of despotism, materialism, and tyranny. Browning selects his personas...
2 Pages 749 Words

The Painful Experiences of Animals in The Zoos

Imagine a wild animal, for example an elephant. It has all the freedom in the world. Suddenly, the elephant is trapped and taken away from its family. It is put in a small crate, unable to move, starving, and alone for what seems like years. When the elephant is finally let out, all it can see are cage bars and children looking at the elephant as if it were wallpaper. There are over 2,000 zoos, just in America. The animals...
2 Pages 736 Words

The Hiding Place': Corrie Ten Boom’s Suffering

Corrie Ten Boom’s astounding life story; “The Hiding place” is an incredible story about her and her sister Betsie, being sent to concentration camps for hiding Jews in WWII. Despite enduring so much pain throughout this adventure, Corrie and her sister continuously worshipped God. Every day these two sisters had to convince each other, and themselves, that all this suffering would soon end, and they would soon be free from the “hell”, or the concentration camp that they had been...
2 Pages 757 Words

The Concept of Uncertainty Reduction Theory

I will introduce first my theory, Uncertainty Reduction Theory. Uncertainty Reduction Theory explains the communication process occurs in two strangers interact. Charles Berger and Richard Calabrese (1975) states that when we communicate with strangers, we experience uncertainty because we don’t really know what to expect. The importance of this theory is we discover what are the steps to cope with uncertainty to strangers. We all experience to meet someone new, someone we didn’t know and when you try to communicate...
2 Pages 728 Words

Conservation of Water and Electricity Essay

Water is an absolutely essential resource for us. This is not surprising considering the fact that more than sixty percent of our bodies are made up of water. In fact, water is more than a mere resource; it is life. Without water, there would be no life on this planet. Even today, if we are deprived of water, we would die out very quickly. Electricity doesn’t hold the same importance as water in the overall scheme of things; we would...
2 Pages 762 Words

The United States Participation in Fighting with Climate Changes

The United States of America (USA), is a federal republic composed of 50 states, 3.8 million sq. miles (9.8 million km2) and with a population over 325 million, the United States is the world’s third largest country by total area. According to the Census Bureau (United States Department of Commerce), median household income was $59,039 in 2016. After years of stagnant growth, in 2016, according to the Census, median household income reached a record high after two consecutive years of...
2 Pages 754 Words

Counter Insurgency Failures of Vietnam

Without a doubt, the United States of America has, throughout recent world history, been considered to be one of, if not the biggest, superpowers and fiercest fighting forces in the world often using “military power as a means of political influence”. With this being said, a highly relevant question is how did a superpower lose a conflict to militarily weaker force in Vietnam, and how did this failure affect its ability to assert political influence through militarised means? The aim...
2 Pages 767 Words

Year of Wonders': Staying Strong in Times of Catastrophe

Humankind has the capacity to show extraordinary strength and compassion in times of catastrophe. Michael Mompellion in Geraldine Brooks’ “Year of Wonders” is a primary example of such a person, as despite his misguided religious beliefs he possesses a steely determination and desire to help those in need that renders his actions throughout the plague year commendable. Michael takes on the role of leader in the plague year, a job that comes with much hardship and despair. It is he...
2 Pages 766 Words

Introduction to Water Collection & Treatment

Unique water-related activities, behaviours or ideas you can implement in your dayto-day life to live more sustainably. Bamboo drip irrigation Drip irrigation is commonly known for reducing water usage in irrigation, and Bamboo drip irrigation is one step more ecofriendly than usual methods. This method is commonly used in North Eastern states of India by the native farmers for centuries. Water from mountain springs is channeled through bamboo poles to the farm land and liters of water is now converted...
2 Pages 726 Words

Rhetorical Essay: Dear Dads - Save Your Sons

Not every day does a person get lucky enough to come across a tad of literary work that comprises of limited words but leave a lasting effect on the readers. Such texts are successful not only in catching the attention of the readers but also in moving their hearts. These kinds of texts are an outcome of several literary techniques that make these texts stand out and touch the hearts and minds of the people. “Dear Dads: Save Your Sons”...
2 Pages 756 Words

Water Quality Problem Analysis

Water is an important aspect of our ecosystem, where the water quality has a major role in the human and animal life. The water quality refers to the condition of water regarding the chemical, physical and biological aspects. Water clarity is the most obvious measurement of water quality. In this research I will be researching about the chemical composition of the water quality of Iowa’s river, in specific the transparency of water InSite E (the stream that enters Iowa’s river...
2 Pages 731 Words

When I Was Puerto Rican': The Themes of Identity, Coming of Age, and Family

“When I was Puerto Rican” by Esmeralda Santiago is an autobiography that shows how Negi goes through many changes based on the challenges she endures by moving to new areas where society is different. Whether Negi was living in the Santurce, Macun, or Brooklyn, Santiago uses themes like identity, coming of age, and family throughout the memoir to show her development through her day-to-day problems. Throughout the memoir, identity was something that Negi has always questioned. She often tried to...
2 Pages 755 Words

Julius Caesar Compared to Abraham Lincoln Essay

The lives of two great historical men, Julius Caesar and Abraham Lincoln, have many unique differences and similarities. The similarities between the two are compared by their lives history. Both individuals were once leaders in the past who shared a large amount of power in their countries, with people still looking up to them in today’s society. There is the background of Julius Caesar, Abraham Lincoln, then we will look at the the two backgrounds comparatively. The birth of Julius...
2 Pages 766 Words

The Purpose of Maquiladoras

A Maquiladora is a Mexican assembly plant that imports materials and equipment on a duty-free and tariff-free basis. Maquiladoras receive raw materials from companies in the U.S. to assemble and export back as finished products. Maquiladoras are generally owned by U.S. companies that are incentivized to build Maquilas in Mexican border towns in return for low-cost labor and savings . The free trade agreement (NAFTA) was entered in 1993. This allowed Mexico and the US to import goods duty free...
2 Pages 767 Words

Food Desert Essay

Food deserts are defined as areas of relatively poor access to healthy and affordable food. This phenomenon is thought to be a factor in the different dietary health outcomes, like heart disease and obesity, which exist between socioeconomic classes. Even though food deserts can refer to the literal dearth of food, most studies consider “differential accessibility to healthy and affordable food between socioeconomically advantaged and disadvantaged areas” (Beaulac, Kristjansson, Cummins, 2009). In other words, food deserts can simultaneously be low...
2 Pages 771 Words

The Impact of Interest Rate on Investment Decision

This chapter explains the background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, research hypotheses, scope of the study, limitations of the study and definitions used in the study. Malawi and Bader (2010) pointed out that investment is considered to be an important factor in economic growth. One of the prospective determinants of the investment level is the interest rate. Adeshina (2017) stated that investment is the current commitment of specific...
2 Pages 759 Words

Uglies': Scott Westerfeld’s Use of Characterization

In the novel Uglies by Scott Westerfield, the author skillfully utilizes characterization to make his characters believable. Characterization is when the writer reveals the personality of a character. Direct characterization is when the author directly states the character trait. The protagonist or main character in Uglies is Tally Youngblood. The author states,”…Worse, she was ugly, but she hoped Peris wouldn’t see her that way…” In this quote, Tally is described as ‘ugly’ because she has not undergone the surgery that...
2 Pages 769 Words

The Fountainhead': Full Book Summary

Howard Roark, a brilliant young architect, is expelled from his architecture school for refusing to follow the school’s outdated traditions. He goes to New York to work for Henry Cameron, a disgraced architect whom Roark admires. Roark’s schoolmate, Peter Keating, moves to New York and goes to work for the prestigious architectural firm Francon & Heyer, run by the famous Guy Francon. Roark and Cameron create beautiful work, but their projects rarely receive recognition, whereas Keating’s ability to flatter and...
2 Pages 728 Words

Gig Economy: Implications on Human Resource Management

This blog aims to explore implications of the gig economy on Human Resource Management as a whole, critically analysing and evaluating if the two can co-exist in the future or will HRM have to adapt and evolve into something more complex than it already is to ensure its effectiveness in the future. Although the “gig economy” lacks a concrete definition, it is a term used to define the future economy one that “comprises of intermediary platform firms that connect organisations...
2 Pages 760 Words

A Lab Experiment on Measuring The Movement of a Pendulum by Determining The Pendulum's Properties

This pendulum lab’s objective is to describe how the back-and-forth motion of a pendulum can be changed through measuring the properties of a pendulum, as well as determine which properties of a pendulum affects its period. Groups of generally four students created their own pendulum, all materials provided in the classroom, and each group tested how three different properties affect the period of the pendulum, which includes the amplitude, the mass, and the string length. While testing these different things,...
2 Pages 726 Words

Inspirational Personality Florence Nightingale

The film about Florence Nightingale 'The Lady with a Lamp' is excellent, with a gripping tale and expert technicalities that captivated the audience’s minds and hearts. It did a great job of highlighting Nightingale’s legacy, concentrating on the theory of the environment. It simplified Florence’s life narrative and her essential contributions that laid the road for the nursing profession’s progress. As an aspiring nurse. After watching the movie about Florence Nightingale, I have a better understanding of the history of...
2 Pages 765 Words

Essay on the Internet Revolution and the Geography of Innovation

History has witnessed the look for methods to transmit data over distance extra than variety of the human voice, at decrease fee and with advanced accuracy. The result is a lower withinside the fee of conversation and correspondingly, financial relationships grow to be easier to barter throughout geographic space. The Internet, and extra well-known digital data technologies, promise broad-based adjustments to the company of financial interest which are so profound to warrant the name of revolution. Information can be extra...
2 Pages 737 Words

Cell Phones Are Dangerous to Health: An Essay

Are cell phones dangerous to your health? The answer to that question is ‘yes’; cell phones are dangerous because it can cause traffic accidents, germs and eye strain. The first reason why cell phones are dangerous is because it can cause germs if you don’t wash your hands very often. According to the article ‘Health Risks of Mobile Phones’ states that, “In 2011, researchers from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine at Queen Mary University of London found that...
2 Pages 759 Words

Comparison of UK Devolution and US Federalism

One way that devolution in the UK differs from federalism in the USA is through the different levels of entrenchment. In the UK, devolved bodies rely on parliament for their existence. Due to doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty, parliament maintains the right to dissolve the bodies, such as when Northern Ireland’s virtual autonomy within the UK was ended when the British government restored direct rule in 1972, abolishing the Northern Ireland parliament, Stormont. However, US federalism is entrenched under the 10th...
2 Pages 772 Words

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams: Two Enemies Who Were Friends and Died on the Same Day

During the constructive cycles of the US, two men from two different commonwealths (one from Massachusetts and another one from Virginia) jointly played a critical business in establishing the country that came to be, came 'amigos', turned into 'bitter adversaries', either 'amigos' again and together broke on the same day. Thomas Jefferson of Virginia and John Adams of Massachusetts are the men we' re talking about and their lives were like fascinating. They first met at the alpha of the...
2 Pages 763 Words

Advantages and Disadvantages of Industrialization for American Society

Between 1870 and 1914 the advantages and disadvantages of American society were equal to each other. The U.S. received more inventions that helped with electricity, help from immigrants, and the percentage of high school graduates went up. On the downside coal workers had to endure hazardous conditions, the Johnstown flood killed thousands of people, and children had to do adult’s work. In every seed of good there is always a piece of bad, but, alas, every rose has its thorn....
2 Pages 738 Words
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